Title: Scorned Lovers

Disclaimer: I'm only going to say this once: I do not own Inuyasha.


Hello everyone! This is my fifth fan fiction. If you have read all my other stories I'm sure you will like this one. I've been writing it out on paper for a long time and now am I chapter 12. I hope you like this one as much as the other ones. This one might be my best so far. (That's what I think) Let me know if you agree. I would like to hear what you guys think.

I decided to put both the prolog and chapter one in one chapter to make it longer. They both seemed kinda short to me. This way you get more of a read! OH YEAH! As you all can see, if you read my other fanfic….I decided to post this one up before I finished the other ones like I said I was…I just got tired of waiting! Not that you really care! You probably wanted me to post it up sooner! At least that's what I hope?

Oh and by the way, this fanfic got its name thanks to: HopelesslyEscaflowne! Thank you!



Long ago in Feudal Japan, there lived a very powerful Miko. Her name was Kagome Higurashi. She along with her friend Sango fought and killed any demon that came their way. They were the strongest demon slayers of their time. No one was ever able to surpass their strength and skill. The miko and her friend also had the difficult task of guarding the Shikon no Tama. Because of this many demons threatened the lives of their villagers. But as long as Kagome and Sango were around the villagers were safe.Noharm ever came to anyone under their protection.

Any demon the pair went after never lived to see another day. They were a seemingly unbeatable team. Demons feared and hated them. But that didn't stop some of them from trying to kill the two demon exterminators. The bravest demons tried to kill the two but never even got close to succeeding. The only thing the demons lacking the strength or the bravery to even try to go up against the slayers, could only dream of defeating them.

On one demon extermination the two came across and orphaned Kitsune, by the name of Shippo. His father had been brutally killed by a pair of demons known as the Thunder Brothers. Kagome took it upon herself to raise the parentless child. Later Kagome and Sango destroyed the Thunder Brothers in a seemingly never ending battle, and avenged the young Kitsune's father.

Then there came the day when a monk, named Miroku became part of the group. He was very famous for his uncanny ways of exorcising demons from homes and a lecher with the ladies. Despite a rocky start he soon became a welcome member of the group.

One day Kagome and Sango are called upon by a lord from a nearby village to exterminate a demon, by the name of Inuyasha. Kagome is reluctant to go but soon agrees. When she meets this demon she realizes he's not what the villagers claim he is. Kagome sees past his rough demeanor and sees the kind heart he has inside.

This begins the tale of the Kagome Higurashi and Inuyasha.


Chapter one

It was an ordinary day. The sun shone high above as a village went about its daily activities. Kagome Higurashi stepped outside her hut, her friend Sango not too far behind.

"Kagome! Sango!" A distraught male voice called. Kagome knew it was one of her villagers. He was running toward her, scared to death, meaning only one thing. People were barely able to move out of the man's way as he passed them. Some who were unable to control their anger shouted at the man as he ran by them. "Kagome! Sango!" He called again. "There is a demon heading straight toward us at a very fast speed!" The man rasped. "Please take care of it for us!"

Kagome stared back at the man, who was now bent over breathing hard, hands on his knees for support. Kagome then looked behind her at her friend Sango. "Ready? Looks like we're gonna have some fun today!"

"Ready!" answered Sango, reaching for her boomerang bone.

Kagome slung her bow and arrows over her shoulder and grabbed one of her swords. Quickly the two ran through the village in the direction the man had come. They were hoping to catch the demon before it could hurt the villagers. After all, that was their job, to protect their innocent villagers from the harm of rouge demons. It wasn't always easy but it was a job both women took pride in doing.

They stopped running a few feet from the village because standing before them was the massive demon. It reared up and hissed menacingly. Kagome and Sango smiled. This weak demon would be easy. There was no doubt in their minds that this bug was going down. His chances of living to see another day were minimal. The centipede demon shot his head forward, attempting to attack. If this was what he thought was frightening, then he needed more practice.

Reacting fast Sango shot out her Boomerang Bone. It sliced the demon in half. The centipede demon screamed in pain. The half of the demon with out a head charged at Kagome. Kagome waited for it to get closer to her before she jumped towards it. She swung her sword, slicing the demon from the head down. The other two halves of the demon fell over and what was left of the demon turned to ash, leaving nothing but bones.

Their job was now done. The villagers were safe from harm, just as it should be. Kagome and Sango returned to the village. They left the villagers to clean up what was left of the demon.

