Time stood still. The phone rang and rang, but the panicky boy on the other line wasn't receiving any answer. Three rings, four rings, six… why wasn't Tsuzuki answering him! Looking down at the crying child in his arms, Hijiri became even more alarmed and worried. Why, Tsuzuki…? WHY?

Suddenly, there was a knock at his door, and a deep booming voice was calling for him. No… maybe not for him. Maybe for…

Without hanging up, Hijiri dropped the phone and ran to unlock the door. At first, his fingers wouldn't obey him, and he started to have trouble in working the lock. For a brief moment, he hoped Tsuzuki would just knock the stupid thing in, but at the last moment, the door lock clicked, and the door was pushed open towards him.

Right in front of him stood two very worn out individuals- one with matted, untrimmed brown locks and circles under his eyes, and another with wild, 'omg it's gonna eat me' curls and glasses. Both of them looked as though they would collapse, but they couldn't do that now, not when…

"H-Hijiri… is Hisoka okay?!"

"Tsuzuki… I-I don't know! I was only out of the room for a moment, and-!"

Tsuzuki looked down at his partner in amazement, only to find his body growing. He wasn't 4 years old anymore… instead, he looked to be back at 7 or so, but again, he was already starting to regress… It was simply amazing…and unusual. Was the mixture the boy was exposed to only temporary? Watari sighed deeply- both in relief, and in exasperation. Once again, he worked so hard for almost nothing. However, even though none of them saw this coming, they wanted to make sure he wouldn't simply regress again and again like that. They had to put the potion to use.

Hijiri knelt down on the floor and handed Hisoka over gently. Tsuzuki rested the boy against him and lightly lifted his chin as he brought the serum to the boy's lips. There, though, he paused. Was this really what he wanted? Watari had not been mistaken before, and he had read Tsuzuki's feelings well. Tsuzuki had never before been so attached to his partner… Hisoka actually liked him! As a kid, only… once he was returned to his usual self, the silence would return, as would the hard looks and sharp words…

Closing his eyes, he gave up, however. Hisoka was Hisoka, and he still would give anything to get him back. Even if the boy was mad at him and yell and scold…he was Hisoka, and Tsuzuki desperately missed him. So, tipping the vial slightly upward, a light enveloped the younger shinigami, and that was it. He did the right thing…right?

- - - - -

Several hours had passed since he'd been at Hijiri's and Tsuzuki was absolutely exhausted! Over the past week or so, he had managed to get very little sleep, and it was finally taking it's toll on the elder shinigami. If it wasn't his alarm waking him up, it was someone at the ministry asking about Hisoka, the need to do something for some reason, or the boy, himself, wanting some company. Taking care of a child was something he definitely didn't have the stamina for!

Although… he didn't mind it in the least, really. Childcare was something he never thought he would have to face, or get the chance to enjoy, but he did… and he loved almost every minute of it. it was like having a little brother, or having a son… something wonderful, and even more so the harder it got. How strange a thought, he mused…

How wonderful. He was musing… no, he'd simply woken up yet again. Even then, when he had no distractions whatsoever, he still couldn't stay asleep! What did he have to do? What did he need…


No… not again. Hisoka, he thought, …Hisoka, let me sleep. 'Suki is tired now! Le me…But wait. Not Hisoka. How could it be him, when he and Watari had returned the boy to normal? But, something was, indeed, shaking him, lightly. At least, it was a minute ago. Now, there was seemingly nothing there. Confused, and still unable to sleep, Tsuzuki sighed and closes his eyes. His numbing hand snaked out from under his pillow and flexed a few times. He had a bad habit of falling asleep on his stomach, and that meant his hands went right under his head. It was annoying, and yet unconscious.

Still, he tried to ignore that and get back to sleep. However, he was, again, stopped.


no, he hadn't hallucinated that voice, or the sudden, soft pressure on his now-exposed hand… it was real. Someone was calling him, but it wasn't the tiny, nasally voice he had become so accustomed to hearing. Instead, it was somewhat deeper… he expected that voice to be harsh and tense, but no… it was very soft, and kind. Could it be… Slowly, Tsuzuki turned his head to the side, he was so very surprised…

Hisoka was kneeling at the side of his bed, Tsuzuki's own bed, in his own house… Why was he there? Usually, Hisoka felt uncomfortable being at other people's houses so late at night, but there he was! And not only that… his soft little hands were placed on top of Tsuzuki's as his little head of sandy brown hair was lying atop the covers near them. Tsuzuki hadn't realized his eyes were so wide… he was simply surprised and mesmerized by the glowing emerald eyes staring at him. Finally, though, Tsuzuki had to inquire.

"Hisoka… what…?"

But the boy shook his little head at him. Lightly… very lightly in face- almost too small to be seen- Hisoka smiled at him.

"Thank you… for trying so hard. For me."

And from that instant, both of them knew it was going to be different… at least a little. Because Hisoka learned to smile!

Owari. NO YAOI