False Impressions Ch. 1

Disclaimer: I don't own them. ;_; Other then Danny, and the future villains. If you want to give Dee to me though, I'll be MORE then happy to take him off your hands *hentai grin* Anyway, I wrote this story to do something rarely found in Fake fanfics...have a plot! Wow! Now, you may disagree with me here, but it's my experience that most of the Fake stories are really just excuses for Ryo and Dee to get mushy, then head for the nearest bedroom. Write more! n.n Mushy Fake fics are as fun as mushy CCS ones. Things like villains and plot don't matter because, really, this is Fake. Fake isn't exactly Agatha Christie style murder mystery. It's really just an excuse for fangirls to see Dee and Ryo make out, and, of course, JJ attacking Dee. I like it. ^-^ Anyway, this fic has a plot! And a villain! And, for once, a female character! (yes, I know about Diana) And, another rarity, she doesn't fall for Ryo! Shock! A major character whose main goal isn't getting into Ryo's pants...She wouldn't mind getting in Dee's though. ^_- I like Dee, and JJ, better myself, so that explains her preferences. OK, enough pointless babble, onto the story!

Comments in the brackets [ ] are by me, and are meant to entertain. They aren't actually part of the story. So just ignore them, unless you think I'm amusing, or something.


I wonder if I'll ever see you again
And if that day comes, I know we could win
I wonder if I'll ever see you again.

- Lenny Kravitz, 'Again'


Danielle walked quickly down the New York streets, pulling her coat closer around her. It had been a long day, she'd been working the whole time so she hadn't even been able to take a quick nap to catch up. Walking around a corner she pulled her keys out of her purse, tucking it inside her coat. Just a few more blocks and she'd be home. Hopefully Jamie hadn't eaten all the Chinese food from yesterday. She sighed, she couldn't count on that, she knew how much he could eat when he'd had a hard day.

Courage pushed aside by the overwhelming urge to get home, eat, and sleep she ducked down an alley shortcut. Her last thought, before the club knocked her senseless, was that if Jamie had eaten the Chinese, he'd have to do without coffee the next morning. After all, fair was fair, was it not? An eye for an eye?

Then the darkness fell, leaving that question eternally unresolved.

* * *

Bikky ran down the back alleys quickly, cursing under his breath. He was so late. Ryo was going to kill him. It wasn't really his fault though, he'd been hanging out with his friends, playing some basketball, then Carol had come by and asked if he wanted to go to that new movie with her. And then after that they'd gone out to eat, and by the time they finished he was late. He leapt a tipped trashcan and gaped, nearly falling on his face.

The man, who was tying up the pretty girl with a length of some rather dirty-looking rope, spun, pulling a knife from his pocket. "Who're you?"

Bikky shook his head, backing up a bit. "Uhhh...pardon me..." He stared at the girl, eyes wide. He'd seen her somewhere, he should know who she was. Whoever she was, she was damn pretty, even with the bruise on the side of her head.

The man lunged suddenly, trying to drive his knife through the young street rat. Bikky rolled out of the way, scrambling to his feet. "Watch it! What do you think you're doing?"

The man said nothing, merely pulled out a gun. Bikky gulped, and scrambled down the alley. "HELP! Cops! Murderer! Rapist!"

The man cursed quietly, and ran the other way. Bikky turned, hearing his retreat, and looked the girl over. Predictably, no cops came. Like they'd be out at that hour in that neighborhood. Especially if the one assigned was from the 27th precinct...

He walked over to the girl and poked her. She made no sound. With a gulp, he checked for a pulse...Bingo! Strong and steady. He sighed, she must've been knocked out and dragged back into the alley. He turned his back to her, holding her arms, and pulled her forward so she was piggybacking him, arms loosely wrapped around his neck. Then he trudged away, rather slowly since he was only a little kid and she wasn't as light as she looked. Ryo would know what to do with her. And, hey, maybe he could even use this as an excuse for why he was so late.

