Author's Note- I am so very sorry for not posting as soon as I usually would. Let's just say, I've been quite distrated these past few days, and haven't been able to write until one night, after staying up late and watching SWAT (I admit it,I do use some of those charaters in this chapter). Then It took me forever to type it.

Add that to the Band paratice for the concert we had the other day, the preparation for the other funeral we had not two weeks from the last one, the mountian load of homework my teachers gave me, and finally getting Dead to Rights II. So once agian I'm sorry.



Nick Kang

I led Slate to the E.O.D. Parking garage that was just next door. In it my brown Cadillac, white Camero with blue racing stripes, deep red Viper, and golden yellow Porsche sat in four reserved parking spots.

"Whoa, you own all these?" He asked, I could see from the look on his face he was a bit stunned.

"Sorta," I replied. "I confiscated them when I went undercover in some of the local street races no too long ago. Dumbasses go to the races with pink slips to their cars, thinking that they'd beat the competition when they didn't know who they where racing against."

I pulled out my car keys and went to the car that I have chosen for cruising the streets, the Caddie. Slate went to the passenger side, pulled the seat back and whistled for his K9 partner to get in the backseat. The Husky quickly obeyed. It wasn't long before Jack was riding shotgun and I was pulling out of the parking garage.

"So," Slate began pretty awkwardly (could you blame him?). "Where are we heading?"

"Santa Monica," I told him, simply. "A bombing attempt was made on the airport there just a few hours ago. They found the bomb before it detonated, but the prep ran off, they finally got him cornered in one of the homes in a nearby suburb but that's as much as I know."

Jack nodded then stared on a head, saying nothing and I didn't either.

Any who have met me before (lucky you) know I've never been any good with partners. I seem to have this (as Rosie would so enjoy putting it when I'd really screw up a case) 'lone action-hero' thing that always leads my partners into getting hurt or worse. Not that I mind; of all the things I take seriously my job is one of them.

Being partnered up with this Jack Slate guy wasn't really one of the things I wanted to do to solve this case. In fact, if I could have it my way, this guy wouldn't even be here, and I sure-as-hell knew that Slate felt the same way. So, you could probably understand why having a deep conversation wasn't on the top of our list, maybe on the top of our shit lists, but not our to-list. Besides, we didn't give a damn about each other, so what the hell did we care what the other had to say? I knew we would eventually have to get along. But until then, I decided he was an asshole and went with it.

After our quiet-as-hell 30 minute drive, Jack and I suddenly found ourselves in the usually calm suburbs of Santa Monica. It didn't take me long to find the house where the suspect was being kept either.

Now, be honest, how many two story houses in your neighborhood have several police cars, ambulances, and a SWAT van parked in front, with dozens of cops, several people crowding near the police blocked street and side walk, and several news reporters giving an exclusive coverage on, what was to be, the 6:00 o'clock news?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I parked my Caddie not too far away from the hold up. It was too long before Jack, his K9 partner (What was that dog's name anyway? Fido?), and I where walking up to the crime scene that had caused such a ruckus in this neighborhood.

As soon as we stepped up to the blocked off area of the roadway, a Police officer (a rookie by the looks of him) appeared out of nowhere quickly saying, "Sir, You have no right to be any farther than here."

I pulled out my badge and flipped it open showing the silver shield with an American Bald Eagle, and the bold letters EOD ELITE OPERATIONS along with my ID that showed my rank.

I could hear what sounded like the same motions to my side, and I glanced over to see that Jack too had pulled out his golden GCPD badge.

"You where saying," I said, cocking an eyebrow, turning back to the rookie who had dropped his jaw.

"Uh… Yeah, right," He said, pulling back the wooden road block so we could step onto the crime scene.

"Sorry about that, Sir, I swear if I had known-" The rookie started to say in a hurry, when a familiar voice called.

"Hey! Kang!"

