I don't own Dragonball Z or any of its characters. I'm not making any money for this story. Man, disclaimers are boring. I'll come up with better ones later.

In the meantime, here's a story that takes place over the course of those three years that were omitted from the show. A lot can happen over three years…well, I hope you like it. Happy reading!

The metal door slammed shut and the Saiyan Prince slowly advanced to the control panel, where he typed a few digits into the keyboard. Stepping back, he waited for the machine to work. A gentle whirring noise started above him as the air pressure greatly increased. His small frame tensed, adjusting to the sudden change, and then he was off.

Jab, hook, side kick, energy punch, followed by his favorite combo: head-butt, knee, sliding kick, elbow. All of this within two seconds. He allowed himself a smirk. Yesterday, the combo was well above that. The prince started again, this time doubling his speed.

A good day in Vegeta's world.

Elsewhere, a certain blue-haired genius was in her room, drawing a bath. The water inched up the sides of the tub as she slipped out of her clothing. The scientist poured in some jasmine vanilla bubble bath, inhaling the calming scent as she eased into the water.

Idly scrubbing herself, she thought of her date tonight with her boyfriend. First, dinner at the new French restaurant, La Vie, and afterwards, dancing. Tonight would be the best night of her life. She sighed happily and slid deeper into the water.

A good day in Bulma's world.

Unfortunately, like all good things, they must come to an end.

Vegeta was still working on his combo when the whirring noise stopped. The unexpected weightlessness that followed soon after sent a clear message: the room was broken. He clenched his jaw and marched out of the room, determined to find the one person who could fix it. That particular person was still in the tub when he found her.

"WOMAN! The blasted gravity chamber is broken! Fix it NOW!"

It took a little while for Bulma to shake off the shock of her door being blown open and a practical stranger marching in through the debris. When she finally came through, she screamed.

"What do you think you're DOING?" Bulma roared as she tried to cover herself with the few remaining bubbles.

"I already told you. The room is broken! Fix it, before I get angry."

"Well, if you'll EXCUSE ME, I have a date tonight, so it will have to wait." Bulma stuck an arm out of the tub and rooted around for her towel as she spoke. Vegeta found it before her and grabbed it, holding the towel just out of her reach. Bulma immediately bristled. "Give that back," she said through clenched teeth.

Vegeta shook his head and clicked his tongue mockingly. "Not until you promise to fix the room."

"Not until you give me my towel."

"Then you'll fix it?"

Bulma growled before replying with a subdued 'yes'. He smirked and tossed it to her. She ripped the towel out of the air, glaring at him as he carefully made his way out of the room, making sure not to dirty his boots in the ashes of the wall. When she was sure Vegeta was gone, Bulma stepped out of the bath carefully and drained the water, muttering obscenities.

After she dried herself, Bulma surveyed the ungodly mess that used to be her bathroom wall. Her eyes came to rest on a dusty object lying on her bed. "My DRESS!" she shrieked. Lying right where she had put it, the once beautiful black gown now looked like it had been run over by a parade of cement trucks. "That arrogant, muscle-headed, dim-witted, conceited, porcupine-haired, diminutive little bastard! I'll KILL him for this!"

She threw on a random outfit, grabbed the dress, and stormed out the door.

'Alright,' she said to herself as she marched down the hallway, 'if I was a pompous dick-wad like Vegeta and my filthy, useless training room was broken, where would I be?' Bulma didn't even have to ponder the question. Instead, she headed straight for the kitchen and, sure enough, Vegeta was sitting at the kitchen table, arms crossed, waiting for Bulma's mom to finish making him breakfast.

"VEGETA, I'm gonna k—!"

"Oh, hi dear! I was just whipping up some pancakes for Vegeta! Would you like some?" Bulma's mom piled a few on his plate and placed it in front of him. She then placed a hand on his shoulder, which he instantly tensed at.

"No thanks." Bulma's mom smiled and left the room, a wise move. Bulma whirled to face Vegeta again and held up her gown. "Vegeta, I want you to LOOK at this and tell me what you see." Vegeta looked at the dress, which was slightly burnt, covered in dust, and had pieces of wood sticking out of it.

"I see an ugly dress." Vegeta smirked as Bulma clenched her jaw.

"No… this is the dress that Yamcha bought me as an early Christmas present."

"He bought you an ugly dress?" Vegeta's smirk widened as Bulma's eye started to twitch.

"No… it didn't look like this when he bought it."

"Then why did you ruin it?"

Bulma shouted, "I didn't! YOU did!" Teeth bared and eyes wild, she leapt across the table, sending the pancakes flying and tipping Vegeta's chair, bringing him down with her. Snarling and shouting rude words, Bulma miraculously managed to get him on his stomach. She straddled him and pinned him in the strongest and most painful way she knew how. "Say you're sorry NOW."

Although Bulma's sudden physical violence toward him both surprised and impressed Vegeta, he knew that she couldn't hold him down. He simply wiggled free of her grasp and stood up. Bulma yelped and wrapped her arms and legs around him to save herself from falling.

"A little scared to land on your ass, woman?" Vegeta sneered at her. Both angered and embarrassed by her display of inferiority, she clamped her jaw down on his shoulder as hard as she could until she felt his skin break.

Vegeta's reaction was immediate. He ripped her off his back, set her on a nearby chair harshly and looked her straight in the eye. "NEVER bite a Saiyan."

Bulma was caught off-guard by his directness, but wasn't satisfied yet. "What about my dress?" Vegeta rolled his eyes and started to leave.

"I don't care about your dress."

"Hmm. Then I guess you don't care about your training room, either."

Vegeta froze. "What did you say?" he spat without turning around.

"Well, now I have to go shopping for a dress, and knowing how long that takes, I'll probably be gone for a while." Vegeta turned slowly around to face her.

"How does that concern my training room?"

Bulma smiled sweetly. "It always takes me SO long to pick out a dress I like. I probably won't have time to fix your training room."

"Then shop faster."

"I can't do that ALONE," Bulma elaborated. Vegeta's eyes widened.


"No what?"

"I WON'T go shopping for a dress with you!"

Well, I hope they have a good time. E-mail me with comments!