Okay so NEW CHAP! Ill explain my lack of updates at my end AU! SORRY! considering i havent updated in like FOREVER I hope this long chap makes up for it somewhat.


Disclaimer: Yeah i dont own it, idk who owns it at the moment im just gonna say ASP and DP and WB cause I dont remember the name of the new dude :)


Chapter 15: Its Like a Perfect Day in Hell

By CripticWolf

Friday a few days later...

Lorelai woke up with a huge sneeze, making her sit straight up in bed. She groaned and let herself fall back down sleepily.

"Ow!" She and, a now instantly awake, Luke groaned holding their heads where they had collided.

"Sorry Luke." Lorelai said in a sleepy, miserable voice.

"Its okay." Luke told her in an equally miserable and tired voice. He looked slowly over at the clock and watched as the numbers changed from 4:59 to 5:00 and the alarm went off. Luke groaned and buried his head into his pillow sniffling, trying to clear up his stuffy nose. Lorelai sniffled also, cuddling as close to him as possible and pulling the blanket around them as close as it would get. Neither of them made a move to turn off the alarm clock, both to exhaust, so after about a minute Lorelai hit it off the desk with a pillow. It immediately stopped 'mooing'. She sniffled again and burrowed into Lukes side and the big blanket more. Just as she was falling asleep again she felt Luke sigh and begin to push himself up.

"Oh no you don't buddy." Lorelai mumbled and pulled him down again. Luke sniffled and coughed, but still tried to put up a fight. "Lorelai, I gotta go to work..."

"Luke your sick, take the day off." Lorelai whined, hoping he would stay. They needed some time together, even if they were both to sick to do anything, and she felt so crappy. He looked exactly as she felt actually. She was surprised when Luke simply got back into bed without any argument and pulled her against him.

"Hey there, you better watch it or your gonna get sick." She joked. Luke rolled his eyes.

"Ok then I guess ill just have to get up and go to work then, ya know, don't want to get sick..." All of a sudden Luke let go of her and got out of bed again but Lorelai grabbed the hem of his boxers refusing to let go. "Luuuuuuke... I was just kidding you...you...ugh I'm to sick to think, just lay back down!" She whined and pouted. Luke laughed as much as he could without having to cough from his cold and let Lorelai drag him back down. Lorelai smiled triumphantly and put her head on his chest.

Five minutes later Lorelai sneezed again, and again, and again before finally laying down on Luke exhausted. "Ugh Luke this sucks...I hate being sick."

"Me too." Luke agreed. A few minutes went by before Lorelai, unable to fall asleep all of a sudden, broke the silence.

"Hey Luke?"

"Yeah?" Luke asked her.

"When was the last time you were sick? Ive known you for years and I've only seen you sick like... twice. Where as me, I am sick like... every friggin week." She pouted.

"I haven't been sick in a while Lorelai. And as for the reason your always sick, it probably because or what you e-" Lorelai cut him off.

"I swear if you say its because of what I eat I'm going to push you off the bed." She threatened.

"- eat and drink. Nothing but unhealthy junk food, grease bucket burgers and fries, and all that microwave able junk. Not to mention the insane amounts of coff- " Luke continued deciding to ignore her threat, but didn't get a chance to finish because Lorelai did in fact push him off of the bed.

After Luke fell he stood down there not moving or saying anything so Lorelai started getting worried. 'Oh crap...' "Luke?" She moved closer to the edge of the bed

"Lukey?" Closer still and Luke didn't move a muscle. "Luke, are you okay!"

"Luke, this isn't funny! Say something!" Lorelai said frantically as she reached over the edge of the bed to shake him. She let out a surprised squeak as he turned and grabbed hold of her wrist. He tugged and her, along with the blankets, all fell off the bed. Lorelai landed on top of Luke and he kissed her with a smile on his face when they pulled apart because of air. It was a seriously shortened kiss considering the fact that neither of them could breathe through their noses. Lorelai didn't bother moving off of him, she just laid her forehead on his. Both of their eyes were bloodshot and watery and they both had sore throats.

"That wasn't funny mister." Lorelai said to him and poked him in the ribs.

Luke just shrugged under her and gave her a crooked grin. "Eh, I thought it was." Lorelai smiled and gave him another peck before sliding down beside him. She was still lying halfway on top of him with his arm wrapped around her shoulders and the blankets that Lorelai dragged with her off the bed wrapped around them, when they both eventually fell asleep, on the floor together comfortably.


Lorelai groaned when she realized that the knocking she was hearing wasn't a dream and really was her front door. She looked over at Luke who was still dead asleep; snoring softly and trying to breath through all the congestion his stupid cold was giving him. Lorelai sat up slowly trying not to wake Luke up. She felt all achy and still miserable from her own cold if not more. Looking around she smiled slightly, noticing that somehow her and Luke had moved in their sleep and were both like halfway under the night table. She quickly frowned though when the knocking got louder. 'Stupid person, waking me up... if I don't get up then they're gonna wake Luke up. Poor Luke, he's like sicker then I am. Ha probably because he's never sick, because he eats so healthy. I will have to make fun of him for that later.' Lorelai chuckled to herself loving the idea of being able to diss Luke because of all his gross green foods eating lifestyle had backfired.

