Experienced Outlaw Star fans:

Allow me to beg your forgiveness. This is my first OS fanfiction, and as of yet, unfinished. The characters are as I see them, having only watched the series twice through. If you don't like the way I spell the names, that's your problem.

This is a alternate time line fic, which means it does not follow the time line set by the actual series. Actually, it follows a similar time line, but at some point it breaks off into a paradox and becomes a different story entirely.


Disclaimer: I own nothing except the pictures in my head. Original characters do belong to me.

Warning: As of yet, this is an alternate time line fic, with yaoi (m/m), het (m/f), and humor. Small dashes of sap, language and angst thrown in for good measure. Pairings--wouldn't you just like to know? This fic reaches into the very edges of lime, but do not expect any lemons. If you don't know what that means, email me and expect to be embarrassed. Underage people are drinking--don't try this at home!

Author: Kasey

Archive: Not unless I send it to you.

Status: Incomplete, self-edited.

Key: /italics/ and *emphasis*


"At a Minute or Two 'Till Two, Today"


-Part Nine-


"He was very nice, very polite, just like you," Saffron said. They were sitting around a short, round table and sipping black tea. "He wanted to know where he could find the Galactic Leyline. But he didn't ask," she giggled, and winked at Gene. "He never asked me any questions!"

"I don't get her," Gene whispered to Jim. "Why can't we ask her anything?"

Jim leaned over to whisper a reply. "Prolly 'cause she can read our minds. Maybe she doesn't like the question repeated over and over again."

"You're very smart, Jim," Saffron said. "Would you like to know the coordinates to the Leyline, too?"

Jim started. "Uh... yes!"

"What do you want at the Leyline? Why do you want to go there?" Saffron asked. "It's dangerous. But you know that, don't you?"

"I want to go, so I can find out who I really am," Melfina said. She took a small sip of her tea.

Saffron nodded.

"And we're taking her there," Gene added. "I promised to help her find out about herself."

"And you think the Leyline will tell you?" Saffron asked. "Do you know what the Leyline is? Of course not. No one knows what the Leyline is. It hasn't been opened in fifty thousand years, according to the human calendar."

"How long is that in Gkitaro-Gkitaro years?" Asjia asked. Saffron did not answer. Asjia's ears drooped. "Oops."

"About twenty thousand years, I think," Jim answered quickly.


Saffron took a sip of her tea and continued talking. "Everyone who remembers the Leyline when it was new, is now dead. Only memories of those people live on, passed subconsciously down through the ages. That is how the rumor of the Galactic Leyline began."

"Is that so?" Gene wondered. "Just a rumor? And they never figured that it would be real."

"We were talking about Ron," Saffron said, turning back to Harry. "He's very worried about you." Harry nodded. "Aren't you going back to see him? He promised me that he would hunt Gene Starwind down. And kill him."

Melfina gasped. "Oh, no!! He can't do that!"

Saffron giggled. "He won't kill Gene, Melfina! You don't have to worry."

Harry gulped. "Maybe he won't get Gene..." He stopped and looked at Melfina. She had relaxed slightly after Saffron had assured her that Ron would not kill Gene. "But someone else..."

"Ron has gone to look for the Galactic Leyline," Saffron said. "He will not kill anyone." She made a gesture with two of the fingers on her left hand, and a platter of /nori/ appeared in front of them. "Please try them," she offered. "They really are very good."

"Ron went to the Leyline!" Harry gasped. "But he said we'd go together..."

Saffron picked up a /nori/ roll with a long pair of chopsticks, and handed it to Harry. "He has not gone, yet. He had to make some arrangements, first. A small funeral, he said." She giggled. "He wanted to have a funeral!"

Harry's eyes went wide and he dropped the /nori/ roll. "What...? Oh, no! Ron! Ron thinks I'm dead!" he cried. Melfina lay a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He relaxed, but only a little. "Oh, no... Mel, I've gotta go find him! He thinks I'm dead!"

