Disclaimer: I'm an HHr writer—of course I'm not JKR!

Opening Thoughts: After HBP came out, I was a little wary of putting out any fics labeled HHr in fear of rabid RHr and HG fans who would click this just so they could put their opinions and smug victory cliches in, such as: 'It's RHr and HG in canon so you need to get over it!' along with some profanity in there.

While I accept that RHr and HG are canon, please just let me have my fanfiction and be gracious winners as I am not being a sore loser.

About this fic: Companion to fic Extraordinary. You don't have to read it to understand this story, but I highly recommend you do. Ginny and Ron may seem evil (not really) in this fic, but what can I say? I'm delusional—I can do whatever I want.

Summary: The war is over and Harry begins his new ordinary life with Ginny, and Hermione does the same with Ron... Until one day, someone decides that they would rather have extraordinary over ordinary (not who you may think).

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Ordinary: Part One of…?

It was over.

At long last, the war was over.

There had been many casualties: McGonagall, Charlie, Arthur and Percy Weasley, Neville, Kingsley, Dean, and many others.

No more friendly face of Tom the bartender, or Madam Rosmerta. No more wide-eyed gazes of Ollivander… no more anything, really.

But, despite all of the losses, Harry came out alive, along with Ron, Hermione, the rest of the Weasley clan… especially Ginny.

Ah, Ginny. Finally, he could have Ginny—Ginny, who represented sanity, normality. Now that the war was over, Harry figured he deserved a bit of normalcy in his life, did he not?

For example, a couple years ago, he dreamed of being an auror. But now, with having seen so much death, he wanted to live the life he always wanted, always deserved.

Hermione had disagreed with this.

"Are you sure, Harry?" She asked him, frowning. "I mean… there's still so much to do in the defense department. Everything needs re-building and—"

"Bloody hell, love!" Ron—her boyfriend—had exclaimed, throwing an arm around her waist. "Harry wants an ordinary life—let's let him live it, eh?"

"Yes," Ginny said coolly, coming to take Harry's hand. "I thought you of all people would know, Hermione. I mean, I thought you understood Harry as well as anyone."

Hermione paid almost no attention to her fr—well, were they friends anymore? They had nothing (except Harry) in common anymore.

"All right then," she said, still frowning slightly. "I'll drop it."

Harry sent a grateful glance her way and then walked off with Ginny.

Hermione sighed and smiled up at Ron, who gave her a half-hug. She and Ron had also recently gotten together. There had been so much tension between them during the way, but both refused to act on it, wanting to wait.

But like herself and Ginny, Hermione didn't have the same connection to Ron anymore. Before they would argue and bicker like there was no tomorrow—and they still did that—but the affection was different. From crush, it had somehow become platonic with some lust. That was it. Hermione wasn't sure of the difference, but she didn't like it.

Ah, well. It couldn't hurt to give it a shot though… right?

And so, the four started their new lives.

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To everyone's shock, Hermione changed careers. Instead of doing what she originally wanted, she became an auror.

"The classes I took were the classes to become an auror anyway," she said with a shrug of my shoulders. "So why not?"

Ron didn't like it, but let her do it. He wouldn't dare stop Hermione.

Harry felt guilty. Why was Hermione doing this? Was she doing this because he wasn't? Is that it? But… what if she got hurt, or killed? It would be all his fault.

He told her of his concerns, and she said, with a wry smile, "Harry, listen to me. You're my friend and I love you, but not everything is your fault."

"Why are you doing this though?" He asked, exasperated.

She looked at him and said simply, "Because it's the right thing to do."

Although he felt guiltier and ever, Harry still clung to his belief of leading a normal life.

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It was a year later, and everything was just the way it was before. Harry and Ginny were closer than ever (and close to becoming engaged) and Ron and Hermione were the same.

Ron became increasingly upset with Hermione being an auror.

One day he vented his frustrations to Harry.

"We're going to be married some day!" He ranted. "I don't want her getting hurt or killed—especially when we have children."

An odd thought popped into Harry's brain: Ron was being a bit presumptuous, wasn't he? Who knew if he and Hermione were ever to be married?

But he pushed it away. Of course Ron and Hermione were going to get married. Just as he and Ginny were. And together they would be One Big Happy Weasley Family.

Oh how wrong he was.

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