It was a normal day at the Las Vegas crime lab as Greg Sanders worked on processing evidence found at a crime scene. As he worked, his mind began to wander until he heard Nick Stokes trying to get his attention.

"Greg, we need you to process this as soon as possible, otherwise we risk this case going cold, and you know how Grissom gets when that happens."

"Sorry, I've just had so much on my mind lately."

"Yeah, that girl you met the other night sure sounds like a good excuse to be slacking off," Nick teased.

Hailey...Hailey Parker. The most amazing woman Greg had ever met. His let his mind wander back to the day they met.

Hailey Parker was beautiful. Her shoulder length cocoa toned hair shone like a mirror, capturing the sunlight. Her eyes were the darkest shade of brown Greg had ever seen. Her Italian heritage was clearly evident. She had been blessed with the trademark pout and naturally full eyelashes. Her smile was so appealing and contagious and when she smiled, her shapely cheekbones would lift, revealing brilliantly white teeth. She looked like a supermodel without the airbrushed perfection.

She had an amazing body that still managed to look realistic. Her curves were perfectly proportioned and she had no problem with eating a hot fudge sundae once in a while. She was an unsung gem in a sea of superficial beauty. Hailey was truly captivating. She was flawless, yet genuine. Her laugh was unforgettable. It wasn't fake or forced, but natural and charming. Greg liked models, but they never fully satisfied him. Sure, they were fun to look at, but behind the perfect skin and hair they were needy and insecure. He couldn't take the pressure of trying to somehow complete them.

Not only was she beautiful, but she had the intelligence to compliment it. She had studied Journalism in college and she now worked as beauty editor at Runway Magazine. She was a pragmatic intellectual and she wasn't afraid to let it show. She didn't need a man to make her happy and she emanated a very confident aura. Hailey Parker refused to be known as a plaything for men to use and dispose of.

"She's just not like any other girl I've met, Nick."

"Oh, and what kind of girls have you met, may I ask?"

"Ones who only care about how much money I make or who only care about looks."

"Well, what makes this Hailey girl any different?"

"Well, for one, she accepts me for who I am, goofiness and all"

"She's definitely a keeper." Nick continued to jest.

"And she wants to take things slow for a change!"

"Wow Greg, that's pretty rare considering we are in Vegas."

"And she's not just another pretty face."

"We actually had intellectually stimulating conversation!"

"That's great Sanders, but we better get back to work before Grissom sees us idling."

"See you later", Nick called, walking down the hallway.

Greg returned to his work, but Hailey was on his mind all the while.

Meanwhile, Hailey Parker was talking with her friend Lisa over lunch. Hailey had always been called beautiful, even as a child. Her dark brown hair and eyes were the things that got her the most compliments as a baby, according to her mother. As she got older, she was never fully aware of just how beautiful she was. That changed by the time she got into high school. All the boys noticed her, but they only seemed to care about her looks. She wanted them to notice her sweet personality and her smartness. She wondered if she would ever find a guy who would look beyond her pretty face.

"He's just so different from any of the guys that I've met."

"How's so?"

"Well, he's really down to earth and sweet." "He's also funny"

"Funny's good"

"He's really respectful and understanding, too"

"I mean, when I told him I wanted to take things slow, he was totally cool with it."

"That's great, Hailey, I'm happy for you." "Listen, I got to get to the store, but I'll see you later."

"Bye, Lisa"

Hailey wondered if Greg Sanders could be the one she would spend the rest of her life with. She wondered how she could be so sure after just one date. Little did she know that he was thinking the same thing.

Back at the lab…

"Hey Catherine, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, as long as it has nothing to do with a date"

"How do you know if someone's the one?"

"Greg, I think you're asking the wrong person, I mean I thought Eddie was the one, but look at us now."

"But how did you know you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him?"

"Listen, when the right girl comes along, you'll know it, trust me."

"Thanks, Cath."


Greg couldn't help but think that Hailey Parker could be his future wife. He wanted to see her again.

2 Years Later

Greg Sanders could not have been happier. He had a great job and an amazing girlfriend whom he loved with all his heart. Life couldn't be going better for him. Everything at the lab was business as usual. Greg was working quietly near the fume hood in the DNA lab when he smelled burning plastic. Before he could turn around and find out where the smell was coming from, a fireball rushed at him and he was thrown into the glass. He hit the ground and his world went black.

Hailey was just heading out for lunch when her cell phone rang. The number on the caller ID was unfamiliar.

"Hello?" she said politely.

"Hello, is this Hailey Parker?"

