
by: Alucard's Bane

Disclaimer- ALUCARD!

Alucard pops up in his leather outfit with a collar around his neck Alucard- You called?

Bane- Go on, you do it.

Alucard- ;-- fine...My Bane does not own Hellsing or anything in the near vacinity.

Bane- okay! pulls out whip Let's start the fun!

Alucard- XD

Chapter 12

Integral kneeled on the cold floor of the laboratory, a knife in her hand that was poised at her wrist. "Are you sure about this, Alucard?"

"Yes, the Glyph must be drawn using pure Hellsing blood." he was leaning against the wall, watching her. "Just a small bit of your blood...and the rest will take care of itself."

"And what about after the Glyph is drawn?"

"I lie down in it, and you start the chant...the souls all go whoosh and presto, we're done." Integral sighed, he made it sound so easy. If she got interrupted while performing the chant, Alucard would be lost in his own mind. If she wasn't careful when his souls began to release, they would drag her with them.

She once again poised the knife at her wrist. "Are you ready, Alucard?"

"As ever." Integral winced as she felt the cold metal of the blade bite into her skin, and not soon after, felt the blood rising to the surface of the cut. It ran down her upheld wrist and dripped onto the floor. She teetered a bit as the blood started to come faster, Alucard rushed to her side and supported her.

"T-That's enough...Alucard..." she felt his tongue sweep over her wound, she was panting, and sweat was beading on her forehead. She turned her gaze to the blood that had spilled on the floor, it was spreading and seeping into the cracks of the flagstones.

It spread all over the room and soon there was a bright red pentagram on the floor, similar to the sigil on Alucard's gloves. She felt Alucard release her wrist and she watched him walk over to the Glyph and sit down in the middle of it. "Do you have the chant, Integral."

"Y-Yes." she scrambled for the book lying next to her and flipped it open to the marked page. She began reading from it, the words from an ancient language gliding over her tongue as if she had known them all her life.

The Glyph around Alucard began to glow. He lay down and closed his eyes as Integral continued the rhythmic chanting. He felt himself starting to drift and the chanting began to get louder and louder. He was jolted out of his doze when a poker hot pain shot through every fiber of his body, causing him to cry out.

Integral tried to pay no mind to his screams as she continued the chanting and the light from the Glyph got brighter and brighter. His screams became continually louder as she chanted on, but the room suddenly fell silent save for her chanting. She lifted her eyes from the book to see a person standing next to Alucard. It was a young woman, Integral continued to chant as the young woman smiled and waved at her before she disappeared.

Alucard stole a glace over at Integral, she was still chanting, sweat was beading all over her face and she looked tired. Just a few minutes more...his eyes widened when he heard Integral sputtering. He looked up to blood running from her mouth and nose as if someone had hit her there.

Integral felt another sharp stab in her gut and felt more blood running from her mouth. She would be damned if she would fail now. So this is what Walter had meant. She resisted the urge to gag and kept chanting as Alucard's screams once again reached her ears. She felt her energy leaving her as another soul was released from him.

Black was beginning to dot her vision as she another stab and more blood came. But, even so, she persisted in her chanting, unaware that Alucard was yelling for her to stop. A sharp pain shot through her entire body and the book fell from her hands. The glow from the Glyph slowly faded and a small smile played on her face.'s done. Her body hit the ground with a resounding thud.


Integral awoke to find herself in a grassy field, the sky was overcast and dark, signaling that a storm was brewing. She lifted herself from the ground and dusted her clothes off as she took in her surroundings. She was in a meadow. She walked forward a bit and realized that she was on the Hellsing grounds.

Why am I out here? She walked a few more steps forward. I thought I the basement...her head swam and she placed her hand on her forehead.

"Hello, Integral." she whipped her hand around to the owner of the voice to see a young man positioned against a large oak tree. He was a tad younger than she was, his hair was blonde and stuck out at funny angles. His eyes were the same color as hers.

"Who are you?" she backed away from the strange man. "What are you doing here?" And where the hell is Alucard?

"Alucard won't be coming here, darling." the man stopped in front of her and offered her his hand. She took it somewhat reluctantly.

"How do you know about Alucard?" she knew this man...or rather, she had known this man. He seemed familiar to her. The way he held his hand and pulled her along with him gently.

"That is a stupid question, Integral." he lead her to a large rock and motioned for her to sit. "You don't remember who I am, do you, Teggy?"

Her eyes widened. Teggy? That's...that's what..."Father...?" she looked up at him, he was smiling at her. The sky had changed to a sunny display, birds were chirping and a slight breeze was blowing.

"Yes, Integral..."

"Why are you here?"

Arthur leaned forward and whispered. "No, the question is, why are you here?"

