Chapter 19. Awake to find you missing.

Both teams have been waiting for nearly over an hour since Thi has left. The whole team has been quiet for some time now. No one knows exactly what to say. No one knows what to think from the recent upcoming events.

"Where is Thi, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto whines impatiently. Kakashi looked at the blond young ninja. He knew exactly what was going on, or he think he knows.

"Shouldn't we be going to look for her?" Sakura questioned. She had finally realized that even though she didn't really like Thi, she had grown onto her. Besides, the longer they have to wait to find her the longer it will take her to get back to the village. And you know what that means. 'No hot bath' Sakura sighed.

"No." Kakashi responded, not even looking up from his naughty book. Everyone stopped when they hear a ruffling. All eyes meet the Uchiha, who is slowly getting out of his sleeping bag.

"Sasuke! You shouldn't move, you're still healing." Sakura runs by Sasuke, trying to urge him back down to rest some more. But everyone knows Uchiha Sasuke, stubborn as a mule. Everyone watches as Sasuke passes right by her. The Uchiha stops for a second. 'Where is Thi? She would be by my side right now.'

"Where is Thi?" Sasuke questions as his emotionless face is seen once again. The whole team goes quiet, knowing that they themselves couldn't answer this question.

"Here." The gray hair jounin answers, handing the little piece of paper to the young Uchiha. Sasuke stares at it for a moment, but in mere seconds, he grabs the paper from Kakashi's hands. Looking at it, as if it holds the answers to all his questions in the world. 'It must be from Thi.'

Everyone watches Sasuke unravel the little piece of paper; his eyes scanned the paper as fast as lightening. Nervousness gets built in everyone, as they are curious to know what it's about. But no one dares to question. Except of course for...

"WELL WHAT DOES IT SAY?" Naruto yells on the top of his lungs. Clearly Naruto can't hold in his curiosity.

"Shut up Naruto! You're going to wake up the forest!" Sakura yells, slapping Naruto in the head.

Everyone's views change as they watch from Sakura and Naruto to Sasuke. His fist was balled as he began to walk towards the forest. 'What is going on?' was the question going through everyone's mind. As Sasuke was about to let one foot onto the direction where Thi had left, he feels a hand placed on his shoulder. The young Uchiha tilts his head slightly, looking up from his sensei.

"I'm sure she wouldn't want you to go get her. Instead you should explain first." Kakashi tells him. Sasuke had to admit defeat, it was true, Thi wouldn't want him to go after her. But how can she be so stupid.

"Here." The young Uchiha says simply, throwing the little letter towards the center of camp. Everyone eyes the paper and back at the Uchiha, as Sasuke walks towards the river.

"Shouldn't someone, go after him." Sakura question, worried.

"He'll be back, he just needs some time." Kakashi says, sitting down once again, as he reads his naughty book. As for everyone else, they all go to the center. The first one to pick up the letter was Naruto.

"Give me that, you don't read fast enough!" Sakura says, grabbing the piece of paper from Naruto's hand. Everyone sweat drops, watching as mostly everything is back to normal. Sakura took a large gasp of breath and started to read Thi's letter.

Dear Sasuke,

You're probably wondering where I am. You're probably wondering what happened. You're probably wondering if I'm okay. Let me answer those questions for you. I'm fine, a lot has happened, but you know I can take care of myself. As you know Fai is dead, and I chosen to go with Itachi. I'm sorry. Sasuke, you have to understand though, I'll do anything to keep you safe. And so, please don't go after me. This is what is best for you, even though, in the end things could kill me. This may be the last time you see me as a friend. Hate me if you want, maybe it is what is best. I'll try to visit you, maybe I can explain more then. I love you Sasuke…


Everyone stand still. Shocked. How could Thi be so stupid to go with Itachi? How could she betray them? Sakura looked at her hands, as the little piece of paper slowly waved in the air as it landed on the soft soil and grassy green surface of the earth.

"Thi..." Naruto whispered.

"Well now, I think we should leave." Kakashi ordered. He closed his brightly colored orange book and stuffed it in his green vest. He gradually stood up only to find blank faces greet him. He felt sorry for the young ninja's. They knew nothing, nothing about betrayal, and how sometimes, the person you love the most has to be sacrificed.

Kakashi starts to walk ahead, knowing not to say anything. Step by step, trying his hardest not to look back, yet finding a tug stopping his movement.

"So, we are leaving Thi?" Naruto questioned. Naruto watched at his sensei's reaction, just a nod. Nothing else.

"She is not on our side anymore." The masked ninja remarked. Walking ahead. Soon enough everyone followed. No one said a word, not even Naruto.


I followed Itachi, leaping off every tree branch that he did. At this time, I couldn't think of anything. My mind was mute, I was like a clone, copying whatever movement I saw the Uchiha do. My eyes shifted to the landscape. Atlast, seeings something other then tree branches. Besides they all looked the same. The landscape was slightly different, the trees were much higher, the grounds were filled with rocks. There was not one area that I could see soil on. The tree leaves were yellow, soon enough, they would all completly fall off. I eyed Itachi, watching the yellow specks scatter around him. The older Uchiha, stood out boldly from under the mist of the yellow specs. His clothing stood out valiantly, he was wearing the black and red Akatsuki jacket. A true sign of a S rank criminal mastermind.

