Always and Forever

A/N: Ah thank you for the wonderful reviews. Gotta say I always look forward to them, and they make my day lol. I was really pumped after writing the last chapter (now that my muse has FINALLY kicked back in) that I decided to start the new chapter immedialty. Anyways, were going to be picking up the pace a bit with the actual story line in this chapter. I needed the first three to be mostly filler and introduction and that's what a few of the next chapters will be as well, until we get to know the characters. I can already forewarn you that there is going to be a REALLY unexpected twist that I'm still technically playing with. On one hand, it would work amazingly well, and NOBODY would see it coming lol. On the other hand, it's incredibly hard to work in due to the fact of who and what it is. Anyways I won't give you any more hints, you'll just have to wait and see.

A/N 2: Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me in the Sky/Syd awards and giving me a tie for 3rd place in Best Story Introduction! You have no idea how much it means to me! Thanks again. Also, I apologize for the incredibly long wait, I got busy over Christmas break and finally got started a new semester and was bogged down with work. The next chapter will come faster, I promise!

Dedication: Z Carson. My partner in crime (fighting) and in writing. I know that there are days when you wanna shoot me because I can't write a lot, and there are days when you want to shoot me because I write too much. In all seriousness, in the past two and a half years (yes, its closing in on three lol) that we've been working together, I have never had so much fun! You're my sounding board, and one of my greatest friends. Keep up with the awesome writing!

Chapter Four

Dawn of a New Era (2)

She couldn't concentrate. Sitting in her advanced chemistry class at the Academy was driving her insane. Thankfully enough, it was her last class of the day. Jocelyn Park adjusted the overly large protective glasses that covered her eyes slightly and peered across the desk at her partner. Bradley McKnight wasn't exactly the smartest person on the planet, but he wasn't dumb by any means. He was a full two years older than her and nobody was completely sure why he was taking chemistry… It was incredibly far from being his strongest subject. Bradley lifted his gaze from the test tube he was swirling and looked at Jocelyn.

"Your doing that wrong." She commented. Bradley looked at her and grinned stupidly. 'Ugh, that McKnight grin again… I'd love to just wipe it off his face.' The little voice inside her head commented. She glared at him as he continued to swirl the test tube wrong.

"Give that to me." She demanded, her hand reaching across the table for it. Brad pulled it away from her.

"Why?" He asked. "I'm not doing anything wrong." He replied. Jocelyn rolled her eyes.

"Yes, you are. You're swirling that completely wrong." She fired back. Brad shook his head.

"No Joc, you're wrong." He replied, using her most hated nickname. "I know what I'm doing." He commented. Jocelyn glared at him harder before reaching for the tube again. Her hand swooped in from the side and knocked the test tube from Bradley's hands, sending it flying away from the both of them.

"Now look what you did." He commented angrily. Jocelyn looked at him.

"Hit the deck!" She yelled, her voice echoing through the classroom. People turned and watched as the test tube slowly began it's descent to the ground. People screamed and ran from the room; others took Jocelyn's advice and hid behind desks and chairs. Bradley darted around the side of the desk, and tackled Jocelyn to the ground, covering her as the test tube exploded as it hit the ground. One of Brad's arms had curled under Jocelyn's neck to prevent her from smashing her head off the ground, and his other arm was tightly wrapped around her waist. Jocelyn felt her breath disappear in a whoosh as Brad's muscular body flopped down on top of hers. The flames from the explosion licked over Brad's head as he curled himself around Jocelyn to protect her. After a few tense moments, the school's sprinkler system kicked in, dousing the flames and soaking the students. Jocelyn gave a slight whimper from underneath Brad. She would never admit it to anyone, but she did enjoy the feeling of being held safely in Brad's arms. As Brad moved away from her, his arms leaving her body, she let out an involuntary groan, causing Brad to peer down at her.

"Liked that eh?" He commented, a cocky grin spread across his face. Jocelyn glared at him before shoving him aside to stand herself. "Don't flatter yourself Bradley. Not everyone likes a self centered egotistical jock." She replied, her tone cool and bitter. Jocelyn quickly gathered her books, which were slightly charred on the outside, but mostly alright and stuffed them into her bag before moving from the classroom. Brad hurried to grab his things and shove them into his backpack. He'd almost made it to the door before Dr. Katherine Manx stopped him.

"Uh, Doc Manx… How's it going?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly. Kat gave him a slight smile. She'd always been partial to Brad. He was a genuinely good kid, who just ended up getting into trouble for no apparent reason. She also was a fan of his father and mother, who she'd met briefly when they'd been transported to the future to help the rangers out.

