Bonnie: Whoo! It's me again! Bonnie Mizuhara! The Asakura part at the end was just for fun.

Ren: You never told us that!

Yoh: How come you aren't updating your existing fics?

Bonnie: I uh…­ couldn't find the file for From Fairy Hunts to Ghost Hunts.

Ren: Riiiiight.

Takuya: Why do I have to be a girl?

Bonnie: Because you're cute that way Taku-chan! And I thought that I should make a normal couple story so you will have to be a girl. Plus it changes the story completely, which is the whole idea of this fic. AU! Everything in it is AU!

Takuya: …

Bonnie: Oh boy! I'm just bursting with excitement to write this one; hopefully it won't turn out a disaster

Kouji: Like your other ones?

Bonnie: Oh be quiet.

Ages: (I want to make them older for some reason.)

Takuya- 14

Disclaimer: If I ever owned Digimon, I would change all the seasons to have Taito, Kensuke, Rukato/Jenkato, Koukuya and the dub names would not be so idiotic. But you don't see any of that in Digimon right? That proves I don't own digimon!

Pairings: Okay, this is where the hard stuff comes. It will be Koukuya but not in this fic, there's a sequel where I really want to put it in so it will fit. Definitely Koukuya and I'm deciding between Junichi and Izuchi so I'm not sure yet. Oh and if I ever get to it, there would be Tomoya in. So Takuya and Kouji will not become an official couple yet. But there are a lot of hints! Let the magic of romance begin!

Chapter 1: And so it begins…

A girl about 15 years old with shoulder length light brown hair headed out of her family's apartment building and down to the drug store. Meet Takuya Kanbara. A girl who hated being a girly girl. She preferred the male dominated sport soccer to the female dominated tennis.

That afternoon, Takuya was sitting in the kitchen table feeling bored while her younger brother, Shinya, was looking for his hidden birthday present. At the present time, he was looking in a cupboard. Takuya was bored out her mind and wished for something to happen instead of sitting around doing nothing on a nice day. After Shinya had finished with the cupboard, he was racing across the floor to the bottom of the sofa when he tripped on a fold in the carpet and sprained his knee. Now sprawled on the floor, Takuya leaned over and sighed at the sight of her younger brother.

"You're so clumsy, Shinya." She joked and Shinya glared as best as he could at her and Takuya just laughed.

Yuriko, Takuya and Shinya's mother, came over from the kitchen to look at Shinya's knee. "I think you should stop looking for those presents," she said. "You might get hurt again and you'll never find those presents." She smiled with a hint of cockiness in them.

Shinya shook his head stubbornly, "I will find them, I always do."

"No you won't" Takuya shot back.

"I will!"

"Will not!"

"Will too!"

"Will not, remember last year?"

Shinya hunched back and pouted, "Mom didn't give me enough time." He said.

"Sure." Takuya teased him and then she stood up, "I'll go buy some bandages since we don't have anymore." Then she left.

I think at this time, I should describe what our dear Takuya looks like as a girl so you can try to picture him… I mean her.

The female Kanbara sibling has the same light brown hair as the male Takuya but a bit longer and held back by a headband (A/N: Sorry, I have become totally obsessed with a game called Harvest Moon (gamecube) so I'm sort of basing Takuya on a girl named Lumina. She reminds me of a girl Takuya, I married Celia but she also looked like Takuya. AHHHH!) and brown eyes. She wore blue jeans and a red t-shirt with a sun logo on it. An orange windbreaker was tied around her neck and on her belt were a red cell phone and a pack of batteries she always carried. For her figure, (A/N: Just like the male Takuya's figure. Trust me; they shouldn't be that different from each other) Takuya had a sleek athletic figure with little muscle but athletic because of all the soccer she played with her little brother. (A/N: Well you can't have everything Takuya. Takuya: Nuts!)

Takuya bought a first aid kit because she had a feeling she would need it.

And here is where the action, drama and romance start! (A/N: I'm sorry if I get things wrong from the anime. I haven't watched the fourth season in a LONG time.)

Takuya got home and treated her brother's sprain. She was about to put the first aid kit away after she finished when her red cell phone rang. Tucking the first aid kit under her arm, she reached down and unhooked the red cell phone. There was one message.

