This is the final chapter to this story. Hopefully you guys enjoyed reading it. I would like to thank all you guys for reviewing.

nenokas, it seems like you enjoyed this fic :D! Happy to see that, and to answer your question, I planned to write stories that people enjoy, so if you enjoy reading Sue & Reed fics, ill continue to write them! Glad you enjoy them, and thanks for reviewing every single chapter!

lovewildfire, you also reviewed every chapter and thanks for it. Your reviews told me exactly what you liked, so it helped me a lot. Thanks..

StretchyInvisiKid, I like the name by the way! Thanks for reviewing also, glad you enjoyed the story. Haha and I like the review with the slight 'go thetorch' cheer.

calla wood, haha…um is that a bad thing? About me writing a romance story lol? Well there was actually a long story of why I wrote this story, it actually involved my friend telling me to write a romance story, then I found out people actually enjoyed reading romance stories, and its actually easier to put a 'story' in a romance story, so I would probably write more I guess…I mostly write action ones, I just didn't post it yet. Well glad you liked it, and thx for reviewing.

zanic, aelitagurl, dramafool, scja, xdaisy chainx, jwong, jack-o, alias-mylife26, sd freak and all the rest of you that soon would review thanks a lot, and when I write more I hope you read them and review them!

Alright last chapter takes place the night that it left off last chapter and continues on to the next day

Chapter 7: Another Promise

Reed had returned and was now on his bed, sleeping. Sue, never leaving his side had decided to change his wrappings. She then removed the bandage from his leg, and held a wet cloth to clean his wound. Looking down at the huge gash on his leg brought sadness to her, she couldn't imagine how much pain he went through, but that didn't matter, he was back, and alive, and that was the most important thing in her mind at the moment. Sue then continued to rewrap the leg, slightly worried she was wrapping it too tight.

Reed's eyes then opened, he was awoken. "Hi…" He spoke to her looking at her with a smile. From the hoarse sound in his voice, it was noticeable that he was tired.

"Sorry for waking you…"

"It's ok" He didn't really mind being woken up by Sue.

She continued to wrap his leg. "I think I'm doing this to tight…..does it hurt?"

Reed shook his head. "No….not when you do it…" He saw Sue smile, and that brought a bigger smile to himself.

"You look like you need a cup of water.." She then left the room, to bring Reed his water. She still had a smile on her face. When she returned to his room, he was asleep. She placed the glass of water on the night table.

"You really did keep your promise" Sue thought, she then brushed some of her hair behind her ear as she slowly moved downward and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Reed wasn't awake, but a smile appeared on his face. Sue moved a chair beside his bed, thinking she would just stay there for a few more moments, but as moments passed she fell asleep.

It was late in the night, Johnny being thirsty went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. On his way back he decided to check up on his sister. He opened the door to her room and looked inside. It was empty. "Sue?" He then went to Reeds room, knowing she would be there. Opening the door, he immediately saw her asleep in a chair next to his bed, her head resting on the edge of the bed.

Johnny stared smiling and the odd couple. He then lifted his sister off the chair and placed her next to Reed on the bed. "You better thank me for this man" he whispered, then exited the room.

Reed opened his eyes, he was awake, he turned around to see Sue there, smiling, he moved her closer to him, holding her. "I love you Sue" he whispered, it was so much easier for him to tell her while she was asleep.

In the morning Sue awoken, noticing she was on the bed, she smiled, she then turned around and saw nothing. Quickly she jumped out of the bed. "Reed?" She called to him there was no response.

Checking the lab he wasn't there. "Reed?" Her voice was slightly louder and she began to walk faster to his office. She then let out a soft sigh as she saw him there, back facing her, as he had a clip board taking some notes staring at some odd piece of machinery.

She then crept slowly to him and wrapped her arms around him, her hands slightly wrapped around his chest. "Good morning Sue" He said with a calm voice.

Sue gave out a slight giggle at the fact that Reed was trying to act calm, but she could feel his heartbeat, and it was speeding fast. "Morning" She responded. There was then a silence, until Sue broke it. "Reed what are you thinking right now……how do you feel?" She was hoping for and honest answer, hoping Reed would open up to her.

"I want to know how you really feel about me, and right now, I feel great, cause…I….I love you Sue…I really do.. .." He only thought it, he couldn't say it to her, he didn't know why.

"I'm curious……I really want to find out if I could get this machine to produce a sort of physical reaction, and I wonder why it isn't working at the moment…." He knew it, that was the wrong answer, but he just couldn't be open with his feelings, it was still too hard for him.

"I see…" It was all she could say. She removed her arms from him and walked out of his office.

------- Few hours later-------

Reed didn't like things the way they were, he really wanted to open up to Sue. He left his office and went to her room. He saw her there, sitting on her bed staring aimlessly into nothing.

"Um Sue?" He got her attention right away. "I was going to go out for a walk and fresh air…would you like to accompany me?" He was surprise, his heart was already beating so fast, and all he did was ask her a question. "Jeez…I feel like I'm in high school all over again."

"Sure" She smiled, it brought Reed some comfort and he began to relax.

-------At a park-----

It was around the afternoon when they took their walk. Slightly breezy sending a cold chill around, but not too cold, it was rather late for kids to be out playing on playgrounds, the park was rather empty besides for a few young adults and some elders taking walks.