"Ah, Cadet McKnight… Could you come with me please?" She beckoned, heading down the hallway towards the command center. Brad's eyebrows rose slightly before he hurried after the feline. Kat Manx was not someone that you wanted to mess with.


Harper Meyers sat in the rec room of the SPD Academy, quietly drawing. An artist by nature, Harper spent a lot of his free time either in his room or in the lounge drawing his surroundings. He had many variations of his works. Everything from a very details sketch of the SPD courtyard, to his latest interest, Jocelyn Park, which was one of the pictures he was currently working on. He had a small picture of her in civilian clothing, taken at the park a few months earlier. It was Harper's intention of turning his drawing into a full portrait that he could give her for her birthday. Just as he was putting the finishing touches on her hair, the girl in question stormed into the room, hair flying behind her wildly. She seemed to be in a hurry to get away from something, or someone. Harper knew the minute she came into the room who she was trying to get away from. It was the same thing everyday at the same time too. Bradley McKnight just didn't know when to stop. Jocelyn had no feelings whatsoever for Brad, and apparently he couldn't comprehend that. Harper knew that she felt something for someone, but he had never been able to place who it was. He had always hoped that it would be him, so that he could express his feelings for her, but he that was just wishful thinking. Harper watched as she glanced around the room, and he gave a slight wave as her eyes landed on him. She grinned and headed over to where he was sitting.

"Hey Harper." She commented as she threw her backpack onto the couch and fell onto it. Harper gave a slight smile and wave as he closed his drawing book.

"Hey JJ." He commented. Jocelyn smiled. JJ was the nickname that Harper had given her when they first met. He was the only one who was allowed to address her by her nickname and she wouldn't get angry.

"I'm assuming that you're running from the man who's trying to win your heart?" Harper joked, causing Jocelyn to roll her eyes. "Boy is more like it." She replied, getting a slight chuckle out of Harper. She smiled and turned to dig through her bag, looking for her novel.

"Besides." She commented, pulling an incredible well worn copy of 'Memoirs of a Geisha' out of her bag. "I have my heart set on someone else." She finished, flipping the book open to the page she'd left off on. Harper glanced curiously at the book.

"You know JJ, if you read that book anymore, I swear it's gonna start falling apart." He kidded. Jocelyn's eyes glanced up over the book and she slowly pointed to the spine. "It already has… Thank god for duct tape." She replied, causing them to both laugh.

- - - -

Curtis Evans sat behind the desk of the Red Lion Animal Clinic putting information into the computer. He absolutely hated this part of his job. His father was always too busy to input the data into the computer system and well it was common knowledge that his writing was incredibly hard to read, so Curtis always took it to put things into the computer. It had been the job of one of the technicians, but since the death of his mother, Cole Evans, Curtis' father had cut all but two technicians who were only around part of the time. Which meant, a lot of the work that the techies would do when they were around, fell onto Curtis' shoulders. The front door to the clinic swung open, yet Curtis paid no attention to it. He'd learned that the opening of the door meant nothing anymore. People would come up to the desk, and then he'd pay attention to them.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Curtis Evans." Came the soft female voice. Curtis' head shot up and looked across the counter at the two women standing in front of him.

"Um, I'm Curtis… Can I help you?" He asked. The shorter blond female stepped forward slightly. "Actually, we were hoping you could help us." She commented, her voice was like that of candy to Cutis' ears. At the same time, both females who were dressed in black uniforms with respective pink and yellow trims around the edge's flipped out their badges, bearing the SPD logo, as well as their names.

"SPD…" Came another voice from the doorway to the backrooms. Cole quickly strode into the room and stood beside Curtis. "What does SPD want with my son?" He asked, his eyes moving from one woman to the next.

"Mr. Evans, I'm Elizabeth 'Z' Delgado and this is Sydney Drew. We are the temporary commanders of SPD. There's been an incident, and three of our personal, who are the mechanical technician, as well as the co-commanders have been kidnapped by an alien ruler named Morgana. Shortly before these three were taken there were five portfolio's created, listing the names of five teenagers, three of whom are already at SPD, who would be recruited to help save the world. Curtis' name was one of the names listed." Z finished. Cole blinked and looked at them and chuckled slightly.

"My family has never had any connection to SPD. You must be looking for a different boy." He laughed. "Now if you'll excuse us please, we're trying to run a business here." He told them both. Syd stepped forward.

