 Paulina Objection (Tango) 

A Danny Phantom Songfic

By WindWing

Disclaimer : I do not own blah, blah, blah… or blah, blah, blah… u get the idea right? Urrghh. Fine! I do not Danny Phantom or the song 'Objection (Tango)' by Shakira. Don't sue me! Plz!

Danny Fenton stared – and drooled – openly at the 'figure of true perfection' infront of his best friends, gothic Sam Manson and techno-geek Tucker Foley.

"Wow Tuck! Your not drooling!" Sam raised her arms in some sort of triumph at the boy typing furiously on his PDA.

"yup…test…busy…pass…bye…must…" with that jumble, Tucker left his best friends in a struggle.

"Oookaaay then…Danny! Wake up would'ya!" She started to pull at his shirt sleeve.

It's not her fault she's so irresistible

'Why do I even bother with you anymore, Danny?'

But all the damage she's caused isn't fixable


"Paulina…Paulina…Paulina…Paulina…" Sam rolled her eyes – something she was doing very occasionally when the 'replace-the-w-with-a-b-in-witch witch' was about.


Every twenty seconds you repeat her name

"Fine Danny! While your drooling, I'm gonna die! Yeah die! Right here!" She lay down on the ground and closed her eyes and started strangling herself.

"Paulina…" They received a lot of looks from passers by, however, Danny did not pry his eyes away from the popular 'beauty queen'. (A/N : well, wouldn't you look up if you saw a boy drooling like he was having an epileptic fit, and a girl strangling herself and actually succeeding? Exactly…)

But when it comes to me you don't care…

If I'm alive or dead!

"Paulina…" Danny gobbed again.

'Urrggh! Why does she have to stand right there! Why! Of all the places around this school, she had to stand right there! Right there! Why does she have to steal him from me! Wait…what?'

Objection, I don't wanna big exception,

To get a bit of your attention,

I love you for free, and I'm not your mother,

But you don't even bother!

'Maybe I should just go…he's got his, eww, Paulina, and, I've got…my, umm…oh…' Sam sighed deeply. Danny was what she wanted. Her money could not buy him though, and it was obvious who he had chosen to ogle.

"Danny, hey, I'm gonna go…I'll see you tomorrow…kay?"

Objection, I'm tired, of this triangle,

Got dizzy dancing the tango

"Wait! Sam!" Danny grabbed her hand. She melted.

I'm falling apart in your hands again,

No way, I've got to get away!

"Where're you going?" She stared into his ice-blue eyes, only realizing how warm they actually were.

"Going home, so you might as well go back to 'Paulina watching'." She yanked her hand out of his grasp angrily.

Next to her cheap silicon I look minimal,

That's why infront of your eyes I'm invisible

He stared at her blankly. More like he was staring at what 'perfection' was behind her. Without averting his gaze, he spoke;

"Sam, you don't have to go yet home yet. Why don't we go to mine? You, Me and Tuck…hey, where is Tuck?"he tore his eyes away from Paulina for a split second in order 2 find Tucker. Sam rolled her eyes impatiently.

But you gotta know small things also count,

You better put your feet on the ground…

And see what it's about!

"He left half an hour ago!" She raised her arms to emphasise her point.

"Oh, oops. Well I guess it's just you and me…" Sam crossed her arms and noted that her was still gazing at Paulina.

"Danny, you sound disappointed. Why don't you invite…oh I don't know, Paulina instead?" Her voice dripped with sarcasm and hatred.

Objection, I don't want a big exception,

To get a bit of your attention.

I love you for free and I'm not your mother,

But you don't even bother!

Unfortunately, Danny, only fourteen, was as dense as any other teenage boy when it came to emotions and sarcasm. (A/N : sorry for any boy who may be reading this…some boys do understand emotions, sometimes…gulp hehe…)

"Do you think she'd actually come?"

Objection, I'm tired of this triangle,

Got dizzy dancing the tango…

I'm falling apart in your hands again,

No way, I've got to get away!

That did it. That lifted the lid and made the volcano erupt.

"DANNY! YOU JUST DON'T GET IT! YOU'RE SO DENSE! SHE WILL NEVER LIKE YOU! SHE IS A…A…A…THERE ISN'T EVEN A WORD FOR IT! WHY, MIGHT I ASK, DO YOU CARE AGAIN? OH, YEAH! BE…CAUSE…YOU…ARE…A… BOY!" Sam's fists had turned white from where she had clenched them so much. Even her face colour now matched her violet eyes which was only millimetres from touching Danny's.

