Remember me
Authoress: Edhel-tarien
Disclaimer: I do not own beyblade or any of its characters.
Pairings: TyKa and MaRe

WOOOO! And update! Finally! Do not fear, Edhel still lives! lol.

I apologise for my absence –waves peace flag- I've just been so busy lately, I'm sorry! But I shall hopefully be updating a lot of my stories soon :D Hope you like this update! Thanks to Laurelleaves for harassing me, lol!

Thankyou to: Laurelleaves, serena429, FireieGurl, horsegurl, Road kill Roko, Demenior (hi beastie-chan!), takuya, coolbeyblader, cherry fantasy and solveig.

Chapter three: Part-time boyfriend

Kai stared back in shock at the boy before him. 'Please god no…' he thought, as he struggled to sit up. "You shouldn't do that. The nurse said you have a broken rib" Tyson stated, as he cautiously sat in the chair next to Kai's bed. Wincing, he glanced at Tyson. "Are you okay? What did they say about you?" Tyson scrunched his face in concentration and then grinned. "They said that my left shoulder is fractured, but will heal quickly and…oh! And that I have a serious case of amnesia and may not remember ever again"

Kai felt his jaw drop as he began to panic. 'Tyson doesn't even remember anything! None of our battles! Our fights! Our talks! Nothing! Not even when he saved me that day on the ice…or how we battled and got transported to our world…none of it…' Kai thought as he winced and held his bandaged head in his hands. "Are you alright Kai?" Kai's eyes widened as he glanced at Tyson "I thought you said you didn't remember me…" he whispered, Tyson slightly blushing. "Not really. I remember your name and that you where someone important to me" he stated, as a cute pout found his features.

Kai's heart quickened as he shifted in his bed. What did he mean important? He sighed at the complications. Why did he have to lose his memory now?

Kai felt a little faint as he winced. "Would you like a drink? You don't look so good" Tyson stated, instantly grabbing the cup of apple juice on the table next to him and slipping the straw in his mouth. Kai mentally thanked him and gratefully began to sip it.

"The nurse said we had a car accident and was squashed by a big truck. The truckie was drunk, but thankfully made it out alright… She says we are lucky to make it out alive" Kai nodded as he continued drinking. Tyson blushed slightly as he glanced at him. "She also said that they found you over my body, you have protected me from the blow. Hence why you have more injuries then me. Thankyou" Kai made a grunt as he mentally sighed. 'I still didn't protect you enough…now you don't remember anything' he thought as he continued sipping. "She also said…" Tyson trailed off as he stared in the opposite direction, a blush forming over his cheeks. "That's she thinks you may have been my boyfriend. So…are you?"

Kai chocked on the drink at the question, Tyson automatically rushing to pat him on the back. "Oh man, went down the wrong way! Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!" the coughing ceased as a delicate blush formed on Kai's cheeks. "You didn't hurt me Tyson. Okay listen, I-" "Mr Hiwatari! Good to see you awake! My name is doctor Yuki; I have been taking care of you! Mr Granger, Ms Mei-ling is waiting for you in the testing room. She would like to do your daily checkups" Tyson nodded at him as he glanced down at Kai. "Well uhh…cya" He stated, pecking Kai on the cheek quickly and running out the door.

Kai blushed furiously as the doctor grinned. "Mr Hiwatari, I would like to have a chat with you about Mr Granger, may I sit?" he asked gesturing to the chair. Kai nodded and swallowed harshly. He didn't like the tone in his voice.

Leaning forward so that his elbows met his knees, the doctor pushed his glasses firmly on the bridge of his nose. "You see Mr Hiwatari, as you have noticed, Mr Granger has amnesia yes?" Kai nodded silently as he stared out the window, wondering how long he had been in a coma. "What you didn't know, is that Tyson in this state, has become very fragile and needs to be treated in a special way"

Face scrunching in confusion, Kai faced the doctor. "What do you mean special?" The older man sighed as he rubbed his temples. "You see Mr Hiwatari; he has a special form of amnesia and cannot be treated in the normal methods. It is very rarely come across. He needs special attention or he may not remember ever again, it's a bit of a chance game. He remembers or he won't" Kai's mind reeled with the information. The thought of Tyson never being Tyson again made his stomach turn.

