Author's note:

HOSHIT! Can it be? Are you're eyes deceiving you?! NO! I AM actually updating. Isn't that amazing? Not really? Oh, okay. It's weird to be updating a fic… I haven't done so in so long…

Here is the next chapter some of you have been waiting for. I have kicked myself so many times for taking so long to get these chapters out sooner. But it's just not going to happen. If it's not me being lazy, it's my computer crashing and then waiting two weeks for it to be fixed. I thought I was going to lose what little I had prepared for this chapter but by some miracle the computer guy was able to save most of my files. I love you computer guy! Thanks a bunch!

I'm truly sorry for taking so long. I'm sorry! I have how it's going to end all in my head and everything its just getting all typed up that's the hard part…

Special thanks to these amazing readers: Juusan'ya, Ro0ting4Kagome, Catbuddy, SessKagluv3r.

In case you have forgotten what has happened so far (as I'm sure you have) Kagome has snuck away from the others to save Shippou from Naraku.

And here we go!


Chapter 22: Shikon No Tama

Inuyasha awoke from his sound sleep when a snapping twig startled him. Suddenly on high alert, he sat up and quickly surveyed the camp sight, his keen eyesight looking for anything that could be out of place. He instantly knew Kagome was missing and wanted to scream with the rage that now boiled within him.

She had gone to do the last thing any of them had ever wanted her to do. That stubborn woman! Did she ever think before reacting?! He vowed to kill her when he found her, that is, if Naraku didn't do so first.

With a growl he was on his feet in seconds and screaming out her name. "KAGOME!"

Why did she have to do something so stupid and be so strong headed? He lifted his nose to catch wind of her scent—it was still fresh. He was only minutes behind her, if that.

"Kagome!" He called again. Stupid wench. He was going to kill her when he caught her, the hanyou vowed again.

"Inuyasha, why are you yelling? Some of us are trying to sleep!" Sango said her voice half asleep. She started to sit up, willing her body to wake up to see what he was so upset about.

"I'm yelling because that stupid woman went and did the unthinkable! She's going to get herself killed!" His anger seemed to be getting the best of him at this point. "And I'm not wasting anymore time arguing with you when she is getting away!"

Sango could hardly believe his words as she watched him rush into the dense forest. She barely exchanged a look of pure shock with Miroku before they both were on their feet, and quickly picking up the campsite.


Kagome could feel Inuyasha behind her. He was gaining on her as the seconds ticked by. She couldn't allow him to catch her, not with Shippou's life on the line. She could just imagine the abuse Naraku would be inflicting upon her poor little boy and that was what fueled her. She pushed herself faster.

With her mind still in a haze she was barely able to perform a simple concealment spell, to block out her scent and aura from Inuyasha. At this moment she could use all the help she could get.

Of course he could still hear her. Damn him and his demonic senses!

She slowed slightly when she felt Inuyasha's aura behind her decrease. He had lost her scent and was desperately trying to pick it up again. She grinned. He wouldn't be able to find her for some time now.

She felt her body flood with a small amount of relieve until she collided with a hard body in front of her. Kicking herself for being so careless she held back a scream as she tumbled to the ground. She would have fallen if the figure had not caught her.

"Shh. Kagome, it's me." The voice whispered.

She opened her eyes… "Kouga? What are you doing here?"

"That Naraku person told me to meet him at Mt. Hakurei. I was just on my way when I saw you running from the mutt. You and him not on good terms, aye?"

Kagome ignored the jibe. "Naraku's got Shippou and I'm trying to save him. Inuyasha's trying to stop me. You think you can help me?"

Kouga flashed her one of his brilliant smiles. "Since when have I ever let you down? Besides, if it's to help you run from mutt-face, who am I to decline?"

"I really wish you wouldn't call him that." Kagome sighed as Kouga scooped her up into his arms. Before she knew it they were off.


Inuyasha slowed his pace and stuck his nose in the air. It was strange how her scent trail just suddenly disappeared. And also extremely frustrating. His worry increased tenfold.

"Damn it, Kagome!"

"She's hidden her scent, hasn't she?" Sango asked. With the help of Kirara, Miroku and Sango had finally caught up with him.

"Yes! Stupid wench! Why does she always have to do this shit?!"

With the changing of the wind, suddenly a new scent was brought to his nose. He sniffed the air to get a better understanding of it and instantly regretted it.

"What is it, Inuyasha?" Miroku inquired. "What's with that disgusted look on your face?"

"It's that wolf. He's nearby." Inuyasha pointed out in disgust.