"So, that's a no on asking her then?" he squeaked.

"You, are such a Phead!" with that, Sam slapped him square on his left cheek and stormed off. Leaving Danny gob smacked, rubbing his now red cheek with people crowding around.

I wish there was a chance for you and me,

I wish you couldn't find a place to be…

Away from here

Sam lay on her bed, crying into her pillow. 'Great Sam, you had to open your big mouth. Now he'll probably never talk to you again. And neither will Tucker. You're so stupid!'

Danny lay on his bed too, only with a little different thought going through his head. 'Dinner smells good…no! focus! Why did Sam say those things…hmmm…errr…I need help. But I normally go to Sam for help. Hmmm…'

This is pathetic and sardonic,

It's sadistic and psychotic

Tango is not for three…

Never meant to be…

Rrriiiinnnggg………rrriiiinnnggg….. "Hello?"



"Problem. Big Problem."

"Don't you normally ask Sam?"

"Sam is the problem."

"Ohhh. Can't help."


"I don't get girls. Bye!" Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

"Damn you Tuck…"

Knock knock. Silence. 'Don't say I didn't warn you' Danny Phantom phased through Sam's third story window.

"Damn. Where could she be?" As if on cue, Sam walked in, in only a towel…fresh out the shower.

"Ahhhh!" Danny rushed to cover his eyes and stumbled over the bedside cabinet, landing on the gothic bed. Sam rolled her eyes and slumped over.

"I'm covered, idiot." He peeked through a hole in his hands before removing them. "What do you want, ghost-boy?"

"Errr…" Sam rolled her eyes.

'Wow, Sam's got a better figure than Paulina…wait…what?' She cocked an eyebrow at him, saying he should hurry up. He gulped. 'What did I want to say? Why didn't think about this first before blindly flying through the window?'

You can try it,

Rehearse it,

Or train like a horse,

But don't you count on me,

Oh don't you count on me boy!


"Why were you mad at me?" Her shoulders slumped. She grabbed her pajamas and went into the bathroom.

"Hmmm…try am mad at you and you are as dense as I thought." By now the were arguing through the door.

"I'm not dense!"

"Are too!"


"Are!" Danny sighed and changed back to Danny Fenton.

"Well, ok then. Explain why I am dense."

"Because you don't realize what's going on around you, and you can't realize what an airhead Paulina is so you insist on acting like you've been lobotomized when you're around her!"

"What? I don't!" Sam had finished dressing, she just didn't want to have to face Danny Fenton or Phantom while she was crying.

"Dense…so dense…"

"Stop saying that!"

"Why do you care what I say! I'm surprised you even notice!"

"B-because you're my best friend, Sam." They both were leaning against the door now, just dying to be close to the other. Sam couldn't though, she knew what was coming next…what she had to say…

"Sam? Are you still in there? Don't make me phase through the door!" She almost smiled then.

"Danny…I don't see you as a best friend anymore…" His heart stopped.

"W-what? W-why?"

Objection, I don't want a big exception,

To get a bit of your attention,

I love you for free, and I'm not your mother,

But you don't even bother!

"Because Danny, I-I…love you. There, I said it, now, just go away! And leave me to die in my self pity…"

"Sam…what? Let me i-"

"No! Go Away! I'm not decent Danny!" He wouldn't risk phasing through the door.

"But, Sammy…"

"Don't call me that…go away!" He wasn't getting anywhere like this and he felt bad enough. He'd made her say something and now she felt humiliated. He could not return what she said because his emotions weren't sorted out yet…no matter how much he wanted to hold her…make her happy and safe…

Objection, I'm tired of this triangle,

Got dizzy dancing the tango,

I'm falling apart at your hands again,

No way, I've got to get away!

"Okay, Sam, I'll go…" silence. He was gone. Sam slid down the door and let her sobs out openly, not caring who heard, even though there was no-one who could hear…

A/N : Wat do you think? Yeah, I know, sad ending. I might do a sequel to this if I get some reviews saying people want to hear more!  If you have any flames plz be gentle cause im new at this but constructive criticism is always welcome! Cheers for reading!
