Chapter Two: Caution-Falling

A/N: I decided to do this in chappeh format instead of a collection. Really, I've been banned too many times already for someone to go whining that this should beh chappehs instead. It's the ARTIST'S RIGHT to decide. -fumes- Anyway, if anyone's actually reading this, then welcome to part two! This time we delve into the deep mind of our favourite perverse monkey! Or not.

Today's song lyrics are from 'Falling' by The Rasmus—and it's not in the same timeline as Crowd.


I need a flame, I need a spark

don't be afraid to open my heart

I need a game, I need a shock

don't be afraid, my heart is unlocked

But I keep on falling…

I had been keeping track for the past few days. Nineteen. That's how many fights we'd gotten into since we'd left the last town. And it was really starting to get on my nerves.

Steal, Heal, Black Magic. I wasn't annoyed because it was difficult. I was annoyed because it was repetitive. Between the three of us, the fight was over before it even began. Sure, Dagger and Vivi were toughening up with all the training—I personally didn't need it, I can kick enough ass already—and we were scoring some good stuff from my 'treasure hunting' skills 1, but after two days of this, I was ready to scream.

Finally the town came into view. "Could that have taken any longer?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, it could have…but I suppose one of us would have to be passed out and the others dragging them," Vivi responded in what I could only hope was a joke from him.

"At least we're here," Dagger sighed. She was tired, using her weapon as a walking stick.

Hell, we were all tired. It was dangerous, wandering through the monster-infested land when you weren't at top condition.

Unfortunately, the monsters seemed to be learning this as well. We were about five yards from the town when these two things ambushed us. They were a hell of a lot harder than the Goblins we'd been fighting. Weird Sphinx things with scorpion tails. I decided it'd be better to make a run for it.

"Let's get to town!"

All three of us took off in a run. The creatures followed, intent on their prey. I heard a small yell and looked back. Vivi had tripped!

"Keep going!" I yelled to Dagger, and reversed. I managed to get to Vivi before the monsters did, but there wasn't enough time for us to run away again.

Vivi cast Fira on them, getting to his feet. I took one out with my blade. The remaining one, weakened by the magic, decided to make a last ditch effort. He charged, slamming violently into Vivi. The Mage toppled off the small bridge that held the town over the cliff and fell.

"SHIT!" Before I could think, I was running again, leaping off the cliff as well. I stiffened, allowing myself to fall faster until I caught up with him. I grabbed him, wrapping my arms around him and shielding him.

The impact hurt like hell. I heard something crack and felt a sharp wave of pain on my right side.



I woke up disoriented. I was laying on my back in the dust, looking up from the bottom of a ravine. I blinked a few times, and then Vivi was in my vision, looking down at me with concern.

"Are you okay?"

I put a hand to my forehead. "Mm, I think so…what about you?"

The little Mage looked away. "I'm fine."

"That's good," I tried to sit up, but the sharp pain in my right shoulder made me recoil. "Argh…"

Vivi looked back at me, concern visible in his glowing eyes. "Does it hurt?"

"Like a bitch," I muttered before catching myself. Vivi looked down again, tugging at the hem of his jacket. I winced. "Hey, I've had worse before!"

"I'm sorry…if I hadn't tripped, we wouldn't be in this. And if I hadn't fallen, you wouldn't have had to save me…"

I finished sitting up slowly, trying to hide how much it actually hurt. "Just forget about it, Viv. We need to think about how to get back up there."

"Dagger said she was getting help from the villagers," he still sounded sad.

I nodded. "Okay then. All we have to do is wait until they come."

Vivi helped me position myself, leaning my back against the cliff wall. "You can sleep if you want to. I don't mind. Or are you not supposed to go to sleep if you're injured? Or is that a concussion?"

I shrugged, forgetting what I was doing. I hissed. "Ah, don't worry. We've gotta keep watch, in case something thinks we're an easy target."

I must have fallen asleep anyway, because the next thing I knew, I was waking up again. Vivi was sitting beside me, staring in front of him. He looked odd, like something was missing.

His sleeves. The sleeves of his jacket had been torn off. Then I noticed something was around my neck. Looking down, I saw the sleeves. He'd made them into a sling for my arm.

"You didn't have to do that," I said softly. My throat felt really dry.

"I figured it would help…" he sounded really tired.

"Sorry to leave you like that. How long had it been?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe an hour or so. Do you feel any better?"

I tried to stretch as best as I could. "Yeah, a little," I wiggled my arm the tiniest bit. "This thing makes it a lot easier to move. Thanks."

"You're welcome," he smiled a bit. I sighed in relief.

"So what do you suppose Dagger's doing right now?" I mused, trying to change the subject.

"I don't know…" Vivi deadpanned. Obviously, he wasn't going to make this any easier.

"This really isn't your fault, Vivi, I mean that. I don't blame you for anything, okay?"

He shrugged. "It really doesn't matter. But thank you anyway."

I sighed. "I'm serious. Are you okay? You look really tired."

He shook his head. "I'm not sure. I think…I feel a little drained. And…my arms hurt."

I looked over, examining the arm closest to me. It didn't look any different. I couldn't see any blood or scratches or anything. "Did you hurt yourself in the fall?"

"No…they just started hurting while you were asleep."

I didn't really have time to ponder this, however, because right after that a voice called from above. "Hey, are you two alright down there?" Dagger asked. I looked up. "Yeah, we're just having a field trip," I yelled back, "What do YOU think?"

"The villagers are going to come down there and pull you up on a rope, okay?

Beside me, Vivi stifled a yawn.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "Just hurry it up, willya?"

