I am back! And it's the last chapter, folks! I hope that this one was funny... Sorta whacky, but isn't this whole story that way? XD

Anyway... Author's notes and responses to reviewers are at the bottom as usual. Now here's the next chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Zatch Bell or Sleeping Beauty. SO LEAVE ME ALONE! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!

Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 8


In the throne room, inside King Jii's castle, everyone began to wake up as the spells wore off. Jii woke up with a snort and looked around. Zeon was beginning to wake up too, along with everybody else in the room.

"Oh, oh! What were we doing again?" asked the king. Zeon shrugged.

"I don't know… I think I was talking."

"You were?"

"I was?"

"Yes, you were. Now, what was it?"

Zeon put on a puzzled look with soon vanished. "Oh yes, now I remember. Jii, my son Brago has decided he isn't going to marry…"

Suddenly trumpets rang in everybody's ears and a bright light shined down upon the doorway as Sherry appeared in her pink gown with her hair in braids. Her arm was intertwined with Brago's (who had a mixed look of embarrassment, happiness, and confusion on his face) who was still dressed up in his furry black outfit. He hadn't bothered to change out of his attire… Besides, he preferred his original clothes…

They both walked arm in arm down the isle. Zatch, Tia, and Kolulu watched from up above in a balcony with large smiles painted on their faces. That is… until Zatch discovered that there was yellow tail being served down by the buffet… All you can eat!

"Sherry! She's here!" cried Jii with a bright face.

"And my Brago!" said Zeon happily. He smiled and wiped his eyes as Brago and Sherry walked up to the throne.

Sherry bent down on her knee and gave an "ahem" when Brago didn't do so. Even with her little notification, the dark mamodo still refused to bow down before her butler. How'd he end up king, anyway?

Standing up, the blonde rushed over to her mother who was sitting at her throne. Both embraced each other in a hug with large smiles.

Brago watched Sherry oddly. His thoughts traveled back to how Sherry had told him how much she hated her mother. After seeing this once before you'd think he was used to it by now. Eh… Guess not.

Turning his white haired head to the side, Zeon put on a bewildered look. "Brago? What is the meaning of all this?" he asked, pointing over to Sherry. "Didn't you say that you weren't going to…?"

He was stopped as Sherry gave him a hug. Brago stared at her strangely thinking "What the hell is she doing?"

"Wha..?" Zeon put on an even more puzzled look as he stared around at the room.

Over to the side, Suzy was at the buffet table drawing faces on all the fruit. Tia and Kolulu were trying to keep Zatch away from all the yellow tail that was being served. They tugged on his glittery blue wings and he cried.

"OUCH! Just gimme the – ow – yell-OW tail!" The blonde mamodo turned around and frowned. "Stop pulling on my OW wings!"

"Just stay away from the food, Zatch!" said Tia. "It's not for you!"

He only cried at this response. "But I want the yellow tail!"

Sherry turned around to face Brago and she smiled. The dark mamodo felt himself getting hot as she moved up closer to him and gave him a warm hug. She laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck while he stared up at the ceiling with a dazed look on his face along with two pink blush lines on his features.

Somebody save him from all of this! This was so anti-Sherry to be giggling and HUGGING him!

Everyone on the entire room was watching the two as Sherry began to dance with Brago. Zatch was holding laughter behind all the fish he had crammed into his mouth. He watched with an amused look as the princess looked fondly at Brago with a grin.

Kolulu, who was fed up with trying to keep Zatch away from the yellow tail, smiled with a sigh. A tear fell down her face and she sniffed.

"Kolulu?" inquired Zatch and the pink-haired girl turned her head to face him.


"Something the matter?"

Kolulu only sighed again and put on a dreamy look. "Oh, I just love happy endings! That's all!"

Tilting his head to the side, Zatch gave a silent chuckle as he saw the prince and princes begin to dance in an awkward way. "Yeah… I do too." He then sniffed to himself as tears fell down his face. "Oh, but if only Vulcan could see this!" The blonde boy buried his face in his hands.

"Well, this is a pleasant reunion." said Zeon happily. His attention was then drawn over to Suzy as she drew a bunch of mini pictures of Brago and Sherry dancing.

"Ah, love is in the air!" she said happily as she smiled over at the other two. "They look so cute together!" She turned around and put on an even bigger smile. "Just like Kiyo and I!"

