Chapter 3

The Reason to Kill

Rin giggled when Sesshoumaru's arms wrapped around her waist , then she gasped when he pulled her hard against his muscular chest . She could feel his hot arousal pressing against her belly , and her own blood heated when she though of the pleasure it could give her . Since the day her master mated with her three years ago , the two of them had became addicted to each others . She loved it when her master filled her with his man part because it made her felt complete and wanted .

Rin sighed when his hand went between her legs to caress her , and gasped slightly when he pinched the sensitive jewel over there . She also loved it when he teased her body with his expert hands before he actually jointed with her . She moaned when he inserted a long finger into her wet passage while his thumb was rubbing the jewel . Well , two can play this game ……

Rin reached her hand down until she touched his hot arousal . Wrapping her fingers around it , she gave it a gentle squeeze before moving her fingers up and down his manhood . She smiled when his teasing hands were momentary stopped , and she also heard his groans . Good , he is enjoying ……

Sesshoumaru clenched his teeth together when he felt his mate's cool hand holding his man part . He groaned when her hand began to move in a motion he taught her long time ago , she had mastered it and was so damn good at it . He placed his hand in her long raven hair and gave it a pull , forcing her to face him . When her face was only a few inch from his , he licked his own lips before crushing his mouth onto hers , and thrusting his hot tongue into her mouth .

Their tongue dueled against each other and their hands kept teasing each other . When Sesshoumaru could not take the teasing from Rin anymore , he pushed her hand away from his manhood and moved into another position so he could straddled her . He stared at her perfect milky breasts which were not too large but not too small either . The size of her breasts were just enough to fill his palms . Grabbing her breasts in both hands , Sesshoumaru tested their weight and gave them a squeeze , causing Rin to moan out in pleasure . Then , to add more pleasure onto her , he used his thumbs and forefingers to rolled the peaked nipples between them .

Rin moaned loudly when her master played with her breasts . She wetted her lips with her tongue before she pulled his face down to place butterfly kisses on the purple stripes on his cheeks . By using her tongue , she licked his pointed ear before she nipped it with her teeth , smiling again when she felt his body shuddered slightly . When she felt his hands moved from her breasts to her hips , she knew he was about to fill her with his huge manhood which she loved it so much . Gripping his shoulders with her hands , she sighed when the head of the arousal touched her entrance .

" Rin………"


A small child walked down the corridor until he reached his parents' chamber . Standing just outside the chamber , he cocked his head to one side when he heard something weird coming from inside it , but he recognized the voices belonged to his parents and he wondered what they were doing . He jumped slightly when a gust of wind blew against the door at the other side , his golden eyes widened when the saw the shadow of the trees on the paper door , the braches of the trees looked like the arms and fingers of a monster and he hated it . Turning back to his parents' chamber , he slid the door open before calling out .

" Mother , Father ."

Both Sesshoumaru and Rin stopped what they were doing and stared at the small boy standing at the door . The boy was their two-year-old-son , Shura . Sesshoumaru sighed and pulled himself out of Rin's body , luckily they had already reached their climax before being disturbed . He sniffed the air coming from the outside and realized it was going to rain . No wonder Shura would come to find them instead of staying in his own chamber .

" Close the door and come here , Shura . The air is getting cold ." Sesshoumaru said and moved to a side , leaving a space between himself and Rin so his son was able to sleep in.

Rin put on the sleeping robe beside the futon while her son was closing the door . Then , she watched as her son climbed in between the both of them before pulling up the blanket to cover his body . Settling down beside him , Rin ran her fingers down his silver hair to untangle some knots , smiling when Shura snuggled against her . He is so cute……

Sesshoumaru watched as mother and son exchanged their affection towards each others through their touch , smiling faintly when he heard his son muttered a good night before he fell asleep . He looked at his sleeping face which was the exact replica of him when he was young . Not only he looked like him , although Shura was born in the union of demon and half-breed , surprisingly , he was a full demon liked himself . His son was an intelligent child , always eager to learn something new , and he was proud of him . He would wait until his son was old enough before he began to train him himself .

Looking over at Rin who was also looking at him , when their eyes met , Rin smiled and mouthed a good night to him before she closed her eyes . Sesshoumaru listened to the rain and wind outside , knowing that his son was afraid of the sound , he pulled the cover a little higher so it covered his pointed ears . Then , he slowly placed an arm over Rin and Shura protectively before he fell into his deep slumber .


" Are you serious ? Are you sure you want to do this ?" Raira asked , looking at the young woman wrapped in a black cloak with a hood covered her head .

