Double Threat: By Dark Swan and Teen Titan's Fan 101

Summary: What happens when Red X attacks two patrolling titans. How are their emotions when he leaves them in the rain? Slade partners up with X ending up with major evil plans up their sleeves.

A/n: Welp, Dark Swan here. I wrote the first chapter. Sia, Teen Titan's Fan 101, will write the second chapter and so on and so forth. We do not own Teen Titans… even though we wish we could. -pouts- Enjoy!

Chapter One: Face to Face

Jump City. Home to the Teen Titan's for over a year now. Due to the big T shaped building they call home, the titan's had the chance to get acquainted with one another. First, there was Beastboy, the youngest of the group who had the ability to transform into any animal of his liking. His dumb remarks always annoy either Raven or Cyborg, sometimes even both. His love for tofu and anything vegetarian would aggravate Cyborg.

Then, Raven, the demoness. She couldn't afford to let her emotions to get the best of her. She meditated everyday to keep them in check. Her telekinetic powers helped during battles by controlling objects and throwing them at the opponent. Raven's ability to heal helped when any of the titans would get injured. Her quietness and mysteriousness would get the best of each titan, sooner or later. Staying locked in her room, reading a book, meditating, or saying comments about Beastboy, Raven seemed to surprise the others.

Cyborg, the half man, half robot. Even though he considered it as a curse, it definitely helped during fights. His arm would turn into a boost cannon along with many other things. His personality would help the others to be confident. Cyborg's meat-addiction and hate for anything other than meat brought trouble for the peace in the tower.

On to the lovely and beautiful Starfire the alien, because of her foreign know-how, everything was very confusing for her. Robin had to explain everything to her for her to understand correcting. Her sweet personality brightened everyone's day even the dark demoness, Raven. Her sunny smile could melt away any coldness off of anyone's heart, especially Robin's.

Lastly, the leader, Robin. When his parents and brother passed on because of Two Face, that's when his crime fighting career began. Batman trained him and taught him everything he needed to know. Soon, the young boy wonder was old enough to start on his own, without the Bat helping him. Short after, the Teen Titans were formed. Always having work before play, Robin gets really caught up in his work. The others call it his 'obsession.' But through it all, his friends stay at his side and pull him away from all the frustration and hang out.

Now, the titans were very close. Their friendship was the most important thing to every single one of them. Jump City needed the titans very much. Everyday someone was robbing a back, escaping from jail, or holding someone hostage. The past few weeks, though, haven't been that busy. Jump City became very quiet. There was no crime in three weeks. Even if there wasn't any crime, the titans had to keep a watch out. Tonight, it was Starfire's and Robin's patrol night.

Starfire carried Robin across the lake and they landed on the street. It was late afternoon and the sun was setting. As they walked down the sidewalk, they saw couples walking past them holding hands. Starfire watched them enviously. How she longed to hold her love's hand. The only problem was he had no idea about her feelings. It's wrong to love your best friend and teammate, right?

Robin looked over at the beautiful alien, her long fiery red hair, intensive emerald eyes, and her smile that could melt the North Pole. She is so beautiful. They continued strolling down the street giving eachother secret glances and Starfire asking questions about anything that was new to her.

"Why is that red hand blinking? Is the machine malfunctioning?" She flew over to the sign and poked it a few times.

"Star, that's a sign telling the people walking on the sidewalk that the light will be changing soon and they shouldn't cross the crosswalk." She nodded and slowly lowered to the ground. They walked a few blocks in silence until they got to Jump City Park.

"Well we should head back." He turned around and Starfire grabbed his wrist.

"You don't want to stay just for a little while?" A little bit of hope gleamed in her eyes. Her thumb rubbed against his glove and he sighed.

"Sorry, Star, but we should be heading back. By the time we get back, it'll be dark." His wrist slowly escaped her hand and fell to his side. Her smile was still planted across her face but inside her doubts of Robin feeling the same about her grew.

Star ran to catch up with Robin and she noticed that he stopped walking. Did he wait for me to catch up with him? Then she noticed him fingering his utility belt and she looked ahead. Her eyes quickly glowed green along with her hands. She stood in her fighting stance and collected all her energy. Robin took out his metal staff and twirled it a few times. The wind blew and Star's hair flew across her face.

"Hey doll." He said behind his white mask with the red X. Starfire paid no attention to the comment and kept her concentration on him and his movements.

"Red X…" Robin whispered. "What are you doing out of prison?" He finished.

"These gadgets do come in handy when you slip one in your prison uniform." He took a red X out and slid his finger along the outer edges. He ran towards the two titans and threw the first X then another two. Robin and Starfire dodged them and went in to attack.

Star fired multiple starbolts at Red X but he was took quick. She flew to the ground to get a closer range and decided to do hand to hand combat Robin had taught her. She had a punch there a swing here and X deflected each one.