* * *

Randy McLane, better known as Ryo, stared intently at the door from his position on the couch, wineglass in hand. Beside him, actually, half sprawled across him, his partner Dee snored loudly. The dark-haired cop had his arms around his partners waist, and his head in his lap. Ryo blushed slightly as Dee shifted, and sighed. He supposed it could be worse. Dee could be awake. He'd had enough to drink that he'd either be throwing up or trying, yet again, to get past Ryo's defenses. He absent mindedly ran his fingers through Dee's hair, causing the other man to make a happy noise and curl up even closer around him.

Ryo jumped as the door opened, and set his glass down. "Bikky?"

"Ah, Ryo, tadaima."

Ryo frowned. "Where were you?...Eh? Bikky, who's that?"

Bikky glanced over his shoulder at the girl he was carrying. "Dunno. I found her when I was coming back. Some guy was attacking her."

"Has she been unconscious the whole time?"

"Yeah. Muttered something about eating her Chinese food and coffee, but other then that nothing."

"... She'll have to stay here for the night, we can't just leave her outside."

Bikky grinned. "That's what I figured...what're we gonna do with him though?" He pointed to Dee.

Ryo blinked, looking down at Dee, smiling involuntarily at the happy look on his face. "Well, we can't kick him out either. He'd never make it home in this condition."

"Where's she gonna go then?"

Ryo thought a minute. "I have some spare blankets and a pillow. We can set her up on the floor. Probably better, anyway, because that way she can't roll off and hurt herself more."

Bikky nodded. "Should I go get them?"

"No, I will. We should both be getting to bed, you have school tomorrow, remember?"

"Hai, hai." Bikky watched Dee out of the corner of his eye as Ryo stood. The dark cop grumbled and sleepily reached for Ryo as the Japanese man stood and started to leave. Ryo smiled slightly, avoiding the clumsy grab. "Oyasumi, Dee."

Dee rolled over and mumbled back. "G'night, Ryo."

Bikky sniffed, face blank. He looked back at the girl, as Ryo left to get the blankets. She was very pretty, in a long overcoat, with long dark brown hair and pale skin. She murmured unconsciously, "Gonna call in sick tomorrow, so damn tired.". Ryo returned with a couple blankets and the extra pillows. After setting up a makeshift bed he pulled off her coat and blinked. She was wearing a long-sleeved gray shirt and black jeans, which did nothing to hide her figure. Bikky gaped, eyes wide. She was even prettier then she had been with the coat on. Ryo quickly lay her on the bed, pulling the top blanket over her. He stood, and watched her for a moment. "I should leave a light on, so she won't wake up somewhere strange and dark."

Walking into the kitchen he turned the lights on, then headed for his room, pausing only to put a blanket over Dee. "Bikky, you go to bed too."

"Hai!" Bikky headed for bed, pausing to glance over his shoulder at the woman lying in the middle of the floor. "...Who is she?"

* * *

Dee made a face as the light registered in his brain. He covered his face with his hands, trying to block it out and remain asleep. A voice cut through his haze. "Awake, finally? Dee, get up."

Dee grumbled, trying to clear his brain of hangover fog. "Ryo?"


"What time is it?"

"Nine am."

Dee groaned, sitting up slowly. "Gotta get ready for work."


Dee opened one eye. Ryo sounded awful distracted. He blinked the eye, then opened the other one. "Hey, where'd the chick come from?"

Ryo frowned at him. "Dee... Bikky found her yesterday. She's been unconscious the whole time. He said she was being robbed."

"Ugh. I'm barely even up and already work comes looking for me."

Ryo shook his head, walking to the kitchen. "You better get moving. I'll make breakfast."

"Hai, hai. I'm up. Got any coffee?"

The girl started violently, sitting up and throwing off her covers, glaring through sleep-hazed eyes. "No coffee for you! You ate all my Chinese. Jamie, you...Araa?"

She peered around, pausing on the two startled cops. "Who are you?"

Ryo smiled. "I'm Randy. Randy McLane."

