A/N Ok this is my first Moulin Rouge Fanfic, and it is a strange one! It is an idea I have had for ages! One that I wanted to do for my drama GCSE but that didn't happen... so I thought I'd try to write it here, (although bear in mind it is meant to be a play!) basically I am using the soundtrack of the film Moulin Rouge, but adding it to my own story? If you don't understand, e-mail me and I shall explain further! This chapter is based around the song Nature Boy, (which is first on the soundtrack) I implore all readers who have the soundtrack to listen to this song while reading this chapter.

Disclaimer: The soundtrack is not mine, nor the general storyline (boy meets girl, doesn't work out etc.) but then again who does own that storyline, because they could sue so many people, anyway! The characters are mine though.

I sat on my rock in the forest, it was a normal day, having a couple of glasses of absinthe with the fairy's, nothing much happened. Not that it ever did. Not out here in the depths of the Greenwood anyway. And especially not to an old magician like myself. Then a boy, of about 20 passed me. He made me remember a conversation I had had earlier with one fairy or another. It was about a boy, who apparently was wondering all over the country, no-one knew who he was or where he had come from. And this boy passing me now, well he match the description well.

He was tall, with curly black hair and sparkling green eyes, and he wore a simple green tunic and brown leatherish trousers and knee-high boots.

"Boy," I called, "Won't you come and sit with an old man?"

"Certainly Sir," He answered politely, "I'm sorry I didn't see you there before,"

"What is your name boy?"

"I have none, not any more, except that which I was once called by someone I wish to forget, and yet can't, and that is Nature Boy."

"What a strange name, but you sound troubled, wish to share your worry with me, over a glass of absinthe?" I said, pouring him a glass,

He shook his head, "No I don't touch the stuff I have had too many visits from the Green Fairy, too many indeed" He added quietly,

"But what of your troubles, those you can share surely?" I said, leaning forward, for it wasn't often I could hear other people's conversation.

He sighed, and looked sadly at me, "This may seem wrong, giving advice to you, such as you are elder, and so wiser than me, but, this is how begins my story. This quote, is the thing I used to live by"

"And the quote is?" I leaned even further forward, almost falling off my rock,

"The Greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved... in Return." He said simply, sighing again.

"Why that is a great philosophy, I myself have never loved though I wish to, why does it sadden you so?"

"Well, I have loved, and that is why it saddens me..." and with that Nature Boy began to tell me his story...

A/N Well I hope you liked it, the next chapter will be featuring the song Lady Marmalade! But only if you like it and you review!