Disclaimer: I do not own Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or anything/anyone associated with it.

Chapter 1

Charlie was ready to start the new year at his new school. Now that he was rich, he could afford to go to one of the best boarding schools. Since Wonka still had a few years left on him and the rest of his family stressed the importance of education, they expected nothing less. Wonka was hesitant at first, but there was no arguing so they figured that Charlie would come home on weekends and holidays and discuss business via e-mail in the meantime.

Charlie felt a little nervous, not knowing anyone. He looked up at the big building, knowing that it wasn't just his school, it was his home for the next few months. Sighing, he looked for his dormitory. Looking at the map in his hand just reminded him how big the campus was, but he managed to find his way to the building.

Lugging his suitcase behind him, he realised his roomwas on the third floor. Hating the thought of having to walk up three flights of stairs with a heavy bag, he grabbed himself a drink from the vending machine. He sat there for a little, looking at all the teens walking past, greeting their friends with excitement for the new year. Any other person in his position would probably feel nervous, but Charlie didn't really care. He was used to being a loner, having people making fun of him because he wasn't rich.

Finishing his drink he began lugging his suitcase up the stairs. He could feel all the eyes on him, everyone knowing that he was a new kid. He was just relieved when he reached the third floor. Walking along he looked on all the doors for 3F. When he found it, he walked in quickley and collapsed on the bed. He looked around the room. There were the two beds and two desks supplied by the school and all of Charlie's boxes which had been brought over earlier that day.

He knew that he was obviously going to have a room mate. He wondered who it could be. A part of him felt relieved that making a new friend would be slightly easier. Though another part of him wanted to be left in private. He looked up at the ceiling. Who knows who this person might be, he thought to himself, it could be some messy person that goes through all my stuff. Charlie had really lost hope in meeting genuinely nice people, with his experiance in the chocolate factory, his past school and the thought that the very people working for you could betray you. Though he maintained being nice to people in faith that good karma would someday repay him, like it had done before.

An hour later he began unpacking his boxes. He set up his desk neatly, with his brand new laptop sitting in the middle, recharging. He put his clothes in his drawers and one half of the closet. After that he walked to find the bathroom. Once again he saw the bunch of students. The preppy, posh types, the rebellious types, the smart ones. All the boys he would be spending the new year with.

In the bathroom, he heard two of them talking. "Did you hear about the newbie from America?"

"Yeah, I met him. Thinks he's all that." His friend replied.

"Though I saw him getting some of his stuff moved in. Can't live without the basic electronicsit seems, complaining that he has to last with just an Ipod until he can buy stuff here. Bet you his parents are new money. No way he got in on a scholarship." The first one commented.

"Actually he did. Apparently a really smart one. More like a smart ass! I'd hate to end up with him as a room mate. I just said hi and he looked me up and down and called me a preppy retard then pushed some guy out of the way." The second one explained.

"Oh well, lucky your rooming with me. Better than having someone complain all the time."

Charlie saw them leave as he went to wash his hands. He hoped that he wasn't going to be sharing a room with what sounded like a nasty person. He walked back to his room, looking at the whiteboard on his door. He picked up the marker, seeing that his room mate had already written his name in big bold capitals: MIKE andunder it he had added 'Preppies stay the hell away!' Charlie added his name to the space left and opened the door.

"Didn't it figure, my room mate is a neat freak. Pretty cool laptop though. Expensive! Oh god, I'm living with a preppy!" The guy named Mike was saying to no-one in particular.

Charlie watched him setting up his stuff. He didn't know why he looked so familiar. He walked into the room. The teen, feeling he was being watched turned around. Charlie's eyes widened. It had been two years but it was definately him. Mike Teavee, from the factory. He was taller and slightly thinner, but in a lot better shape than he had been when he left the factory one year ago due to weight gain and muscle build up. Charlie couldn't help but admire him.

"You! I remember you. You're Skinny from that stupid factory tour." Mike glared at Charlie. "Suppose your pretty happy now. All good, got what you wanted."

Charlie didn't say anything for awhile. He just stared. "Well, I guess we're room mates."

"Really? You don't say." Mike rolled his eyes. "Well I know you're not one of those preppy retards. Or are you, a lot can change in two years. Nope you're not preppy, I can tell by your clothes. Well that's a relief."

"Heard you say my laptop is cool. You can borrow it if you want." Charlie said, still maintaining his sweetness.

"I thought that was an act at Wonkas but you really are sweet as fucking pie aren't you. Well if you're going to live with me, get some fucking balls and stay out of my stuff." Mike said. "Though, since you offered, I will use your laptop until my parents wire me the money for my own."

"Okay. So how have things been for the past two years?" Charlie asked, trying to make small talk.

"Look, just because you're good looking doesn't mean I have to talk to you." Mike said, though realising what he had just said, covered it up with an extra nasty voice. "You don't have to talk to me and I don't have to talk to you. So just let me unpack in peace"

AsCharlie walked out of the room, he couldn't help but smile. He didn't care how rude Mike was to him, because he had slipped up by admitting he thought Charlie was good looking.