Important: This is a Trilogy so I urge you before you start reading this read This Moment: Shuyin's Rage. You've got to read it otherwise you wont know what's going on.

Welcome back well it's here This Moment: Hope. Here's a little summary.

Summary: Lyla and Jian after entering the chambre of the Fayth in Baaj for the second time met Braska, Auron and Jecht. Where they travel to the future to save Yuna and Co but gasp, they got lost in time. While a 1000 years later Shuyin posses Tidus and Kills Rikku, Yuna in her anger kills Tidus and commits suicide. So now her daughter Anya is an orphan and Ryley has only her dad Gippal.

Ok I know its brief but it was meant to jog your memory now on to the shout outs.

Vogue Star: Would I be that mean he he. Anyway it's a good idea to check the important stuff which I label important, this normally involves technical stuff which I need my readers to know, like the continuation of the story. Congratulations Mogsam on your baby Brother, sorry I've run out of ideas for names.

M'jai: If you think about it Mega potion is like medicine, it's really strong so it has to have a strong taste. Nice idea about the relationship I didn't think of that, although it could be that it hurts too much to talk about his family, we don't know, maybe I'll mention Isiac again in this part. Gotta love the aeons he he. It just had to end on a twist, makes readers want to read on. It will always be confusing with the different times and places, but I do try to stay in one time for a long time, I think I've achieved that in this part. Yes I will try and keep the vision in the new characters, I think every author struggles with this, as this is the most difficult part of writing a story. I maybe wrong we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Just to remind you this is the second part not the third, but thank you anyway, enjoy!

Slamlam or otherwise known Sian: Which do you want to be called for future reference? Anyway I'm glad you like that chapter, I'm pretty pleased with the battle between Ixion and Yojimbo, hope you are enjoying the fan ficcie. You'll probably wont see this til later on so enjoy!

After the death of Tidus, Yuna and Rikku, Gippal made a promise to him self that he would be the best father he could be to Ryley. This promise he held on to was the only thing keeping him going. His loved one Rikku was dead, she died because of Shuyin, he thought that Shuyin was gone for good after the defeat of Vegnagun. But somehow Shuyin had came back and he had possessed Tidus to kill Rikku.

Fifteen years later the Celcius flies high over Spira.

"Ryley!" yells Brother as the Celcius does a flip in the air. Inside the Celcius Brother grabs on to the railings to keep him self balanced on the Bridge. Brother has changed, he wears black trousers and two black armbands. Some people think that he wears the armbands because of the obsession with Yuna. His hair has also grown an inch higher, he still wears his goggles though.

"Wow drec ec cu silr vih! Rybbo pendrtyo du sa! (Wow this is so much fun! Happy birthday to me!) Exclaims Ryley as she drives the Celcius. Ryley is now fifteen years old she has got light long blond hair, which is the same colour as Gippal's. Her hair has got waves in it and is in a high ponytail. She's got swirling green eyes and is quite tall. She wears an orange tank top with green shorts with an orange belt. She wears a black pouch on her left leg and on her feet she has got white and brown boots, also there are what look like two blue ribbons coming down from her back. Yes she is wearing Rikku's clothes from the Pilgramage without the claw and glove. She had been given them for her birthday. Also to the side of her shorts she has strapped two red daggers, which were also Rikku's but she had found them long ago.

"Dno du cmuf tumh hum. Ma'na haynmo yd Besaid. (Try to slow down now. We're nearly at Besaid.)" said Buddy who was in the co pilot seat. Buddy hasn't changed at all except he has gotten older. No one really knows why he hasn't changed his style, but then again no one really knows Buddy.

"Ugyo (Okay)" replied Ryley.

Lastly there is Shinra who is in his usual place, he is fifteen years older so is therefore not a kid anymore, and when his inventions go wrong he can't use the excuse I'm just a kid. He was wearing a yellow suit with a mask. And is fiddling with a small device.

Ryley puts the Celcius on autopilot and goes to the cabin.