"Do you think Kagome could be with him?" Miroku wondered.

Inuyasha's eyes widened with the realization. Without further thought he jumped into the trees following after the foul scent. This was the only trail he had to find her, and if he had to follow the stench of that wolf to catch Kagome, so be it.


Kagome and Kouga had finally reached Mt. Hakurei. The wolf demon finally put the miko on her feet and together they gazed up at the massive peak.

"I guess we are supposed to climb it." Kagome said uncertainly.

Kouga nodded. The air around the mountain seemed suddenly compressed, as if it were putting presser on his chest.

"Look, there is a dark cloud above the mountain." Kagome pointed. "I'm guessing that's where Naraku is…"

"That's a long climb." Kouga said.

"Yes, but we have no other choice."

Together they began the long climb, following a convenient path that led up to the top. As they climbed Kagome allowed her thoughts to drift back to Inuyasha and the others. They were going to kill her when they caught up to her. Especially Inuyasha. She could almost see his face now…

She brought her hand up to her neck to absently stroke the jewel that hung there. It was a magnificent item, and the story behind its creation was awe inspiriting, but the danger it brought… was almost not worth the fight to protect it.

So many generations of her family had guarded the jewel and she would be that last. It was time to end this now. She would be the last of her suffers. She smiled at the thought.

And then her thoughts traveled to Shippou. She hoped he was okay, but her motherly instincts told her he was suffering. Her poor baby kitsune. He probably hated her for failing him. She would understand if he did. Kagome promised to do all in her power to save him and make it up to him, even if it was the last thing she did.


As she and Kouga continued to climb higher and higher along the mountain, the ground became less stable. Kagome had to struggle to keep from slipping on the poorly secure rocks beneath her feet. Just when she thought she could continue no longer, she and Kouga came along a bend that opened into a cave.

Kagome gasped at the magnificent hole into the mountain. She was sure she had finally reached the right place. "Thank you, Kouga, for helping me get this far." Kagome whispered.

"We're not there yet." The wolf youkai replied. "We still haven't found Naraku. And I'm sure he's waiting."

Kagome nodded in silent agreement. "Let's go. I want to get this over with."

Together they entered the mountain cave, Kouga not far behind Kagome. Suddenly the pressure that had constricted his chest only moments before suddenly evaporated. It was as if all the pure air that surrounded the mountain had disappeared the moment they entered the cave.

"Do you feel that?" Kagome asked. "It feels like all the pure air is just gone and was replaced with an evil aura."

"Yes." Kouga replied. "Naraku must be near by."

The pair continued further into the cave in silence.


"How could Kagome just do something like this?" Sango muttered, not expecting an answer.

Miroku shrugged and said nothing.

Inuyasha was running ahead at such a quick pace that even Kirara was having a difficult time keeping up. Sango began to hope they reached their destination soon. She didn't know how much longer the poor neko youkai could last.

The thoughts barely finished before Mt. Hakurei came into sight. Soon they would be reunited with Kagome, where Sango would give her a piece of her mind. Sango was also sure Inuyasha would as well.

They reached the mountain just in time to see Kagome and Kouga enter through a cave.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha called.

But she didn't hear him. They were too far away. The trio plus the neko youkai watched as wolf demon and miko continued forward.

"If Naraku doesn't first, I'm going to kill that woman when I find her!" Inuyasha threatened, bounding full speed up the mountain.

Miroku and Sango reached the cave first, with the help of Kirara. Inuyasha wasn't far behind.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha called again. This time she did hear him call. And this time she did turn around.

Slowly she faced her friends, guilt plastered all over her face. She hadn't expected them to catch up with her so soon.

"What were you thinking?!" Inuyasha nearly screamed. He walked towards her so that he was now towering over the miko.

"I'm sorry?" Kagome whispered, unable to make eye contact with the hanyou.

Sango started forward but Miroku stopped her, shaking his head in disapproval. Sango glowered but didn't continue on. His unspoken message was clear: hold off, lets see how this plays out.

Sango huffed one more time and crossed her arms. Kagome was her friend too. Why did Inuyasha get to have all the fun?

"I needed to do this." Kagome's voice whispered.

"What do you mean you needed to do this?!" Inuyasha spat angrily. "We decided this was not the way to go! We can't let Naraku have that jewel!"

"We didn't decide anything! All we did was argue! And it wasn't your decision to make! It was mine! Shippou is my responsibly and I'll be damned if I allow anyone to try and stop me from saving him!" Kagome shouted.

