Takes place the day after The Blaze of Glory.

"Hey Coop how you holdin' up?" Summer asked opening her locker. Marissa sighed and leaned against the wall.

"This day has been hell." She said, frowning as a group of girls pointed at her from across the hall amid not so quite whispers.

"Well it's not quite over yet Coop, come on political science and then you're home free." They linked arms and made for their next class. A catcall and a whistle sounded behind them, Summer stopped and rounded giving the boys a disgusted look..."Robbie...Jantz...grow up." She turned back to Marissa who didn't look happy at all, before they rounded the next corner they heard one of the boys yell out, 'lesbian!' Marissa kept walking but Summer noticed her expression had darkened.

"Don't worry about them Coop, they're freshman boys." Summer said trying to console her friend.

"It's not them I'm worried about Sum." Marissa said as they entered their English class.

"Well then wh-..." Summer stopped dead in her tracks. Of course, Karen Ivories, resident princess of Harbor High...according to herself. She ruled the school and she ruined people lives. Summer mouthed a small oh, towards Marissa who was trying to sneak past Ivories, who'd posted herself right at the door. Marissa held her breath and made to pass Karen, but a hand shot out to stop her.

"Cooper right?" Marissa turned to her, looking annoyed.

"Yeah, Marissa Cooper." She said and turned to take her seat, but once again she was stopped.

"Oh, well Ms. Cooper...I do believe we have special seating for people...well people like you." She pointed her newly manicured finger to the back and then jutted it into Marissa's chest. Marissa glared at her for a fraction of a second before replying.

"No thanks, I think I'll sit where ever the hell I want to." With that she sat down next to Summer and began pulling out her books. Ryan was three desks down from them on the end. He caught her eye and waved. She smiled in return.

"Ok the Ivories girl seriously needs to get kicked right off her little so-called thrown. She can't just say things like that to you Coop." Summer said angrily.

"She can, she has and she will." Marissa replied. "Any thing she can do to make my life a living hell now, that's her goal."

"All that because some guy couldn't keep his mouth shut about something he saw at the bonfire?" Summer asked.

"It wasn't just that Sum...it's everything...because..." Marissa trailed off she didn't know why.

"Because you're swingin' both ways now?" Summer supplied laughing. Marissa laughed as well.

"Yeah I guess that's it." She said. Seth walked in just as the bell rang and made his way to his seat, waving at the two girls, who waved back.

"What did I miss." Seth said nodding towards Marissa and Summer. Ryan looked up from copying the instructions on the board and sighed.

"Just you know Ivories, being Ivories." He said, Seth nodded and started to copy in instructions as well.

"Man all this cause of what happened at the bonfire last night?" Seth asked still copying. Ryan scratched his head.

"Not really, the only thing it had to do with last night was that someone overheard something they shouldn't have and now..." He trailed off unsure of how to word it. Seth jumped at the opportunity.

"No worries man I've covered this once, I shall cover it again...here we go, Marissa and Al...ok well this time just Marissa...no longer welcome in the red states."

Ryan laughed as he finished copying the instructions.

"That pretty much sums it up."

"So one of the biggest uproars in the history of our school...is because your ex...dated my ex?" Seth said, piecing everything together.

"We have a winner Johnny." Ryan said sarcastically. Seth clapped his hands together.

"I'm moving up in the world Ryan, I'm now officially present on the social radar." He said smugly.

"That's great Seth," Ryan said not looking up, "let's get to work on our opinions essay."

Down at the Baitshop.

"Do you think we'll come here as much now that Alex isn't giving Seth tickets for not working?" Summer asked. Marissa laughed slightly.

"Who knows...I'm gonna miss coming here for sure." She replied. Summer looked at her skeptically.

"You'll miss coming here...or you'll miss the company?" Marissa was quiet for a moment before answering.


"You were really into her huh?" Summer asked, sitting down and patting the place next to her. Marissa sighed.

"Yeah...I really, really was. Everything just seemed to feel right when we were together. It was so easy you know?" Summer nodded. "I can't even begin to think about how I could fall into a relationship that easily again."

"So you're definitely goin for it?" Summer asked. Marissa looked at her quizzically. "You're actually going to try dating other girls?"

"Well yeah, I mean if it comes to it. This wasn't just a phase Sum. Girls are gorgeous and so are guys. Now just let this sink in, I've got a bigger playing field than you do." Marissa finished smiling. Summer sat thinking before comprehension dawned on her face...

"No fair, you totally do!" She exclaimed...then she quieted down. "But that's because you like girls."

"Exactly." Marissa said smartly. The she laughed and Summer laughed too and soon both girls were in fits of laugher.