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, the famous goggles. Well, girls are a different case with goggles¡­

Here's Takuya's reason for wearing goggles: The reason is boys. Boys in her school have actually taken the liberty to stalking Takuya because they fell in love with her fiery attitude and the fact that she plays sports does nothing make her body less attractive to those¡­ people. (A/N: Heh, some torture for Takuya. Kouji: Grrrrr…­)

So the brown haired girl thought of an ingenious plan. She asked her uncle to construct a pair of goggles and fitted it with a heat sensor so she could see anyone behind and bush and then go "deal" with them in the way she pleases. (A/N: kind of like Rika heh heh)

Being careful, Takuya made sure nobody knows of its functions except her uncle.

Okay, we're going off topic. Back to the message and please don't kick me if I got the wording wrong…

Takuya flipped open her cell phone and viewed the message:

Your Destiny awaits you; would you like to start now?



Takuya frowned and she weighed her options. She was bored and definitely needed something to do so she pressed "yes."

Go to the Shibuya Train Station at 7:00 pm.

She looked at the clock.

"Kuso! I have ten minutes!" She swore when she saw the time, 6:50 pm. It takes at least 15 minutes to walk there. (A/N: Correct me if I'm wrong.)

After saying she was going out to her mom, Takuya quickly ran out the door.

The girl ran down the road and kicked a soccer ball that came in her way back over the fence.

The quick journey had some strange events. (Like the tickets that came out of the closed ticket booth.) Takuya finally slipped into the elevator just as it was closing. In the elevator, she caught sight of a guy with deep blue eyes and a dark blue bandanna. She had never seen such a guy and he never said anything. Takuya couldn't take her eyes off him. The guy caught her staring at him and she turned away blushing.

What? Why am I blushing? This has never happened to me before! He's just a guy. Takuya thought and she finally turned around and asked the age old question: "Who are you?"

The boy turned away and Takuya thought she saw a tinge of red on his cheeks but his voice answered coldly, "That's none of your business."

Takuya felt her fiery ego take over despite how nice his voice sounded. She was about to retort when she realized how stupid she had been to ask that question. The elevator came to a stop and she stepped out. The boy behind her brushed past and went to one of the trains. Her red and black cell phone rang and a melodious voice came on.

It's up to you now Takuya, which trains will you take?

Takuya frowned and observed the two trains. One was brown and the other was blue. The

guy from the elevator was going on the blue one. I don't want to be alone on this She

thought and quickly made up her mind to follow him to the blue train. She got on but

then she noticed there were three people on the other train but the trains have already

started moving and she sighed.

Takuya went inside the train carriage and immediately notices the boy from before (A/N:ARGH! I must've said that a million times now!)

He would've been alone here if I didn' t come too! Takuya thought and then sat down opposite to the guy and looked out the window at the passing land. The silence reigned over the carriage despite the sounds from the train. Takuya suddenly felt like she couldn't take the silence and she felt she had to say something when the blue eyed boy spoke up.

"How come you followed me instead of the other train?" He asked quietly.

"Oh! I didn't want to be alone in this." Takuya replied. Then she felt the boy's eyes on her and she turned from the window.

"By the way, I'm Takuya." She said to make conversation and the other boy raised his eyebrow. "Isn't that a boy's name?" He asked and Takuya felt fire surging through her and she replied coldly, "I like my name."

"Sorry, didn't mean to offend you." He turned around and Takuya become shocked.

He didn't mean to offend me? That's the first time I've heard a boy say that to me.

"Uhmmmm, ­I don't think I got your name." She asked cautiously not to be rude.

"It's Kouji." He said simply.

A couple minutes rolled by with neither saying anything.

"Why do you have a first-aid kit?" Kouji suddenly asked very quietly and Takuya strained to hear it.

I have the first aid kit? She thought and then looked at her arms and realized she still had the first aid kit from before and blinked.

She looks cute that way. Gah! What am I thinking? Kouji thought to himself. I'm not interested and have never been. Wait, really? I've never been interested in anyone and suddenly she comes along and messes me up!

He was immersed in his thoughts that he didn't hear Takuya's answer. "…I didn't know I still had it." And Kouji was brought back to the real world and only heard the tail of the sentence. Not wanting to admit he wasn't listening, he just remained silent for the next couple of minutes.

"Hello? Did you hear me?" A hand waved in front of Kouji and he jerked back.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you like that." Takuya smiled apologetically and Kouji suddenly wished he could see Takuya smile all the time. Mentally, he slapped himself. I'm getting so worked up over a girl! He scolded himself. But he still wondered how Takuya was able to sneak up on him without him detecting her movement. Guess I was too deep in though. He decided.

