Disclaimer: I own only the plot, and Julianna . . . and any characters that you do not recognize, but in this chapter I only own the plot.

A/N: I'm sorry about the lack of updates on this. I've lost inspiration on this story and am in process on writing my own novel. I will try to finish this, but I can give no promises.

Chapter 5– "We're fightin' a telepath?!"

Ororo and Logan looked up from their game of pool as Kurt appeared. He swayed unsteadily for a moment before he collapsed to the ground. Ororo's pool cue slipped from her hand and before it hit the ground she was at Kurt's side. "Logan, help me get him onto the couch!"

Wolverine had quickly made his way over and assisted the wind rider to move Kurt to the smaller couch. He could smell the dried blood on his friend and a growl issued from deep in his throat. "I'll go find Hank."

Storm barely registered what the Canadian said. She ran a gentle hand down the side of Kurt's face. She'd never seen him looking so pale. "Oh, Kurt. What happened to you?"

Logan reentered shortly thereafter with Hank in tow. The blue doctor moved rapidly over to Ororo's side. "What has occurred?"

"I don't know. He just appeared out of nowhere." Ororo's eyes were filled with worry as Hank began a cursory examination.

Hank drew in a sharp breath at the wound on Kurt's ankle. He moved to the teleporter's arm. When he touched Nightcrawler's left shoulder the German moaned. Beast bit his lip and felt around the shoulder slightly.

Kurt cried out and his golden eyes snapped open. "Was?" He tried to sit up but Ororo pushed him back down gently.

"Lie down."


"No, Kurt–"

Kurt opened his mouth to protest but Hank cut them both off as he carefully cleaned Kurt's wound. The teleporter hissed slightly at the pain and glanced at his friend, his gaze sharp.

The blue doctor looked at Wagner. "My apologies." He numbed the wound area and then began to carefully treat and stitch up the wound.

Nightcrawler lay back resignedly, murmuring about the lack of time and the necessity of haste. Hank finished his treatment of Kurt's wounds and met his friend's golden eyes. "Kurt, could you shed some light on the occurrences? I saw the wound on your ankle and your shoulder is tender, but I am unable to fathom how those things, even when combined with a teleport could cause you to pass out of consciousness."

"It was the teleport, not the wounds that caused this, Henry."

"Your power has never had such adverse side effects, at least not for a very long time..."

"It does when the teleport is over forty miles."

Ororo's sky blue eyes widened. "Forty...! Kurt, how did..?"

"I'm not sure, but now is not the time."

"You said something like that while I was treating your wound. What do you mean?"

"We were led into a trap. Mystique was waiting for us. She has Scott."

Logan growled, "I'll go get a team t'gether."

Nightcrawler sat up, despite Hank and Ororo's protests. "I'm coming along."

Wolverine snorted. "Sorry, Elf, I don't think so. Ya can't even stand."

"Logan. I made a promise and I never go back on my word." Kurt's expression brooked no arguments but Logan wasn't in the mood to be contradicted.

"Not gonna happen."

The German stood, swaying slightly and favoring his left ankle, but stood nonetheless. "Any other reasons that I cannot join you?"

"Yer injured."

"I have been hurt worse in battle. I'll get some rest on the way to the location and be ready for the fight."

"Ya ain't comin'."

"We don't have time for this argument."

Logan growled deep in his throat, but the expression in the German-born mutant's eyes made even him think twice about arguing. "Fine. You can come, but it ain't my fault if you get hurt worse..." Logan exited and went to find a couple other X-men.

Ororo turned to Kurt with worry in her eyes. "Kurt, please..."

"Liebling, I made a promise..."

"The person you promised didn't mean for you to sacrifice your life!"

"Darling, I risk my life daily. Please understand, I have to do this."

The weather goddess looked as though she wanted to say something else, but she kept silent. Logan came into the room a couple minute's later with Gambit, Shadowcat, and Rogue following. He looked at Ororo and Kurt. "You two ready?"

"Ja. The sooner we get there the better for Scott."

Ororo's eyes went to Kurt's ankle, but she said nothing. The team went to the sub-basement and got into the blackbird. Kurt leaned back in his seat as Storm and Rogue took the controls. Logan sat down near Nightcrawler, but didn't say anything.

They flew for a while before Rogue called over her shoulder. "We'll be touching down in Manhattan in two minutes."

The German teleporter straightened and spoke for the first time. "Before we touch down I should give you warning. We're going to be going up against a strong telepath."

Wolverine's eyes glinted. "Wait a second. You mean we're fightin' one guy we can't touch, a woman who could be any of us, one who heals himself, another who can't be moved, that's not mentionin' a flamin' pyro! An' now y' tell us we're fightin' a telepath!?"

"I'm afraid so. Oh, Logan, another thing, we want the telepath alive and unharmed. No claws."


Kurt took a deep breath, trying to find a way to say what he had to say without too much trouble. There was none. "Because it's Jean."

A/N: I want to thank all of you guys for putting up with my tardy writing schedule. I know that waiting for updates for over a year sucks...but as I said up top I'm working on a novel. I may finally have the right one written too.

Please review.
