Okay, I know this kind of thing has been done with Ryo a million times, but I want to write one anyway. Hopefully I won't screw up too badly and you guys will enjoy it.

Disclaimer: What makes you think I own Digimon? Oo

Mindlessly he wandered the plains of pure grass, a sea of short, soft blades that seemed to extend their reach forever. He didn't really mind; after all he had no place to go in particular. His role among his society had long ago been obscured, twisted, and ultimately forgotten.

As he stopped briefly at a stream to get himself a drink, he paused. A boy with light brown hair determined to ignore gravity and eyes that matched stared back at him with a smile. That stupid, stupid smile.

He had worn that stupid smile for so long that it seemed to be stuck. There had been a time when that smile would've meant something, but those days had passed a long time ago. For the longest time it had just been him pretending to be what he used to be.

Not that anyone had really noticed. He couldn't remember how many times people had dismissed him as some happy-go-lucky dork. He'd strut around with a pleasant look on his face, laughing at the stupidest jokes, always wrapped up in some mindless banter. Even his friends never realized it was just a charade. But that was fine with him; he didn't want them to know his true personality anyway. So they could call him whatever they wanted, as long as they never knew what lay behind the cheerful grin.

His friends...what were they up to now? Probably they had moved on with their lives a long time ago. Would they remember a joyful boy who could be just slightly irritating at times? He doubted it.

Even that one group that he had hung around with the most recently probably paid no mind to him now. It stung a bit more than usual when he had to leave that group. Sure, he had drifted in and out of many circles of friends, but that one had been different. For a while he thought that he might actually belong...

Yet here he was, rootless as always, and alone as always.

Now that he thought of it, he was like one of those laughing birds in Australia. What were they called? Kookaburras, right? Yeah, he could be quite a bit like them. Those creatures would laugh and laugh and laugh even as people yelled at them to shut up, but it wasn't like they were really enjoying themselves. There's no humor in their laughter. That was just the natural sound they make; it could mean anything. Yes, he was lot like them.

He let out a sigh as he plopped flat on his back on the emerald covering. His eyes searched the flawless sky for something, but for just what even he didn't know.

A friend perhaps?

Hmph, lot of good they'd done him.

A escape, maybe?

He'd stopped bothering looking for one of those a long time ago.

An adventure, possibly?

He wouldn't mind, but he didn't really care either.

He continued to study the heavens with a faraway look in his eye.

What was he looking for?

Something to truly smile at would be nice.

There we go, I hope you like it. Please R&R.

Ah yes, and Commencing Overwrite, my real fic, will be coming up shortly for anyone whose interested or for the people who have read the prequel and wondering where the story is.

See ya!