Disclaimer: I do not own the power rangers or any of the weapons and/or original characters from that series. This is the third story in the "Saving the World, Again" series, so any characters from those stories that are mine, might be brought in. I do own the character Ally Jameson, as I know she will appear in this story a good bit and I just wanted to let you know that she is my character from the beginning.

Thanks to everyone that reviewed "The Passing of the Torch", I hope that you will enjoy the final story!

Now, on with the story!

Tommy's POV

It has been almost a year since Mesogogg's last major attack on the town of Reefside and I couldn't be happier about the lull in activity. He sends some tryadrones every so often, but Conner, Ethan, Kira, and Trent have been able to handle them without too much help from me, as Kim has been gladly sitting these last few battles out on the couch downstairs. While her belly continues to grow, with our baby's birth only a few weeks away, she lets me know that it is perfectly fine if I have to go out, although I do not want to leave her. I don't feel as if she is protected when I am gone, not that telling her that has helped me any. She just tells me that Alpha and Hayley will look after her while I'm gone.

It is a blessing that we got pregnant when we did, as Mesogogg has given us this long lull in the action, due to our last major battle with him. Even knowing that Mesogogg has not pressed us as other creatures of his type have in the past, we know deep down it is only a matter of time before he resurfaces, with more power than he ever had before. At least if history repeats itself one more time. It seems that every other evil that has come back has been stronger than it ever was before. I'm scared that, that might happen this time and I don't know if I can take it, not with everything that I have at risk in my life if things were to go wrong.

Kim's pregnancy has gone rather smoothly, which is something I am truly thankful for; after all, of the bumps we have had in every other aspect of our relationship until now. The first few months, she occasionally had morning sickness, but it soon passed and she has happily watched her weight gain, while I have tried to hide my worries from her, about everything that could happen to her and the baby. She has had some more mood swings lately, but I think that most of it is coming from having to really slow down everything that she is doing, which aggravates her to no end. She's always been active and this is different for her. She has no choice but to slow down and I know she hates when I point that out to her.

The few times that I have been called out to battle, I worry that Mesogogg will come after her, but Alpha assures me that he would detect the attack long before it came anywhere close to this house or anywhere that she is. Not that it matters to me, I still rush home to make sure she is all right and she has been every time that I have gone out there. Most of time she will be asleep and she won't even know about the battle, but that is really better for her. She sleeps a lot more lately, but I'm just glad to know that nothing has happened to her while I have been gone. I don't know what I would do if he were to decide to take the two of them away from me, but I am sure that it would not be good for whoever received my fury, even if it was accidentally some of my friends.

During this past year, a lot of things have happened to our friends, as well. Jason and Trini got married a little over four months ago, which made them only the second Power Ranger couple to tie the knot, in the history of all of the couples that we know about. They went to Hawaii for their honeymoon and I can honestly say that I have never seen the two of them any happier. I'm glad to know that the two of them have our backs in all of this, as they have prepared themselves for everything that might happen over the next few months. Including a very long battle that will eventually rage between us and the evildoers.

Jason called, just the other day, to check up on how things were going around here. He hasn't been able to come down here as much as he would like, to help us with everything. Kim went off on him a couple of weeks ago and it has kept him away. He just wants to keep the peace over the next few weeks and that seems to help. He knows that the next time Mesogogg fully emerges from the darkness that has covered him lately, that it will be time for the final battle against him, we really do not have much of a choice this time. We can't keep on fighting with the way that things are going right now. We have to be careful, there is more than just rangers that are at risk now; there are children and marriages that could be torn apart as well. Those things are not something that any of us are comfortable risking, but we have to deal with it. If we don't, we will deal with the likes of Mesogogg forever.

Over the last year, I have seen the veteran Power Ranger's preparing themselves for the inevitable challenge that lies ahead of us. It is something that is more likely to be done with all of us working than just the people that are currently rangers. I never thought that all of them would really have to come back again, but they do and so do I this time. Rocky, is the one who has taken it the toughest, as Ally is not accustomed to what is going to happen when things start going towards that shift, but we all know she will stick it out. If she made it through him losing his powers, they can make it through anything that this life throws at them, I know that much from experience.

That brings around the subject of the dojo, which happens to be thriving and that is a blessing and a curse in some ways. Rocky and I have both had to increase our workload and the gymnastics academy has more than doubled its enrollment since last year at this time. That was not something that we really expected, but it will be a great business for us once things calm down some. Poor Ally has been overwhelmed by the number of students she now has to teach, as Kim stopped teaching roughly a month after we found out about her being pregnant.

Tanya thinks it is too much of a risk for her to continue with any activities like that, although she does not know about Kim being back on active duty as a ranger. Although Tanya was and is one of us, we cannot risk anymore people knowing about our involvement in the battle against Mesogogg and his forces. There is too much at stake to admit it to anyone right now, although she could probably look at our wrists and figure it out, if she took the time to do that. We just have to try to keep it from being well known and we have managed to do that, so far.

Ultimately, this last battle will come down to if our training is going to be able to stand the test of time. Mesogogg has been rebuilding his army of tryadrones, which was depleted in the last major battle we fought against him. It worries me how long it has taken for the battles to slowly begin again, as it seems we are waiting out the calm before a storm we know is coming in the near future. A future in which there may not be a need for rangers, if we manage to win against him this time.

AN: I know that this is a short chapter, but I wanted to get everyone up to date on what happened in between stories and I hope that you enjoy the rest of this one!