Danny Phantom

"An inevitable Future"

Part 4: Dash's demise

Dash walked home from school sadder then usual. They had a memorial a few weeks ago in memory of Mr. Lancer. Dash missed him. Not as much as he missed Jazz though. Ah, Jazz Fenton……what a beautiful angel she was…He looked up and thought that that's where she was…in heaven, watching down on her brother. Dash felt sorry about making Fenton miserable all these months. He felt bad that he lost his parents. He even had enough balls to go to the hospital and apologize about all those times he made fun of him, made stupid nick names from his last name. There was the time when he wanted to invite Jazz to his party but he had to invite her brother also or else she wouldn't go. Jazz told him last minute she had something to do and that he had to still let Danny go to the party. What other choice did he have other then invite Fenton?
Dash didn't even notice that Danny left the party that night. All he wanted was to score that night. And boy did he ever score! This beautiful red haired wonder came up to him all flirtingly, giving him a drink and walking away. Dash chased after her, found her by a room………..and the rest is history.

He had seen on the news that a ghost was causing destruction all over town. He noticed the "D" on the ghost's chest. He couldn't believe that Danny Phantom had turned evil. After he saved the town from that invasion, Dash looked at him with a little more respect. After he had saved Fenton from that pirate ship, he had returned to help them to fight off those damn pirates and save their parents. Dash was glad that his parents were safe. He never got a chance to thank him for helping them. He didn't get the chance since he left and Fenton came back. Dash often wondered where Fenton went when Danny Phantom appeared to fight ghosts. Dash could never make the connection between Fenton and Phantom. He just assumed that they were two totally different people.

Dash turned the corner of the street he was walking on. Upon turning, he noticed a little girl on the ground. She looked unconscious. Dash went over to see if she was alright. What he saw made his skin crawl. The little girl's eyes were completely gone, the red hair she had was ripped off her skull. It lay in neat stacks all around her body. The little girl looked to be about ten years old. Dash walked slowly toward the scene in front of him. His legs feeling like Jello, his body shaking uncontrollably as he walked toward the horrible and depressing scene in front of him. People seemed to walk by with out noticing the body or merely ignoring the body. He knelt beside the body. He felt for a pulse, which made no sense since he could see that she was clearly dead.

Dash picked her up, he carried her to the park. He borrowed some shovels from the old man in the park who cleaned it. He gave her a proper burial. He stood there looking at the grave site. Thinking how young she was and how unfair it was that she was gone at such a young age. She would never get to go to the prom, never get to go out with any boys, she wouldn't be able to do any of those things because she was gone from this plane and gone on to another plane of existence. Dash walked home destroyed. He decided to stop by Paulina's house but then remembered that her father didn't really like her talking to any boys. With that thought he went home.

As he was walking home, Dash felt a draft behind him. He could have sworn he saw a shadow moving behind him. He just shrugged it off and walked on. The shadow that was following him got closer. Dash still couldn't see who was following him but he had this weird feeling he was being watched, stalked, looked upon as if a defenseless animal being hunted by a lion or a tiger. Dash picked up his walking pace, barely able to keep from looking around trying to tell himself that there was nothing to be scared about. He had walked this route many times in the past few months and there hadn't been anything dangerous here. Everything was peaceful back then. Now things felt like they were alive, like some weird guy dressed in a clown suit would appear to eat little children in that movie he saw when he was six years old. That movie had scared him for the rest of his life. Every birthday his parents would hire a clown and every birthday he'd cry and run scared. Even though he knew it was just a movie when he was older he still can't trust those clowns…………those creepy looking clowns with those big smiles and their faces painted, their noses red, their hair red and puffed out. Just thinking about those clowns made him shiver.

He began to run, he didn't know why he ran but it was as if his feet had a will of their own. Dash ran as fast as possible as the thing behind him drew closer…….closer……….yet it kept its distance, waiting for the time to strike at Dash, Casper High's Star quarter back. Dash was mare moments from his house. He had to just turn the corner and he was home free. Suddenly, a shadow fell over him. Dash looked back to see two red eyes staring back at him, the figure was shrouded in darkness, his snow white hair seemed to be alive as it waved back and forth due to the wind. Dash thought it strange since there was no wind blowing tonight. He noticed the "D" on his chest and stopped cold.

On the Shadow's chest was a big white "D" with a "P" within it. The only one who had that on his chest was Danny Phantom, that ghost boy who saved the parents from that pirate ship, the same one who went to fight that big ghost who was trying to take over the world with his army of ghost warriors. Dash couldn't believe it. How could a ghost who saved Amity Park so many times turn into this creature now floating in front of Dash? Dash could not move. He owed this ghost his parent's life, even if his parents had done horrible things to him when he was little, they were still his parents. With out really think, he spoke.