I turned to see a familiar man. Caucasian with slightly short brownish black hair that seemed to be spiked, and brown eyes. He wore a long sleeved sweat shirt, sweat pants, boots, a bullet proof vest, a black M4 in his hands, and the familiar patch on his arm that read: LOS ANGELES POLICE SWAT.

"Damn, Street," I said when I say the SWAT officer. "It took you this long to figure out I was here? It's gotta be a record. Last time was, what, less than thirty seconds."

"Oh ha ha," He said rolling his eyes. "Seriously Kang, you really need to find some new material."

"Oh that hurts. Really," I told him, staggering back, pretending to be offended and hurt. "Low blow, Man. Low blow."

Street gave me a slight grin, yet shook his head. It was when he glanced over to my right did I knew I had to introduce who was also there.

"This is Grant City Detective Jack Slate, in case your wondering. He'll be working with me on this case," I said motioning to Slate.

Street moved the gun over to free a hand then held out it to Jack for a shake. Jack took it and nodded to him respectfully. It was after the formal meeting (or as formal as a meeting with a on duty SWAT officer can be) with my "partner," Street turned serious.

"Hondo's waiting by the SWAT car, Kang. He's been wanting to talk to you since he called the precinct," Street said.

"Lead the way," I told him, and Slate nodded.

Street led Jack and me to a night black armored SWAT car where four others stood nearby. Three of them seemed to be talking about what was the best way to get in the small house, while one of them sat on the tailgate, listening and thinking of what should be their first move.

All of them, like Street, where dressed in dark clothing. Each had the familiar patch sewn on the right sleeve, and a dark bulletproof vest that had the word SWAT on it's back. In their hands where AK-47's, MP5's, and M4's. But at the same time all of them looked so different.

I could see that one of them was Chris Sanchez, a saucy Latin American women with fiery dark eyes that she still had from patrolling the streets. Her dark brown hair pulled up into a braid. I shook my head, smiling slightly to myself.

Should of known Hondo was going to put her on SWAT, I thought quietly.

Next to her stood Deke Kaye, a African-American man with a shaven head, that could easily pass for a bodyguard. He was a bit taller than the others, he was also pretty buff, from the days he had being on West Side patrol.

Next to Kaye and Sanchez stood Boxer, a slightly tanned man with light brown hair and blue eyes who looked a bit more hardened then the last time I saw him. Of course getting shot in the neck and nearly dying does that to you.

The last man, the one learning against the armored SWAT van, was the commander of the gang, Sargent Hondo. He was a darkly skinned man with a shaven head and a bit of a dark mustache under his nose. Even though he was old as my dad's old buddy, George, he still seemed to be bitten by the bug. He had a determined air to him, like he was more than willing to do the right thing, not matter what others thought. Yeah, he may have been pulled out of retirement, but I could see he didn't seem to mind it much after all, as he once said, "You're either SWAT or your not."

As Jack and I approached, Hondo looked up to us. Quickly he turned to the crew.

"Guys," He told them. "Why don't we worry about the Chief, and his bullshit later, and listen to someone who may actually get us in there."

Hondo stepped forward, holding out his hand for a shake.

"Nice to see you again, Kang," He said, a bit of a smile on his face.

"Same here, Hondo," I said, shaking his hand before turning to the others.

"Hey guys," I said, then turned pointedly to Sanchez , "and girl. How's life in the fast lane?"

"Well, 3 shootouts, 2 bombings, and several murders already today," Kaye replied. "You know, a normal Monday."

"No shit," I could hear Boxer mutter under his breath.

"I hear ya," I said before turning back to Hondo. I could see that he had turned to Slate.

"You must be Jack Slate from Grant City," He said holding out a hand that Jack took for a shake.

"And you must be Sargent Hondo," Slate said, I could tell that he had a lot of respect for the man in front of him already, and it really surprise me.

After all, it was all over the news in California of how Hondo and his crew transported an international criminal who offered 100 million dollars for someone to help him escape. It was after the transport of "The Catch" as they had called him Hondo and his crew became an honored team for putting up with the escape attempts made to bust that Jackass out, even from one of their own.