The Next Day

Marissa slammed her locker shut, if she thought today would be any easier than yesterday she was mistaken. She couldn't believe the backlash she was receiving, all because...well she liked girls...and guys...guys and girls. She didn't realize what Alex showing up at the bonfire had meant until the name calling and sour looks had started the next day at school. Then there was that little visit from Ivories in the girls bathroom during lunch. Karen had basically informed her that she was a social outcast now and would be until she either left town or publicly renounced her bisexuality.

"No way." Marissa whispered to herself. She took a deep breath, getting ready for another 'awesome' time in English. She didn't think she was very late but by the way every seat near the front of the room was filled, including Summer, Seth and Ryan who gave her sympathetic looks, she wasn't so sure. She sighed and made her way to the back of the room. She set her bag down heavily and slumped into her seat.

"Bad day?"

Marissa turned to the girl sitting next to her, "you have no idea," she said glumly.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure." The girl replied smiling. Marissa smiled slightly in return. Both girls attention was drawn to the front of the room as the teacher began to speak.

"Good afternoon class, we'll start right away by reading our opinions essays. Would anyone like to start?" A perfectly manicured hand shot into the air before anyone even had time to groan.

"I'd love to go Ms. Porter."

"Thank you Ms. Ivories."

Marissa groaned...this couldn't be good. Karen walked to the front of the class and cleared her throat unnecessarily loudly.

"My Opinion's Essay", she began, sounding more like she was in junior high than in high school. "In my opinion..." she paused before rushing on, "gay people should be segregated from normal society, just like the blacks were back in the olden days." There was a murmur of discontent from the class and Ms. Porter shot Karen a warning glare but she resumed anyway. "They just don't belong, I mean they can't even accessorize properly." Marissa looked down at her impeccable outfit, what's that supposed to mean, she thought to herself. Karen barreled on oblivious to the rising noise level of the room. "Take for example the girl who today happens to be sitting in the second row at the very back of the class..." Marissa dropped her head as everyone turned to look her direction, wait...she thought, counting the desks. I'm in the third row. Her eyes widened as she looked to the girl she had just been talking with. She had her arms crossed and was giving Ivories a glare that would send most people running for the hills. "She wears the same belt and necklace every single day. We get it already, you like rainbows. Do you see what I mean? Gays should just be like...outlawed or something..."

"Ms. Ivories!" The teacher exclaimed, "that will be quite enough, return to your seat. I don't want to hear another word out of you today. You're essay topic was completely unacceptable." Karen just shrugged and started towards her seat. Marissa was startled suddenly when the girl next to her jumped out of her seat looking livid.

"I guess you're right Ivories...I mean if I didn't wear these things everyday how else would you figure out I'm gay?" She spat. Karen narrowed her eyes and instead of sitting down walked right towards them.

"Nice outburst lesbo." She said scathingly.

"Hey!" Marissa said standing up to come face to face with Ivories.

"Well, well." Karen said, "I guess you have to stand up for your own kind don't you. Thanks but no thanks, we've already got enough of 'you' at our school dyke." Marissa flinched slightly and started to back down. A chorus of "hey's" sounded around the room as Ryan, Seth and Summer got to their feet in her defense. Ryan rushed to come between Marissa and Karen.

"Why don't you just back off. If you ask me, it's people like you we've already got enough of." He snarled. Karen simply smirked and snapped her fingers. A group of water polo players came to her side.

"That's funny coming from you Chino." She replied. At this Summer and Seth came to Ryan's aid. Summer scoffed.

"Ivories what is your problem?" She snapped. Karen glared at her.

"I don't remember anyone asking you." With that she shoved Summer who stumbled back into Marissa. There was a flash of movement past them and before anyone knew what was happening, the girl with the rainbow belt and necklace punched Ivories full on. After that it was pure chaos.

15 Minutes Later.

The fantastic four weren't feeling so fantastic as they sat glumly, waiting to go into the Dean's Office. Summer was at the end and really no worse for the wear, Seth was next to her rubbing his shoulder and wincing, next to him sat Ryan who was already showing signs of a black eye, and then there was Marissa, who miraculously didn't have a scratch on her. What was surprising was that next to her sat the girl who was now known as 'the chick who punched Karen Ivories', it came to Marissa's attention that she was sporting a bloody lip. She turned to her looking concerned.

"Are you ok?" She asked. The girl apparently hadn't been paying attention, she turned suddenly.

"She deserved it." She said defensively. Marissa laughed and shook her head.

"No I asked if you were ok...you're bleeding." The girl raised a hand to gingerly touch her lip, she pulled her fingers away and looked at the blood.