As I continued to stare at Itachi, I noticed that I was not paying attention to where I was going. Immediately, I felt no support under my foot, a sudden free fall to the ground. I whirled in the air, closing my eyes tightly. My whole body whisked into a upward shape as I spun down through the thin air. In mere seconds, I expected the pain shredder on my body. But to my surprise nothing happened. I found myself, opening one eye, I saw nothing happen. Then soon enough the other eye. I looked around, I was moving, but it wasn't me doing it. I looked at the source of the movement.


He was holding me bridal style. For a minute nothing came out, then finally I came to my senses.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" I shrieked. He stared at me as if I didn't just scream in his ear.

"Why are you holding me!" I yelled in protest, trying to push him away. But Itachi wouldn't budge, his arms were as hard as steel. He quickly leaped down from the tree branches, landing on the rocky ground. In a second...


"OWWWW" I screamed, rubbing my bottom. Itachi had dropped me, probably fed up with my yelling. I gave him a death glare, but he just simply smirked.

"What was that for? You basturd." I snapped. He just smirked again. The S rank Criminal then turned around, leaping up on the branches again. He stood there, probably waiting for me. Not turning around,

"Stupid basturd. That's right, no one wants to see your damn face!" I complained. By this time I was clearly mad. So much has happened, and all this time all I had to do is tell Ochomaru when to attack. But instead Fai and Itachi got in the way.

This is going to be a long day…I though as I jumped up to the branch behind Itachi, once again following the biggest pain in the ass that ever walked the Konoha Village.


Later the next day

Thi woke up to the sound of thunderous trampling. She shuffled slightly, lifting her head as she moved a little more, making a few ruffled noises. The whole world seemed to turn into a blur of massive colors. She lifted her arm, making her realize that she was using that arm for support.


Thi landed face first into the floor, dragging everything on the bed with her. She shifted her right arm slightly, removing the soft sheet that was covering her face.

"This is so not my day." Thi sighed, taking a deep breath that made the hair covering her face blow upwards and return back on her pale face.

A creek was eased from the door. Indicating someone walking into the room. Loud footsteps hit the hardwood flooring. Thi forced her head to the right side, where the door was located. A large shadow covered her face. He hair slid down the side of her face, showing her the crimson eyes. She gave him a glare, as if he had no right to be staring at her.

"What are you staring at? Nothing is going on here!" She yelled out in rage, making a large gust of wind blow outwards. But still Itachi's face remained the same emotionless mask. She looked back at him, realizing the position she was in. She was lying on the floor, practically chained up in her massive mountain of bed sheets. She looked downwards; a sudden rush of embarrassment covered her face.

"GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!" She screamed, somehow making her unravel out of the sheets. Instantly Itachi found him being pushed, or should I say attempted to be pushed outside the room door. But he stood at the same place, moving only a few inches.

"The leader of the Akatsuki wants to see you." Itachi said simply. Thi immediately stopped trying to push Itachi out of the room.

"Why?" Simply came out of the girl's mouth. Her tempered had cooled down, and the rage that almost erupted from her tiny body was gone.

"Meeting starts at 4pm sharp. I have to escort you there."

"AHHHHHH" Thi shrieked, suddenly running around the room like a bull let out.


"You might want to wear something suitable for the meeting." Itachi said, monotone.


"I asked someone to put some clothes for you to wear in your closet." Itachi said simply.

"Oh." Thi replied, kind of embarrassed that she freaked out like that. She went into the closet, deciding to change in there, instead in front of that moron, Itachi. In a few minutes she came out in a dazzling simple yet unique white kimono. She never really wore white much, it was always black clothing. White represented purity, and Thi was nothing like pure.

She sighed, standing in front of the mirror, tying her long hair into a neat bun. She stared at herself in the white kimono. It was edged with a gold lacing at the collar and the bottom of the kimono. Simple, yet elegant.

"How do I look?" She asked turning so she would be facing Itachi. Wait, what was coming out of her mouth. Something she couldn't believe. Did she really ask Uchiha Itachi about how she looked? She never cared about what people thought of her, but if she did, she would never ask a ninja. They would think that she cared more about how she looked then how many jutsus she could do in battle.

"Good." Itachi responded. This shocked both him and Thi. Except Thi actually showed it (with her mouth practically shot downwards), unlike Itachi who tried to keep his I'm-so-cool look. He found his heart beat a little faster. What was he doing? Did he really just responded to a woman about how she looked. Impossible.

"Ahem…" Itachi muffled, getting Thi's attention once again. Her mouth shot upwards again.

"Yea…-Yyyes? What?" She said, trying to sound as if she had everything in control.

"I think we should get going now." Itachi responded, grabbing onto the brass doorknob, as he twisted it, forcing the door to creek open once again. Thi slapped herself with her right palm, then soon following right being Itachi.

Thi: Another boring chapter, I'm sorry that It took so long(stupid school). And thank you for your opinions. And so I decided I will not delete this story. Butit will take me a long time to plan what will go on. I have so manyideas but can't choosehow and when to end it.Well anyways, expect :THREE: more chapters in the next 3weeks. PROMISE!