Reed and Sue were walking side by side, but slightly parted from each other. Reed's walk still had a slight limp to it.



"Uhh….never mind…"

"Reed…..just tell me" She was staring straight at him, he was avoiding her look though, he was pretty nervous at the moment.

"Sue? What are you thinking right now?" He wanted to know what she felt.

She was surprised when he asked her that, it was a question that she wanted to ask him all the time. There was a sort of awkward tension going between them, Sue wanted to lightening up the mood.

"You want to know? Find me first.." She then turned invisible. Her presence was gone.

"Sue? Aww…Sue…you know I can't find you!" Reed was slightly chuckling, but he really had no idea where she was.

"Over here" He heard her call as he turned around, when an idea came upon his head.

Reed took a slight step and fell down. He let out a small "Oww"

Sue quickly appeared and ran over to him to help him up. "Are you ok? Does your leg still hurt? Is it bleeding? " Her eyes were in concern looking for any wounds.

"Just kidding!" Reed started to laugh on the ground.

"REED! That's not funny!" Sue started to complain, but then seeing Reed laugh brought a sort of happiness into her, he was always so busy working and burying himself with variables and equations, she never really saw him laugh.

"Sorry…." He noticed her concern eyes and apologized.

"I think its time to go back now Reed, its getting pretty late, and its kinda cold"

"Wait….there's one more place I want to go today." "and more I want to talk to you about"

Reed then arrived with Sue at the docks, the same docks they were at the day he left.

"It's kind of cold" Sue gave a slight shiver.

"OH!" Reed then took off his blazer jacket and draped it around Sue. "There, how that?"

Sue started to laugh. "haha, did you get that from your research?"

Reed then turned red in embarrassment. "…...So…Johnny told you about that" he said as he was scratching his head.

"Yeah, he did…but thanks" She was still laughing at the thought that Reed had gotten the 'giving the jacket to the girl' thing from some movie.

"So umm…Sue….I was curious…how did you feel…..when I was gone?" He was hesitant, he wasn't sure if that was a good question to ask, but he wanted to know, and she did respond.

"Well Reed, it was painful, especially…when the Lt. told me you were dead….I really couldn't believe it, that all of a sudden, you were just gone…."

Her response was full of sadness, they were still walking, she was looking at the ground. "Gosh….I felt like I wanted to die, like my life was sucked out of me, it was so painful every time I thought about you…I missed you so much….I was so happy when you came back! You have no idea"

She was smiling again, happy that he was alive. "So Reed….now tell me what are you thinking?" There was a small moment of silence.

"Thanks" Reed was smiling.

"For what?

He was now looking at her, straight in the eyes. "For the month, I was in a deep sleep, a coma, I probably wasn't going to wake up, that's what the doctors thought, but then I felt like I was in an endless dream when I was asleep, a real endless one, but then, I thought about you….and…I woke up...thanks Sue…for helping me live."

She couldn't stop smiling at him. She took his hands in hers. "No problem"

Reed got nervous again, he pulled his hands away and began to scratch the back of his head with one. "One more thing Sue…."


"Umm….you know the day when I left, and before I left I told you that I….I…I…that I.."

"When you told me you loved me?" Sue was slightly giggling at Reed's nervous state.

"Yeah…about that…you never really told me, how you felt about it…"

She smiled, she then went up, put her hand on the back of his head and kissed him. It lasted a few moments, then she pulled away. "You really are dense aren't you?"

"Does that mean you feel the same way?" He asked with a smile.

Her response was another kiss. "Yes Reed! Jeez!...I love you too.."

She then turned around to look at the horizon as the sun was setting down on it, burying her back against his chest as he embraced her. "Does this mean I get a second chance?"

She didn't move. "I don't know Reed, our last relationship was pretty awful, and it wasn't easy to get over it….if I ever did…."

He turned her around and gave her a long meaningful kiss, then looked into her eyes. "it wont be like that again……I love you Sue…" The words came out so easy that time, no hesitation.

She was smiling, and kissed him again, to show him she loved him also.

"Does this mean we get a new start?" He asked Sue, and this time he wasn't going to lose her.

"No…." Reed frowned at the response. "We aren't going to start over……we are just going to take place where we left off"

His expression changed, full of happiness, Reed pulled her in a tight embrace. "I really like this spot" He said jokingly" Sue slightly pulled away to see where they were, it was the exact spot they were standing when he left, the same spot when he first told her that he loved her.

"Promise me one thing….promise me you will never leave me again…"

Reed looked once again in her eyes "I Promise"

I Promise

The End

FINISH! That's the end of the very corny story. Hopefully it was enjoyable for all of you. This proves to you people guys can write romance stories too! For all you SueReed fans Ill write more SueReed fics if you like, and for all you Human Torch fans, ill be writing one about him also, cause he's like awesome! About the research thing with Reed, I put that in chapter 1. Alright now time for me to tell you something, one time I was watching I think A Walk to Remember at my friends house on DVD it was pretty recent, like around before I wrote this story, and she was like aww that's so sad, and said it was better then all the action crap I read and like so much. And I said "I could write a romance story if I wanted to, and you know what….this story was created! So the story is now over, hope you liked it, and please give your reviews for this story! Thanks a lot! -TheTorch