Robin watched from a little distance. He was ready to attack when Starfire got out of the way. Starfire finally punched him in the stomach and she went for a left hook but X grabbed her fist and turned her around. His arm was wrapped around her neck and his other arm around her waist. Both of her hands tried to rip his arm off from her neck, but no avail.

"Having fun, cutie?" He slid his hand down her body and she head butted him. She flew next to Robin and rubbed the back of her head. Robin bolted straight at him and tried to use his staff against him. Robin hit him in the shoulder but then X ran the other way towards a building wall and ran up the wall and jumped over Robin. He kicked Robin in the back sending him against the wall. Red X advanced on Starfire and he threw a few X's at her just for the heck of it.

"You're pretty good, sweetheart." He took a few more steps and Star lifted into the air. "That's no fair, how am I suppose to get you from way up there?" He smiled under his mask and his feet left the ground. He was flying!

"Ya see, doll, I knew I'd have a disadvantage with your flight so I decided to make my own wings." Starfire's jaw dropped and studied him carefully. How exactly could he be able to fly?

"What causes you to fly like me?" Red X flew towards her and Star sent a few hundred starbolts at him. Red X dodged every single one and was now behind her once again. His hand placed on her perfectly shaped breast and the other wrapped tight around her waist. He shifted his mouth to her ear.

"Now, why would I let out my secret? If I did, you would tell your poor little Robin how to get me up here. I'm enjoying my time up here with you, aren't you?" He whispered. He was so close to her that his hot breath was escaping his mask and falling upon Starfire's skin. Shivers were sent down her spine.

Meanwhile, Robin came to from the hard hit on the wall. His head was slightly bleeding. He tried to locate his beloved Starfire and the despicable Red X. He saw a flash of green in the air and he immediately looked up. There was them both… in the air. How could this be? Red X couldn't fly. He watched them battle and it seemed like nothing was happening to each of them. They were deflecting the opponent's attacks, which was good on Starfire's behalf. Then Robin's heart stopped when he saw Starfire soar to the closest building. Dust enveloped her and she was not to be seen. He saw Red X follow her to the building and Robin ran to see what was happening.

The next thing Robin saw will never leave his thoughts. Red X had his arms on both sides of Starfire, capturing her against the wall. Robin couldn't make out the words for Red X's lips were moving. Starfire was conscious for her eyes were glowing green.

"Doll, you can stop this madness." He slid the back of his hand down her face. Starfire was truly scared; she was up there all alone with this stalker of hers. There was Robin, watching all of this, and she couldn't do a thing to get away.

"X, please stop." Her emotions were running high now, she was sick of this. She wanted to be touched by Robin, not Red X.

"Come with me. Leave your little Robin and come with me. I know of your feelings for him, but don't you realize that he only sees you as a friend and teammate? He will never love you like I do. He will never touch you, care for you, look at you, like I do." Starfire's heart shattered.

Her head lowered. Her bangs fell over her watering eyes. He speaks the truth. Robin does only see me as a friend and teammate. Why can't he see me as more? Tears escaped her eyes, stinging the open cuts on her face. "Doll, don't cry. Robin doesn't deserve your tears. He's worthless. If he doesn't notice your feelings for him then he doesn't deserve anything from you." He wipes a tear and wraps his arms around her.

"STOP IT!" Her eyebeams push Red X a few hundred yards. She bombards him with thousands of starbolts. After the dust disappears, Red X attacks Starfire with full force.

"Why can't you just give…. up… on the fact… that…" They were inches away from each other's face. "Robin…. doesn't…. love… you.." With this said, he smashes her all the way to the ground and she makes a crater in the road. Robin tries to run to her but Red X gets there before he does, so he stops running. Robin was only a few yards away. Seeing and hearing everything clearly.

Red X pinned Starfire to the ground, holding her arms a safe distance away. It was dark now; the sun had set. "I'll never give up on you, Starfire." With that, he lifted his mask up just enough to reveal his lips and kisses her on the lips. The quick moment seemed like an eternity for Starfire. Why is he doing this? She struggled to get away, but their lips were locked. Robin stared at the two in disbelief. He's kissing Starfire! This seemed unreal to Robin. He longed to be the one who kissed Starfire.

Their lips parted and Red X heard thunder. He looked at the sky and saw the clouds fill with light. "I better hit the road, sweetheart." He stood up and ran a little ways away from the two titans. "See you again, doll" Then he rushed off into the dark, cold night.

Rain began to fall. The thunder and lighting clashed, trying to beat the other to be heard. Starfire stood up and looked at Robin's face, trying to determine his emotions. I cannot believe what just happened. She thought, as she lifted her fingers to her newly kissed lips.