The train continued on and Takuya uncharacteristically gave up getting Kouji to answer her. The train entered a tunnel and it became quite dark.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Takuya mumbled and Kouji nodded. There must be a light switch somewhere as it was really dark inside the train. Both of them stood up and reached for the door at the same time but then there was a brilliant flash and the floor rocked violently and Kouji was thrown to the ground and found himself lying on the floor. A second later, someone landed on top of him. That someone was Takuya.

"Oi! Can you get off me?" Kouji called and Takuya immediately jumped up feeling embarrassed that she landed on a boy. Her face became warm and she blushed. Kouji blushed deeply as well.

"Sorry." Takuya said softly. Kouji shook his head. "It's alright."

Takuya decided to for once not to give attitude and just extended a hand to Kouji who looked up surprised but took it gratefully.

Both stood up and Takuya looked out the window and gasped. "Where are we?" She asked and Kouji followed her gaze. Outside the train, instead of the usual scenery of barren wastelands. It became filled with grass and trees. In the distance were purple mountains rising out of nowhere. 'It looks... nice.' Takuya thought to herself. The train jerked suddenly and a loud blast unlike any neither Takuya nor Kouji ever heard. "What are we riding on?" Takuya said loudly and Kouji just shrugged. "A train?"

Takuya shook her head. "It feels different."

Silence passed through the train's passengers until a female voice (Not Takuya's even though his Japanese voice sounds feminine) rang through the carriage.

"Greetings Kouji… Takuya." The voice rang out. Takuya and Kouji looked around to locate the voice. Takuya slipped her cell phone off her belt and received a very big shock. Her cell phone was no longer the red and black cell phone she had before. In its place was a strange device that was also red and black but with a screen showing a symbol that she thinks means fire. Looking over at Kouji, he had his blue and white cell phone out… or at least what used to be a blue and white cell phone. He had the same kind of device that was blue and white and the screen showed the kanji for light. (1)

The female voice came from their newly found devices. Strangely, Kouji felt calm when he heard the voice. Something big was about to happen.

"Welcome to the Digital World. Here is where you are destined to be." The female voice said. "All your questions will be answered in time. You are now digidestined or Chosen Ones, you must find your spirits to go home."

"What spirits?" Kouji asked.

"Spirits that will help you on your journey. These D-tectors will help you as well. Good luck."

The voice ended and Takuya looked around. "I guess we're in the Digital World." She said and Kouji just nodded. At that moment, the train came to an abrupt stop throwing Takuya and Kouji into the air once again. This time, Kouji landing on Takuya.

Kouji got up right away and then exited the train. Takuya huffed and got up from the floor. Then she followed Kouji off the train.

"All aboard that's going ashore!" A very obnoxious voice called out and Takuya nearly fell off the last step off the train. "Who said that?" She demanded. Kouji, who was in front of her, shrugged.

"I did!" The obnoxious voice called out again. Takuya turned towards the front of the train to see that it had EYES! The train was ROLLING HIS EYES!

Takuya got such a shock she fell on top of Kouji and the two of them tumbled onto the grass. Sitting up, Kouji noticed that Takuya was sitting in between his legs but he didn't say anything about the awkward position. Instead he asked the train, "what are you?"

"I'm a Trailmon! Name's Worm, well best be on my way. See y'all!" The train backed up and was out of sight before the two of them could say or do anything.

Kouji got up and then headed to the nearby clump of trees. He wanted to be alone to think about this.

"Kouji?" Takuya called, "where are you going?"

"I need to be alone." Kouji replied bluntly. "You shouldn't be alone in this place though, we can get separated." Takuya yelled. But Kouji was out of her sight.

"KOUJI! YOU GET BACK HERE!" Takuya ran after him.

This was going to be a long, long journey.


Later, the symbols (Kanji and Picture of the 10 elements) will be very important especially for the sequel. It's AU so there's a lot of things that will happen that has never happened in the real series. If you want to know what they look like, e-mail me and I'll e-mail the pics to you or search for them. But I'm sure you know what fire, light, ice, thunder, wind, water, wood, dark, steel and ground look like right?

Takuya: Do I really act like that?

Kouji: In the beginning when I first met you, yes.

Takuya: Wow!

Bonnie: ARGH! Please R & R or else I will have no clue if you like it or not and continue regardless of what you want unless you review! I like the fic so I WILL CONTINUE IT! I'll be busy writing the next chapter. Next chapter should be up in about a week so be on the lookout. KOUKUYA, TAKOUJI FOREVER!
