Just a little info Haley is friends with Lucas and Peyton. Nathan is friends with Tim and Brooke. (F.Y.I there will be no leyton, brim; only brucas, jeyton, naley, and maybe some Tim and Theresa)


Haley was sitting in the last class of the day boarded as usual she was a really good student she is a straight A student with a 4.0 and a good girl but sitting in class can get very boring at times she looked forward to the end of the day her daily routine was she would stop by Karen's café and work for about three hours and do her homework in between waiting tables and cleaning, then she would then go home and go on the internet and talk to her mystery friend.

When she heard the bell signaling the end of the day she got her books together and met Peyton and Lucas in the parking lot

"Hey guys were class as boring for you as it was for me" Haley sighed

"Yeah pretty much" Peyton answered

"So you girls ready to go" Lucas asked opening his car door

"Yeah" they both said

when they reach the café Lucas and Peyton take there usual seats and started on there homework luckily enough they had the same class together last period so they could ask each other questions Haley came out right away with a plate of cheese fries and two sodas

"Here guys I'll be right back"

as time went on Peyton went home and Lucas was helping Haley clean up before closing time he normally gave her a ride home when they reached Haley's house Haley put a smile on her face noticing that a light was on which meant some one was home Haley's family wasn't home a lot she had a lot of older brothers and sisters but they all moved out or went to collage and her mom and dad were often on business trips or vacations and to know that her parents were home put hope in her heart

"Thanks for the ride bye Luke"

"Bye Haley"

Haley ran into the house she opened the door dropped her backpack by the door yelling

"Mom, dad anybody home"

"Hey sweaty how are you" her mom yelled room the living room

"Great when did you guys get home?" Haley walked in by her parents

"Just a couple hours how was you week"

"Great how long are you guys staying"

"oh we have to be in navada by Thursday"

"so you guys aren't staying that long"

"no I'm sorry huney but well go out for dinner tomorrow"


"well we have to go pack so good night I'll see you in the morning dear"

"ok night"

"night haley-bub"

"night mom"

Haley's dad gave her a kiss on her forehead and whispered "we'll go for a walk tomorrow after school ok pumpkin cake"

"Ok goodnight daddy"

Haley let out a sigh and went up stairs changed into her pajamas and turned on her computer after a little while she saw an instant message pop up on her screen

iamballer07: hey kcchick03 what's new?

kcchick03: hey nothing what's new with you

iamballer07: so what did you do today?

kcchick03: same thing I do every day

iamballer07: school and work

kcchick: yeah you

iamballer07: basketball

kcchick03: oh so what do you want to talk about

iamballer07: so what else do you like to do other than tutor and hang out with your friends?

kcchick03: read you should know by now I have no life lol

iamballer07: you have a life just not a very interesting one that's all lol

kcchick03: thanks so what's your favorite thing to do?

iamballer07: basketball duh

kcchick03: besides that

iamballer07: nothing I'm just like you I have no life

kcchick03: wow your making me blush with all of these compliments lol

iamballer07: I'm sorry what can I do to make you feel better

kcchick03:nothing so back to what we were talking about last night

iamballer07: oh right the thing

kcchick03: yeah so how would you picture your perfect girlfriend?

iamballer07: looks or personality

kcchick03: personality

iamballer07: honestly cuz it may sound cheesy

kcchick03: yeah honestly

iamballer07: like you

kcchick03: why you don't even really know me

iamballer07:I think I do I know that you love Mac and cheese, hate chick flicks, don't like liars know that you would rather stay at home and read a book than go out and party you hate the fact that your home alone all of the time you like talking to me and your idea of a perfect date would be dinner and a small conversation at home on the couch and I know that when you got your first kiss it was the most embarrassing moment in your life

kcchick03: I didn't think you would remember most of that stuff I never knew a guy who could remember that much about just one girl with out being her boyfriend

iamballer07: well maybe I'm preparing for the future

kcchick03: and what makes you think there's a future with me

iamballer07: because I want to meet you we've been talking for four months now we go to the same school and I still don't know your name

kcchick03: maybe there's a purpose for that what if you turn out to be some crazy stalker killer

iamballer07: I promise I'm not and if we do meet it will be in a well lit place with lots of people

kcchick03:I don't know about that let me think about it and I'll get back to you tomorrow oh and speaking of tomorrow I'll be late my parents are home so were going to have a family dinner so I'll be on at like 8 ok goodnight Mr.Baller

iamballer07: night Ms.Chick

Haley signed off and went to bed seriously thinking about that 'date'.