"Chief Parks gave me a quick rundown of the EOD's current situation," Hondo said, turning to me. "She also said that if you two where late to call for a WWE announcer and to send him to the alleyway that we could find you two. Got a clue why she said that?"

"Simple," Slate said, flashing me a glare. "One of us was too busy being trigger happy nutcase-"

"-while the other was going to feed the damn suspect to the dog." I said cutting in.

Slate opened his mouth to say some more when suddenly Sanchez stepped in suddenly.

"Do you vatos mind putting your cat fight aside for several more minutes?" She asked. "We have a job to do. Remember?"

Slate shut him mouth but gave me a look that seemed to say, This isn't over.

You bet your ass it isn't, I thought as I flashed him a look of my own.

I turned back to Hondo as I shoved the anger aside, "So what's the current situation?"

"Well, after the perp ran for it, the LAPD followed him here, to some families house," Hondo said, pointing a thumb over his shoulder to the white house that had cars seemingly surround it's front.

"Problem is," Street added. "The family was just eating breakfast when it happened so the perp has the whole family-"

"Hostage," Jack finished for him, his anger at me was seemingly gone too.

Street nodded.

"Shit," I muttered. "How many people does he have in there?"

"Five," Boxer replied. "Two adults, one unconscious and with a gunshot wound. Two minors, and a eight month old infant."

I winced.

"Have you tried negotiating with the suspect?" Slate asked (he too had winced I noticed). "There's gotta be something he wants."

"Sure," Kaye said. "If we could get a negotiator close enough to throw the phone at him. Every time one even starts to move like they're going to pick up the damn phone the Son of a Bitch shoots 'em. We've already sent four to the hospital."

"Damn," Jack muttered, for once I agreed with him.

"Are the doors rigged?" I asked glancing at the seemingly harmless front door.

"The perp says they are," Street replied.

"Normally, I'd have to call bullshit," Hondo said, shaking his head. "But with this asshole just coming from almost bombing an airport..."

"Can't take any chances, huh?" Slate asked, and Hondo nodded.

"Well, that rules out knocking on the door ," I said, turning to Street. "What about you're all great and powerful 'Key to the City'?"

"We can't," Sanchez replied. "The bastard is threatening to kill the hostages if we try anything."

Just at that moment, there was the sound of gunfire out the window. The gunfire of an automatic weapon firing out on us.

"Aw SHIT! Get down!" Hondo yelled.

At once the SWAT members hit the asphalt street, as did Jack and I. It was then the gunfire stopped as soon as it started. I could hear people yell as they ran for their partners or loved ones that had just fallen.

"Okay," I said getting up, and brushing myself off. "The hostages being there also rules out teargas, too bad we can't fry the bastard out."

"Wait a minute," Slate said suddenly, I could tell something had just came to him. "You guys got any smoke bombs?"

"Yeah," Kaye said. "As a matter a fact, we got a shit load why?"

"You wanna smoke 'em out?" I asked, a bit surprised that Jack Slate would want to try something as crazy as that (and trust me I know).

"No," Slate said, he had a particular look on his face, like he was putting something together. "I just got an idea."

He looked up to see our slightly optimistic faces and shook his head, quickly saying. "Forget it guys, it's way too risky."

"Slate," Street said insistently. "Anything we do is risky at this point."

"Yeah," I nodded. I know I didn't care for Slate, but I was open for anything besides being stuck between the rock and the hard place. "If you've got any good ideas, we could use them."

"Well," Slate sighed. "Here it is…"

Jack Slate

My plan was simple: Fire off the smoke grenades as a distraction while Shadow, and I tried our luck on one of the open windows. Once inside, we would try to get the thug on the ground, then the SWAT team could use whatever they needed to get in and help.

After I explained my idea there was several minutes of stunned silence. I could see several members of the SWAT team exchange looks. Only Street, Hondo, and (to my surprise) Kang looked as if they where considering my plan.