The cabin has also changed there are now three bedrooms underneath the second floor, with locks. Cid is in the cabin and is sitting at the bar, he has also hasn't changed his style but he has got more wrinkles, but he doesn't like to admit it. Behind the bar Barkeep and his wife have had a child who is seven years old and is running around the cabin playing with the Chocobos which are still aboard the Celcius. Also there is at the far end are the pets from the trainer dress spheres and behind the bar there is a Sphere Screen. Ryley goes up the stairs and to her bed. Ghiki the monkey follows her. Ryley smiles at the monkey, and gives it a cuddle before placing it back down. She looks at the Brotherhood sword, which is next to her bed. She then opens a drawer to find a pair of pistols. Ryley smiles as she thinks about Anya's reaction to her presents when she tells her that they were her parent's.

While in Besaid on the beach Lyla and Jian are laid out on the sand. Lyla is the first one to wake up and she sits up and brushes herself off. Jian then wakes up and is pleased to see that Lyla is alright, Lyla smiles at Jian. Suddenly they hear a roar behind them, they both turn around to find a red airship heading towards the island.

"What the heck is that!" Exclaims Jian.

"So we really are in the future" says Lyla. Jian nods in agreement. He had never seen anything like it.

As Lyla looks around she notices that over the years the two look out towers have crumbled into nearly nothing, and the trees and plants have grown over the ruins. Lyla sighs as she remembers the day she had to perform the sending, her pilgrimage seemed so much simpler then.

As the Celcius landed Ryley walked out of the hatch with the Brotherhood sword and the pair of pistols. She spotted two people on the beach who were soaked.

"Hey are you okay?" asked Ryley as she ran up to the people.

"Yes thank you" replied the girl. Ryley noticed that the girl was wearing the Songstress Dress sphere, she had blue eyes, long brown hair, which was put up in a high ponytail by a purple flower band. Ryley also noticed that the girl was wearing a gold heart shaped locket around her neck. Ryley turned to the boy. He had short black hair and a fringe, which came down to his nose. He also had brown eyes and light skin. He was wearing a long top with a hood, which had black on one side and white on the other with it he was wearing black trousers and black trainers, and on his back he had a sword. She also noticed he seemed to cover him self using his hood.

"Hey so I'm Ryley" beamed Ryley.

"I'm Lyla" said Lyla.

"Jian" said Jian.

"So you look like you could use something to eat. Hmm… I know you could come with me to the village" said Ryley excitedly. Lyla smiled and nodded. With that the three of them walked to the village. As they were walking Ryley decided to question these new people. "So like where do you guys live?" asked Ryley.

"Kilika" replied Lyla, she decided that she would tell the truth, but not all of it at the moment.

"Ah so you don't live that far" said Ryley.

"No, and Kilika is just a friendly little town" said Lyla. Ryley looked at Jian.

"Your boyfriend doesn't talk much does he?" questioned Ryley. Lyla blushed and shook her head.

"Jian's not my boyfriend he's my friend" said Lyla. Ryley put her hand to her mouth.

"Oh whoops my bad" said Ryley Lyla smiled.

"That's okay" said Lyla.

"Hmm Lyla you look familiar" said Ryley.

"Really!" exclaimed Lyla, this would be good if the girl knew about Lenne, that would mean that the girl could lead them to Yuna or so Lyla thought.

"Yeah, hold on a minute" said Ryley, the group stopped and Ryley dug into her pocket and pulled out the Garment Grid.

"What is that?" questioned Jian. Ryley looked at Jian as if he was mad.

"You don't know what this is!" exclaimed Ryley.

"Umm we were on a boat and…" said Lyla.

"The boat sank and I hit my head" said Jian.

"Oh okay then. Don't worry we have some White Mages in the village" said Ryley. She pulled out the sphere from the grid and played it.

Lenne was dancing and singing on stage in Zanarkand. When she finished the crowd cheered. Lenne smiled.

"Before I sing this next one, I wanted to say hello to my little girl Lyla. She wanted her name to be mentioned on t.v. There you go sweetie, this next one is for you" said Lenne with that the sphere ended.

Ryley looked from Lyla back to the sphere again, and then to Lyla again.

"Well so much for being discrete" said Jian. Ryley broke into a smile as a plan formed in her mind.

"You're Shuyin's and Lenne's daughter" exclaimed Ryley as she jumped up and down. Lyla nodded. "So you have come to help us" said Ryley. Lyla was a bit confused that Ryley knew about Shuyin. Because the three men said that no one knew. But she nodded anyway.

"Yes can you lead us to Lady Yuna?" asked Lyla. "The Fayth sent us" added Lyla.