"Dee Laytner."

She smiled. "Danielle. Danielle Mills." She looked around. "...Where am I? Did Jamie go into a fit of redecorating while I was gone?"

"Anou...you're at my apartment."

"Why? Did I get kidnapped or something?"

The men sweatdropped as she looked at them with wide eyes and an innocent expression. "No...Bikky found you yesterday unconscious. He brought you back here to recover."

"Ahh, sou ka!" She clapped her hands together and stood. "I must've been robbed!"

"You don't remember?"

"Nope. I wasn't paying much attention to potential robbers, I was fairly tired."

"Well." Ryo smiled. "You're awake now. Why don't you come down to the station with us and make a report on what you remember before you go home?"

"You two are cops?"

They nodded. She sweatdropped. Shaking her head she stood, flipping her hair away from her face. She looked at them, a resigned expression on her face. "I don't suppose either of you have any clothes my size?"

* * *

"So you live with another cop?"

"Yep. Jamie."

Ryo walked a few paces behind Dee and Danielle as they headed for the station, the dark pair talking amicably the whole way. He frowned as Dee leaned closer to Danielle, an intent look on his face. "So, which section does he work in?"

"Actually, he works..." She trailed off as they entered their offices. "...Here."

"Eh?" The two men looked at her. "In the same section as us?"

Danielle nodded slowly. She frowned, thinking. "..." Her eyes widened as she looked over at Dee. "Anou..."

Dee frowned. "I don't know anyone named Jamie who works here." He leaned in closer, face mere inches from hers. Ryo stiffened.

"Mmm, maybe you know him by his nickname."


Dee jumped back, a panicked expression on his face. "JJ!"

To no avail, of course. JJ raced toward him at full speed and glomped, attaching to his beloved sempai. "Dee-sempai, I missed you!"

"I just saw you yesterday, baka! Get off me."

Danielle blinked, then looked back at Ryo. She flinched, eyes widening. His right eye was doing this funny twitching thing as he avoided looking at JJ and Dee. Dee growled and struggled to free himself. "Ryo! Danielle! HELP!"

JJ blinked. "Danny?"

Danielle nibbled on the tip on her forefinger. "I should've figured. Not many guys named Dee in this city. The fact you were a cop should've been a dead give-away."

JJ stared for a moment then released Dee, and pounced Danielle. "Danny! Where WERE you?!"

Dee gaped. He'd been released... His brain took a few moments to comprehend this, then he recovered from his shock, getting hit by a lightening bolt, inside the precinct, with the windows closed, was more likely then JJ willingly releasing him, and hid behind Ryo. [Mmm, run-on sentences...] A few seconds later Ryo gave up trying to remove him and they turned back to the scene.

JJ was staring intently at Danielle, holding her hands in his. "What happened?"

"I was robbed, baka!" Danny glared poutily at him. "Honestly, you people. If you spent half the energy you do trying to get into each others pants there'd be SO much less crime around here."

Ryo choked, Dee almost fell over laughing. At that moment the door opened and Ted, Drake, Taicho, and Berkley Rose entered. [Yes, all through the same door! At once! It's magic, people.] They all paused and stared. Dee clinging to a half-heartily resisting Ryo was nothing new, but JJ not glomping Dee, focusing on a woman of all things was totally out of place. Although, they all agreed as one, she was hot.

She turned her head to look at them, blowing a few stray locks of hair from her storm-gray eyes. "Who're they, Jamie?" She looked back to JJ, biting her lip.

The straight members of the crowd, aka the chief and Ted, were immediately struck down by hormones, eyes glazing. The others, being either bi or, in Ryo's case, in denial that he wasn't really straight, retained at least slight powers of speech. Ryo was currently distracted trying to pry Dee off him anyway. Berkley smiled smugly [he has other smiles?] and stepped forward, positioning himself to get a better view of her, holding out his hand. "I'm Berkley Rose."

Drake bowed his head. "I'm Drake..." He pointed to Ted. "This is Ted. And that's our chief."

