Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha!

So here is my fourth fic! YAY!

I wasn't counting on starting it today but I wanted to wait for my other stories and besides, I WANT TO do this pairing now. I just can't wait any longer!

Reconizing True love

Chapter 1: Who are you?

"Sango wake up! You have to get up. It's the day you start work!"

"I know Kagome! Geez I'm up ok?" Sango got up to her knees on her bed, moving her arms so she could tiredly rub the sleep from her eyes.

"What time did you go to bed Sango?" Kagome asked the exhausted seventeen year old. Sango looked up at her , then looked away and got up from her bed. While she did that, Kagome heard her mutter something but couldn't decipher it correctly.


"I said I went to bed around one fourty-five!" She said more clearly.

"Sango! You should be more cautious of the sleep you get! Lately you're getting to bed around one or two! IT IS NOT HEALTHY!"

"Oh I'm so sorry mother." She said sarcasticly. Kagome slapped her lightly on her upper arm and sighed.

"I am not your mother Sango, but someones gotta care about you!"

"Gee! Glad to know someone does care!"

"Not funny Sango. Now c'mon you're gonna be late."

"Fine get out. I don't really want you in here while I'm dressing you know."

Kagome laughed. "I am Sango."

After Kagome closed the door, Sango fell back on her bed.

"NOW SANGO!" Kaogme's voice rang throughout the apartment. Sango jumped then groaned and got up to get dressed in her work uniform. It was just a plain tan short sleeved shirt with her name tag on it. You could wear any bottom you wanted and today, sinse it was the summer, she chose a short dark blue jean skirt. Her sneakers came on soon after and she headed out the door.

"Took ya long enough!" Kagome's fake angry voice hit her ears. She and Kagome have been living in their apartment since they turned eighteen. Sango's parent's died and so did her brother, Kohaku when she was fifteen. At that time, she wouldn't talk to anybody, shed a single tear in anyone's presence but her own. But she smiled fake smiles, enough to fool anyone. This was before she met Kagome of course. When Sango was sixteen, Kagome transferred to her school and she helped Sango through tough times. She was the first one Sango cried in front of. Ever since they became best friends. Soon they moved in together. Even if they were still 17 years old, Mrs. Higorashi thought they were the most responsible teens on the planet so she let them move in there by their selves.

"Miroku is downstairs waiting for you so he can drive you to Jewel's Cafe." Kagome mentioned sitting at the table in the small kitchen. Sango grabbed her little back pack and put on the rubber braclets she loved so much. The were black and red. They covered her whole wrist and put on a single silver chain on her other wrist.

"Bye Kagome!"

"Bye Sango! Good luckon your first day!" She replied loud enough for Sango to hear her while she went out the door.

While going down the elevator, Sango unconsiously fingered the necklace her own dear brother gave her before his death.


"Sis! Happy Birthday!" Kohaku jumped on sago's bed. Effectivly waking the sleeping girl.

"Mmmpff . . ."


"Unless you have something to give me Kohaku, I suggest you leave."

"But I DO have something to give you Sango!" Kahoku exclaimed happily and Sango shot up from the bed.

"What? What is it?" She asked expectantly. Kohaku reached in his pocket and took out a black box. He gave it to Sango and she quickly accepted it. She opened it and almost fainted from the happiness she was feeling.

"Kohaku . . ." Inside the fine box was the mostexquisite piece of stirling silver she had ever seen. It was a heart shaped pendant with a pink flower with a green steam carved in the center of the polished jewelry. She took it out and also saw the fine silver chain that accompanied it.

Kohaku looked at her and silently rejoiced when he saw the joy in his sister's cinnamon eyes.

"Oh thank you Kohaku . . . this is the best present I've ever gotten. Thank you!" She ranted poulling him into a tight hug.

"Did you notice what it is?" Kohaku asked. Sango looked confused and returned her eyes to the pendant and quietly examined it. She discovered that it was a locket. She smiled and opened it, seeing two pictures in each side. One was Sango smiling and it was taken recently and the other was Kohaku with the same expression as his sister's, also taken recently.

Sango, who now had a few tears leaking out from the corner of her eyes, looked at Kohaku.

"H-how did you get this?" she asked with disbelief.

"Not supposed to tell!"

The question was soon forgotten when Sango launched herself at him. Ranting the same words she ranted moments ago.

"I love you brother."

"I love you too Sango . . ." he replied softly.

She never forgot about that moment, never locked it away in her mind. Why would she? It was one of the happiest moments of her life. Why would she lock it away as if it was the reason she was so sad? she had a poor family, thats why she asked where he got it from . . . and he never answered her the answer she wanted to hear come out of his mouth. But that doesn't matter now.

Does it . . .?

Once the elevator doors opened, she was greeted by her boyfriend, Miroku and he had a big smile on his handsome face. She hugged him around his neck and he quickly complied.

"So you ready to go?"

"Yes Miroku! I'm excited to be going!"

"O.k. Hurry up because I need to get to work too."


Jewel's Cafe . . .

"Bye Miroku!" Sango pecked him on the lips.

"Bye!" He yelled as he drove off.

Sango turned to the building she will be working in for the summer.

'Here we go!' With that she walked in the cafe.


THANK YOU! (I ryhmed again!) (If you read mmi other fics you'll get what I mean!)