"Ron thinks that the Galactic Leyline will grant all of his wishes," Saffron said, sighing happily. She made gestures in the air. "Can you imagine? Power? Money? That is what people always wish for. But I... I would wish for tea," she said. "I can never have enough tea! Power is boring, and I prefer my privacy. Money is boring, too. All it does is buy stuff to clutter up my house. But tea... tea is relaxing. Would you like some more?"

"...Grants all of his wishes..." Gene murmured. "What would he wish for?" He was careful not to aim the question at Saffron, who giggled and winked at him.

"I know what I would wish for," Asjia said, munching on a /nori/ roll. "Glory for the Gkitaro-Gkitaro Empire! And a ship back home," she added, glaring at Gene.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault you got stuck out in the middle of nowhere," Gene bit back.

Saffron giggled again. "You're all so funny!" she laughed. "Nobody comes here to talk with me! All they want are my answers." She wiggled a little in her seat and grinned at them. "I will give you the coordinates to the Galactic Leyline," she announced, "To thank you for talking with me, and sharing tea."

Melfina's face lit up happily. "Thank you!" she exclaimed.

"Here," Saffron said. She pulled at one of the pendants hanging around her neck. It came off in her hand. She made a 'V' with the first two fingers of her left hand, and passed them under the pendant. She made a snatching motion with that hand, and then opened it again to show them a copy of the pendant. "Melfina, you and Gillium can decipher the coordinates from the information in here," she said. "Use it well!"

"But..." Harry began, "Isn't there anything you want, in return? A price for this?"

Saffron giggled. "Do not ask," she chirped, "Or I will not tell! But if you must know... your talking with me was enough. You and Ron were the first *real* visitors I've had in years. The coordinates mean nothing to me. I do not pilot a ship. I do not want to leave Hayfong. It is *I* who have gotten the better end of the deal."

"If you say so," Gene said.


Fred was standing at his window again, looking out at the reflection of Hayfong's three moons in the lake. It was so rare that you saw all three on the same night, especially on a clear night. Usually he would lie out by the lake for hours, watching them pass overhead at differing speeds.

A knock came at the door. "Come in," Fred said, his voice flat.

Gene opened the door slowly, and poked his head inside. All he could see was Fred's back. "It's me, Fred," he said, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.

"Came to say good-bye?" If Fred's tone had been any sharper, it would have frozen the room.

Gene gulped. He looked down at the floor. "...Yeah. Sorry, Fred."

Fred continued staring out the window. "*Every* time, Gene," he muttered. "*Every* time I get close to you, you just up and jump away again..."

Gene shook his head. "Fred... It's not like that."

Fred sighed, and his shoulders slumped. He walked around the room, staring at the floor, until he reached Gene. He slid his arms under Gene's and hugged him firmly. Gene returned the gesture, with one hand reaching up to tangle in Fred's blue-black hair.

"I knew you'd be leaving again," Fred said, his words muffled by Gene's shoulder. "I just wish..."

"Ah, I'll be back," Gene interrupted softly. "I'm taking your newest employee with me. Consider that my promise: I owe you one communications engineer. Okay?" He lifted Fred's chin so he could look into his eyes. "And I always repay my debts."

Fred laughed faintly. "Yes, yes you do, Gene." He nuzzled Gene's jaw. "You usually never give me a chance to wish you good luck..."

"I usually don't spend five nights a week in your bed, either," Gene said. He grinned. "Times are changing. I don't mind."

"Neither do I..."


"When are you leaving, Gene?"

"In the morning. It'll take us about a week to get there, if we're not bogged down by pirates or Ron MacDougal."

Fred nodded. "Can you stay, then?" he asked. "Just for a little while?"

Gene smiled. "That's why I came, Freddie-boy. I don't want a instant message, three days from now." He kissed Fred's forehead. "I want to say good-bye properly."