"Oh...I hadn't noticed." She said wincing slightly. Marissa opened up her purse and looked around for a second.

"Here," she said offering the girl a tissue.

"Thanks." She replied, taking it and using it to wipe away most of the blood. "I'm Nicki by the way," she said suddenly, "Nicki Heights."

"Marissa Cooper." She replied smiling.

"Thanks...for standing up for me in there." Nicki continued. Marissa smiled.

"No problem, Ivories was way out of line." They laughed slightly.

"Oh, yeah and welcome to the club I guess." Marissa turned to her uncertainly.

"Oh I'm not..."

"Gay?" Nicki interrupted smiling. "Sure you not, until you get in a relationship with a girl."

"No I mean I'm just bi-"

"Sexual..." Nicki interrupted again. "Yeah...well my view is, no one's really bi, unless of course they're planning a three-way with a guy and a chick. I think until we're solidly dating someone...we're all pretty neutral aren't we?" Marissa paused and thought for a second.

"Yeah...I guess. I'd never really thought about it like that." Marissa gave a small smile, which Nicki returned extending her hand.

"So welcome to the neutral club." Marissa laughed as she shook the other girls hand.

"Cooper, Roberts, Cohen and Atwood." A secretary said, coming out of the office. The four stood up. "You're next." Marissa sighed and rolled her eyes towards Nicki. She laughed and smiled.

"Good luck." She called as they walked into the office. Marissa paused at the door.

"You too."

Even later that day.

"I can't believe we got detention." Marissa complained, slumping in her seat as Summer drove her home.

"I know...and for an entire week too." Summer replied.

"At least Ivories and her guys got it too."

"She totally deserved it though, I mean she was a grade-A bitch to you Coop." Marissa sighed.

"Yeah, but I didn't even get the worst of it. I would hate to be in Nicki's position right now." Summer turned to her suddenly.

"Who's Nicki?" She asked.

"The girl who was sitting next to me." Marissa replied, but after receiving a blank look from Summer she went on. "You know...the girl Ivories was bashing in her essay."

"The rainbow girl?" Summer asked suddenly. Marissa nodded. "Ew, Coop." She whined, looking disgusted.

"What?" Marissa said defensively.

"She...ew...she likes girls..." Summer replied then dropped her voice to a whisper, "She's bi...ew..." Summer said again.

"Sum...so am I." Marissa said slowly. Summer's furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah but...she's all up front about it. Coop she's the rainbow girl."

"Yeah and she seemed really nice." Marissa said, interrupting Summer's little rant. Summer pouted a little but gave up on the subject.

"So what are we doing tomorrow after school?" She asked, perking up.

"Detention remember? Brawl...during English..." Marissa said glumly.

"Oh...right." Summer said biting her lip as they pulled into Marissa's driveway.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Marissa said, shouldering her purse.

"Yep, see you later Coop."

When Marissa and Summer got to detention the next day the guys were already there.

"Hey," they said sitting down next to them.

"Hey," Ryan replied, Seth just smiled...well grimaced is more like it.

"Ooh, the rents not too happy?" Marissa asked. Seth let his head fall onto the table with a thud. Summer patted Seth on the back while Marissa smiled and turned to Ryan.

"No...not happy at all." He replied. Marissa frowned slightly. Usually Kirsten and Sandy were really understanding about this kind of stuff.

"Did you tell them why it happened." She asked. Ryan turned away slightly.

"We...we didn't think you would uh...you would want us to." He said slowly. Marissa smiled.

"Ryan it's ok, I mean practically the whole school knows and I'm fine with it really." She replied.

"Really?" Ryan asked, Marissa nodded. "Great, that will make things so much easier." Marissa looked up as a loud group entered the room.

"Oh no." She said turning away.

"What?" Ryan asked, he looked over to the door. "Oh...Ivories."


"Uh oh." Ryan said frowning.


"They're heading this way." Marissa turned and sure enough Ivories was strutting towards them, a smirk plastered on her face. Marissa readied herself for a barrage of insults but was spared when the teacher stepped in front of Karen blocking her path.

"I don't think so Ms. Ivories." He said, "you and your friends...over there." He said pointing across the room. Marissa let out a sigh of relief and heard Ryan do the same.

"So..." Marissa said, not really having anything to talk about.

"So..." Ryan replied. Marissa laughed and looked towards the door. She saw Nicki walk in and glance nervously around the room. She watched her look back and forth from Ivories to their side of the room. She smiled when Marissa caught her eye. Marissa smiled back and waved her over to their table. She saw relief flood through the other girl as she made her way over to them and sat down next to Marissa.