"Your right, it is risky," Spoke up one of the SWAT officers suddenly.

"Hey, I'm open to any suggestions," I replied with a shrug.

There was a few more moments of silence, where I became clear to me that no one else had any ideas. Meanwhile, more paramedics where arriving on the scene, running to the officers and civilians that had been caught in the crossfire.

"Slate does have a point," Hondo spoke up. "And we don't seem to have any other alternatives. I say we go with it."

"Alright," I said glancing over to the bushes. "I'll go in, and once I'm inside and have the thug on the ground I'll send Shadow out as a signal."

"Whoa, hold the phone," Kang said suddenly. "Who says that you're the one whose going in?"

"I didn't hear anything from you, Kang," I replied coldly.

Nick looked like he wanted to go on when Hondo stepped between us.

"Boys," He said in a final tone. "Cut it."

Hondo turned to Kang, giving him a stern expression.

"It was Slate's idea, after all, Kang," He told Nick firmly. "Besides, we could use your guns out here."

Kang flashed me a look, but nodded.

"Is it all agreed?" Hondo asked his team.

Nods passed around the group. But you could tell that they had no other choice.

"Alright," Street said, opening the van's back door to get the grenades. "Let's get this party started. In the mean time…"

He turned to me.

"Have fun, Jack."


Not long after the SWAT team readied their grenades, we put my plan into action.

As quick as my academy training could allow I ran to a nearby bush, and just managed to duck down just as gunfire, once again hailed onto the street. The shooter didn't seem to notice me running off the bush on the right side of the house. Then again he seemed to be paying more attention to the other cops, obviously not expecting one to try to infiltrate the place.

Some of the neighbors that lived in the house just behind this one had reported a open window on the ground floor, a widow that Shadow and I could easily slip though. Good thing they told the team that as we where checking the smoke grenades.

Making sure to keep low, I slowly crept my way around the corner. Shadow following in my stead. Once around the corner, I sat in the grass, and glanced past the patio. There I could see the window that the neighbor had told us about still open like she said.

If I can make it to that window, I thought, then I'm home-free.

It was then a sound faintly hit my ears.

Silent footfalls, not too far from me. In fact, I would be damned if they weren't following me.

Who was that? I wondered as I distinctly hear those footfalls creep closer.

Could that be the shooter?

Had he somehow found out our plan and was coming to stop me and Shadow?

I pulled out my .45's loaded and cocked them as the footfalls crept closer and closer. It was soon to the point where the man (or whoever it was) would turn the corner any moment now.

I was just about to swing out with my gun when suddenly the person who had followed me moved first. Reflexes made me quickly raise my gun as the figure swung around with theirs.

Once again, I was staring down the silvery barrel of a Desert Eagle at Nick Kang's face. My gun pointing right between his eyes.

At first I felt a shock of surprise to see my "partner's" face, but that soon faded away when he asked in a smart-ass tone, "Mind getting that thing out of my face Slate or do you want me to take a picture of this so it will last longer?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" I demanded, not lowering my gun.

Didn't that asshole hear the plan? I thought. I was supposed to begoing in.

"Saving you ass," Kang simply, aiming the gun barrel to the sky, yet keeping it shoulder length. "What does it look like?"

I raised an eyebrow.

" Oh really," I said sarcastically. "The great, and famous Kang is 'saving my ass?' From what?"

Your insanity? I couldn't help but wonder.

Suddenly Kang looked up, his dark eyes locking on something in one of the windows on the second landing. Suddenly he grabbed my by the shoulders and shoved me behind a large six by three foot brick grill nearby the patio. Just as I landed on my stomach in an Army crawl. My face just missed the dirt gunshots rang out from above us. Gunshots that sounded too close to be from the front of the house…

"That for starters, Slate," Kang said, suddenly right next to me.

I turned to him to see that he had landed in the dirt on my left, and Shadow had quickly appeared on my right.