The woman , Fumiko glared at Raira with fire in her purple eyes and bared her sharp teeth at her , causing Raira to flinch and become quiet . Fumiko stared at the long blade in her hand , she had no other choice . She had to kill the half-breed so her Lord Sesshoumaru would return to her side , to love her , and to make her his life mate . She was a tribute to the lord 200 years ago , at first she had been afraid and angry , but when she saw the silver haired lord , the most handsome man she ever saw , she had fell in love with him at that moment . In the 200 years of being her concubine , she had tried many times to seduce him with sweet words and her lush body , but not once did he glance at her . She had always said to herself that she would success one day and became the his lady , until the day he brought back a half-breed infant .

Since her Lord Sesshoumaru brought the half-breed back , he had changed . He became softer , gentler and no longer had the desire to kill those filthy humans . She had followed him once to the outside , thinking she might had a chance with him if the breed was not there , but when she saw a group of humans blocking his way , instead of killing them liked he usually do , he let them go . Fumiko had been furious when he did not kill those humans , he had changed because of the breed , the breed had weakened her lord !

To help her lord regained his old way , Fumiko decided to kill the breed .

The first time she attempted to kill was when her lord was absent , leaving the few months old breed , Rin alone with some lowly servants . When she saw the breed managed to slip away from the servants' eyes , she took her chance . She followed her into the garden , and when she saw no one was there , she stood behind the breed and raised her blade . She almost , almost got to kill the breed if not for the interfere of that toad , Jaken who was searching for the breed . She had though of killing the toad also , but knew it was impossible because he had the Staff of Head as his weapon . Fumiko was a fish demon , and fire was her weakness .

She did not give up after that , knowing her alone was unable to kill the breed , she had gathered those demons who had no liking towards half-breed to help her . She had heard some of the demons were able to hurt the breed , but not able to kill her because Lord Sesshoumaru was always nearby . Few years ago , one of her partners was killed when he was about to hurt the breed . Lord Sesshoumaru had though the attack was over and his guard around the breed had loosened . Fumiko had asked her partners to stay down for a few years , to wait until a right moment to strike again . Her plan was successful , her Lord Sesshoumaru had resumed his patrol and would always leave the breed once awhile in the chamber alone . She herself had picked the day when the lord was absented and slipped into his chamber to kill the breed . She had expected to find the breed in his bed , but instead she found one of the concubines laying in his bed naked . She was angry , angry that someone else was desiring her lord , then she killed the woman to lessen her opponents .

Since the attack , her Lord Sesshoumaru had rarely left the breed alone , he even brought her when he went hunting for food . She had wanted to kill her that day , but since she was out with the lord , she would wait until next chance .

Fumiko had though that the lord would never mate with a half-breed , but when she smelled his mark and scent on the half-breed , her anger was twofold . How dare the dirty half-breed touched her Lord Sesshoumaru , how dare she even carried his heir and gave birth to a full demon ! She , Fumiko was supposed to be the one he mated with , the one he sired his heirs on , and the one gave birth to his perfect children !

Fumiko clenched the blade in her hand even tighter when she though of the lord announced the half-breed as his Lady . A half-breed could never be a lady , a half-breed should never mated , and the half-breed must die !

Raira stared at the woman , although she herself was one of the demons that had wanted to kill the half-breed , but she would never risk her own life to do so . She would just let those demons did her job , and if the half-breed was killed , she would have Sesshoumaru all to herself .

" I understand your feeling , Fumiko . Lord Sesshoumaru is a man to die for . He is so handsome and so great in bed . Who wouldn't want him ?" Raira said , unknowingly her words had fueled the woman's anger even more .

Fumiko glared coldly at the slut , Raira . She was the oldest concubine in the castle , but also the most seductive . She had saw and smelled the slut rutted with many different males before , she had even bragged about having mate with Lord Sesshoumaru before . Fumiko raised the blade when she was not looking , and thrust it into her back , through her heart . She was dead before she hit the ground . Lord Sesshoumaru was hers , hers alone !

" Today , today you will die , half-breed !"


Sesshoumaru stirred from his sleep when he smelled something in the air . He sniffed and immediately , his eyes widened . He smelled blood . As if not to awaken the sleeping Rin and Shura , Sesshoumaru sat up slowly and rose to his feet . Putting on his clothes , he slide open the door and stepped out the chamber before taking another glance at his mate and son . After he closed the door , he walked down the corridor , following the blood scent until he reached Raira's chamber .

When he slid open the door , he saw Raira laying dead in a pool of blood , he could also see a stab wound on her back , and smelled the lingering females scent in the chamber . Judging by the color of her blood , which was still red , he knew then she had just die a moment ago . It also mean that the attacker was still around here somewhere , and he knew who was it .

