My very first fanfic, but also my favourite of the one's I've written.

May I present to you...Beyond the Veil:

Beyond the Veil

'...he fell through the ancient doorway and disappeared behind the veil, which fluttered for a moment as through in a high wind, then fell back in place.' - OotP

Sirius leapt up and attempted to run forward, ready to continue the battle, but was knocked back almost immediately by an invisible barrier. He could see Bellatrix screaming triumphantly, see Harry leaping down the steps towards him…

'You can't get back, Padfoot old mate.'

Sirius whipped round when he heard the voice. He hadn't heard that voice for fourteen years, and yet it was still so familiar.

'You can't get back through, I've tried enough times.'

'James!' gasped Sirius. 'How…what…?'

Lily appeared next to James, as though she had stepped from the air.

'You fell through the veil,' she said simply, her voice soft.


Sirius leapt back round and threw himself at the barrier, desperate to reach Harry as his godson yelled his name.

'I've got to get back! I've got to help him!'

James put a hand on Sirius's shoulder, but Sirius ripped away from him, fingers scrabbling hopelessly against the barrier. He saw Harry sprinting towards the dais, saw Remus grab Harry round the chest, holding him back, saw Harry struggling viciously to get free, all the time bellowing 'SIRIUS! SIRIUS!'

Sirius felt hot, angry, desperate tears well up in his eyes. He felt them course down his cheeks and drip off his chin, as he pressed himself against the barrier, staring at his godson and his old friend.

He heard Remus, his voice breaking, try to calm Harry,

'He can't come back Harry. He can't come back, because he's dead.'

Harry continued to yell, but Sirius no longer heard him. Remus, good, kind, faithful Remus, said he was dead. He was dead. If Remus said it, it was true. Remus would not lie to Harry…would not lie to him…

Sirius lowered his hands, and slowly turned to face Lily and James. They smiled and each held out a hand. Sirius turned his head and looked at Harry, standing desolate at the foot of the dais, and at Remus, standing slightly further back, watching Harry sadly.

'Come on Sirius,' said Lily gently, 'It's not as though we'll never see them again.'

Sirius took one last, fleeting look at the two people he had cared about most since the Potter's death, and then turned back to face James and Lily. He stretched out his hands to take theirs. They led him away, away from Harry, away from Remus; beyond the veil.