Danielle giggled and waved. "Danielle Mills. Nice to meet you."

JJ frowned at the predatory look Rose was focusing on Danielle. "Ne, Danny...what happened to your clothes?"

She blinked, then tugged on the edge of her shirt. Ryo, for obvious reasons, hadn't had any clothes in her size, so she'd had to make do with changing into one of his shirts. It was a bit baggy, but none of the guys in the room seemed to mind. "I had to change. My other one got all dirty." She sighed. "Ryo isn't my size, but this one came close."

"Oh..." He scowled. "What were you doing at Ryo-sempai's place?"

She smiled happily. "He helped me out after I got attacked...Well, his adopted kid did, really. But Ryo let me stay there."


Danny looked over Rose's shoulder, he was inching closer by the second, and blinked. "Araa?"

Everyone turned to look at what had caught her eye and sweatdropped. Dee had Ryo pinned against a wall and was, what else?, kissing him thoroughly. [If you think it's gratuitous, remember, this IS *Dee*] Everyone turned back to Danielle as she began laughing. She winked. "Guess I should've expected that too. They're cute together."

They stared at her as she turned, yet again, back to JJ. "Ne, Jamie, you finished my Chinese food, didn't you?"

"For breakfast, why?"

She made a face at him. "That was mine! How could you?"

JJ sweatdropped. "Uhhh...That's not the point!"

She waved a hand at him. "I'm fine now, nothing really happened although..." She sighed. "I did lose my keys... Oh well." She pointed a finger at JJ. "To pay for eating my Chinese, you can go back and get me some real clothes...and my spare keys."

"I'm working right now!"

She glared at him. "Fine then! I'll just go by myself! Give me your keys."

"Eh? But...what if something happens?"

"You're working, remember?"


Reaching into his pocket she fished around for his keys. With a yelp JJ pulled back, trying to get free. Drake sweatdropped. "Ne...JJ...Could this be..."

JJ blinked at them, then laughed sheepishly. "Ahh, sou. This is Danny."

Ted and Drake reacted almost immediately, pointing in shock at JJ. "How come you live with such a hot girl? And why didn't you tell us!"

Danny and JJ blinked. JJ frowned. "Gee, I wonder why..."

Danny cheered as she pulled JJ's keys from his pocket. "There they are..." Standing on her tiptoes, she's shorter then him, OK? She gave JJ a quick kiss. "I'll see you later. I'm gonna call in sick today. Bring me back some food." She headed for the exit as the others tried to pick up their jaws, and looked around. "Araa? Where'd Dee-san go?"

She looked at Ryo who, predictably enough, was on his knees, gasping. [For breath, we assume...] "Randy-san, do you know where Dee-san went?"

Ryo shook his head. She frowned. "Does he disappear like this often?"

JJ stepped up beside her. "I'll take you back."

She hummed happily, latching onto his arm. "Arigato, JJ!"

The guys watched as they left, frowning. "What was that all about?"

Ted shook his head. "I still can't believe he's living with a hot chick like that..."

Taicho frowned. "What was she doing here in the first place?"

Ryo jumped to his feet, eyes widening. "She forgot! She has to file that report!" He sighed. "Oh well, maybe I'll have Bikky do it later. She did say she didn't remember anything."

Dee wandered back into the room. "Hey, she's gone?"

"Yeah. She and JJ just left."

Ted grinned. "Too bad you left, she wanted you to take her home."

"Kuso! I've got no luck today..." He sighed. "So what's with her and JJ anyway?"

Drake blinked. "Didn't she tell you?"

"Not really."

Drake assumed his lecturing tone, as Taicho and Rose wandered out of the room, their part in this scene finished. "After JJ left the academy, he moved in with Danny." He made a face. "He always called her Danny, never said she was really a pretty girl. I always thought she was a guy."

"Why'd he move in with her? Did she go to the academy too? Or is he she his cousin or something?"

