Hi, Im back, with another Inuyasha Fic. The first one I bailed on because I didn't have a clear path of what I wanted to do and how I was going to do it, and no one really liked it. But I seem to stray from the original Inuyasha story line. This Fic is definitely Alertanate Universe. I love Sesshy's attitude, so he wont change much, but Kagome might.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha


Large crowds gathered around the front gates to the Western castle. Crowds full of youkia of all species desperately pushing each other out of the way to see what their lord had spoken of. There, nailed on the stone wall was a huge piece of parchment, with carefully written orders for the youkia of the village to follow:

'I, lord of the western lands, hereby challenge the townsmen to find this lord a worthy concubine for my heir. This concubine must be worthy enough for your lord to look upon, and strong enough to challenge in a sparring match. If such a female is found, alert the guardsmen. At the end of the month I will inspect the women found. If I choose a female, you shall receive a healthy reward.'

"Ugh, how demeaning! A concubine for his precious son? Who cares?"

A small rat youkia boasted.

"Oh shut up, Edna, your just upset because you can't be his concucbine..I think our Lord would crap his royal pants if he saw you!"

Edna's friend, a fairly busty mouse youkia giggled, squeezing her way as best as she could out of the crowd. The two walked off, gossiping about the Lords good looks and who would be his son's slave.


"My Lord, are you certain this is a good idea? Does Sesshomaru even know of your plans?"

"Of course not, that little mongrel would throw a tantrum if he found out. But I'm sure he'll come around if the girl can fight for her life and manage to stay alive at that. This is good training for him. It'll teach him how to find his mate."

Lord Tashio's lips set in a grim line as he surveyed the crowd brewing around the front gates, he knew they were wondering about the reward and he noticed some of them already skimming through the crowd for that certain lady. 'greedy scoundrels, all of them.'

He turned to his advisor, calmly waiting for the next order.

"Make sure my son doesn't wander anytime soon. He's probably in the dojo traumatizing one of my servants."

"Yes my Lord, right away."

Tashio sat down at his study and glared at the raising pile of scrolls needed to be reviewed, mainly complaints from the human villages about the crops and lack of game. He had never had anything against humans, as long as they paid their taxes and produced food for the Youkia. He split his land so the youkia did not meet with the humans, or else he would have chaos. But now he was starting to worry, because the human population was growing and more and more huts and villages were starting to spread, getting awfully close to the invisible line he had set between the demons and humans. He knew his son was getting restless as well, dying for an opportunity to put the humans in their place, or kill of the majority of them.

Tashio was starting to become quite fond of Izyoai, the daughter of the wealthiest family in the human villages. He often visited them to receive reports of the condition of their village, making sure there was no such talk of rebellion. He would stay awhile and have dinner, conversing about his son and the events in the castle. Often catching the eye of Izyoai and watching her prepare the food.

When Tashio would depart from the human village, his thoughts would reflect on Sesshomaru and his former mate. He knew sesshomaru was still in mourning, though he didn't look it. Another reason why Tashio ordered the delivery of a concubine, so his son could take his mind off his mother. He was fully grown out of his childhood and still moping around.


The next day, only three women were dropped in front of the guards in the early morning and inspected by the guards. Only one of them was set in a holding area to be inspected by the king.

Sesshomaru watched from the balcony facing the town, his golden eyes narrowed in slight confusion. He wondered what his weak hearted father was planning, but it was none of his business and neither did he care. He turned sharply on his heel and strode toward the dojo, his eyes searching for the first guard or servant that crossed his path.


"Aww, are you ganna go cry to your mommy? Boo hoo! Girls are stupid, especially hanyou girls!"

The teenage boy chanted and teased with his group of friends, who were laughing and snickering at the girl as well.

"I'll show you, you snotty little brat!"

A girl around her young teens stood and glared, she stood average height for a girl her age; with long beautiful raven hair and doe like eyes, her figure was perfect for one so young, she would be a lovely catch; if it weren't for those brown fluffy triangle ears sitting on her head. She had a temper to match the those pointy sparkling white fangs and thin razor claws.

She balled her fists up, screaming as she charged toward the boy, knocking him down in a flash and proceeding to deliver flying fists all around his chest and head, until she was pulled off by the villagers. She was dragged away, raging and glaring at the group of stunned boys.

"You're all NEXT!"


It's a little short, but I want to know if this story will be picked up and read. So next one will be longer. Please let me know of any improvements or any mistakes I've made.

Thank you

Just 1 Girl