When Sesshoumaru was about to step out from the chamber , he found himself restricted by a barrier . That foolish woman had though to confine him in the chamber with the barrier so she could do whatever she wanted , but she had underestimated him . With a slash of his claws , the barrier immediately fated away and he was freed .

Sesshoumaru remembered the stab wound made by a blade . It was the same with the stab wounds on the body of the concubine who had died in his chamber .Then he realized that the woman , Fumiko was the one trying to kill Rin . He clenched his fists , if that woman dared to lay a hand on his Rin or son , he would make her paid dearly for it .


Rin woke up when one of her son's sharp claws scratched her arm . Sitting up from the futon , Rin glanced over at the place where her master slept and noticed he was not there . She knew it was not yet morning because it was too quiet . Usually in the morning , the servants would begin their morning task , and Rin would hear the sound of servants running here and there .

She yawned and stretched , although still feeling sleepy , but she wanted to wait for her master to come back . Staring at her sleeping son , she smiled when he moved his lips in his sleep as if he was saying something , he had even kicked away the blanket to the side and exposed himself to the cold air . Not wanting him to catch cold , Rin picked up the blanket and placed it over his body before she kissed his forehead .

She looked up when she heard someone walking at the corridor outside the chamber , she though it was her master Sesshoumaru , but when the door opened and revealed the person , Rin's eyes widened in fear . She stared at the woman known as Lady Fumiko and gasped when she saw the bloody blade in her hand .

Sensing danger , Rin quickly pulled her son into her embrace protectively and glared at the woman , realizing that she was the attacker who had killed her master's concubine . Shura stirred in her arms but she did not let go , she stood up from the futon and slowly backed away from Fumiko . She must protect her son , no matter what the cost was .

Fumiko glared at the half-breed who was holding the child in her arms . She had not expect to find the lord's heir in the same chamber with the half-breed , but it did not affect her plan to kill her . Holding the blade in her hands , Fumiko ran towards them , her purples glinted evilly when she though she finally could get to kill the low down half-breed who had took the handsome lord away from her .


Rin wrapped her arms tightly around her son , and turned her back towards the crazy woman so she would not hurt Shura . Shutting her eyes tight , Rin waited for the blade to finish her off , but after a moment passed , still nothing happened . She slowly opened her eyes and took a glance at the back . She cried out happily when she saw her master standing there , his hand squeezing the woman's neck .

" Master Sesshoumaru !" Rin cried , putting Shura who had awakened onto the ground and ran towards him .

Sesshoumaru glanced at his mate and son , relief shot through him when he saw they were safe , he had came just in time to stop the woman from thrusting the blade into Rin's body . Turning his attention to the woman who had again nearly killed Rin , Sesshoumaru tightened his hold on her neck and smirked as she suffered .

" Why did you want to kill Rin ? Speak and answer this Sesshoumaru !"

Fumiko looked at the handsome Lord Sesshoumaru . He was still as handsome as the day she met him 200 years ago , and she still loved him . She tried to speak , but was unable to do so . So , instead of voicing it out , she mouthed the reason .

"Because I love you ……Lord Sesshoumaru……"


Rin kneeled in front of a gravestone and put some white flowers beside it . The gravestone belonged to a woman who had fell in love with her husband , Sesshoumaru . She trailed her finger along the words craved on the stone , Fu-Mi-Ko . This woman had tried to kill her several times , although she deserved nothing , Rin had found herself pitying the woman .

Rin recalled that day when her master/husband captured Fumiko on the spot . He had asked her the reason why she wanted to kill , and she had answered him by mouthing

' I Love You ' . Her master was both shocked and surprised , but that reason had not satisfy him and he ordered Jaken to execute her the next day . Before the moment Fumiko was executed , Rin had went to see her personally so she could speak with her , but Fumiko refused to talk . And then , her head was chopped out .

Rin also remembered on the day Fumiko was executed , she had cried and begged her master not to feed Fumiko's dead body to the beasts . Her master was reluctant at first , saying that the woman deserved to be treated that way for attempting to kill her , but when she continued to cry , her master finally gave up . Rin had even asked the servants to set up a gravestone for Fumiko , ignoring the her master's faint protest .


Rin looked up when she heard her daughters , Aya and Maya calling out for her . She turned and almost fell down when two small girls rushed into her embrace . Aya and Maya were identical twins , only Rin , Sesshoumaru and Shura were able to tell the difference between the two . When both of them looked up at her with their quivering golden eyes , she knew then their brother had pulled another prank on them .

" Mama , big brother put a spider in my hair !" Aya said , touching her long silver hair .

" Big brother bad ! Big brother put caterpillar in my hair too !" Maya said , also touching her silver hair .

Rin giggled , she had used to them complaining about the pranks Shura put on them . She did not understand why Shura found joy in bullying his own sisters , but she knew all his pranks meant them no harm .