Melfina took out the trash. It was a nightly chore, because the seafood they used in cooking tended to rot overnight, and smell awful in the morning. Just as she was about to step inside, she saw Harry sitting out by the street. "Harry?"

Harry jumped, but only slightly. He turned around. "Melfina?"

Melfina smiled and walked over to him. "What's wrong, Harry? Why are you out here?"

Harry looked up at the sky. "There goes another one," he said, pointing to a streak of light in the atmosphere.

Melfina looked up. "A ship?"

Harry stood. "M-hm. Do you think he's gone, yet?" He turned to Melfina, and reached for her hands. "He's my brother, Mel. I... We would never have said it, but..." He stopped and sighed, pulling Melfina closer. "Mel... you and he are the world... the *universe*, to me. You're everything. I never had parents, just Ron. He's my best friend, Mel..."

Melfina allowed Harry to pull her into his arms. She was warmed as she leaned against his chest. "Harry..."

Harry looked down, burying his nose in her black hair. "Mel?"

Melfina looked up. She smiled softly, looking into Harry's eyes. "You'll see him again. He's looking for you, right?"

Harry nodded. "Yes."

"Has he ever let you down?"

Harry shook his head. "Never," he said.

Melfina felt herself hugging Harry. "So you have nothing to worry about," she concluded. "We're all heading to the Leyline... maybe we'll meet him, there."



"He'll want me to come back with him." Harry ran his fingers through Melfina's hair. "But I don't want to leave you."

Melfina squirmed slightly. "I... I understand, Harry. But if you want to go..."

Harry shook his head. "No, no Mel... I've got a commitment to Fred... I want to be with you... but I want to go back with Ron, too."

Melfina gently pulled away from Harry. She held one of his hands between her smaller hands, and started leading him back to the house. "We'll figure it out, Harry," she said. "But let's not worry about it now, okay?"

Harry nodded. He smiled. "Alright, Mel."


Harry watched in amazement at the elaborate preparations for the launching of the /Outlaw Star/.

"Mel... I thought you controlled the ship," he asked at one point during the process.

Melfina smiled. "I do! I'm going in, now," she said. "I'll be back out in a little while."

"Back out?"

Melfina laughed and nodded. A lid on the floor popped open, and she stepped over, to the platform that was uncovered. "I'm ready, Gillium," she said.

Harry watched as the floor opened beneath Melfina, taking her down. He then gaped in amazement as that part of the floor rose up again, a tube connecting all the way to the ceiling. Harry ran from aft to fore in time to see the tube open. "Melfina!"

Melfina opened her eyes. /Hello, Harry,/ her voice came through. /This is how I can control the /Outlaw Star/./

Harry was trying not to look at Melfina's body, which was somewhat exposed by the connection tube. "So, now what happens?" he asked her.

"Grab a seat," Jim said from up front. "There's one in the back, just behind Melfina. Buckle in. You'll be able to walk around again after we're on the move."

Gene jumped up into the captain's seat. He picked up the targeting apparatus and fitted it over his head so that it was easily accessible in case of an attack. "Hey, Mel," he called, "How are things looking?"

/All systems: green,/ Melfina replied. /Is everyone set?/

"I'm here," Jim said. "We've got launch clearance!"

"Everything looks good from my end," Suzuka spoke up, checking the controls from where she sat.

Asjia gave Jim a thumbs-up. "Ready and waiting!"


"All ready, Mel," Harry replied.

"How about you, Gene?" Gillium asked. "Are you buckled in?"

Gene's face drooped. He grumbled and pulled the shoulder straps in place. "Happy?"

/Much better!/ Melfina giggled.

"Fine. Let's go treasure hunting!!"


End Book I


I want to thank all of my readers, especially everyone on the OutlawStarML who encouraged me to keep writing!

I know this does seem to wrap it up, but I do have plans for the Galactic Leyline, Ron, and even the Kay pirates. Until then, thank you all!