Hello people I know I said it was going to be a one shot, but I had inspiration to pick on Brother again. I think this is shorter that last time, I can't remember. I might do another I might not. It depends whether I get another idea. Anyway this is more like a series of one shots than being actual chapters, but this is kind of connected to last time, but totally seperate. Oh and by the way my sister didn't help this time, she really does hate the game, and didn't want to help do another chapter. Sigh so no DOFF. Anyway on with the story, and on to shout outs.

Sonora Faye: Halluha I made someone laugh, I've never done a fic quite like this before.

darkshadowgirl: Hey we have something in common, so who wants to chop Brother's head off hmm?

Warui-Usagi: And I have kept it up, look its another one, YAY.

Vogue Star: Omg you like Brother lol. Okay I guess it's a complement with Brother fans like it aswell, yay go me.

Tidus Reeves: We will join to together, and make an army that kills Brother lol mwahahahahahaha

Disclaimer: I don't own Goldilocks and the three bears

After that horrible, and disturbing scene with Brother. I got so angry with the character, that I expressed my rage and anger in forum and some reviews. For example "Really Brother should get his head chopped by a chainsaw, mwahahahaha" I put. But even doing that, didn't suppress my anger, and rage.

I stared blankly at the screen, until that is an idea had popped into my head, and this is what I had wrote…

It was a wonderful morning on Island of Besaid, the birds were singing, there were less fiends on the roads, the sun was shining, and the Celcius was parked calmly on the beach. YRP strode calmly onto the beach and onto the village. Little did they know that when they would get back, that their day would be ruined by the one, and only Brother.

In the Cabin Shinra was having a cup of coffee. No one knows why he was drinking some coffee, actually no one knows why he was off his computer let alone drinking his coffee. Buddy was asleep on one of the Cabin beds, and Darling and Barkeep… Well they were gone, but you don't want to know really, what the Hypello get up to, while no one is around.

Brother strode in the Cabin. He stopped in the middle of the cabin, and puffed out his chest and struck a pose. Really this kind of stuff doesn't even turn a girl on, let alone get her attention. Shinra took a sip of his coffee as he watched.

"gdhegrhjeeh rhew ewhjergweh" said Brother in Al bhed. Well he said something near enough to that, Al bhed is a made up language, and if I put what he really had said in Al bhed, those of you who understand the language, would have been shocked and appalled. So it's best not that we go there. After all young ears, such as Shinra's need to be protected. Shinra shook his head at the gibberish that he had heard and took another sip from his coffee. Brother smiled a goofy grin to himself, he thought that he spoke perfectly clear, goodness knows why.

Brother then walked up the stairs and approached two wardrobes and some drawers, the drawers belonged to Paine, they had a note stuck on it which said:

To Brother,

You touch, and you die!

It will be very,








Now as much as an idiot that Brother is, he's not so stupid that he'd ignore the note. So he wearily stepped away from the drawers, that was too dangerous, and had a look at the two wardrobes. One was smaller than the other, but not as small as the drawers. This was Yuna's and the biggest wardrobe was Rikku's.

Now that I come to think of it, it was a similar situation with someone who hated Goldilocks, they also used if you remember from your childhood, the small, medium and the big theme. Only the true ending was that she didn't get away, she got clawed to death by the bears. Unfortunately here, there are no bears or fiends for that matter to stop Brother.

Brother looked at Rikku's Wardrobe, her clothes were much too skimpy, and more importantly, she was his sister. Why it's ok to be purvey with your cousin and not your sister, I'll never know. Rikku had also left a note on her Wardrobe which read:

Du Brother,

Oui'na celg, yht tuh'd ajah drehg ypuid duilrehk Yunie's cdivv. Ev oui tu, E'mm damm vydran, yht drah Ra'mm keja oui y knayd pek csylg.



Shinra took a sip of his coffee, as he watched Brother, wondering what their pathetic excuse for a leader would do.

Brother ignored the letter, which by the way is put in the real language of Al Bhed. He then walked over to Yuna's wardrobe.

Now Yuna being the sweet and trusting person she is, trusts Brother not to be purvey, and therefore didn't put a note on her wardrobe. Much to the dislike of Rikku who wanted Yuna to put a note.

"Come on Yunie, just put a note like we have" said Rikku bouncing up and down on her toes. Yuna shook her head.

"Rikku, you think too badly of your Brother. I'm sure he won't even go into our stuff." said Yuna clasping her hands behind her back. Paine shook her head, as she then decides to while holding her pen, put one more very, as it looked like that Yuna wasn't going to do a note.

Rikku pouted "But Yunie" she whined. Yuna giggled.

"Come on, we could all do with a rest" said Yuna as they then exited the cabin.

Brother opened the wardrobe, to find an assortment of clothing. He pulled out the box at the bottom of the wardrobe, to find underwear.

Now any decent guy would put the box back, actually any decent guy wouldn't go into the wardrobe in the first place, but not Brother.

Brother held up a pink bra by one of it's straps, and poked at it with his middle finger. It felt so silky and smooth, he wondered what it would feel like to have it on. After all no one was watching, and Buddy was asleep. Well that's what he thought, but anyway he put on the silky bra.

However by this time Shinra, being the smart kid that he is, had got out a sphere and began recording. He was going to use it as black mail, so that the next time that Brother annoyed him, he would show it to Paine.

Then suddenly Buddy began to wake up, he saw Brother prancing around in Yuna's bra.

"Err… Isn't that Yuna's" said Buddy sitting up.

"Ah!" Screamed Brother in fright, as he jumped backwards, Rikku's wardrobe flew open as Brother grabbed onto the handle. This in turn caused Rikku's clothes to fall out, and on top of him. And as Brother landed on his backside one of Paine's drawers slightly opened and her note fell onto the floor.

Just as this happened YRP entered the cabin fully refreshed, and ready to sphere hunt. Rikku skipped ahead and up the stairs to find Brother.

"Ah my clothes!" exclaimed Rikku in frustration. "Sicko!" she exclaimed when she saw that under the clothes Brother was wearing Yuna's bra. So in response to that she kicked Brother in the stomach. Brother grabbed his stomach, and groaned in pain. But funny enough it soon went, when he saw Paine stand over him, fists clenched.

"Eek!" he screamed as he hurriedly got up, while nearly tripping over the clothes, and running out of the Cabin with Paine close behind. Notice that he still has the bra on, and that Shinra is still recording. Shinra walked over to Yuna.

"So Yuna, tell us how does it feel, to know that Brother is wearing your bra?" asked Shinra.

"Uh…" began Yuna turning a crimson red, from embarrassment. Rikku jumped down from the upper level.

"I'll tell you how it feels!" exclaimed Rikku as she stamped her foot in frustration. "Brother has just ruined the whole day for us!" exclaimed Rikku.

I look at my work in admiration, I wonder why I didn't kill Brother, but I just put that thought to a side as I turn the screen off.

See now you know what happens when you leave Brother all on his own lol. Will I make another one? Possibly. How come Brother didn't die? He might die in the next one. Okay review, if I did badly, and didn't make you laugh please tell me, then I'll stop. But it can work the other way aswell he he.


There is no translation for brother, you should have read more carefully lol.

To Brother

You're sick, and don't even think about touching Yunie's stuff. If you do, I'll tell father, and then He'll give you a great big smack.