"Well that would be a bit difficult" said Ryley as the group walked on over the bridges. "She died fifteen years ago along with Tidus and my mother Rikku.

"Oh no" said Lyla.

"Okay I knew there was something iffy about this whole thing" said Jian.

"No there is still hope" said Ryley.

"What do you mean?" asked Jian. Ryley had a smile on her lips.

"You'll see when we get to the village" said Ryley. "So really now you didn't hit your head" said Ryley. Lyla was still a bit confused so she had to ask.

"Ok, so how come you believe I'm Lenne's daughter, don't you think it's a bit hard to believe?" questioned Lyla. Ryley smiled as the group walked over the bridges.

"You would think that wouldn't you, but I just think that this is too much of a coincidence. Anyway you seem too much of a nice person to lie" said Ryley.

"Just because someone seems nice doesn't mean they will always tell the truth" replied Jian as the group rounded the corner. Ryley scratched her head in confusion.

"Oh no" said Lyla as they came to the ruins.

"Gone" said Jian. Ryley looked at the two.

"Aww the town must of still been here a thousand years ago" thought Ryley. "I'm sorry" said Ryley as she put a hand on Lyla's shoulder. Lyla wiped a few tears away.

"Err Lyla" said Jian.

"Yeah" answered Lyla.

"That path is covered up" said Jian. The two girls looked to the left, and sure enough in the cliff was a small path covered by bushes. Lyla walked towards the path and Jian lead the way cutting down the bushes.

"Hey wait you're not going in there are you?" asked Ryley. But Jian and Lyla couldn't hear her as they were already a long way down the path. "Hey wait for me, there are fiends out here!" exclaimed Ryley.

Soon the three had got to the end of the path. There was lots of ruins and worst of all thousands of coyotes.

"Uh oh" said Ryley as she backed up.

"They need to rest" said Lyla.

"You're kidding right!" exclaimed Ryley.

"Looks like that this will be a good work out" said Jian as he drew out his sword. Ryley quickly drew out her daggers and Lyla drew out her staff.

"Great and I have no grenades" said Ryley. The coyotes began to surround the friends as the friends put their backs to each other. Jian charged and immediately one burst into Pryaflies.

"Firega!" shouted Lyla as the coyote was engulfed in flames.

Ryley pounced onto a coyote and stole a grenade. She then used that grenade to blow up three coyotes. Through the mass of Pryaflies a coyote jumped and bit Ryley on the leg, but Jian quickly took care of it. Lyla noticed that Jian had a couple of bruises already and Ryley didn't look to good either. "Stand back I'll summon" said Lyla.

"What!" exclaimed Ryley as she dodged a coyote, but Jian quickly dragged Ryley to a safe place. "Jian are you crazy she'll be killed" said Ryley.

"Watch" said Jian.

"Anima we need your help" said Lyla as she spread out her arms. She then lowered her staff and pointed to the sky. Out of the sky fell an anchor, which kept lowering itself deep into the ground. It then stopped and the anchor started to rise. It pulled up the aeon Anima out of the pits. It looked like a large Egyptian Mummy, which was held by chains. Ryley stared open mouthed at the Aeon unable to believe that such a thing existed.

"An Aeon! From the stories!" Exclaimed Ryley. Jian nodded confirming that Ryley hadn't gone mad.

"Anima use your Pain to rest these souls" said Lyla. Anima's eye glowed and suddenly the fiends began to burst into Pryaflies one after another. Soon all of the fiends had been taken care of, and Lyla dismissed Anima.

"Wow! That was, did that, I mean!" exclaimed Ryley as she ran up to Lyla. Lyla smiled as she leaned on her staff for support. "Wow these people will make such a difference to the mission" thought Ryley as Jian was checking on Lyla.

"Oh no I've run out of ethers" said Lyla as she was checking her pockets.

"Yeah me too" said Jian.

"I'm so sorry I wont be able to heal you two" said Lyla. Ryley smiled.

"Lyla is just as badly hurt, but she thinks of other people" thought Ryley.

"Hey it's ok, I'm sure there will be shops at the village" said Jian.

"Yeah don't worry about it" said Ryley and with that the three headed out of the ruins and into the village.

Wow a battle in the first chappie, yay we are back but we are fifteen years later, what is Ryley planning? Find out next time