Hello! Yes it's me the one and only Crystal! Thank you, thank you! I do love applause. Now I'm sure you know that I would love some reviews so if you want to know what's is going to happen (and I'm sure you do) you better review! I know it even rhymed. What can I say? I'm multi-talented. Anyway don't fear about 'An Army Man's Daughter' I will update without fail providing I get my required amount of reviews. Yes! Muahaha I'm watching you! O.K. I just read that and I sound very weird but I'm sure all you wonderful people understand me! Now remember review it only takes two seconds and see you soon!

Chapter 1- I'm going to marry WHO?

Mimi sat with her chin in her hand and stared out the window. It was such a beautiful day, little puffy white clouds floated against a clear blue sky and a gentle breeze ruffled the tree branches. Mimi couldn't help feeling discontented though. No matter how beautiful the day was it could never distract her from the thought that there was no one for her to share it with. "It's not like there is anything wrong with being alone," she sighed to herself. "Only after a while it does tend to get a bit monotonous." Just then a young girl peeped her head in. Her purple hair was done up in a rough bun and Mimi couldn't help but wince at her clothes, surely even maids could wear better clothes then this? A smile crossed her face in spite of it though because after all a lonely princess can't afford to be too picky with her friends. Not unless she wants to spend the whole of her life in lonely solitude.

For once though Yolie didn't seem to care about dressing Mimi up 'just so' and making sure her hair was done 'just the right way.' At least she didn't care about that until she told Mimi what she was just bursting to say. "Oh Mimi! Oh Mimi darling you'll never guess what's happened! Of course it's running like fire through the kitchens. Even the scullery maids know of it but then when I heard it I got such a turn! I was sure it wasn't true but I've checked and double-checked and I'm sure the facts are right. Most of them anyway. Isn't it surprising Mimi dearest? I never realised you were growing up so fast! Why it seems just yesterday we were little kids peering at each other from behind the curtains! And to think you're no older then me! Though I suppose when you're a princess it's a bit different…Oh goodness! Look at the time! I have to be getting you ready Mimi before it is too late…!" Mimi grabbed Yolie and shook her…hard.

"Yolie what are you talking about?"

Yolie just looked at her strangely. "You don't understand? You haven't even heard a rumour?"

Mimi sighed in exasperation. "Trust me Yolie I am so in the dark about this it is not even funny."

Yolie shook her head " I'll say it's not funny! Mimi darling you're betrothed and you don't even know about it!"

Several seconds later several birds flew away in alarm from the tree branches closest to Mimi's bedroom window, a few floors down a mirror cracked.

Mimi paced her bedroom floor nervously bangles clinking together while Yolie tried to calm her down. "Don't worry Mimi. I'm sure everything will turn out fine. You look beautiful after all, he's sure to like you."

Mimi turned to Yolie in amazement. "Do you think I'm afraid he won't like me? Yolie dear you're my best and only friend but that's going a little too far! There is no doubt in my mind that he'll like me, the question is will I like him?"

Yolie smiled a little uncertainly. " I've heard he's very cute and all the reports say his personality is charming."

Mimi laughed rather highly. " Never believe reports Yolie. It's like the first lesson you learn when you're a princess. I mean can you believe that a report said I was a spoilt lonely princess who moped around in her room all day and was prone to nervous breakdowns! Does that sound like me Yolie? DOES IT!"

Yolie backed away looking distinctly scared. "Mimi dear you just calm down while I fetch you some breakfast. Have a look at yourself in the mirror you do look lovely and you wouldn't want to spoil the effect with frown. 'Put on a happy face tra la la la!' "

Seeing Mimi's mutinous look she ran out the door without further ado.

Mimi walked down the grand staircase to the throne room feeling very anxious. Pausing to look herself over in the gilt framed mirror before she went in she smiled at her reflection. "At least you'll never let me down," she said sadly. She loved the way her green dress hugged her arms showing off her pretty shoulders. The roses stitched down the side were a lovely touch and she though the pink satin slippers just peeping out from beneath hem made the outfit perfect. Her face wasn't too bad either. Sure the eyeliner made her big eyes look even bigger but their beautiful colour made up for that. She specially liked her mouth, it was like a little rosebud in her sweet face. Feeling rather pleased with herself she thought, "I hope he appreciates what he's getting!" And with a sniff she swept inside.

Gliding up to her mother and father as she had been instructed she placed a kiss on both their cheeks and said 'good morning.' She hoped they noticed and realised the stiff way she said it meant she was very displeased with them. Then sitting in her throne she looked at the main doors expectantly. Looking around the throne room she noticed that it seemed extra clean and that several new expensive portraits had been put up. Surprised she thought, "They must really want to impress them!" Noticing Yolie peeking out from the servants' staircase and jumping up and down excitedly Mimi rolled her eyes. "Really," she thought. "Yolie is a sweet girl but she can be so immature sometimes." Catching Yolie's eye she saw Yolie grin widely and point to her smiling face nodding. Shaking her head amusedly she grinned back only to have it fade of her face like runny scrambled eggs off a pan as trumpets blared, the door opened and she saw who was standing on the doorstep.