Sighing she walked down the stairs slowly. Lorelai finally got to the door, the knocking not once ending since it woke her up.

"I swear to god whoever this is better sure as hell have a good reason to be banging on my door like a psychotic nutcase or I'm gonna ki- MOM!" Lorelai said aghast as she opened the door. She stood there staring at her version of hell, currently coming to make her sickness 100 times worse, with wide eyes and an open mouth. After the initial shock Lorelai plastered a fake smile on her face.

"Mom...what are you doing here?" She asked tightly.

"Lorelai, is that anyway for you to speak to a visitor, better yet to your mother? And for gods sake look at what you answer your door wearing, in the middle of the afternoon no less." Emily said disapprovingly as she took in Lorelai's appearance. Lorelai rolled her eyes knowing that her mother was referring to her bright electric pink pj pants, with the little monkey's in Santa suits on it, and Lukes blue flannel shirt, which was way to big on her, but she had claimed as her own anyway. She could only imagine what her hair looked like at the moment and she didn't really care either, all she did care about was finding out why in the world her mother was standing in her doorway, then going back to sleep with Luke.

"Your right, sorry. What the heck are you doing here mom?" Lorelai said just the way she would to anyone else.

"Well Lorelai, your father -"

"Dad's here to!" Lorelai asked practically mortified. Why the hell couldn't she just be sick like all normal people?

"Yes Lorelai. Now like I was saying, your father and I decided to come and spend some time with you and Rory." Emily walked past Lorelai and into the house. She walked straight into Rory's room and after a few seconds walked back at. "Where is Rory? I thought she was coming home today."

Lorelai sighed loudly. "Yes mom, she is coming home today, later, much later. So why don't you and Dad go home and come back later...much, much later." Lorelai prayed that her mother would listen and leave so that she could go back upstairs and back to sleep next to Luke.

"That's preposterous Lorelai! Why on earth would we go all the way back home then come all the way back here. Your father and I will simply stay with you until then. That is unless you have company already..." Emily trailed off sparing a glance up the stairs.

"What! Of course I don't have anyone here! Why would I have anyone here?" Lorelai lied panicked. 'Oh my god I completely forgot to tell my parents about Luke and me! Ugh I can practically hear the condescension of their comments already...CRAP! What the hell is my mother doing?'

"Mom what are you doing?" Lorelai asked nervously noticing how her mother was walking up her stairs.

"I'm simply going to make sure no one is here. I wouldn't want to intrude, and since you say that noone is here then you wont have a problem with me having a look around the house. After all its been so long since I was last here, Rory's birthday If I'm not mistaken." Emily said knowingly as she walked up the stairs. She knew that Lorelai was lying to her and was going to expose her by simply walking into her daughter's room.

"Mom, that's crazy..." Lorelai laughed trying to play it off that her mom was wrong and that Luke really wasn't still sleep upstairs. She was chasing up the stairs after her mother when she remembered something. 'OH CRAP...oooo god could this day get any worse? What the heck is my mother going to think when she sees Luke asleep in only his boxers on the floor no less!'

Emily smiled as Lorelai tried everything that she could to get her mother to go back down the stairs but she was on a mission and wasn't going to give up until she was sure that no one else was in this house. She finally reached Lorelai's room and opened the door walking in and was shocked to see the man from that diner on Lorelai's floor.

"Lorelai!" Emily screeched. Lorelai stood in the doorway eyes shut tight. 'Damn, damn, damn, damn...' she kept repeating in her head.

Lorelai winced when Luke shot straight up and smashed his head off the bottom of the night table He fell back down holding his head where it impacted groaning in pain and cursing. Lorelai went over to him and knelt next to him on the floor. She put her hand on top of his on his head and looked at him apologetically. All to aware that Emily was staring at her disbelievingly.

"So um...Mom...this is Luke, you've met him before...Luke and I are...dating, have been actually...for quite a while." Lorelai said cautiously, she turned around slowly to look at her mother, still holding her hand on Luke's head. Emily just turned and walked downstairs calling Lorelai to follow her when she was ready. Lorelai couldn't tell what she was thinking, if she was happy (highly unlikely), mad, insanely mad, or smug at the moment. She looked back down at Luke and again smiled at him apologetically.

"I'm sorry you had to be put through something so scary as soon as you woke up, sick no less. And I'm sorry about your head. I didn't know she'd be here Luke. Please don't be mad, if I would have known I would have warned you...or moved to Alaska, probably both, but I didn't I swear." Lorelai pleaded. Her mother always screwed all the good things up for her and she would be dammed if that would happen with Luke. He was the only man that ever made her feel so happy, safe, content, incredible awesome actually, and the best part was not only was he her boyfriend but he was her best friend, and she couldn't picture herself without him. He smiled slightly and laced his fingers with hers. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze then kissed it slightly. She smiled. Lorelai always loved the way he looked when he just woke up, all disheveled with his hair all stuck up and his eyes still all full of sleep, she thought he looked cute as hell, but shed never tell him that cause she knew he'd just tell her that he wasn't cute, which he was no matter how much he argued the fact.