On the blonde's face was the largest grin that anybody could ever have. Sherry brought herself closer to Brago as he continued to feel even more uncomfortable as a feeling of butterflies swept through his stomach. "Brago," she whispered. "Thank you for everything. You saved me!"

Before Brago could do anything else, Sherry stopped dancing and quickly pressed her lips against Brago's. The mamodo's eyes widened as he received the kiss. The blush lines under his cheeks turned into a darker shade of red as he began to blush even harder. Then suddenly… they began to slightly fade away as different thoughts began entering his head.

This… wasn't so bad after all, he thought to himself. He actually… liked kissing Sherry…

Good gracious what the hell was happening to him…?

Accepting the kiss, Brago returned it to Sherry as he pulled her to him. Brago then fell backwards onto the ground with Sherry on top of him as she pushed them both down. The entire room began cheering, seeing the couple making out and as happy as ever. But then suddenly…


Everything in the room vanished. The fancy thrones to the King and Queen vanished, the buffet (including Zatch's yellow tail), the decorations… All the stuff in the room disappeared. Everyone was back to how they were before the whole Sleeping Beauty episode started. No glittery wings, no funny outfits, no nothing. Even Sherry's mother was gone.

Jii's attire turned back into its old, boring butler-styled outfit. He looked around in wonder. Wasn't he supposed to be back at the mansion…?

Kiyo no longer wore the dorky outfit of a servant. He was back in his school uniform and holding onto the red book. He jerked his head around and spotted Zatch. And… What was Kolulu doing here?

Speaking of Kolulu… She blinked once then twice and looked around. "Oh… Where am I?" she asked aloud. Zatch turned his head around to look at her. "Zatch? Is that you? Why aren't I in the mamodo world?"

The blonde boy's eyes lit up. "KOLULU!" he cried. Embracing her, the boy began to cry. "Oh, Kolulu! I thought you had lost your memory!"

"Huuuuuh?" The pink haired girl was as puzzled as ever.

Sherry opened her eyes only to see that her lips were locked with Brago's and she was sprawled out on top of him. Both she and the dark mamodo stared at each other (still kissing) oddly as both of their eyes widened. She immediately got off him and reddened with embarrassment as she wiped her mouth on her sleeve.

Crying in confusion, the blonde headed girl fell down on her rear end and stared up at the dark mamodo in confusion as she flushed. "WHAT? B-Brago…! I… What… What the… What the hell is going on?" she yelled. What on Earth had she been doing kissing him!

Brago, who was also sitting down, looked off to the side with an odd look pasted on his face. It was too good to be true… The little fantasy he had been in just had to end… Right when he had been kissing Sherry, too! He grumbled and felt himself beginning to blush even further.

Zeon looked around. Wha...? Where the hell was he now? Last he remembered he was eating some fresh fish he had caught out near a lake... The mamodo looked around. No sign of his book-reader, and... Wait! Was that...?


He frowned. "Augh, what the hell is going on? And what is that despicable piece of (bleep) for a mamodo doing here?"

Grumbling to himself even more, Zeon vanished quickly wondering where his book owner was. Over to the side, Tia looked around and saw Zatch hugging Kolulu.

"Wha – WHAT?" she yelled. Her teeth became like fangs and her eyes narrowed with anger. Who was Zatch hugging? She demanded to know!

But before the red-head could do anything, Kolulu vanished, leaving Zatch crying.

"Oh, why did she have to go back to the mamodo world?" cried the boy. "Why, why, WHY?"

"Zatch," began Tia, "What are you talking about? And where are we?"

"Tia!" cried Zatch happily. "You have your memories back, too!" At this moment, Kiyo then walked over to where the blonde mamodo boy was.

"Zatch…? What are you talking about?" asked the brunet. Zatch screamed, almost going into hysterics, and laughed.

"KIYO!" After blaring out his book-wielder's name, Zatch hopped on Kiyo and gave him a gigantic hug. "I've missed you so much! You don't know what it's been like for sixteen years!" At this moment the blonde began to cry with swirled eyes. Kiyo and Tia exchanged confused faces.


"Oh, Kiyo-mio! What are we doing here?" Suzy's bubbly voice rang out. Kiyo turned his head to the side with a puzzled look as he saw Suzy walking over, waving her hand in the air. "Oh, Ki—"

Suddenly the brunette tripped over a fruit she had colored on and she fell face forward, hand still outstretched. Everybody who was watching just stared in an odd silence.