When the two reached their hut they were greeted by a young Kitsune. He couldn't have been more than 6 or 7 years old. "Oka-san! Sango!" The fox demon child ran toward Kagome and jumped into her arms. Behind him was a neko demon, which jumped into the arms of Sango. "I heard a demon was heading toward the village!"

"It was true. But Sango and I took care of the demon. We're fine, Shippo." Kagome said trying to reassure the child.

"It's just that I don't wanna lose you Oka-san. I've already lost one set of parents. I don't think I could stand it if I lost you too." Said Shippo looking down. He frowned at the thought of never seeing Kagome again. He loved her so much he thought he might die without her.

Kagome set down her weapons on the side of her hut before she spoke. She hugged little Shippo close. "Don't worry Shippo. I won't let anything happen to me. I'll always be there for you."

"You promise?" Shippo looked up into Kagome's eyes, his hope rising.

"I promise." Kagome smiled at her adopted child.

"I love you Oka-san."

"I love you too. Now you leave the worrying to me, okay? That's my job not yours." Said Kagome ruffling the child's hair.

"I will!" Shippo smiled at his mother and together they walked into the hut, where Sango already was, with Kirira curled in her lap.

Kagome set Shippo down and turned to her friend Sango. "Watch him for me while I make my rounds?"

"Sure." Sango nodded her agreement. She loved watching the Kitsune. They always had a fun playing together although he could be a handful sometimes.

"Now Shippo, you listen to Aunt Sango and so everything she asks of you. I'll be right back in a couple of hours, okay?" Said Kagome.

"Yes, Oka-san." Said Shippo innocently. Kagome smiled at her son. He was so adorable!

Before she left Kagome changed from her battle armor and into her red and white priestess's kimono.

The first home she visited belonged to a husband and wife expecting a child. Kagome entered the hut and found the expectant mother standing by the window looking outside.

"So how have you been feeling?" Kagome asked the woman.

"I'm doing fine, thank you." The woman turned from the window and smiled at Kagome.

"That's great! But where is your husband?" Kagome asked her.

"Oh! I had a craving for some fruit so he's out fetching me some." The woman answered like it was nothing.

Kagome smiled. She knew how moody woman could be when they were expecting. In her experience not one woman was alike. "What a nice husband he must be." Kagome commented.

"Yes he is." The woman smiled brightly and continued. "How is Shippo doing? I remember how sick and tiny he was when you first brought him to live here."

Kagome was surprised when the woman asked her this. Most of the villagers despised demons. But Kagome was trying to change that. She was trying to make the villagers see not all demons are bad. Kagome smiled inwardly. It seemed some of the villagers were starting to warm up to Shippo and saw he wasn't all bad like some demons. "Well he's a healthy young Kitsune now. I must be going now. I have other houses to visit."

"Thank you for all your help, making sure our child is going to be healthy, priestess."

"You're welcome. I really enjoy doing this."

Kagome left the hut and moved on to the next. She visited a sick baby and gave it the medicine she needed, bandaged a man that had been attacked by a demon and tended to the old. On her way home she stopped and talked to the other villager and some of them gave her some fruit. It was their way of saying they appreciated all she did for them.

Many hours later she found her hut and went inside. Kagome was glad to see Sango had already prepared dinner. She sat down and Sango handed her, her bowl. Then the family of four began eating. After they ate every told of their day. Kagome told of the villagers she visited and Shippo told of the fun he had with Sango and Kirira. Sango smiled nodded her head in agreement as he spoke.

Finally the day came to an end. Every one was tired and ready for sleep. Shippo sleepily curled up in Kagome's arms on her sleep mat and Sango and Kirira curled up together at the other end of the room. Soon the room was silent, with only the sounds of slow even breaths of sleep.



There ya go. Hope you liked it. This is the first chapter done and over with. No matter how hard I try I can't get my chapter more than 4 pages long! It sucks. Well I hope you like it and want to read more. Lol. It may not begin to good but I think it gets better at the story goes along. Like I said, I'm on chapter 12 so it shouldn't take me that long to update!

But I'm not going to update until I get at least 5 reviews. So if you want a quick update give me those five reviews, please! The sooner you review the sooner the chapter will be up! And the happier I will be! And we all know a happy author make the readers happy! Lol. I made the up. Thought it was funny! I am so weird!

Clouds of the Sky

Editor's note: Hey hey hey! Berii is here! I hope you like this fanfic! It's great isn't it! Sky is getting better and better in her writings, I bet you can't wait to see what she has in store for this fanfic! I know you can't because I can't either!