"Hey," she said softly.

"Hey," Marissa replied. She turned to the others. "Hey, you guys this is Nicki." She said. Ryan smiled warmly and Seth waved, Summer looked unsure but finally smiled.

"Hey," Nicki said smiling. Marissa smiled at the others then turned back to Nicki.

"You're not wearing your belt...or your necklace." She said looking her up and down. Nicki looked down and didn't reply. "You let Ivories get to you." Marissa said simply.

"I did not!" Nicki said defensively.

"Then why aren't you wearing, what I'm guessing are, your favorite accessories?" Marissa asked.

"I...I don't know." Nicki replied. Marissa smiled knowingly.

"You let her get to you, it's ok."

"Yeah it's not though...how are you so calm and cool about this? You're a newbie." Nicki replied. Marissa thought for a second.

"I may be new at this whole...bi thing..." she started, "but I've never let anyone walk all over me." She said. Nicki nodded. They sat quietly for a while before Marissa turned to her again.

"When did you know...I mean...how..." She trailed off...not really knowing what she meant herself. Nicki smiled.

"I guess I've sort of always known." She started. "But...I didn't come out until about a year ago." Marissa nodded.

"Well...what made you decide to...come out...I mean did something happen?" She asked. Nicki bit her lip for a minute then shook her head.

"No, not really. I just sort of...knew, you know? I mean...that was the only thing that made sense...something finally made sense." Marissa smiled.

"I know what you mean." She said.

"So what about you?" Nicki asked. Marissa thought for a second.

"Well I guess I realized it just a couple weeks ago." She said finally.

"Really? Did something happen?"

"Yeah..." Marissa said softly. "I met a girl...an amazing girl."


"And..." Marissa sighed sadly. "I let her go..."

"Why?" Nicki asked quietly.

"I...I don't know." Marissa said, meeting her gaze. "It all happened so suddenly. I really don't know." Nicki held her gaze.

"Did you love her?" Marissa looked away, her eyes burning.

"I think I might've." She whispered. Nicki smiled and put her hand over Marissa's.

"So go get her back." Marissa looked up at her.


"Go get her back. You love her Marissa...and I can't believe there'd be anyone who wouldn't fall in love with you the moment they met you. As soon as you leave here, you go...and you get her back." Marissa smiled sadly.

"I can't." Nicki looked taken aback.

"Why not?"

"She moved...packed up and left, went back home to live with her parents in LA." She frowned when Nicki smiled even wider.

"Eu-freakin-reka Marissa!" She said excitedly. "Do you real-"

"Excuse me..." The girls turned at the intrusion, they saw Seth looking their direction. "Did you just say eu-freakin-reka?" Nicki nodded smiling. Seth turned to the others. "Eu-freakin-reka! See I told you it would catch on Ryan, I told you and you didn't believe me. I was gonna let you in on half of the royalties bro but you didn't believe me." Ryan rolled his eyes. Marissa turned back to Nicki and looked at her expectantly.

"Oh," Nicki said, remembering what she had been saying. "Do you realize what that means? That she packed up and moved away?" Marissa shook her head, she thought it had meant that Alex hated her and couldn't stand to be anywhere near her. "I means my naive friend, that she was flippin in love with you!"

"What?" Marissa said skeptically.

"Yes! That settles it, after this class we are heading to LA and we are going to reunite you with..." Nicki trailed off, "uh what was her name?"

"Alex." Marissa said smiling.

"Ok, we are going to reunite you with Alex." Nicki finished excitedly. Marissa looked away, was that really what she wanted?

"I dunno..." Marissa said.

"No...we are doing this." Nicki interrupted her. "As your new gay friend-" Marissa raised an eyebrow as she said gay, "so I lied," Nicki said offhandedly, "anyway, as your new gay friend, I am forcing you to do this. I'm kind of a bitch like that." They both laughed and Marissa smiled.

"Ok." She said finally.

"Super!" Nicki exclaimed. "Ok so, do you know where exactly she lives?" Marissa shook her head but then thought for a minute.

"I could go to the club she used to work at...they might know." She said.

"Perfect, so we'll go to this club, get her address and we're off."

"How about I go home and change first, then I'll meet you at The Baitshop...that's the club." Marissa said, she wasn't exactly dressed to impress and she wanted to impress...she really wanted Alex back.

"Ok great!" Nicki stood up suddenly but stopped in her tracks.

"Ms. Heights...where do you think you are going?" Nicki cringed and turned to the teacher.

"No where Mr. Reynolds." She said sitting back down. She turned to Marissa and smiled, slightly embarrassed. "After detention." She said quietly. Marissa smiled.

"After detention."