" Yes , yes . Mama will tell Shura to stop bully you girls , is that all right ?"

Both Aya and Maya stared at their mother before saying ,

" Mama will not punish him , we better go tell Papa ." Aya said .

" Big brother will do everything Papa says , including not bullying us ." Maya said .

Both girls walked away talking , leaving their mother who was laughing at the back . Rin wiped the tears away from the corner of her eyes when she stopped laughing , she just couldn't help it , they were too adorable . Rin turned to stare at the gravestone for another while before she stood up and followed her daughters .


Sesshoumaru looked at his son , Shura who was practicing his sword skills against one of his demon warrior . He watched as Shura successfully knocked the weapon off the warrior's hand and pointed the tip of the sword at the warrior's neck . Although his son was still young , but he had mastered his fighting skills perfectly , and had even defeated many opponent who were very much older than him .


Sesshoumaru turned and looked at his three-year-old daughters running from the other side of the field into him . He felt their hands clutched his pants and though they were trying to pull it down , but whenever they were behaving this way , it meant Shura had done something to them again . Looking at Shura , when he saw a smirk on his face and knew he had did it again .

" Papa , Shura put spider and caterpillar on our hair while we were sleeping !" they said together , pointing their fingers accusingly at Shura who was walking towards them .

" What ? You mean this ?" Shura said and showed them a huge slim worm in his hand , causing the girls to run away screaming , while he laughed and laughed until he fell to the ground . Oh boy , they are so interesting ……

Sesshoumaru sighed , shaking his head lightly after he watched his son scared off his daughters away again . He knew his son just found it interesting to trick his sisters , it was not that he detested them or something even though Aya and Maya were half-breed like their mother . Sesshoumaru looked at Rin when she slipped her hand into his , and smiled faintly when she giggled .

" Our children are so adorable , isn't it so , master ?"

" Ahh ……didn't I told you not to call me master anymore ?"

" Ops , I think I'm use to call you that . Are you displease ?" Rin asked , looking up at him with her quivering amber eyes .

" No , you can call me whatever you want , Rin ."

" Oh , look . Our daughters are back ."

Sesshoumaru bend down a little to allow his daughters to climb into his arms , then he felt two pair of arms came around his neck . They had already spend a lot of time running here and there , and he knew they were exhausted . It was time for their nap . He then watched as Shura went to Rin's side and touched the sleeve of her red kimono .

" Mother , can you sing ?" he asked .

Aya and Maya shifted slightly in their father's arms and looked hopefully at their mother. Rin searched her mind for a suitable song , staring at the clear blue sky , she smiled when she though of the song she always hear in her dreams . Then , she opened her lips and sang …

On the land so many life

I had dreams that I could fly

Like a bird so wild and free

Where there are no boundaries

Soaring through the endless blue

If dreams came true……

Sesshoumaru looked a bit surprise when he heard the song . It was the song he heard Rin's mother sang many years ago . He remembered when her mother sang , it was filled with sadness , but when he heard Rin sang , there were no sadness , only love and happiness . He had raised her from an infant into the lady today , his mate , the mother of his children , his lady . He was glad that he had went into the forest 18 years ago to rescue her in time , or else he might still be living in a life filled with emptiness . He was glad , so glad .

I'll spread my wings I try

Let the wind so lift me high

Feel the breeze as it caress my face

And I can't just drifting away

In my heart the heart I know

I have been there once before

Close my eyes , and linger moment stand

I'll find the joy I knew

If dreams came true

Both Sesshoumaru and Rin looked at each other with love in their eyes . Although they never say it out loud , but they knew the loved each other and wished to be with each other forever . I Love You ……

La la la la one I fly

Shinning breeze and cast the sky

Let me at the passion sweet

And at last I'm free

Oh how gracefully I fly

Through the sky into the land

To a place that's bright of you

If dreams came true

Can see up the sea and sky

Have you dream the two could fly

Feel the breeze as it caress your face

And you just can't drifting away

In my heart the heart I see

This was always mean to be

Close your eyes , and link your heart and mine

I'll fly away with you

If dreams came true

La la la la one we fly

Shinning breeze and cast the sky

Let me at the passion sweet

And at last we're free

And at last we're free…………


A/N : This is the final chapter of ' His Lady ' , but I am writing a sequel to this and hopefully I can manage it well . Shura , Aya and Maya are so adorable and so playful , but don't forget they still have Sesshoumaru's blood in them . In the sequel , I'm going to make them a little icy evil . InuYasha and the rest might appear in the sequel also . So , please review and tell me anything . Till next time , Ja .

PS : Thanks for the reviews , it is the reviews that support me to continue writing my story . I LOVE YOU ALL ! MUAK !