"Lorelai its okay," He sighed. "I had to meet her someday, what better way then sick and half asleep out of nowhere."

"And in boxers don't forget that." She grinned widely. "I know I personally love it."


"See Luke!" She said happily. "Rory and I will make something out of you yet! You have to admit it, we're totally wearing on you."

"Lorelai, you've been wearing on me since I met you." He told her grinning. He always grinned around her no matter what. If it was anyone else he would be sicken by that happening, but Lorelai just brought out the happiness in him, and he had to admit he loved it almost as much as he loved her.


"Aw Jeez!" Luke started to sit up and Lorelai gave him a kiss.

"Good morning sunshine." He gave her a look.

"Yeah... I sure loved the wakeup call." Lorelai winced slightly; she hated her mother at the moment. Where does she get off bursting into her house and into her room and scaring the hell out of her boyfriend first thing in the morning?

Luke kissed her again before standing up and pulling her with him. She immediately leaned into him, wrapping her arm around his middle and resting her head on his naked chest, while his hands automatically reached for her waist. They kissed for a minute, fully enjoying it, before Lorelai abruptly broke it and turned her head away sneezing so hard it shook her entire body.

"That's definitely a turn on." Luke said sarcastically.

"So is my mother." Lorelai shot back with a smile when she saw the horrified look on his face. Luke sighed and hugged her to him for a minute, both of them occasionally sniffling, but just enjoying the feeling of each other in their arms.

"I'm going to take a shower then, when I feel less skuzzy, and when I'm fully clothed, Ill come downstairs to meet your mother the right way."

"Okay." Lorelai let go of him and he started grabbing some clean clothes and a towel before heading to the bathroom door. Just as he was about to close it though Lorelai said something. "Oh yeah and Luke?"

"Yeah Lorelai?"

"My father is here too."

"Great..." he said sarcastically and went to take his shower. Lorelai took a deep breath and walked down the stairs exhaling as she went. She rolled her eyes when she saw her mother and father standing in the living room, just catching a derogatory comment her mother had made about her Hello Kitty lamp.

"So..." She said not knowing where to start. Her parents turned and looked at her expectantly and she sighed. 'Luke you better hurry up if you want me to have a head when you get down here...'



Okay so that's that for this chapter. Sorry if its corny, or boring, and if the whole Emily thing is out of character or w/e. I hate Emily 95 percent of the time and as you who read my other story have noticed I refer to her as a Bitch. But w/e if was the best i could do.

I actually had this and the next two chapters written but my computer freaking crashed the other day and I lost everything. I hope this sort of makes up for my absence with updating even though it's not that good, it is kind of long for me though so that's a plus. I would keep going but my fingers are killing me.

Life's been hectic recently, school, tests, friend drama, family drama, my nieces and nephew moved in with me for a while so I got like no sleep then my nieces moved back out but my 7 year old nephew is still here. I have a 70 average in math at the moment and I wish horrible things upon my crappy math teacher cause he's the worst teacher I've ever had. Also I've been a little stuck with these two stories. Its driving me crazy cause I keep getting a crapload of ideas for NCIS stories but I wont start them till I finish these eventually, or at least 1 of them. Can All the Pieces Still Fit Together also had a few chaps done but were destroyed when my comp crashed, will be updated as soon as I get time. At the moment this story is just easier to think up ideas for and write about lol.

VERY VERY MILD SPOILER ALERT, if your smart and can put together hints, below...

Also freaking yesterday I read the spoilers for Gilmore Girls and i was pissed and sad and disappointed all at the same time. This season really made me mad alot and I didn't like it so much, don't get me wrong it had its great moments, but they way they pushed the storyline and ARE pushing the storyline for the next season is aggravating to me anyway idk about anyone else. I'm not really a fan of April, and when Anna flipped at Lorelai last week over something like that, although I see where she's coming from, she overreacted and it was dumb, like Luke would let something happen to her I mean come on. I did love when Luke was in the storage room though. I almost wanted to like cry when I read that interview with ASP and DP and the other spoilers. I think that the writing will be fine, I've seen the eps that that new guy (cant remember his name right now though) has done and i think he'll do fine :)

UGH I HATE THAT THERES ONLY 1 EP LEFT TILL THE SUMMER IS OVER! lol all my flippen shows are ending at like the same damn time :( but on the bright side for me on 6.6.06 NCIS season 1 comes out so i get to see Sexy Michael Weatherly lol don't mind me I've lost my mind in the past few months :)

Anyway hope you guys have liked this chap and lmfao sorry that my AN is so long lol ill update as soon as I can :)