"Did the shooter see me?" I asked quickly.

Nick shook his head, "Nope, he's still up front."

"But if he still up front then that means… Oh Great" I stopped as a thought came to me.

There wasn't just one shooter, there was two of them. Two of them holding that family hostage. Making my plan, suddenly, a whole lot riskier. But I was too far. It was too late to back down now.

I looked too see Nick peer over the brick grill, and quickly ducked down as several more bullets rained down on us. He took another glance. I could tell he seemed to be thinking of something.

"Here," Kang said finally, checking his guns to see if they where loaded. "I can cover you while you and Fido here"-He motioned to Shadow-"try to get in the house."

I looked to Kang. Was he suggesting that He try to cover me, while I go in through an open window? Him a crazed cop who started the gunfight last night?

Who was he kidding?

"Excuse me Kang," I started. "But I really don't think that's a good idea."

He turned to me, a look in his eye that seemed to tell me I was in dangerous territory, trying to argue with him at a time like this. But I couldn't stop myself from saying something that I knew as soon as I said it, I shouldn't have.

"You see, with your a history of being a gung-ho nutcase just like the files say your father was. I have a bit of difficulty-"

But before I could continue, Kang's normally dark eyes where suddenly ablaze with hell's deep fire, his face had a dangerous look to it, like he would love nothing more to rearrange my face at the moment. I could tell I must a dangerous nerve since he suddenly exploded.

"Shove it, Slate! Just friggen SHOVE IT!" Nick spat, his voice as deadly dangerous as the look he was giving me. "This is not just your damn case, alright! It's mine too. So, whether we like it or not we're partners on this one until we solve this case and shove those Shitheads where they belong. So do the world a friggen favor and GET FUCKING USE TO IT, DICKWAD!"

I admit it, I was stunned. But it wasn't his yelling that had really taken my anger away, it was the fact that he was right. This was Kang's case as much as mine. We where going to have to work together to solve it. And to do that we should at least, try trust each other.

At this I couldn't say anything, just watch Nick as he turned to direction of the shooter, still crouched down, like a tiger, ready to strike. His two Desert eagles out, and ready to shoot.

Kang waited until the gunfire stopped for awhile, signaling that the scumbag was reloading. Nick quickly stood up, and started shooting. It was then there was the ominous smell of smoke, and what seemed to be a thick lazy fog was wafting from the front of the house around the corner.

"MOVE SLATE!" He yelled over his own gunfire.

I gave him a brief nod. Then quickly got to my feet and took off for the window. Shadow on my heels. Adrenaline running though my veins I leapt through the open window into a dive and roll onto my feet. I turned to my right where Shadow too had landed on his feet.

I glanced around, it seemed like we where in a washroom of some sort. A washer and dryer in front of me, several clothes hanging from a lie across the right wall. Faintly I could hear gunfire, and the sounds of a baby crying. I glanced over to my right to see an open door, where, just in front of it sat a kid about eight of nine year old. His hair was a mess, and his dark eyes widened at the sight of me.

I put a finger in front of my mouth, signaling him to be quiet. He quickly shut him mouth and nodded.

I crept over near the door, but making sure I was not in sight of it. As soon as I was close, I leaned against the wall next to the open door, Shadow quietly crouched down in front of me.

I peered around the corner to the child. The little boy glanced from me to the right.

"Is he there?" I softly whispered, praying that the kid could just hear me, and not the shooter.

The little boy nodded.

"Hey you!" Said a gruff voice.

I turned to face foreword, as I did I could hear the sound of footsteps then the sound of a man grabbing the boy and pulled him away. There was a women voice pleading as I could faintly hear the perp call up to his partner to-

"Get down here!" He yelled. "The SWAT team won't pull any tricky shit if I remind them what hostage we have!"

I could feel my blood boil at the thought of him holding up that kid, like he was a shield. I looked around for something to knock him off of his feet. It was then I saw a fire extinguisher, hanging not too far from where I sat, leaning against the wall. I went to where it hung and grabbed a hold of it. At once I could see it was at a very low pressure.