"Something. Apparently, she had an old house that she had a spare room in, so she lent it to him."

"Wait, didn't JJ move here recently?" Ryo asked, thinking.


"But she..."

"She moved out here with him."

"EH?" Dee was shocked. "She must really like him!" He grinned. "Must be nice, having a cute girl like that devoted to you."

Ryo frowned at him. "I'm sure that would make you just so happy."

Dee grinned, wrapping an arm around Ryo's shoulder and pulling him closer. "Ahh, Ryo, buddy, don't be so upset. You know I'd follow you anywhere."

Ryo didn't look as happy as he might have. "How nice to know..."

Drake coughed. "Well, anyway, as far as I know they don't have that kind of relationship. Kind of a sibling sort of thing, from what I can tell. They take care of each other. JJ said something about her moving out here partially cause of her career, so it might've been that he really followed her."

"She's definitely worth following." Ted agreed, with a hentai leer.

"What's she do?" Dee was curious.

Drake thought a minute. "I never did find that out...JJ doesn't talk about hi-er, her much."

"Ahhh, sou..." Dee stared out the door the pair had exited from. [How'd he know which door they used?...Magic again] "Wonder if we'll ever see her again?"

* * *

"Ne, Danny, are you really OK?"

"Hai, hai. I would've told you if I wasn't."


"Ne, JJ."


"Do you usually glomp Dee-san like that?"


"You probably shouldn't, you know. He likes Randy-san."

JJ made a face. "I'm much better for him then Ryo-sempai! Ryo-sempai's always so mean to him!"

"I don't know about that...Dee has to see something in him, or he wouldn't put up with it." She poked JJ in the side. "And pouncing Dee-san every time you see him probably isn't helping. The poor guy is scared just to see you!"

JJ sighed. "..."

Danny laughed, resting her head on his shoulder. "Don't worry. You'll find someone else."

"But I want Dee-sempai."

"And he wants Randy-san. Not everyone can be happy."

JJ made a face. "Life sucks."

"Now, JJ, you can't say something like that. People will think you're upset..." She kissed his cheek, then rested her head on his shoulder, leaning against him as they walked down the streets. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll find another guy you like as much as Dee-san. You just have to look for him."

JJ bit back his reply. But I don't want to find someone else. I want Dee-sempai! "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Unless you've been hiding something from me you don't have a steady boyfriend either."

"True. I'm still looking though." She grinned up at him and winked. "Tell you what, let's go boy hunting this weekend."

"Eh? Boy hunting?" JJ blinked.

She made a face and stuck her tongue out at him. "Yep. Boy hunting. Unless you've made some rather significant lifestyle changes in the past ten minutes you forgot to inform me about."

JJ blushed. "Well, you see...it's just..."

She laughed. "You're not used to thinking about it so bluntly, deshou?"

"Isn't that kind of a...girly...thing to do?"

She pondered. "True..." She poked him in the side. "You may be gay, but you aren't girly."

"You're 'girly' enough for the both of us."

She laughed even harder. "True, true." They paused in front of their apartment building, Danny humming thoughtfully as they entered. "Ne, JJ..."


"If you see that Bikky kid, tell him thanks for me, OK?"

JJ blinked. "Uhh, sure."

She quickly unlocked the door, and, upon entering, searched around in a drawer. "Aha!" She pulled out a set of keys. "Here're my spares..." She tossed JJ's keys back to him. "See you later, Jamie. Don't forget to pick up some food on the way back, I'm not going to make dinner tonight."

JJ sweatdropped. "Hai, hai." He started out the door, then looked back over his shoulder at her. "Are you sure you'll be OK? I'll stay if you want..."

"Kimishinai, kimishinai! You worry too much, I'll be fine."

He hesitated, as she walked to her room. After she disappeared into her room he slowly exited, pulling the door behind him. He stared at it a moment longer before turning abruptly, smiling. "Maa, iya! Like she said, she'll be OK."

Tucking his keys into his pocket he headed back to the station.

End part 1