"You see Mr Hiwatari…Tyson awoke exactly four days ago and when we noticed, he wasn't in bed, but in this very chair, holding your hand. He was upset that you where hurt and upset because he didn't remember you or himself. What struck us as odd Mr Hiwatari is that out of all the people in the world, he remembered you. Seeing these symptoms automatically lead to his diagnosis.

Tyson thinks you are his boyfriend, because he remembers that you where special to him. And because he remember you and only you, you have become the linkage to his memories"

Kai gaped at doctor Yuki, who smiled gently back. Kai felt a headache come one as the information reeled about his head. Only remember him. Key to his memories. Being his boyfriend. Then it hit him. "your asking me to be his boyfriend so that he will get better?" he asked, the doctor nodding in return. "I know this may sound strange, but yes. I am asking you so that you may have your old friend back, and the world can have back their champion"

Kai stared at the wall as his mind buzzed. "It's only for now though. I guarantee, being his part time boyfriend will help his condition greatly"

Kai swallowed harshly as he thought it over. He had no objections to it, but he just didn't want to take advantage of Tyson's feelings, and what about when he does get his memories back? What would become of them? Doctor Yuki cleared his throat as he sat back into the chair. "you are not forced to do this Mr Hiwatari, but if you do, I guarantee your friend will remember in two months maximum. Just being with you should bring back memories"

Kai nodded to show he understood. He had made his decision.

"Okay then doctor. I will do this for Tyson. So how should I care for him?" Doctor Yuki smiled as he nodded. "Okay. Spend as much time as you can with him, and tell him stories of your memories together, but pretend that it is someone else. Like a fairytale, a work of fiction. Slowly he should be able to digest the information and sooner or later will start to feel the story familiar to him.

Let him enjoy himself. Take him places, left him have fun. Because of this interaction, the nerve on the brain will ease, and should be easier for him to remember. Oh and being affectionate towards him will help as well"

Kai nodded as he took mental note to all he said. He wasn't going to let Tyson go that easily.

"if he doesn't start remembering at two months maximum, then there could be a serious problem. We may need to operate and it's a risky one. Tyson may not make it out of it alive". Kai's eyes widened as he shook his head furiously. "That it is definitely not needed" he stated, Tyson reappearing in the room. "Ahh… Mr Granger! I see Ms Mei-ling is spoiling you with her cookies!" Doctor Yuki chuckled, as Tyson grinned brightly. "Yes doctor Yuki and she even made some for my boyfriend! What a sweet lady!" taking a seat next to Kai on the other side of Kai's bed, he smiled.

"So how is Kai doctor? Much better?" Mr Yuki grinned as he nodded, "much better!" Tyson grinned as he offered Kai a biscuit "would you like some Koi?" Kai made brief eye contact with the doctor before taking the biscuit and smiling lightly. "Thankyou…koibito". Taking a bite from the biscuit seemed to give Tyson great pleasure, so he devoured it and smiled lightly again.

Turning towards the doctor, he nodded. "Would you mind telling our friends we are here?" Doctor Yuki laughed as he nodded. "Your friends where here all day for a couple of days. They last visited about five or so days ago. I think Ms Mei-ling has calle-" The doctor was cut off by a series of running feet and a small bang. "E-excuse me miss! But you called!" Panted Rei as Max leant on him. "HEY GUYS!" Kai called as Rei and Max spun around to face them. "Oh thank god your okay!" Max exclaimed as they rushed in the room.

"We're sorry we could not visit these past five days! The press have been on our backs and we can't do anything!" Kai nodded in understanding and he smiled lightly. He was glad that they where there.

"Oh Ty! I was so worried! I'm glad to have you back!" Max exclaimed, reaching towards Tyson for a hug. Tyson's eyes widened as he dodged the hug and sat on Kai's bed, entwining his fingers with he's. "Koi…who are these people?"

Max and Rei's eyes widened as they glanced at the sighing Kai. "Guys, we need to talk"

End of chapter three!

I'm sorry again for not updating quickly! Please forgive! I hope you guys liked it and please review!
