Chapter One

Too Small for Two


"What am I going to do? What am I going to do?" Kagome moaned repeatedly, face buried into her hands, rocking back and forth on the front step of her dorm building.

She always did seem to find herself in the middle of sticky situations. Most of middle school, she found herself to be the liaison between two of her friends in the middle of their frequent heated arguments, and wound up consistently in trouble with both of them, as well as with the teacher, as she was caught frequently for passing notes between the two. In high school, she finally ditched the effort, realizing that sometimes friendships just worked that way: they lived to argue, and were better off left to their own devices.

In high school she wound up the object of affection for nearly every shy, nerdy kid in her grade and under. She had this bad habit of taking every troubled youth she came across under her wing. They were like stray puppies to her…she couldn't help her gentle nature. So, whenever she saw one sitting by himself, or getting teased by his classmates, she would offer her friendship and cheer his mood.

This wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't flocked around her consistently afterward, causing the majority of her peers to shun her in all activities. As nice as Kagome was, she was just giving out her friendship without thinking of the consequences. She never expected any of them to stick around. She just wanted to help them get back in good spirits, until they could go on their merry way. But, once her affections had been so generously given, they were so well received that most boys mistook it for love interest, and followed her like the sick puppies they were. She then had the unfortunate task of turning down nearly all of them to every school dance. She couldn't bear having to pick just one of the many nerdy young boys as her date, so she simply did not attend any dances at all. So much for a social life….

This didn't mean that the many attractive males at school didn't notice her, however. They were sure to hit on her as well, giving her the kind of attention that she didn't really crave. One in particular actually had the gall to grope her on every occasion he could. After the first few dozen times, he received a stinging slap to the cheek. Intelligent as he was, he surely must have taken the hint. He just chose to ignore it. Eventually even one as persistent as Kagome tires, and she just gave up and decided to befriend the boy. They even ended up attending the same university: Kagome was in senior year, anxious to graduate, while he finished the year before, and was already in the working world. He owned his own business that offered courses in several forms of martial arts and combat, as well as training in meditation and spells.

The male in question was now rubbing small, comforting circles on her back… keeping his hands as far from her rear end as possible. Even Miroku knew when not to cross the line. Kagome was distressed, and he was her friend. Her best friend, in fact. He was an only child, and, lacking any companionship during his youth, he was most often in trouble. He wasn't a bad kid, no… just mischievous. Kagome seemed to understand, and had been the sister he never had for the past 7 and a half years.

He gave strict instructions to his hands, and they were cooperating nicely. Now to focus on the rocking female beside him.

"Kagome, I wish you would stop chanting to yourself and just tell me what's wrong. Surely it can't be that bad. You know I'll help you, whatever it is. So…just tell me. Please?"

Kagome raised her face from her hands and turned to face him. He smiled at her kindly, violet eyes showing nothing but warmth and comfort. What would she do without him? Taking a deep, calming breath, she relaxed slightly against him, and closed her eyes.

"I just couldn't keep my mouth shut," she said tiredly.

"I'm afraid I don't understand…" She held up her hand, and Miroku closed his mouth.

"Just… let me talk. I'll tell you, but please don't interrupt. I'll have a hard enough time explaining as it is."

Miroku nodded, his black bangs bobbing against his forehead.

"Ok…you know all that trouble I've been having with Kikyo, right?"

'Ah, Kikyo. I knew it. Why can't that witch just leave her alone?' Miroku thought to himself. He sighed slightly and nodded.

Ever since they started taking classes at Shikon University, Kagome's freshman roommate had been nothing but spiteful toward Kagome. It was strange, really… seeing them meet for the first time. Miroku had been helping Kagome move in her last few boxes, when the owner of the other items in the room had appeared. Seeing the two black-haired beauties side by side, one could have mistaken them for sisters. Miroku knew better, though, and quickly noticed all the differences: Kikyo's hair was straight, compared to Kagome's somewhat untamed mane; her eyes didn't hold the sparkle that Kagome's always had, and her face seemed to never vary from the hard, piercing expression she held when he first saw her, whereas Kagome's face clearly expressed every emotion that swept through her.

Everything on Kikyo's half of the room was already meticulously put away, and when she returned to meet her new roommate, she coolly surveyed Kagome's half of the room, cluttered with sloppily packed cardboard boxes. She then turned her chilled expression to a sweaty Kagome, and an equally disheveled Miroku. Glancing them over, Miroku got the distinct impression that this woman was not going to mesh well with the bubbly, loving, somewhat hyper-active Kagome. Now, he loved Kagome dearly, and would defend her always, but he was honest enough to admit that, while Kagome seemed next to perfect, she always was, and probably always would be, somewhat of a slob.

