A/N: Finally, EXAM OVER! So happy! And even happier to make this new story! Think of this chapter as kind of an intro. I'm working on Chapter 3 right now! Can't wait to update it! ENJOY!

Disclaimer: (gives a death glare to ALW and JS) I do not own the POTO. What to do something about that, huh? That's it! You and me, right here, right now!

Letters from the Past

Christine opened her sleepy eyes.

Her eyes felt better just recently for it had always been red and puffy from crying.

Her lack of sleep also caused the black rings under it. But it had improved since a week ago.

She had also got her appetite back on the same week.

But her heart had not changed.

"Why…Why am I to endure this life, Father? Why did destiny take me to Raoul? My dear childhood friend he is, but he isn't the man I love…" Christine sighed.

Christine had always refused to sleep on the same bed as Raoul so she slept in a spare room downstairs, near the kitchen.

About two months ago, Raoul had asked Christine to marry him but Christine knew she couldn't.

Christine yawned as she made herself a cup of hot water.

She ruffled up her messed up hair as she waited for the water to warm up.

As she laid her cup down on the dinning table, she realized it was a little too hot.

Raoul was never around the house in the mornings. He always woke up earlier than Christine and left for the Opera House.

Christine always thought it was weird since the Opera House was out of business. So why would Raoul needed to return?

But Raoul said that he was still the patron of the Opera House so he was still needed to deal with the damages left behind.

He would only return in the evening and sometimes very late at night.

The worse thing is that Raoul forbid Christine to leave the house for her own safety. He insisted he will do all the necessary household items errands.

So Christine was left alone in the house most of the time.

At first, Christine was angry at Raoul for asking her to stay behind alone but she was also grateful that Raoul did not get angry at her after she rejected his proposal.

In fact, he made it harder for her as he only gently said, "I understand…But I will wait for you, Christine. No matter how long it takes, I will wait for you…"

Christine sighed again.

Then, she realized she forgot to use a teacup plate to set her cup on it to prevent the heat at the bottom from spoiling the furniture.

Raoul wouldn't be very happy to see expensive furniture ruined.

Christine opened the cupboard and she was greeted by a cloud of dust flying out.

"Ugh! Raoul didn't clean this place before he moved me in here?" Christine coughed and she took down the stack of dusty plates to clean it when she saw something.

"What's that?" Christine reached up to take it

It was a letter.

She brushed away the layer of dust and saw it was addressed to: Miss Christine Daae.

"Huh? …? Why is this behind the cutlery? Who – Oh Raoul…What are you hiding from me?" Christine realized.

She carefully opened it and saw the date at the top of the yellow parchment.

"This was addressed to me a week ago! Raoul, how could you?" Christine angrily thought and she saw it was written in a familiar writing.


How are you doing, my friend? If I am not mistaken, it has been a long time since we have been in contact. I missed you very much! Mother and I are still living in the Opera House and it's currently being rebuilt. It is nearly finished since we started early and Mother says that the two directors, Monsieur Firmin and Monsieur Andre are desperately trying to turn the reputation of what happened a long time ago with the chandelier. I don't know when they will reopen it again but I hope you will come back. But I think I will pay you a visit on Saturday. I really missed you so much. How is around 10.00 in the morning? I won't stay long if I am intruding but I really want to visit you. I know your address as I have met Raoul a few times around the Opera House…Mother sends her regards.


Christine stared up from the letter.

Meg was still in the Opera House?

Raoul told her no one was staying in the Opera House anymore and he had received news that the Meg and Madame Giry moved away.

Did Raoul lie to her?

Wasn't today Saturday already?

Why was Raoul hiding this from her? What did he know that she didn't?

Then it hit her.

Raoul didn't want her to return to the Opera House.

"But why, Raoul?" Christine thought out aloud.

She was lost in her thoughts and going through them one after another.

Was Raoul lying for her sake or was he being selfish again and lying to keep her with him?

What else has he lied about the Opera House?

Suddenly, she was interrupted in her thoughts but a soft rapping on the front door.

A/N: I know it was short but hey, Chapter 2 is on it's way...Err, soon enough! Haha! R&R people! I love you guys man! YOU ALL -- (Message was unable to be finished)