Ponygon, who was also there, mumbled to himself as he looked around at all the confusion. But was he really aware of what was going on? Or did he have amnesia like the majority of the group? Well… Just ask Ponygon!…

"Meru meru mei!"

IF you can understand him that is…

Sherry stared at her dark companion with a strange look in her eyes. "Brago…?" she asked, and the other raised his head to look at her. She blushed even more as she was about to ask her question. "Uh… Why were… Why were we both… in that position? You know… I was… you… Both of us…" She started to move her hands around in funny ways that made Brago uncomfortable.

"Uh…" Brago trailed off. "It's… a long story…"

Both of them stared at each other in an awkward silence. Sherry fiddled with her thumbs and she shifted her azure eyes to stare into Brago's crimson ones.

At this moment, Zatch chimed in. "Oh, look! It's the two lovers!" he cried. Brago shot him a death look and began to yell at him.


The lightning mamodo gave his infamous immature laugh and smiled. He told Kiyo about what happened and the brunet broke out into a sly smile.

"Oh really? Is that what happened?"

"Yep!" Zatch giggled. "And if you don't believe me, just think back to when we all first got here! You remember what those two were doing, right?"

His book owner laughed and agreed. Kiyo turned his attention back over to Brago and Sherry with a certain glint in his eyes. "Come on, everybody! Let's sing a certain song!"

Smiling, Zatch started the song. "Brago and Sherry sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Suzy, who was now standing up again, decided to join into the song as well (even though she had no idea why).

The wielder of the black book began to feel very angry right now. Oh, how dare they make fun of her and Brago like that! Why if she had the black book with her she'd…

A large but strange book that was as black as ash suddenly dropped into the blonde’s lap. She blinked and stared at it as if it was a gift from up above. Her lips curved upwards into a sinister grin as she stood up and shrieked a spell.


Before Brago could even think about it, his hand rose up into the air and a large version of his Reis spell shot out at Kiyo and Zatch. Suzy stopped singing since she saw a few butterflies near some bushes some yards off…

The spell hit them and they all yelled in surprise. Sherry smirked and walked next to Brago. "Nobody makes fun of us like that!" she said angrily.

Kiyo stood up and blinked. "Wha?" he noticed Sherry had her black book back with her and he gulped. "Uh… Maybe we should do this another time?" he asked. "Zatch and I gotta run!"

At that moment, the brunet picked up Zatch by the back of his shirt and ran off into the woods after yelling out a goodbye. Zatch Bell was soon heard afterwards, saying something about how he found his Vulcan.

Everybody who was there decided that it was time to head home. They all had their laughs for the day. Tia walked off, wondering where Megumi was and a few innocent bystanders protested to themselves. Jii walked back over to the limo beside the road and… When did the road get there?

When everyone was gone, Sherry twisted her head to the side to face Brago. Her lips twisted into a grin. This went unnoticed, for Brago was keeping his head turned away.

"Um… Brago?"

"Hn?" The mamodo still didn't turn to face his book owner.

"Let's go over to the limo and back home… OK?" Still not facing her, Brago nodded and began to walk with Sherry. He kept his face facing forward when Sherry began to talk to him again. "You know Brago…" the blonde trailed off. Right at the vehicle, she stopped and turned to face the dark mamodo. He looked up at her with his crimson eyes and she gave an odd laugh. "You… You're not that bad of a kisser."

Ruby eyes glanced over to the side as Brago felt himself becoming uncomfortable. Sherry made a nervous laugh and climbed into the car, her companion soon following afterwards.

He'd just pretend that none of this ever happened…


Deep in the forest, Eido and Hyde were sitting on the ground, confused.

"Where… Are we?" asked the wind mamodo, turning to look up at his human counterpart.

"Dude, I have no idea." The red head's attention turned over to a brunette sitting on the ground a few yards off. It was Koko, and she was looking around strangely.

"OK… Is everything back to normal yet?" asked the girl aloud.

Eido stared at her with a dreamy look but then recognized who it was. "Ah! It's you!" At this, Koko pointed to herself in a questioning manner and Eido nodded. "That must mean that freaky dude is somewhere nearby! Hyde, let's get out of here!"

The human picked up the spell book he had with him and shouted out a spell from it. Hyde caused wind around them and they flew off with Hyde in the air and Eido on his skateboard. Koko just stared in confusion.

"What?" she asked aloud and then shrugged. Suddenly her eyes widened and she stood up as they changed into a purple color.