Kikyo had finished her inspection of the two, and obviously had decided that neither was up to her standards, nor worth any of her time. Just as Kagome started to introduce herself, Kikyo turned smartly on her heel, and swept from the room. Kagome's smile quickly fell, and she let her outstretched hand drop back to her side. And, as it turned out, this first meeting turned out to be the most pleasant one between the two females.

Different as they seemed, both girls held many of the same talents and hobbies. Both were members of the archery club, and were considered the best the university had ever had. No one could seem to determine which girl was better, though. They always tied for top place. This only increased the immediate dislike between the two.

They were also both top of their classes. It helped that Kagome was a journalism major, and Kikyo was a business major. This kept them at opposite ends of the university most of the time, and it meant that they weren't competing for the same title: each was the perspective valedictorian of their appropriate colleges, Kagome of the Arts and Sciences College, and Kikyo of the Business College.

Things did not get better after that first year, even though the two no longer had to room together. There was still high tension. It seemed they were always being compared to one another by everyone on campus. Each girl hated the fact that her own individuality was being infringed upon.

It wasn't that Kikyo ever didn't anything truly harsh to Kagome. In fact, though she held a cold demeanor, she could be quite kind to others, and was always reasonable and business-like. She held many volunteer positions, included one at the nearby hospital, in the terminal ward, while Kagome was a volunteer in the children's ward.

No, Kikyo was nearly as compassionate as Kagome, just not as open about it. It was the simple fact that the two couldn't seem to exist in the same area together. Like…there wasn't room for the both of them, and only one could stay.

Miroku dragged his mind back to the conversation at hand. He looked attentively at Kagome's troubled brown eyes, and listened closely.

"I knew she was just trying to egg me on, and I fell for it. She just… just… she knows JUST how to get to me, Miroku!" She hit both fists on her knees in frustration. "She's always so cool, and calm, and collected…and that just gets me more and more flustered! She saw that article in the school news, Miroku. The one about my column? It made front page."

'Ah, so that's what got her riled.' Miroku knew how much Kikyo hated it when Kagome did something that turned the spotlight to her self, no matter how unintentional.

Kagome's advice column was the new talk of the university. Normally, an advice column would get looked over. This time, however, Kagome helped one student solve her problems so well, that the results were covered, and placed on the front page, along with a photo of a beautiful, smiling Kagome. The anonymous writer had written a letter to Kagome's column about how depressed she was feeling, and how difficult her family life was. Kagome unknowingly offered her care and attention through her reply in her column, offering sage advice and affection. Kagome's writing had a way of letting her true gentleness and warmth shine through, making her column that much more effective.

As it turned out, the anonymous reader that Kagome had replied to was thinking upon suicide, and Kagome's attentive writing is the only thing that stopped her from ending her life. What came as a bigger surprise, was that the girl was none other than Rin, the daughter of the President of the University. Kagome's advice led her away from her current lifestyle, and closer to her father. She confessed her feelings of loneliness to her dad, told of her plans for suicide, and of Kagome's part in the matter. Needless to say, Kagome received endless amounts of attention from the big-wigs of the University after that, and was immediately famous on campus.

"Oh, she was horrid, Miroku. The whole time we were at Archery club practice she stood next to me, calmly aiming her bow, and saying all these snide comments…I've never shot so poorly in my life."

She went on about how easy it was to write to anonymous readers about their problems. Then she started talking about how I would never be able to deal with people face to face. She said I was too 'high-strung' and 'emotional' to be able to truly work with anyone in person. I, of course, told her that I was perfectly capable of dealing with difficult people, and was even planning on starting a piece that would require me to shadow someone for three weeks straight, to get a feel of their life, before writing on my observations. It's part of senior project. My big final. It basically determines whether or not I graduate at the top of my class…or even graduate at all."

Kagome shook her head, and stared at her hands, wrapped around her knees. "She asked me what 'unfortunate individual' I would be following around. I told her I hadn't decided. Ugh, I should have known that as soon as she got that evil little glint in her eye, she would be up to something." Kagome thought back on the scene, as she finished telling Miroku all that had taken place.

Kikyo stared at her long and hard, before turning back to face her target, clearing her throat and speaking again, in the same stoic voice she always used. "I suppose you'll choose someone exactly like yourself. Someone you'll find easy to get along with? Someone with no thoughts of their own." She let her arrow fly. Dead center. Perfect…as always.

