Title: Lookout

Disclaimer: I own nothing of 'Sin City', that would be Frank Miller. Not I.

Becky's POV.

It's a Friday night, just like any other. I'm walkin' towards the payphone down the street. It's time tah call my mom. I haven't heard her voice since yesterday and I'm goin' crazy. I know the girls are watchin' me, makin' sure I'm okay. That's what I get for bein' the youngest. Watched. Treated like a little kid. I don't mind it too much, they give me respect. I give it back.

The heals from my boots make the only noise in the street, along with my crosses clinked together as they bounce around, hittin' my chest with every step that I take. I'm look up from the street, wonderin' who's watchin' me tonight. Gayle probably. She has a thing of obsession for watchin' out for us all. I don't blame her though, it's like it's her job.

My jewelry keeps on making that soft clinkin' sound, and my boots keep on walkin'. But I stop suddenly. Lookin' straight ahead I see's a big figure. It's a man, none of the girls wear trench coats. I dunno who he is. Maybe it's Dwight. Maybe it's not. But he's scarin' me just by standin' there.

I look up, hopin' maybe Gayle or whoever's up on the roofs can see this guy like I do.

"C'mere little girl." His voice is cold and icy. I wonder if it's against the law tah rape a whore. Is it? I know that's what he's wantin'. But would anyone give a damn that a kid like me got abused in this way, even though I've practically been lettin' myself do it since I got to Sin City?

I've stopped walkin' by now, both my hands are grippin' my jacket tah keep 'em from shakin'. Gayle c'mon, my mind thinks. I'm scared and he knows it. Usually I ain't so scared. But usually I ain't dealin' with creepy men lurkin' in the shadows of Sin City.

Finally, I gulp and try tah speak. "W-whadda want, Mistuh?"

Is that a smile I see? Is this bastard actually smilin' at my fear? Now I'm pissed off and shakin'. Damn.

He holds out his hand, motionin' for me tah take it.

I smirk. "Sorry buddy, I'm off."

His hand drops and that smile disappears. He says nothin' for a while, and soon I start tah think that maybe he don't understand much English. But eventually he does speak. "Little girl…so pretty. C'mon baby, I'll take yah away from all this. Take yah on a magic ride."

He holds up a small bottle with white stuff in it. Drugs. I shiver again. I ain't got my gun with me. Left it with Dallas tah finish a job. She had tah leave hers on the other side of town, and nobody wants tah make that journey at this time of night. Hurry up Gayle, my mind starts screamin'.

I ain't intah drugs. I may be an Old Towne Whore, but I ain't willin' tah take somethin' that's gonna mess up my body. Not somethin' like drugs. This body is the only thing that keeps food in my gut.

I'm starin' at the container now, wonderin' what in the hell that white shit would do tah a gal like me. The Mister somethin' jiggles the bottle a little, wakin' me from my thinkin'. I look up at him. Was he that close before? I'm only inches away from him, and I can feel my knees startin' to shake. Why's it always me?

"C'mon, dame…yah know yah want some." His breath ain't so pretty smellin'.

I try to utter a 'no', but my thoughts are soon erased when I see a figure lurkin' back in the shadows. Did he have buddies in the back?

No, he didn't. I know that sword.

It doesn't take more than two seconds and then I'm painted red from this guy. I'm shakin' somethin' awful now, but I'm smilin' when he goes down. She don't say nothin' when I look at her. Just merely nods and heads back towards the fire escape she'd crept down on. I watch her for a second, then keep on goin' towards that payphone.

Deadly little Miho, always on the lookout for me.

A/N: Well, that was my very first "Sin City" Fanfic. Hope you all liked it!