"My precious little slave… Did you think that after whatever just happened you'd be let go so easily?" arrived a voice. It began to chuckle as it continued. "I think not."

Koko turned around to meet the figure as it revealed itself. It was Zophise, and he was back as if his head had never been cut off.

"Now, we should get back to work in making me king," said the mamodo. "Something interfered with our training last time, and I have no idea what it was exactly, but it was something!" Koko nodded after Zophise finished. The orange haired mamodo gestured the brunette to follow. "Come, we must get going."

Koko nodded and followed Zophise. The mamodo's book suddenly appeared in her hands as she followed.

Everyone was going to go back to how things were before this whole event even happened. However… Those that were aware of the fact that something terribly weird was going on will forever remember this affair. But who's to blame them? How would you respond to all of this if you were in the place of one of the characters? What would your response be if you found yourself in an alternate reality with all your friends who forgot who they really were and were impersonating somebody else?

As for Zatch, he didn't really understand too much of what was going on anyway, so he went back to his normal life fairly quickly as if it never happened.

Brago on the other hand didn't get to go back to normal so easily. He kept turning his head around half expecting to find himself back in the strange realm of Sleeping Beauty. But how did this affect his relationship with Sherry? Well… Let's just say that he felt very uncomfortable around her for a while. But the two soon got back to 'normal' and went on with their mamodo battles. Although he did have some strange, sentimental thoughts going through his head about a certain blonde, and she had some strange sentimental thoughts going through her head about a certain mamodo…

Hyde and Eido went back to normal. Of course, Eido pretty much went back to being his old girl crazy self and Hyde followed him around everywhere. What about Fein and Reycom? Well… let's just say they disappeared back to the mamodo world (again). And the other characters…? They all went back to normal, too.

And after all this fuss with all the characters, I'm quite sure you are wondering what caused all of this madness. Well… You can blame a certain authoress for that. But now that everyone's out of this odd state, they were all happy again and continued on with everything being normal.

At least… Until next time, that is…

The end! Hope y'all liked it! Was it funny? Was it weird? I'd like to know:)

Rae: Here's the last chapter!

PsychicLunar: It was? I'm glad! Ooh... i think you should post up Black Destiny first! You mentioned that one before Diabolical so i've been waiting for that one longer:)

rahkshi500: Glad you thought it was funny! And... well... I got your review for my one-shot. Um... this is just the internet, so please don't lecture me about how I act, OK? I don't wanna start a fight either, i was just saying that i already knew all the things you said about the future episodes of Zatch Bell. Anyway... here's the last chapter! Hope it was good enough!

Computerfreak101: That is a hard word to spell... I can't even spell it. I'd probably look really stupid trying to, too. XD You know what... I heard that in Konjiki no Gash Bell Zophise really IS a girl. o.O... Disturbing... Well I s'pose that Zophie (luckily he didn't hear me.. he's somewhere else right now..) does mind, but it's fun to bug the crap outta him, isn't it? o.o He... squealed... like a girl...? o.o Don't even wanna know... Well, i s'pose i'll have to wait til Halloween like you said:) Muwaha, somebody else is using the stick! You should do it more often, it is a VERY fun game. :3 Oh.. and i have a question, about my story "Erased", do you think i should make it part angst or not? I think i might... but i'm just wondering. Hope you enjoyed the last chapter!

Hiei's ice angel: Glad ya think so! Here's the last chapter!

Sara: Oh it's alright! I know what you mean, school does take time to deal with n' stuff! Here's the last chapter!

spottedear94: Heh... You find out on this chapter. It's not really much... But they're in it! Actually, Zophise's name is spelled different ways. If you go on different websites (some with spoilers, some without) you'll see his name is spelled differently all the time. There's also this one website that has his name shown in English (which is spelled Zofis) and the Japanese ways (Zophise). Hope the last chapter was good!

Thank you all who reviewed for this story! It really helps me update, ya know? Thanks a bunch!

Well... The last chapter. If anybody has any more questions, you can always send me an email asking it, and i'll respond! And i hope it wasn't too corny of an ending!

Here soon i'm going to be posting up another story... Not including one-shots. I'll put those up whenever i feel like it.. But i am going to be posting one up called "Erased". N' I have a summary for it in my profile somewhere, so if you wanna know stuff about it just go look in there. :)

Well... Hope to see y'all some other time! I am signing off! Whoohoo another story completed! I'm happy... Well... BYE!

-Twilight Memories