Kagome is a successful romance/erotica writer but she has never even had a boyfriend. So what gives her the inspiration to create such steamy stories? Perhaps it's her sexy silver-haired best friend Sesshomaru.

Okay, don't know where this idea came from. It just popped into my head late last night so I figured...hey, why not go out on a whim and attempt to make a fanfiction out of this weird idea. I'm going to make it short just so people can get the feel of it. So, I'd like to know if I should continue this or not. By the way, many people don't like this, but it is set in present day. Never fear...I'll try my best to keep them in character. By the way...this will probably contain a lot of lime and lemony goodness. But..you probably already knew that...considering the title.

Chapter one: Success

Handsome and masculine, his features were an unusual combination of smooth pale skin, violet eyes, and short straight hair that laid neatly upon his head. Her best friend, always charming and gentle greeted her at the door of their favorite restaurant. She hadn't missed his smile of pleasure as he greeted her every Saturday evening and the way his eyes sometimes swept her from head to toe with a slow, simmering gaze. She was keenly aware of whose image came to mind during the times she would feel desire flood her body.

Kagome leaned back in her chair sighing heavily.

"Case of writers block I see." Kagome smiled inwardly as she instantly recognized the voice and turned to face her friend.

"Ah, Kouga. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I figured that you were still in here trying to write so I thought that I'd stop by to check on you."

"Yeah, I've been trying to figure this out for hours. I can't seem to get past this part." Kagome turned in her chair and eyed the words on her screen. "For some reason this just doesn't sit right with me."

Kouga leaned over her shoulder to take a look at the computer screen. She caught a whiff of his cologne and instantly thought of Sesshomaru. He would sometimes wear the same kind. Upon thinking of him she realized just how much she'd missed him. I'll call him tomorrow.

"Perhaps that will work. Hey, are you listening?"

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said that so far you have a good foundation. Perhaps you should take a break, clear your mind."

"Yes, maybe you're right. Well I suppose I should be heading home than. " Kagome said shutting down her computer. When Kagome arrived home she sighed and flopped on the couch. She was extremely exhausted.

"Long day at work?" Sango said sitting at her friends side offering her a cup of coffee.

Kagome took the cup from her hand. She sipped the coffee and sighed contently. "Yes."

"So, did you get any work done?"

"Well I have about a paragraph so far. I have to go downtown tomorrow and speak to Kikyo." She sighed again. Oh how she hated to be near Kikyo.

"You know, Kagome. Perhaps you should find yourself another publisher."

"You know I can't do that, Sango. Kikyo is the best publisher there is. Besides, I can't just abandon her. I have a contract, remember?"

"Yes, that. Well just don't wear yourself out Kagome. I worry about you sometimes."

"I'll be fine." Kagome yawned sleepily. "I'm going to go to bed now. Thanks for the coffee."

Sango nodded and took another sip of her coffee.

Pale fingertips traced her collarbone softly causing gentle moans to rise from her throat. He heard his husky voice ask if she were sure before he entered her. Then that is when she felt it. Heaven on Earth. She felt the pain mix with pleasure in a toe curling rush of energy that surged between her legs. Adjusted to his size an unable to bare anymore she pushed into him causing him to groan softly. He looked into hazel eyes as they looked back into his amber ones. He began to thrust into her losing himself in the intoxicating sound of skin against skin. And then he groaned her name.


She bit her lip in pleasure at the sound of her name.

"Kagome, wake up."

Kagome opened her eyes and groaned loudly.

"Kagome, aren't you going to be late for your meeting with Kikyo?"

"Shit! I mean shoot.." Kagome quickly sprung from the bed rushing to the bathroom. The sound of running water could be heard and within twenty minutes she emerged from the bathroom toothbrush in hand.

"Sango, have you seen my beige pumps?" Kagome yelled to her friend, who was downstairs.

"I believe their in your closet."

"My closet?" That would take forever. "Can I wear yours?"

"Sure. Just this time don't break my heel."

"I said I was sorry about that." Kagome said pouting, although Sango couldn't see her.

"They were still my favorite. They are in the bin under my bed."

"Thanks, Sango." Kagome hurriedly located the said item and slipped them onto her feet.

She picked up her briefcase and headed for the door before Sango called out. "Kagome, your coffee." Sango smiling brightly at her friend.

"Thanks." Kagome said taking the coffee.

"By the way, Sesshomaru called. He said that'd he'd be in town and he wants you to stop by. He'll be staying at the Bellview hotel."

Kagome smiled widely. "Really? Perhaps I will stop by."

Perhaps my ass. You know you want to see him. Sango said to herself. She'd known for years how much her friend adored Sesshomaru.

"Kagome this is good so far. But you do know that there is a thing called deadline, correct?"

"Yes I am aware of that but-"

"I like to keep a pretty tight schedule. Do you think you can have this done by deadline?"

"Yes, Kikyo."

"By the way, I have excellent news." Kikyo said, a small smile gracing her lips. "Your book as sold over 2 million copies."

Kagome felt her stomach instantly fill with butterflies. "Are you serious!"

"Yes! These are the best sells that our company has ever seen."

"That's great."

"Well, Kagome. Sadly I have other business to attend to." Kikyo said putting all her files back into her briefcase. "Call me when you have more. Don't forget, you have three months until deadline."

Kagome nodded happily. She felt like she was floating on air. Two million copies. She repeated to herself. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect something that she'd written to do so well. She had to tell someone, anyone. Instantly Sesshomaru popped into her mind. She smiled inwardly as she made her way to the Bellview hotel.

This didn't exactly start how I wanted it. So, depending on the reviews I get I'll decide if I want to try this over again or not. After all, I did say I did it on a whim.