Spirit- Tis DONE!!!

Tenshi- Whee yay!!! Killing time!!!

Spirit- Yes, and I realized I made a mistake in my last entry. I meant to say Etaxu, not Etah. My bad, anyway, on with the fun!!!

Disclaimer- I don't own either animes/mangas. All I own is the plot and Myself.


"Well this place certainly looks familiar." A girl said sitting on top of a lone rock in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Navy eyes looked out among the soulless dry land as her silvery-white wavy hair blew behind her. A fuku adorned her body. The skirt was a misty dark blue along with the collar. Her boots went up to her knees and were black along with her bows, choker, and gloves. The stone in her tiara caught the sun's light. It was an Alexandrite.

A silver staff with a black eight pointed star at the top was clutched in her right hand. This area was well suited for the upcoming battle. Yep, it would do just fine. No roads or houses were anywhere near. In fact there were no life signs at all. There were no animal or plants within miles. With a sly smirk on her face, she jumped down and walked over the dry cracked ground. She gave a sigh, but it was obviously a fake one. "Here we go again. I just hope they don't get to bloody this time."

Raising her staff to the sky she prepared to chant the spell required for a summoning of spirits. "I am the Keeper of Souls! By the power given to me, I will bring back two of the worlds tainted spirits." she cried. "Potayga, Etaxu, Come forth now! And be amongst the living again!"

A few feet away from her, two circles of shadows formed on the ground. After a moment the shadows rose up and took the form of people. One had a huge brown beard that stuck out a few ways and the hair under his nose nearly covered his upper lip. He was dressed in a dirty beige colored shirt and some shorts. It looked like he was some sort of slave, or escaped prisoner. His name was Portayga. The other had black hair shone blue in the lighting and was past his shoulders. He had a few chin hairs and captivating green eyes. His name was Etaxu. The two looked dazed for a moment, then when their eyes finally got used to the sunlight they looked at their surroundings.

"Are we back in Egypt?" Etaxu asked.

"Yes, but not in your own era. About one millennium has past sine you two died." the men turned to see the lone girl there. "Hello, I am Sailor Spirit, but just Spirit will do. And I have brought you back here to be punished."

Portayga laughed. "We were already undergoing punishment in the afterlife. How is a we little girl going to punish us while we're alive again."

"As I recall it was a "we little" girl that killed your sorry ass. And another thing, this "we little" girl will not be the one doing the torture today." Spirit explained.

Etaxu looked around and arched a brow. "Really? And who will be?"

"Them." Spirit said. With a flick of her wrist seven shadows began to form out of nowhere. Next to her, two more shadows formed. Soon nine new people stood around them. Both men looked a little timid at first, but then regained their composure and put on emotionless masks. The two beside Spirit giggled at the mens attempts to hide their fear. "Well Saturn's Spawn, Lady, shall we sit back and enjoy the show."

The girl referred to as Saturn's Spawn nodded her head, making her long straight black hair bounce slightly. "Yes, I brought the soda's this time."

"And I backed cookies!" Lady cried, bringing out a plate of freshly backed cookies.

Spirit looked at them a little frightened. "Did you bake those on your own?" Lady narrowed her blue eyes at her. "Kidding! Kidding!"

"They're from a box." she pouted, her eyes shifting a little. The two looked worried, but decided best to just let her eat one first as they watched the torture and killing unfold. Three lawn chairs appeared behind them and they all sat down, like it was a day at the beach.

The other seven members brought out their weapons of powered up some attacks as they circled the two evil souls. The one in the grim reapers outfit looked to the girl at his right who had long, straight deep orange hair with grey black bangs and red orange ringed with pale green eyes. Her attire consisted of black jeans with a chain belt, black shirt with long sleeves that hang, moon shaped earrings, black boots, white chain bracelet on her right wrist, and black chain bracelet on her left wrist. "Hi, I'm Tenshi! Have we met?"

"Tenshi! No flirting!" another called out. She had short brown hair and brown eyes. She wore loose jeans with a black shirt with white petals printed on it and some mountain climbing boots.

He pouted. "Aw, but these new girls are cute."