"Pha-phantom? What-what happened to you" Dash stuttered as he slowly walked forward.

"Well, well, well, look what the ass hole jock train rolled in; Dash Baxter, quarter back for the Casper high Ravens. I can't believe my human side never wanted to hurt you badly for all the times you made fun of us." The creature formally known as Danny Phantom said while grinning.

"What-what are you talking about? You're human side?" Dash asked dumb founded.

"Hello? Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom. Ever notice the similarity?"

Suddenly, Dash's eyes widened with realization. Danny Fenton was Danny Phantom! How could he not notice all those times he was absent or never around? Was he really that stupid as people thought he was? He might not of been able to notice the similarity, but he thought he was pretty good in school-All thanks to Jazz-Dash thought. . Dash fell to his knees. All those times he had been mean to Fenton he could of turned around and done horrible things to him because of his ghost powers. Instead Fenton used his powers to help people all over the place. Dash felt horrible because of the way he treated Fenton. He wanted to know if Danny-the real Danny was still in there some where or if this monster in front of him had done something to him.

"Where's-where's Fenton? Is he in there with you?" Dash asked while his head was down.

"My weaker side? HAHA! I got rid of him days ago. I am now free to destroy this town! HAHAHA" He threw his head back and laughed.

"Are you the cause why his parents died? Are you why my darling Jazz isn't on this planet? ARE YOU THE CAUSE OF IT!" Dash screamed at this evil.

"You'll never know, you piece of shit! You've put my human side through hell! Now it's time I return the favor!"

Danny Phantom floated into the light. Dash saw his face had changed. It was green. His ears were pointy instead of the regular ones. Dash thought about all those times he had made fun of Fenton. Was it his fault this evil now existed? Was it he who pushed Fenton over the edge of sanity? Dash didn't see it how it was his fault. He had gone to the hospital to apologize. He supposed that that didn't do any good to ease Danny's spirit. Dash felt bad about making Fenton's life a shit hole. . Now that he knew Fenton protected Amity Park and everyone in it, including himself, Dash felt sick to his stomach. He fell down on his knees, head down, Dash began to cry, cry because he had put Fenton through hell and he still protected this city. Dash felt like the biggest piece of shit ever to be born.

Danny Phantom laughed maniacally as he floated closer to Dash. He was over Dash, covering him with his shadow, Dash kept crying, unable to look up. Danny Phantom loved this. He loved all the pain he was causing Dash. He would enjoy making him feel more pain in a second. For now, though he wanted to hear him cry, cry like the little baby that he is.

"Are you ready to join those losers in the ghost zone!" Danny Phantom Chuckled evilly.

Dash lifted his head up, his eyes were lifeless, drained by all the pain he had received all through out his life. Pain brought on by his parents, pain by his older cousin who was a professional football player, pain by his uncle who did something to him so unspeakable, it surely cause Dash to go mad.

Danny Phantom looked into those eyes, almost feeling a sense of compassion and mercy for the poor bastard who stood in front of him on his knees totally lost to anyone. Danny Phantom shook that away. He charged his hands, getting ready to send this sorry excuse for a human to the ghost zone where those losers were. Losers like Walker, who loved rules too much, losers like Ember, who needs constant attention, The Box Ghost, who-who- Ah hell who cares about the Box Ghost. He was useless anyways.

Dash still had that lifeless look in his eyes. Danny Phantom hated that look, a look of a man who had snapped and lost all sense of reality, a man who gave up on life and suppressed all emotions; Anger, loneliness, sadness, all suppressed in order not to feel any more of those emotions.

Danny Phantom had enough of those eyes. They seemed to mock him, mock him to gash them out. Saying You'll never gash us out! You're a coward! Coward……..coward…..coward…..Danny Phantom Picked Dash up from the ground, he drew his hand back, charged a big ecto-energy beam.

With one mighty push, he shot the blast through Dash's chest, guts goes every where splattering all over the place. All through this Danny Phantom laughed with such delight, even Pennywise would be scared of him.

Those eyes would never again be opened to taunt him, calling him a coward. He dropped the body on the ground, looked at it for a few minutes.

Gone was the guy who caused his human side so much pain, gone was the guy who gave his human side wedgies in his place lay a body unrecognizable by anyone who didn't know him. If they knew him, the real him, they would be afraid of him, they would run. Danny Phantom turned around, he looked back at that body one more time, then flew off. He had other important things to do…….

At five-thirty p.m. that same day, someone found a body laying in the middle of a darkened street. It would take weeks to recognize the body because it was so messed up and mangled. The boy's parents were devastated when they found out about their son's death. A couple of weeks later, he was buried in the cemetery, never to walk on this Earth again.

End part 4