Good, I thought. If I was too shoot it with my .45's I was sure that I wouldn't get a very big explosive but get a big enough of a boom to knock that bastard off his feet.

I swung around, and threw the fire extinguisher out the door against the wall with all my might.

It made a loud, clunk! As it hit the wall.

I quickly pulled out one of my .45's as I heard the goon suddenly drop the kid, who I could hear scrambling to a corner somewhere in the room. I could hear the thug take several footsteps to where the red fire extinguisher lay next to the wall. I could just see his shadow on the pale yellow wall.

I aimed, just giving him the time to ask, "What the hell-?" Before I fired, and almost instantly the bullet connected with the red metal. A small explosion like a fair sized box of fireworks past their expiration date that had been lit by a small fuse.

My ears may have been ringing from the blast, but I could hear the sounds of glass shattering, and the sound of the perp being thrown back from the force of the blast.

"Get 'em boy!" I yelled to Shadow.

At once Shadow stood up on all fours and streaked around the corner, I leapt up to follow him, my guns pointed in front of me. Around the corner was the living room where the little boy, a girl I guessed to be his younger sister, and a women holding her baby tight who I guess to be his mother sat huddled in the far corner next to the couch. I could see a man on the floor, bleeding from a gunshot to the side. Mean while our suspect lay on the floor where Shadow had tackled him.

My K9 partner stood, poised to attack, his icy blue eyes fixed on the perp's throat. Waiting for me to give him the signal.

"Good boy," I said to Shadow, lowering my guns, eyeing the thug who was dressed in black from his masked head to his boots.

The perp looked to me through the eye holes in his mask. His green eyes smoldering

"What's wrong?" I asked in mock, sympathy. "Where you not expecting a cop to come here and kick your ass?"

"Kick his ass? HA!" Spoke a voice behind me.

I swung around with my guns to see the other perp dressed in the same black clothing stepping from the foot of the stair case, ten feet away from me. To far for me to pull a move on him. He walked slowly to the right, a Russian AK in his hands.

Of all the times where's trigger happy Nick Kang when you need him? I couldn't help but wonder as I stared death in the face.

"I'd be more worried about yours," The man said cocking the gun.

As I prepared my self for the possibly horrible death that I was just about to have, then suddenly there the sound of gunshots, and blood seemingly erupted from the bastard's left knee. He fell to the ground, yelling in agony. I looked up to see none other than Nick Kang who must have been standing behind him. A barrel of his aimed Desert Eagle smoking. For the first time since I had been partnered up with him, I couldn't help but be slightly glad about seeing him with a gun in hand.

"Ya know, I really think it's your own ass that you should be worried about." Kang told the perp.

He turned to me.

"And you said the being partnered up with a trigger happy nutcase like it was a bad thing," Nick told me with a slight grin.

Despite the obvious smart-ass tone in his voice, I couldn't help but grin back.

"Never thought I'd say this Kang, but good thing you are," I replied.

"You bet your ass it is," Nick said pulling out hand cuffs.


The SWAT Team burst in soon after we had run down the perps. The team told us that they would be able to let us interrogate our suspects about why they where planting that bomb, not to mention if they knew about the bombings, and if they had ties to the murders, and shoot-outs. That is once they where disarmed and they had found their I.D.'s

As I got in the car with Kang and Shadow, I couldn't help but remember something that one of the SWAT officers had said before this mess.

"Your friends have go though 4 shootouts, 2 bombings, and several murder cases on a typical Monday?" I had to ask.

"Well, what can I say Jack?" Nick said, simply as he turned the car key in his ignition. "This is how we live in LA."

Also, to all the True Crime fans, I suggest you cheack out True Crime: Online a site for all fans of True Crime, from news to the new game to the disscussion board. I have a Link to it on my "Links" page on my website.

Trust me, it's definately worth a look!