"Watch it pretty boy." snapped the female inuyoukai. Her long black hair had blue highlights in them and was kept in a low pony-tail that came over her shoulder. Her bangs reached her chin and were parted to frame her face. Cold blueish-black eyes glared dangerously at the Reaper. Her outfit was much like Sesshoumaru's except black and minus the armor and fluffy thing.

"You think I'm pretty?" Tenshi asked, with star's in his eyes.

"Did we come to talk, or to kill?" Vegeta asked, crossing his arms.

"Oh! Right! Grr!!!" Everyone sweat-dropped at Tenshi's growl.

"You've got to be kidding me! These idiots are going to kill us? I'd like to see them try!!" Etaxu shouted at Spirit.

The girl just took a bite of her cookie, which actually tasted decent, and pointed behind him. He turned to see one of the other girls charging with inhuman speed. Her long wavy black hair, that reached her waist, and shined a dull indigo that was tied up flew violently behind her. Her bangs were dyed a bright sapphire blue. Stark violet eyes seemed to hypnotize him at first, and when he was able to shake free from her gaze, he realized it was too late for she was upon him. Her finger nails grew longer and she thrust them into his shoulder. He cried out and tried to punch her, but she easily back flipped out of arms reach.

"Woot! Go Victoria!! That had to hurt!" Lady cheered, moving a strand of her mid-back length brown hair out of her face. Her orange bangs bounced a bit as she moved. Victoria just smiled at her and turned her attention back to the two at hand.

Etaxu was now favoring his left shoulder and glaring daggers at her. Tenshi looked over at Spirit. "Question! If she's a vampire, how can she be in the sun?"

"I put a protective "coating" on her I guess you could say."

"Well it looks like Vic has picked out which one she wants. I think I'll go for Portayga." the last girl said with a wicked grin. She had shoulder length brown hair with red highlights and brown eyes. Though she wore just simple blue jeans, a red t-shirt, white tennis shoes, and was kind of short, anyone could tell, she was not someone to be messed with. Portayga eyed the girl suspiciously. He would have to be careful with this one.

"I'll take him on with you Harpy." the inuyoukai said.

"Thanks Yuri." the girl known as Harpy said with a smile.

"I guess I'll join you girls too. No telling what trouble you will cause." he said looking at the two girls who just smiled innocently at him.

"The rest of us will fight Etaxu then." Ra said swinging up her huge sword to rest on her shoulder.

The two groups split and circled around their own victim. Portayga looked at the three who volunteered to fight him. To the naked eye they didn't seem like much, but anyone with enough common sense could tell these three have killed before. A flash of silver caught his eye and he quickly moved out of the way of a dagger. He looked over at Harpy who had four more in hand. Yuri drew her katana and got in a stance, while Vegeta just stood there waiting for the right time to strike. Occupied with the other man Yuri rushed in and swung her sword expertly. Portayga barely managed to back away in time, and received a small cut on the chest as punishment for not paying attention. He drew out his own sword and blocked her next attack.

Using her free hand, Yuri grabbed his shoulder and dug her claws into his flesh. He cried out but didn't falter and managed to push the girl off. Harpy instantly went in. She jumped over Yuri and threw two more daggers in mid air which he was able to deflect. When she landed, she slid her right leg out in front so she was crouching. Taking advantage of her new position she threw both daggers at his feet, pinning them to the ground. The man cried out in pain and fell back.

"That was awesome Harpy-chan!!!" Spirit roared.

Harpy got up and did a mock curtsy. Feeling energy begin to build up behind her. She turned to see Vegeta powering up. He mouthed the word move and instantly she jumped out of the way as he released a powerfully, but not killer blast at the man. When the sand and smoke that had been kicked up cleared. Portayga's burnt and abused form lay on the ground. He could only move a little and began coughing from all the sand that had gotten into his lungs. Yuri walked over to him and looked down.

"Anubis is too forgiving in the afterlife. When you are born again, I hope you will have remembered your lesson from this life." she said. Then raised her sword and brought it down into his neck. Instantly he was dead.