"What's going on!" she shot up. "Where the hell am I?"

" haven't figured it out?" he stood up and clucked his tongue. "You were always a bit slow, Integral."

Her eyes widened again. "No," the realization hit her like a ton of bricks. "No, I can't be!" she pulled her hand from his. "This is some sort of dream...or nightmare!"

"Integral," he snatched her by the wrist. "You can't hear them? You can't hear them calling for you?"

"Who!" she struggled to get her hand free. "Who's calling!"

"Shh," he put a finger to his lips. "Listen."

"Master!" he was was faint, but she could hear someone calling her.

"You see?" he let go of her wrist. "It's not your time yet. Not yet."


"Oh, God, no..." Seras. That was Seras. She felt her surroundings begin to fade as the voice got louder.

"Integral..." Walter. She felt herself getting light as her legs went out from under her.

"I'll see you again. Your mother and I will be here when you come back." Arthur began to fade until nothing was left but black. She felt herself starting to fall.


Alucard lean over his master's body, crimson tears flowing down his cheeks as he shook her gently. "Master..."

Seras stood in the doorway, Walter was not too far behind her when he heard her say. "Oh, God, no..." he pushed the child away and looked down into the lab. Integral was lying on the floor, her body battered and bruised, she was still. He flew down the steps and knocked Alucard against the wall.

"You bastard!" he yelled, pinning the elder vampire to the wall with his arm. "You killed her!" rage filled him. Alucard didn't put up any resistance as Walter began to hit him as hard as he possibly could. Walter felt Seras trying to pull him away from Alucard, and she succeeded. "I'll kill him! LET ME GO!" he trashed against her.

"Walter, stop it." she whispered. "Hurting Master is not going to bring her back. You know that."

"I..." he lowered his arms. "You're right." he watched as Alucard again slithered back to her body. He watched as Alucard scooped her up from the floor, and he watched as he walked out of the cold basement. "...Integral..."


Alucard phased up to the rooftop and pressed Integral's body against his. He rocked back and forth with her, and pushed her bangs from her eyes. He felt something burbling in his chest that he hadn't felt in a long time.

A single howl pierced the air around the Hellsing manor, it crawled into every nook and cranny that it could, shaking the house to its very foundation. More crimson tears began to run down his cheeks and plopped onto her still face.

His eyes widened as he felt a hand on his face. "Alucard..." a hoarse voice reached his ears. "Don't cry. I'm all right."

"Master." he looked down at her. She was looking up at him with a smile on her face. She winced slightly as his arms pulled her into a hug.

"Alucard be careful...I'm quite sore."

"Forgive me, Master." he released his grip, allowing her to sit up. "I...I thought..."

"What? That I was dead? Alucard, you know that a Hellsing doesn't give up that easily." she smirked at him. "Now, let's get inside and celebrate your recovery, eh?" she tried to stand, but her legs turned to jelly and she teetered. Alucard caught her under the arms and righted her.

"Need a little help, Master?"

Integral smiled. "Yes, I suppose that I do." she took his arm that he offered and they phased through the floor into the room that he had left a few moments ago. Seras and Walter were still there. Seras's eyes widened.

"Ohmigod..." she stuttered. "Sir Integral!" she ran over to her and caught her in a hug. "You're all right!"

"Yes, yes, Seras." she wheezed. "Breathe...air.."

"Oh, sorry." she blushed and released her from the bear hug. Integral turned to Walter.


"I know, Walter." she placed her hand on his shoulder. "I should have listened to you." she lowered her gaze. "I'm sorry."

"I forgive you, Integral. But you did promise, didn't you?"

"I did," she turned to Alucard. "So, feeling better?"

"Much. See?" he lifted Integral's hand and let her touch his face. It was cold, like it was supposed to be.

"Yes, everything seems to be in order. I was saying to Alucard on the roof that we should be celebrating!" she turned to Walter. "You get the drinks."

"Yes, Integral." he saluted and headed off.

"Go help him, Seras."

"Yes, Sir!" she bolted out the door after Walter, leaving Alucard and Integral alone. She turned to him.

"I'm glad you're all right now,"

"And I, you." he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, planting his lips on hers before she could protest. He broke the kiss and looked down at her.

"You know this means that things are going back to normal around here?"

"Yes, Master, I realize." he grinned as she pulled from his embrace and walked up the steps. He followed soon after, thoughts in his mind of what Integral would do if she got too drunk.


YEAH! WOOOHOOO! This was the final chapter. See. I can do tear jerkers too...anyways, my butt hurts now, so I'm cutting it off here. Mebe I'll write more on my other one. I hope you all enjoyed it and I hope that it all wasn't going too fast! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE REVIEWS! I LOVE YOU ALL! KISS KISS!
