: Flashback:

A fifteen year old girl with raven black hair down to her shoulders and chocolate brown eyes wearing a light blue tank-top and a pair of baggy black pants was laying down in the back of a red pick-up truck with a sixteen year old boy with silver hair down to his mid-back, silver dog ears ontop his head, and golden eyes wearing a red t-shirt and a pair of dark faded blue jeans. They two teens were looking up at the night sky with many stars and a half moon looking down on them. In other words, they were looking up at the Georgia sky they were so accustomed too. As the girl looked up to the sky, a dagger full of guilt hit her in her heart.

"Inuyasha?" the girl asked looking at the silver haired boy.

"Hai, Kagome?" Inuyasha asked.

"You know I love you right?" Kagome asked earning a look from the boy.

"Hai, of course. And you know I love you." Inuyasha said becoming suspicious.

"Yes, and you know my twin sister has been trying to take you away from me, right?" Kagome asked as tears were threatoning to fall.

"Yes, and I promise I won't let her. Not even if hell froze over. I'm going to stay with you forever." Inuyasha said hugging Kagome tightly in his arms. Kagome laughed a little having a smile crack for two seconds then it turned into a frown. Inuyasha sensed her being sad. "What's wrong?"

"Do you promise not to ever love Kikyo the way you love me or even at all?" Kagome asked as her nose began to burn and then stopped. Signaling she was going to cry at any minute and Inuyasha would smell the tears and freak out.

"Of course! Now tell me what's wrong?" Inuyasha asked looking at Kagome then kissingthe top of herhead.

"Mother's making us move back to Japan and leaving Kikyo here with our aunt." Kagome said then she began to cry uncontrolably. The words hit Inuyasha like a bullet to his heart. "And we're leaving in two days."

"No! I won't let her take you away from me!" Inuyasha said hugging the girl tighter. "You'll never leave me! Please don't." Inuyasha began to show softness. He never showed anyone other then Kagome since he loved her with all of his heart.

"I'm sorry, Inuyasha. I have no choice. I'm so sorry. Here, I want you to have this and never take it off. It'll remind you of me and your promises." Kagome said handing him a Rosary. Inuyasha looked at it for a while in his clawed hands and then put it around his neck.

"Here you can have this. And you can't take it off either." Inuyasha said pulling out a silver chain and a ring he always wore. He had said it came from his mother before she had died when he was a kid.

"Inuyasha. This is the ring your mother gave you. I can't take it away from you. It'll make me feel guilty I took the only thing you have to remember of your mother." Kagome said looking at Inuyasha as he put the ring on the chain and put it around her neck.

"Yes, you can. And you must. It'll remind you of the stubborn jerk you fell in love with." Inuyasha said as he heard her small laugh through the tears.

He put his clawed hand to her beautiful face and whipped away the tears that were falling like a waterfalls from her beautiful chocolate eyes. Suddenly they heard the thunder come from above them and water fell from the heavens soaking them completely. Inuyasha put her inside his red pick-up truck and then he drove them home and away from their hidding place. And as Kagome had said, she had moved to Japan and never returned.

: End of Flashback :

Now a twenty one year old, Kagome Higurashi was on a plane looking down to the clouds and water remembering the promises Inuyasha and her had made. She put a hand to her chest and felt for the ring her first true love had given her and began to roll it across the chain. After a while she looked at the small tv a few seats ahead of her and decided she had a few hours and fell asleep.

'I can't believe I'm returning to Georgia and to Inuyasha.' was the last thing she thought before she drifted off to slumber.