Hello everyone! This is a new story obviously! I really hope you all like it and as always it means so much to me to review with feedback!

It's not that hard… really! I'll give you Erik cookies! XOXO always, Star Sheep

Star From Darkness

Chapter One

"Gabrielle de Changy! Daughter of Meg and Raoul de Changy" Mme. Giry cried with joy, calling off the list of girls who had made it to the Paris Opera House ballet chorus. She beamed down at her granddaughter.

The daughter of Meg and Raoul de Changy walked on stage with the other girls, her blond hair swaying back and forth over her leotard as she walked.

The Paris Opera House had been rebuilt, and with the help of their (once again) new patron the Viscount de Changy, the burned down ruin was once again fabulous and grand.

What had happened with the viscount and the former prima donna Christine Daae had been unknown, a mystery that no one dared to solve. Any mention of it and Raoul would become consumed with rage, so everyone accepted his new wife the chorus ballerina Meg Giry. Now their daughter was carrying on the tradition.

In a few weeks time, it would be fourteen years since the Paris Opera house had been lit aflame. The new generation of dancers and singers new little to nothing of the… history of the historic and grand building. They only new that a ghost called the Phantom had once dominated the building, but anything other than that was kept hushed by the elders of the theatre. Mme. Giry made sure of that. At any questions it would be "he is dead." And the conversation would end then and there.

The older mistress looked down at the list of names from the girls from tryouts that had been held just a few short hours ago. Several girls had been there, but most of them had been in the younger version of the chorus group. Meg Giry taught very young girls an extent about of dance and ballet, and the girls every so often would perform in normal Operas. They were called the corps de ballet de la juniors. Well, the girls had grown, and were now on Le Pointe and teenagers, and were eagerly ready to join the rest of the adults to become full time members of the Paris Opera House cast. This test determined if they would or not. She looked down at the paper of names written in her own neat cursive print and smiled.

One girl in the large group of young woman wasn't smiling. Her name was Etolee. Her long curly black hair swirled down her back and her arms were wrapped tightly around her. Even though it was early fall, she felt a strange nervous chill around her. She just wanted this little ceremony thing to end; she hated being around large groups of people. It mad her feel like everyone was starring at her. She got Closter phobic and felt like her world was caving in on her and she had trouble breathing. Her mother called them panic attacks, and Etolee got them often.

She didn't like ceremonies and she didn't like banquets and she hated being the center of attention but she loved ballet and dance so being the center of attention there was a non eventful thing. But after a day long lesson in choreography, (which she loved more than anything) she like to take a nice bath and curl up in her cozy night gown and read books. She was different, and she was teased. Her only friend but her best and loyal and kind friend was Gabrielle. That was all she needed. One very close wonderful friend and she had that so she was happy and content.

"Etolee, daughter of Christine Daae!" Mme. Giry cried out in delight. Etolee smiled and bounded onto the stage with the other ladies in excited merriment. Gabrielle clapped vigorously and smiled at her best friend and the two girls hugged.

"You don't have a last name?" Came the snide comment from Charley. Charley was named for her famous Aunt Carlotta. Now, even her Aunt had to admit her niece had no chance in the music business, but Carlotta was determined to have her precious niece be the prima ballerina, but she wasn't even that much of a dancer, she was quite horrible. The only reason she was accepted was form the threats from la Carlotta.

"No," Etolee said still bouncing up and down with her friend at the acceptance to the Paris Opera house.

"Don't you go by your father's last name? Oh right, I forgot you don't have a father!"

"Of course I do," she said, her tone getting dry. "I just don't know who he is." with that, the twenty new members of the corps de ballet ran off in their pink tights and puffy white tutus to celebrate the momentous occasion.

Later that evening, Christine Daae was helping her daughter prepare for her first night at the Paris Opera House. She unpacked her clothes into the chest of drawers and put some fresh flowers into a long forgotten vase.

"You know sweetheart if you need me I am just down the hall. You know I am one of the dance instructors along with Meg."

"I know mama. I like that you are here with me though." Christine smiled at the girl and sat down behind her to braid her long curled black hair for the night.


"Yes little star?" Etolee sighed at the meaning of her name that her mother called her often by. Etolee meant 'star.'

"You were a singer, why are you teaching dance? That was not your strength."

"Actually, I was a dancer much more than a singer. I had my few hours of fame and then it was gone when this place was burned to the ground. I don't really care. Yes I love singing and performing but I stopped."

"Why?" Etolee asked turning to her mother when her hair was finished.

"Something much more important came into my life; you. I was a young naïve child then; easily manipulated and confused. Things were hard for quite some time. I've grown up a lot since then Etolee, and I won't make some of the same mistake's I did then. Now, enough of this foolish conversation. It's bed time. Good night sweet one."

"Good night mama." Christine turned off the lamp, and shut the door behind her.

"When are you going to tell her?" Christine jumped a foot at the voice of Mme. Giry who had been standing right outside the door.

"I have told her all she needs to know. You know I am here to protect her, nothing more."

"Alright, it's your option." Mme. Giry walked away from Christine leaving her to her thoughts.

"He's dead, he's dead he's dead. He has to be dead." She said out loud as she walked to her room. As she shut the door behind her, she groaned as she realized this had been her old dressing room. She sighed and walked over to the wood mirror. She ran her fingers over the cool wood and stared at the glass.

"If you're there, if you're listening, listen close. Don't come anywhere near me. Don't get anywhere near any one. I have gotten my life together, and I don't want you harming my family or me. Stay away Erik stay away."

Christine slipped under the covers of the bed and fell into a restless sleep. She never saw the shadow move slow and sad behind the mirror.