"Yes it is. Who is this?"

"This is Gil Grissom from the Las Vegas crime lab, I work with Greg Sanders"

Hailey froze. She could sense that something wasn't right. Had Greg gotten in trouble? Did he lose his job?

"Miss Parker, I just wanted to let you know that there's been an accident."

"What kind of accident. Mr. Grissom?"

"Well, I don't have all the details, but I do know that there was an explosion in our DNA lab."

"Greg's been hurt"

"Oh no" Tears began to sting Hailey's eyes as she spoke.

"They're taking him to the hospital"

"Ok, I'm on my way, thanks for calling."

She hung up and raced to her car. As she drove, she thought about Greg and how much she really loved him. Her heart was telling her that he was the one she should spend the rest of her life with. The past 2 years had showed her just how real love could be.

Greg was the man she prayed for all these years. He was everything she ever dreamed a boyfriend could be. The drive to the hospital seemed to last an eternity. "Please God" she prayed "Please let him be alright". Finally, she pulled into the Desert Palms hospital parking lot. After parking, she hurried inside and saw a group of people who seemed to be waiting for her. The first one to speak was the one she talked with on the phone.

"Hello, Hailey, I'm Gil Grissom, we spoke on the phone before."

"This is Catherine Willows, Warrick Brown, Nick Stokes and Sara Sidle from the crime lab."

"Hi nice to meet you", Nick said extending his hand. "You must be the famous Hailey."

"Greg's told us a lot about you", Catherine added.

"It's very nice to meet you all" she said, trying to smile.

"How is he, and when can I see him?"

"Well, he suffered a few burns, but the doctor said he should be fine."

"Thank you, God" she thought.

"We figured you would want to see him first."

As Hailey watched the team head down the hallway and into the waiting area, she wiped her eyes and hoped that Greg didn't mind the fact that her eyes were red from crying and her makeup was completely smudged off.

"If he really loves me, he won't care" she thought. She found his room number and walked in. He was resting quietly when he saw her coming towards his bedside. His eyes immediately lit up and all the pain he had been feeling seemed to go away. He could see that she had been crying. He had never seen her cry before, but maybe that might be a good thing, he thought. She gave him a hug.

"How are you doing?" she said as she gently kissed his cheek which was covered with a large Band- Aid.

"Better, now that you're here." Greg replied, giving her one of his cute smiles.

"Greg, you must warn me before you go blowing up DNA labs, ok?" Greg chuckled.

"I was so worried about you, honey."

"Hailey, I was so scared."

"I was too, believe me."

"Greg, I did a lot of thinking on the way here."

"About what?" he replied.

"About us, about how much I really do love you." "I thought I was in love with you, and when I heard you were hurt, I knew I was in love with you and how I could never live without you, Greg."

"Wow, Hailey, I thought the same thing about you." "I was so scared that I might never see you again, and how much I would miss you."

Greg wanted so badly to jump out of his hospital bed, get down on one knee and ask Hailey to marry him right then and there, but he didn't want to disappoint her. He planned on taking her out on a boat and asking her then, but that would have to wait until he was fully recovered. Hailey seemed to know just what he was thinking about.

"Well Greg, are you going to ask me, or what?"

"Ask you what, Hailey?"

"Are you going to ask me to marry you?"

"Haley, are you sure you want to do this here, because we can wait until I'm well. I mean, I feel bad sweetie, I don't have a ring or anything."

"Oh Greg, I couldn't care less, honest!"

"Well then" Greg said, clearing his throat.

"Hailey Parker, will you grant me the honor of being your husband?"

He reached for her hand as fresh tears began to flow from her eyes.

"Greg Sanders, of course I'll marry you!"

They embraced and Greg gave Hailey a tender kiss. Greg suddenly saw something out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see the entire CSI team standing in the doorway to his room.

"How long have you guys been standing there?"

"Long enough to know that you're engaged, "Catherine answered.

"Way to go Sanders, you found yourself one heck of a girl!" Nick said patting Greg on the back.

After receiving congratulations from the team, Hailey glanced at her watch.

8:15 PM.

Visiting hours were almost over.

"Well guys, it's been real," Warrick declared, as he and the other CSI's filed out the door, each giving a final congrats on the engagement. "Well, honey, I guess I have to go," Hailey said reluctantly. She didn't want to leave him. He didn't want her to leave either. After a goodnight hug and kiss, Hailey turned to leave.



"I love you" Greg said sweetly.

"I love you, too," She said, smiling.

TBC...let me know what you guys think!