Don't ask why...just accept it. I doubt this will go anywhere other than this chapter, and I'm not even sure why I'm writing it. I'm just bored I suppose. Anyway, enjoy!

What the hell? I'll even respond to those long lost reviewers that reviewed my last chappy.

Dorothy McCoubrey: Plot bunnies are becoming few and further between (you should know...ele sex...heh). You're welcome for the review, and thanks for reviewing!

CeTe: Heh, which new fic were you talking about...oh, Trapped. Lmao. Anyway, thanks for reviewing!

alpha2nd2003: If you're even still alive...(seriously, I haven't heard from you in forever). Oh, I reeled you, eh? (takes medal) Whoo, I've finally won something! Thanks for reviewing!


"" A slight growl was heard and a clatter followed soon after, "No!"

"What is your problem?" Kanone asked, arms crossed and glaring at the redhead who was destroying his house by throwing movies cases everywhere.

"I can't find my movie!" Kousuke whined, glancing to Kanone, "Have you seen it?"

"It may help if I knew what movie you were speaking of." he said.

"My movie." Kousuke told him, impatiently, "You know which one I'm talking about."

Kanone sighed, "If you're talking about the porn, I threw that out. There are innocent children living in this house that don't need to be corrupted by your dirty habits."

"Innocent?" Kousuke echoed, tilting his head to the side, "Who the hell are you talking about?" He thought through all the people who lived here, and not a single one of them was anywhere near innocent.

"I'm talking about Eyes." Kanone informed him, bitterly, "He may not seem like it, but he's still very innocent."

Kousuke snorted, "If that kid is innocent, then I'm the Virgin Mary."

Kanone glared at this statement, "What is that supposed to mean?" he asked, challenging Kousuke to talk bad about his Eyes.

Kousuke either didn't notice the hint or was getting too cocky for his own good, because he answered the initially-rhetorical question, "That means that the kid has been beaten, raped, molested, and cuts himself. There's no way he's innocent. Besides, don't tell me you two haven't gotten a little friendly." He said this last part with a knowing smirk that set Kanone off.

The older Blade Child pinned Kousuke against the wall with a deadly look in his eyes, "You'd best watch what you say about him." he growled, "And no, I haven't touched him." He flashed back to that one night where he had tried to take their relationship a little too far, and faltered, "You should know better than to talk of him like that. After all he's been through..."

Kousuke blinked a few times as he was released and looked to Kanone. He didn't know what, but something had happened between the two of them, "I know." he admitted, "I care about him as much as the girls."

Kanone smiled faintly, "I know you do." he agreed, remembering that Kousuke was the one that had jumped to Eyes' defense when John had found them, and then later was the one to get revenge on that same man for hurting Eyes.

Kousuke sighed, looking down at the dvd cases, "So, you don't know where my movie is?" he asked, no longer really interested in it, but wanting to change the topic. A depressed Kanone was no fun to deal with.

Kanone smirked, "Of course I do." he said, turning to head back to his and Eyes' room. The latter still had his own room, but slept in Kanone's most of the time.

The redhead registered his words, "What? Hey, get back here!" he yelled, chasing after Kanone, who had nearly made it to his bedroom.

Eyes was laying in Kanone's bed, content to watch a movie he had found lying around, when the door burst open. He jumped a little as Kanone flung himself onto the bed, laughing. He looked up to see an angry Kousuke glaring at his boyfriend, "What's going on?" he asked, confused.

"Your bastard of a boyfriend has my movie, and he won't give it up." Kousuke informed him, completely oblivious of the tv.

Eyes looked to Kanone, who was smirking, "I never said I had it, simply that I knew where it was." he corrected Kousuke.

"Well, where is it?" the redhead demanded. Kanone motioned with his head to the tv screen and wrapped an arm around Eyes' shoulders. Kousuke looked back to Kanone, "Bastard, you were just covering for him!" he exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at Eyes, who sunk back into Kanone's embrace.

"I didn't know you wanted it." he said, weakly, "I'm sorry..."

Kousuke immediately regretted yelling and lowered his hand, "Hey, it's okay, you don't have to be sorry." he said, quickly. If Eyes got upset, it would only upset Kanone, and an upset Kanone was not something Kousuke wanted to deal with. Thinking about it, unless Kanone was happy and laughing, he really didn't want to deal with him at all.

Nodding, Eyes relaxed considerably, "I'm done with it now, so you can take it." he offered.

Kousuke grinned, "Thanks, kid." he said, popping the dvd out.

"I have a name, you know." Eyes informed him, annoyed. He didn't know if it was because he looked younger than the rest or he simply acted more innocent than them, but for as long as he could remember, Kousuke has always called him 'kid'.

The slightly older Blade Child smirked, "I know." he assured him, turning and exiting the room, closing the door behind him.

Kanone turned his attention to Eyes, "Kid." he teased, snickering.

"I don't know why he insists on calling me that." the azure-eyed boy said, "I'm not that much younger than him, and I'm certainly more mature."

Kanone nodded in agreement, "That you are." He smiled at Eyes for a moment before leaning down to place a soft kiss on his lips. The younger one instinctively pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around his neck. Kanone sighed into the kiss and moved so that he was strattling Eyes. The latter broke the kiss and stared up at him for a second, hesitantly. Kanone ran his hands under his shirt, across his soft skin, kissing his neck, "Don't worry." he whispered, "I won't hurt you." Eyes nodded slowly, and for the first time in his life, trusted his body completely to someone else.


Like I said...don't ask. I know it's short, but I gotta go, heh. Review if you think it's worth it, and I may, possibly, add another chappy on with a lemon, if anyone wants me to...