It took about half an hour to get us both up. There was a little stretcher waiting at the top, and I was carried to town in it…despite all my protests. Once we got inside the safety of the village, the REAL trouble started.

I really hate doctors. Never liked them, never will. Just give me a good Cura spell and I'll be fine. But apparently I had a dislocated shoulder from the fall, and that doesn't just pop itself back into place. So the doctor, this squat little dwarf who looked about as gentle as a hurricane, braces one hand on the bed I was on, and grabbed my arm with the other one. I've got enough time to bite my bottom lip before he twists it, resulting in a very loud pop from my right side, and an even louder scream from me.

"I-Is he okay?" Vivi squeaked from my side, yellow eyes wide. Shit, I hadn't known he was there.

"'E'll be fin', lad," the dwarf waved me off with a hand, cast a Cura spell on me and wrapped my arm in white bandages. Then he left. So much for doctor/patient relationships…

"You don't look okay…" Vivi said softly, looking up at me.

I finally managed to unclench my teeth. "I'll be okay," I looked at his sleeves, discarded on the bed beside me after the doctor had taken them off. "C'mere, I'll sew your sleeves back on."

He blinked a few times, before relenting. He climbed up the bed and sat beside me with his legs crossed. From the pouch on my side—that thankfully, none of my 'rescuers' had decided to go through—I took out a small sewing kit I always carry for emergencies.

I held out one of Vivi's arms straight, inspecting it. "Do your arms still hurt?"

He nodded. "It's kind of like a…burning feeling. Like they're on fire."

I almost laughed. "Poor Vivi…you've got sunburn. I'm guessing Black Mage skin is a lot more sensitive to the sun. That's probably why you all wear so much clothing."

"So, it's not s-serious?"

"Nah, you'll be fine. It'll hurt for a day or two, but it'll pass," I took one of the sleeves from beside me, slipping it over his arm and putting the two torn ends together. "Just don't let anyone touch it. Or hit it. Then you're in a world of hurt."

"O-okay," he sounded a little relieved. I threaded the needle and began sewing, holding his arm up with my injured arm. He looked at the situation. "Doesn't that hurt?"

I followed his gaze. "Oh, not really. The Cura took away most of the pain. I should be able to go by tomorrow."

Vivi sat still, holding his arm rigidly straight. "I-I'm glad…"

I stopped, holding the needle in the air. "Hey Viv, you're not still feeling bad about that, are you?"


I set the needle down with a sigh. Vivi relaxed his arm, not meeting my gaze. "Look, none of this was you're fault, okay? No one's seriously hurt, so there's nothing to worry about. Hell, I think YOU got hurt worse than I did in the long run."

"What do you mean?"

I smiled sympathetically at him. "You've never had a sunburn before, have you?"


When I woke up again, it was really dark. Like the time of night right before dawn starts. I didn't remember going to sleep, but I hadn't exactly been so stellar in that category lately.

I looked around. The needle and thread were on the night stand. That was good. At least I didn't fall asleep with that in my bed. So I must've finished sewing up Vivi's jacket.

It was then that I noticed something heavy pressing against me. At first, I thought it was a thick blanket or something. But then it moved.

Beside me, Vivi was asleep, curled into a ball. I sat up slowly, trying not to wake him up. He stirred, but settled back into sleep. His hat was askew, moved from laying on it. He only had one sleeve.

"Guess I didn't finish…" I muttered to no one in particular.

I vaguely wondered how late it was. I should probably go back to sleep. We'd be leaving tomorrow, and I didn't want to hold everyone up. But I guess sleeping so much during the day had caught up with me, because I just laid back and stared at the ceiling. My eyes didn't want to close, and my brain didn't want to shut down.

Beside me, Vivi squirmed a little, burying his face into my side. I wondered what he was dreaming. I sat up again. Obviously I wasn't going back to sleep for awhile. The room was eerily quiet, and there was a constant hum in my ears.

Vivi's arm was draped across me. The one with no sleeve. The inky black contrasted with the white bedsheets. Suddenly curious, I touched it gently. Normally when I had a sunburn, my skin would be really hot. But Vivi's was cool, smooth and left a faint trace of energy. It felt like a Thundara, or static. Blinking, I wrapped my entire hand around his arm, careful not to hurt the burned skin.

I guess Black Mages are filled with so much magic power that it resonates off their skin or something. Whatever it was, I was transfixed by it. So much so that I didn't even notice one glowing yellow eye slitted open.


I jumped in surprise. I yanked my hand back a little too quickly, and Vivi made a small noise of pain.

"Oh shit, Vivi, I'm sorry!"

He shook his head slowly, still not fully awake. "I guess this is what you were talking about, huh?"


"You fell asleep while you were sewing. I put up the needle and didn't want to move so I wouldn't wake you up. I hope you don't mind."

"No problem. We should get back to sleep though. We're gonna have to leave early."

Vivi nodded, settling back down. I wrapped an arm around him. Surprised, he laid on it, his head resting on the crook of my shoulder.

"Hey Zidane?"

"Hmmm?" With him laying against me, I was starting to fall into sleep.

"How long does a sunburn last again?"

I laughed a bit.


1 Yes, I just made the Zidane/ Locke comparison. So there.

Karu: Wow. That was harder to write than I thought. I guess Zidane's POV is more complicated than I thought. And Viv wanted to be all angsty. Blarg. Well, that's it for this one. The next one is from Garnet's POV. -gasp-

Gargant Surprise: Thankehs for commenting, even on LJ! -grins- it's really good to know I did a decent job with Vivi. Hope you like Fighting Spirit! XD

Sky Lionhart: Thankehs so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Really? I awlys thought people liked longer stories better? -shrugs- Maybeh that's just meh?

Next time!