88 Meanwhile With the Other Group 88

Etaxu had brought out his own sword and was ignoring the wound he received earlier. Between dodging Victoria's speed, and everyone's weapons, he could barely get a hit in. When he did, it was usually Tenshi he hit, and the boy's wounds would just heal automatically. Ra, unable to use her giant sword at the risk of hurting the others, took up hand to hand combat instead. There were just simply too many of them for Etaxu to deal with, and they weren't showing any mercy. Tenshi seemed especially set on decapitating him. Like Ra, the boy was not able to use his regular scythe, so instead brought out a shortened version of it that was easier to control.

One of Rutoh's hidden knives managed to scrap his cheek as he blocked Victoria's attack. A sudden strong wind blasted him back, and he rolled several feet on the harsh desert ground. Looking up he saw Ra's eyes were green and her hair was now blonde. She had been the one to attack. Fueled with anger he got up and charged at her sword raised above his head. Ra smirked and waited til he was close enough, then back flipped away, nailing his chin with her foot as she went. The momentary pause was all Rutoh needed to release the other knife she had hidden in her long sleeve. It dug it's way into his other shoulder and he dropped his sword. Blood tricked down both sides of his body.
Two long chains with circular blades on the ends shot out and wrapped around each arm. The blades then dug into the ground. Etaxu tried to pull his arms up, but the blades had dug too far down for him to move. Looking over, he saw Victoria was the one hold him down. A shadow loomed over his right and he turned to see a deadly looking Tenshi.

"Oh shit. He's angry." Spirit whispered. Lady covered her eyes while Saturn's Spawn hid behind her chair. The rest of the people who weren't fighting began to back away, not wanting to be on the receiving end of the rare anger Tenshi now held.

"There is no such thing as a second chance for scum like you. Now I'll have my revenge for what you did to my sister." he hissed then brought up his scythe which had returned to his hand. In one clean movement Etaxu was decapitated. The rest of his body slumped to the ground as the blood pooled out around him. Victoria retracted her weapons and cleaned off the blood that had got on them.

Spirit was the only one who dared speak to the Grim Reaper. "Um. . . Tenshi? You ok now?"

"Yes!!! So can we have the party now!" he asked, jumping up and down like a little kid. Everyone let out a breath they didn't realize they were holding.


"What??" everyone shouted.

Spirit just grinned, "I have something else in mind." Summoning her staff she held it in the air and they all disappeared.

When the light faded everyone looked to see they were at some kind of oasis. Looking to Spirit for an explanation. She motioned for them to be quiet and follow her. They did so, and soon came upon a gathering. Their eyes widened as they saw what appeared to be a wedding going on. Makoto turned in her seat and waved at them.

"Hidama! Glad you could make it!" she called with a wave. The group turned to see Spirit, who was de-transformed and in modern style clothing for ancient Egypt, waving back. Looking down, they all found they too were wearing the type of clothing for this time period.

"Hidama?" Tenshi asked.

"My "normal" name that I use. Now lets get seated."

As they walked out to take some seats, Lady tugged on her arm. "Um. . . whose wedding are we here for?"

"Bakura's and Hotaru's. And if you two try ANYTHING, I'll lock you in a closet together for eternity." she snapped, narrowing her blue eyes at Tenshi and Vegeta. The two men instantly shut their mouths.

Soon the wedding took place, and most of the girls cried. Especially when Hotaru and Bakura kissed at the end. After the big event, the ceremony to rejoice for the new couple started. Food, and dancing along with laughter filled the night. Only when the two Tenshi's net(story Tenshi and real Tenshi) did Spirit find it fitting for their group to leave. After all, no one would be able to survive two completely drunk Tenshi's. Not even the gods.


1) I'm going to be taking down one of my stories. Either "How I Never Knew" or "Sweet Serenade". You get to decide. simply send me a pm or review telling me which story you DO NOT want me to take down. The loosing story will either be put back up later or recycled. I just don't really feel to interested in completeing them, but I don't want to take both down. So please vote!!

2) I am working on two more stories along with "Egypt's Crimson Nile"(the sequel to "The Red Sands of Egypt") For previews, please visit my profile.

Spirit- Well since the alerts were down for awhile, I accepted everyone's character. And sorry the ending to the bonus sucked, but I don't really know how they did weddings back then. But anyway this story is finally over!

Tenshi- Aw, I wanted to talk with my Story Self some more.

Spirit- NO WAY IN HELL!!! Anways, Please Review one last time for this story! Ja ne