"With all due respect Mr. Evans, your son was picked not because of who he is, but because of who his parents were. We've been watching your family for some time in hopes that Curtis would be everything we were looking for. And he is. Mr. Evans, you once saved the world. Please don't deny your son the same chance." She pleaded. Cole was slightly taken aback at the comments she'd made. He looked at his son and then back at the two SPD personal standing in front of him.

"Dirty trick ladies… Yet very true. Curtis, I think it's your turn to follow after your mother and I… I want you to go help SPD." Cole told his son. Curtis looked at his father, his eyes wide. "Dad, you can't be serious." Curtis tried to argue. Cole just held his hand up.

"You need to do this son… Go and help them." He reassured his son, giving him a push towards the door. Curtis stopped and looked at his father. "Dad..." He trailed off. Cole smiled softly at his son. "Go." He pushed. Curtis nodded slowly and turned towards Syd and Z, who quietly thanked his father before leading him out of the clinic. Not a word was exchanged between the three as they walked towards the SPD jeep sitting across the small parking lot. Syd opened the passenger side door and moved her seat, allowing Curtis to slide into the back. Syd pulled her seat back into it's normal position and climbed in. Z slid into her side of the vehicle and turned the engine over. The peeled away from the parking lot, and turned right instead of left. Curtis looked at them both.

"Where are we going?" He asked, his eyes taking in the scenery of the outskirts of Turtle Cove. Syd pulled a map out of the glove compartment and peered at it closely for a moment before glancing at a gleaming white file folder.

"Reefside… It's about half an hour from here." She replied, refolding the map and placing it in the compartment. Curtis, still very confused just shrugged it off and leaned back in his seat. This was getting to be very interesting.

- - - -

Kari James wasn't like every other girl in Reefside High, in fact, she was incredibly different. Kari, who was the daughter of computer genius' Ethan and Angela James, was a computer geek, just like her parents. Ever since she could remember, computers had always been a big part of her life, as well as her parents. She also had an uncanny passion for video games and was often found sitting on the floor of her living room going head to head against her father in the latest game of the week.

"Come on… Work with me you stupid game, not against me." The dark haired teen commented angrily at her latest video game consul, while camped out on her bedroom floor. Her father had been playing with her up until about 30 minutes ago when he had disappeared downstairs to help her mother with supper. Tonight they were entertaining a former computer god… One Bill Gates? Kari had no idea who he was; she just had a vague idea that he has something to do with computers. Not that she really cared anyways. From the hallway outside her room, Kari heard the doorbell ring, yet she ignored it. If that was the infamous Bill Gates, her mother would come notify her to get dressed into something more suitable than jeans and a hoodie. Just as Kari had finished the final boss of the game, her mother came into her room.

"Kari, we have some visitors.. Could you come downstairs please?" She asked her daughter who pressed enter on the game stick, pausing the game.

"Who is it? Is it that Gatey Bills guy?" Kari asked, not caring that she'd said his name wrong. Angela shook her head. "No, these two ladies are more important than Bill Gates darling. Now please." She commented, pointing down the hallway. Kari rolled her eyes and stood up. She exited her room and bounced down the steps. She jumped onto the main landing and looked at her father. Normally his face was a very happy one to look at. This time, he was wearing a very somber expression. Kari's eyes glanced over to the two females standing next to him. Both were dressed in traditional black SPD Uniforms, with pink and yellow trims around the edges. Kari had heard of SPD. Her parents were friends with the McKnight's, who had sent their son Bradley off for training there. Best thing they ever did in Kari's opinion. But why was SPD in her house?

"Can I help you?" She asked the two females in front of her. Both Z and Syd turned and looked at each other. The shorter of the two females stepped forward. "Actually yes you can… We're from SPD Headquarters in New Tech City and were here to recruit you to become a power ranger." She commented. Kari blinked before she began to laugh.

"You're joking right? I mean, me a power ranger!" She continued to laugh until she glanced at her father's face. Her eyebrows drew inward slightly. "Dad?" She questioned. Ethan quickly averted his eyes from his daughter.

"Kari… You need to go with them." Were the only words he spoke to her before gently taking her arm and directing her towards the door. "I promise we'll be in touch sweetie. Your mother and I both love you." He said kissing her cheek gently as Syd and Z stepped out behind Kari.

"Where are you taking me?" She questioned Syd and Z. Z looked down at Kari. "We're taking you and Curtis Evans to SPD Headquarters in New Tech City." She replied. Kari nodded. This was going to be very interesting.

- - - -