Well, hi again. This is the second part. This fic isn't all that popular- and I was pretty sure it wouldn't be- but still... you just always kinda hope that all your fics are good. Actually... well, I'll tell anyone reading later. Enjoy the second/last part.


CelloSolo2007: You want more? Okay. :gives more and runs away:

AmericanDragonFan: I suppose you want more too, don't you. Fine. :gives more and runs to the nearest Waffle House:

This is based off of the song 'In Loving Memory", by Alter Bridge. Never heard of AB? If you've heard of Creed, this is Creed with a new lead singer and their old bassist from a few years back. I highly recommend their album; very nice! Listen to it and Gorillaz's 'Dare' whenever I write. That is, unless it's DIP, in which case it's either Avenged Sevenfold or Weird Al Yankovic. (Go Weird Al!)

Anyway... here it is.

In Loving Memory


/Thanks for all you've done/

Wow. I honestly can't believe it. But here I am. In a place I was kind of hoping I'd never have to be. But I knew it was inevitable, so... not much I can do.

Thank you. For everything. Everything we've done for each other. Everything you've done for me.

/I've missed you for so long
I can't believe you're gone/

It's only been a week, I guess. But it seems as if it's been an eternity. Just can't believe that you're not here with us anymore. No one can.

/You still live in me
I feel you in the wind
You guide me constantly/

I still almost feel like you're still here. Just maybe.

Remember the walks we used to take? It wasn't all that long ago. We'd walk along the harbor, feel the wind rush through our hair. (Or lack thereof later on)

I took one the other day. I believe it was the day before the viewing. Just to remember. For old times' sake. I think that I'll take one every day from now on.

/I never knew what it was to be alone, no
Cause you were always there for me
You were always there waiting/

It seems like for so long- ever since we were pretty young, I've had you and you've had me. I never really knew loneliness. Until lately.

You were always there for me. We were there for each other. Sometimes I think that we had the happiest marriage in the world. I stand by that claim today, as I look at you lying here, eyes close, arms crossed peacefully.

Are you peaceful? I think you are. At least, that's the way you look.

/And I'll come home and I miss your face
Smiling down on me
I close my eyes to see/

I'll go home tonight. To the home we've shared for 68 years now. I don't know yet if I'm going to sell it or not. It was a large enough house for us when the kids moved out. Now, if I'm the only one there... what's the point, you know? There has to be another family out there that could use the house better than I could. A happy family. Just like we were...

No. Like we still are. All one big happy family.

Hey, guess what? You know your oldest great-granddaughter Kate? We just found out that she's pregnant. Due in July. You know what that means? Her baby will be the next to inherit dragon powers. Haley's grandson, Kyle, is the current American Dragon. But he's 26 and would like to get on with his life. I mean, I was able to stop when I was eighteen, and then Haley took over. No American Dragon has ever gone that long. But he's the youngest right now. The Dragon Council is thinking of bringing a temporary replacement in from Canada to be the new one until we have one old enough, since Canada's got two right now.

I can see you now as you lie here. You look alive. I know you aren't, but that's the way you look. It'll be hard, after today, to remember your face. But I will always keep this moment in my mind. As I have kept so many others. All I have to is close my eyes, and there you are.

/And I know, you're a part of me
And it's your song that sets me free/

When I do that, I realize that you've always been, and always will be, a part of who I am. You still live in all of us, even when we can't see you. We still feel you.

/I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comforts me/

Remember our song? I'm sure you do. 'Right Here'? You used to love that song. From the time we finally expressed our love to each other until... I'm sure you're still singing that song up in Heaven right now. 'I'll still be right here waiting'... those words... I know that right now, you're waiting there at Heaven's gates for me. Until I arrive there with you and we can be together again.

You know I can't sing. We established that a long time ago. But every night since you've been gone, I've sang our song. It helps me get to sleep at night. It comforts me.

/I carry the things that remind me of you
In loving memory of
The one that was so true/

I brought a couple of pictures of you with me tonight. Yeah, there's already a lot of 'em here. But these ones are special to me. These are the ones that I took with me on all those trips I had to go on. And the ones I've been looking at every night since you were gone. I also brought a piece of your wedding dress. Why? It reminds me of you in almost no way a picture ever could. Do you remember our wedding night? Oh, right. How could you not. The best night of our lives together. Can you think of a better time? I can't.

/You were as kind as you could be
And even though you're gone
You still mean the world to me/

You were a great wife. So true to me... we were true to each other, weren't we? Didn't you think I was? Oh wait. Forgot. I'll make a note-to-self- to ask you that in a few years.

Wow, like I said, I still can't believe you're no longer here. But then I remember- you still are. Maybe not in body, but in mind and in soul. You... you still mean everything to me. I miss you...

/I'm glad you've been set free from sorrow
I'll still love you more tomorrow
And you will be here with me still/

I know you were sick for a pretty long time. Three years... I'm kind of glad that you're not suffering anymore. That you no longer feel any pain. But if you hadn't gotten sick, would you still be here with me?

/And what you did you did with feeling
And You always found the meaning/

Well, I... they're telling me that I have to wrap it up. I wish I didn't have to. I wish I could stay here with you forever.

But I know that I can't do that... yet.

/And you always will/

It'll be sooner than you think. I don't know exactly how soon, but still it's near.

/And you always will/

Okay, I've got to go, I guess. Thanks again... for everything you did for me. And for everything we did for each other.

/And you always will/

See you soon, Rose. I love you.


Ahh... finally finished. I may update another fic later tonight. But first...

Just wanted some people's opinions: I don't know if I'm doing all that well lately in terms of my writing. It's almost as if I feel I'm getting worse. What do you think? Well, later.