Kagome gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, and answered as calmly as possible, doing her best to ignore the obvious insults Kikyo so enjoyed dishing out on a regular basis. "Actually, I was hoping to find someone totally unlike me, that would offer a new challenge…a new perspective on living, and someone who might add an edge to my writing. I need to find someone who is influential on society. It can't be just anyone, so I'm taking my time on choosing."

"I have someone for you."

Kagome lowered her bow, and turned to stare wide-eyed at the girl. 'This has to be a trick. She NEVER helps me, she wouldn't start now. The girl's as cold as a dead fish, there is no way she could possibly care about my project. What is she up to…?'

"He is a substantial business figure. He's the complete opposite of you, and I'm sure would prove to be a challenge."

"Who?" Kagome interrupted. "I've got the courage for anything. Face it, Kikyo… there's nothing you can throw at me that will even make me flinch. Who is he?"

Kikyo smirked. Oh, she knew Kagome was going to truly hate her when this was over. The girl wouldn't last a day with him. He'd have her running in no time, and her piece will be a complete failure.

Kagome saw the smirk, and inwardly berated herself. 'You idiot! Fool! She was leading you into this, and you knew it, and you ran right into it. Stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID!' While the girl mentally kicked herself, she outwardly remained poised with a polite smile on her face, eyebrows arched, waiting for a reply.

She was given one.

"Inuyasha Silver."

Kagome nodded, and Kikyo knew the girl had no idea who this man was, nor what she was getting into. Perfect. Kagome rose, thinking to herself, 'It won't be so bad. I'm sure he's a perfectly reasonable man. Kikyo did say he was a prominent business figure. Heck, he's probably dull, lacking in a social life, and most likely behaves in a cool business-like fashion. I could certainly handle that. What am I saying! I LIVED with Kikyo…this guy's gonna be cake.'

She looked back up at Miroku, her tale recounted. "If I can't do this, Miroku, I fail. There will be no writing career for me, and I'll end up working at some library, shelving books that OTHER people wrote."

"Calm down, Kagome. I'm sure the man's perfectly agreeable. You're the most charming person I know… besides myself of course," he winked at her, and she rolled her eyes. "You'll be fine," he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders companionably. "Now…what did you say his name was, again?"

"Inuyasha Silver."

Miroku's face fell at the name. How did he not catch that the first time? Kagome caught the change in expression, and immediately reacted in panic.

"What? What, Miroku? You recognize that name, I know you do, now tell me what you know!"

Miroku quickly rearranged his features back to an expression of reassurance, and smiled at her, just a little bit too brightly. "Oh, nothing, Kagome. Nothing to worry about. You'll do just great. Now, did you set up when you're going to start shadowing him?"

"Yes…I called and set it up with his personal assistant this morning. I start once the weekend is out." She wasn't fooled for a second by his expression. She knew something was up, and it made her that much more apprehensive. "Miroku, if something is wrong, you better tell me now…"

"No, no! Everything's great. You'll be fine! I have total confidence in you." He squeezed her shoulder one last time before getting up, ready to head back to his car.

He walked away shaking his head, praying things wouldn't turn out as badly as he thought they might, while in his mind, a voice kept repeating, "She's screwed. She's screwed. She's SO screwed…."


"Sango, come here for a moment, will you?"

The young women turned her head toward the call drifting out of the office behind her. She smirked. The business woman always knew what mood her boss was in by the way he called to her when he needed her. Bad mood… heck, even normal mood it's, 'Sango, get your ass in here.'

Mr. Silver was definitely in a good mood.

Shame she'd have to ruin it. She smiled and left her desk to saunter into the office.

Inuyasha Silver smirked up at her from his spot behind his desk, and she leaned on the door frame and grinned back at the sight. His feet were up upon said desk, and he was tilted back in his comfy leather chair, arms crossed smugly across his chest.

"They caved, didn't they?" she asked with a grin. She already knew the answer, but knew it would give him satisfaction to gloat about it.

"Of course they did! How could they not? I bought out each building around them for two square blocks. That building he was clinging onto was the last factory he owned, and I would have put him out of business easily. Don't worry, I offered him a deal. He won't be at a total loss. I wanted to end it well, without any threats of revenge. Not that I'm scared of him." His smirk, if possible, grew wider. "I just don't want him hurting future employees."

Sango never ceased to be amazed at the man before her. He seemed so ruthless and rash, but he really did think things through. He had horrible people skills, but was so confident and fast that it didn't really matter in most situations. He always seemed to get what he wanted. He wasn't a bully, though. He was always fair, and Sango knew there was a softer side to him. He just didn't want that to become public information.

"Well done, Inuyasha. When will you start renovation?"

"Immediately. I need you to contact all the current employees there. Let them know that there will be a job waiting for them when we reopen the building, and until then, they get paid vacation. I also want you to contact our crews and tell them to start on the plans that have been drawn up. Tomorrow. They start tomorrow morning." He smiled. "When we're finished, that section of town will no longer be the cheap ghetto it is now. And the people living in those slums will find themselves sitting on prime property with affordable rent, and living within walking distance of their jobs where they will work in a safe environment. That whole district will be the envy of the rest of the city, and Silver Industries will own all of it."

"Those people will have their lives turned around, and you to thank for it. Well done, Inuyasha. I'll send out those messages immediately."

"Thanks. And, Sango?" The woman turned back around with raised eyebrows to see him gnawing nervously at his bottom lip, eyes gazing unseeingly at his desk. "Will you check and see if he's still living there?"

She gave him a soft smile. "Sure thing, Inuyasha. I'm sure he is. Myouga was always too stubborn for his own good. He would never leave that apartment he called home for so long."

Sango knew how important the old coot was to Inuyasha. After his parents died, and he was left to fend for himself, Myouga taught him how to survive on his own.

"As soon as I send out those messages, I'm heading home. You should too. Go. Relax. You've done enough for one day."

"Just a few more things to look over and I will. Have a good weekend, and I'll see you on Monday."

Sango shook her head. He rarely went home as early as he should. No matter how hard he worked, he still stayed late. It was almost like he was avoiding returning to his apartment each night.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Oh boy, the bad news. Here's where he flips his lid. "A journalism major from the university called. She wishes to write her senior project with you as her subject. She'll be shadowing you for the next several weeks." Sango cringed at the look on his face as he immediately shot forward out of his chair and to his feet, and leaned over his desk, palms flat on the desktop.

"Damn it, Sango, you KNOW I don't like having people following me around, and I hate reporters! I'm no good talking to people, and they always end up twisting everything I say. Hell no, Sango. Call her back and cancel. I won't have some girl clinging to me every day… especially not when I'm this close to being done with this project."

"Yes, Mr. Silver, but this will HELP your people skills. Face it…you need to learn how to communicate more effectively, or everyone will continue to hold the impression that you're a hot-headed jerk who wipes people out of their businesses, and overtakes portions of the city at a time. They don't even realize all the good you're.."

"No!" He interrupted. "I don't care what they think! The public can think whatever it wants, because I won't do it!"

"She won't twist things around. She's supposed to be writing on someone that is effectively changing the community. You're doing good things here, Inuyasha, and it's time people knew it. Suck it up you big baby. She's arriving on Monday, whether you like it or not." With that, she left the doorway, flipping her long black ponytail behind her.

Inuyasha glared at the spot where she stood. 'Damn her. She's supposed to be my assistant! Why is it that she's so freaking controlling?' He let a smirk back to his face. He admired people with guts.

The sound of the door to the outer office slamming shut reached his ears, signaling her exit. He sighed, stretched, and walked over to the balcony doors. Opening them, he immediately felt more relaxed. The night air always did that for him. He stood out on the balcony for some time, gazing up at the stars, and then down on the neighborhood he had finally conquered.

He smirked quietly to himself. He'd prove to them all…a man can change his destiny.

Maybe this journalist girl wasn't such a bad idea. She was supposed to write good things about him, not twist his words around.

"Guess I'll give it a shot. This could be the perfect opportunity to tell everyone, to show them all. All those people who kicked me down and said I'd be nothing. Yeah…this'll be just perfect." He nodded to himself, left the balcony, and returned to his desk, and the stack of plans there.

As always, he didn't feel like returning to his empty apartment.


Ok, well…after my many one-shots, here is finally an attempt at a longer fic. Urgh, please bear with me. I was diagnosed with minor scoliosis this summer, and I'm not on treatments and realignments right now, so it's getting worse. I'm in pain at the moment, and it's hard to sit at my desk for long periods of time. Urgh…but I'm still updating, dang it.

I have another one-shot of Sess and Rin in the makings, as well as Ten Rules to finish up, and now this one to get working on. WOOO! On a roll!

Oh, and this is awesome…a LOVELY person is making a fanmanga out of The Tree and The Flower. WOOO! It's looking awesome. I'm so flattered and excited. Weee! I wish I could draw… .

Be good, feel the love, and… review? I really need some good inspiring comments and suggestions if this story is going to take flight. You are all full of imaginative ideas, I just know it.