Inuyasha advanced towards the miko, his stance threatening. Kagome took a step back, almost frightened of what he might do. She became defensive and her aura flared.

But her resolution failed when he suddenly took her into his arms and shoved her against the cave wall behind them. He seemed unaware of their onlookers as he planted his lips upon hers in a bone crushing kiss.

Kagome's shock was so great she was unable to respond for several minutes, but when the feeling passed, she found herself slipping into a state of unresolved passion. All the emotions she had kept bottled up all this time, she put into that kiss.

After several more minutes Inuyasha ended the fervent embrace and looked into the miko's eyes. "Please don't worry me like that again." He whispered. "I understand that all this is hard, but we're a team. We should make decisions together."

Kagome nodded, not sure if she was able to form coherent words at the moment.

Who knows how long they would have stayed like that, had Kouga not decided to open his mouth and interrupt the two. How he remained silent for as long as he had is a miracle.

"Get your grubby hands off my woman!" Kouga growled. "What right to you have to kiss her like that?!"

Inuyasha meant to open his mouth and tell the wolf youkai off but Kagome beat him too it.

"Will you just get off it?! Kouga, I don't like you in the way. I'm never going to be you woman and I think its time you realized that."

The Ookami stood there, flabbergasted. "K-Kagome?" Was all Kouga seemed to be able to say. Never in a million years did he ever believe she would talk to him in such a way.

The woman in question left Inuyasha's embrace (rather reluctantly) and went to stand before her youkai friend. "I'm sorry if you feel that I led you on all this time. I don't like you like in that way. My feelings for you are nothing stronger than that of a close friend or maybe even that of a brother. Completely platonic. But I hope we can still remain close friends, I would never wish hard feelings between us." Kagome said, placing a comforting had upon Kouga's arm.

The wolf youkai stared into the miko's eyes, as if searching for something… maybe a sign that she was joking, or that he had misheard her. But after several seconds he realized she was not joking, and was actually being honest with him.

Unsure of how to respond he simply nodded his head before adding, "As long as mutt face takes care of you. If I find out he ever let anything happen to you his ass is mine!"

"Fat chance, wolf!" Inuyasha retorted.

"Aw. How sweet. A nice little family reunion before you all are thrown to your deathbeds. How quaint" Naraku's cold voice cackled behind them, blocking the cave's exit. "Kukuku. Have you come to take me up on my offer, Miko?" the evil demon asks his eyes boring into Kagome's.

The miko's chocolate eyes glared holes of fury into her enemy's form. She could hardly stand to look at him after all the harm he had caused her. Unconsciously she moved her hand up to the jewel that resided against her neck, as she felt Inuyasha come to stand next to her.

Naraku's eyes grew wide in anticipation. All he wanted was right before him, soon… soon he would have everything he wanted and had worked so hard to achieve.

"Where is Shippou?" Kagome asked, her hand still clutched around the jewel she has protected for so long.

"You'll know once you have given me the jewel." Naraku answered quickly.

But Kagome does not trust him. "No. You will tell me now." She said firmly.

"You're getting quite arrogant, Little Miko, to be giving me orders."

Inuyasha snakes a hand around Kagome's waste protectively. Kagome barely noticed the action; her full attention is focused on Naraku.

Sighing exasperatedly Naraku called, "Kagura!" and from the shadows the wind youkai appeared, the kitsune youkai held in her arms.

"What have you done to him?!" Kagome screamed once she took in the sight of her adopted son. He was bruised and bloodied, and unconscious at the moment. Kagome wasn't the only one shocked by the young youkai's appearance. She heard several gasps and outraged cries coming from her friends behind her.

Naraku rolled his eyes. "Nothing the little brat didn't deserve. He was quite the brash little youkai. You might have taken the time to teach him better manners."

Kagome made to lunge forward, but Inuyasha held her back.

"Watch yourself, Miko. You'll get your kitsune pet back once I get the Shikon no tama." Naraku's silky voice said.

Kagome hesitated and Naraku sensed her apprehension.

"What's the matter?" He taunted. "Having second thoughts? Perhaps you don't care for him as much as you thought. He is youkai, is he not? And you're a miko. A miko can never love one tainted with youkai blood." Naraku's cold red eyes looked fleetingly to Inuyasha.

"Don't listen to him, Kagome." Sango whispered from off to Kagome's left. "Don't' give him the jewel. We can save Shippou some other way. Please don't fall pray to his schemes!" The slayer readied her boomerang bone in anticipation, hoping her friend would heed her words.

"You know nothing about me, Naraku. How dare you speak as if you know what I am thinking! You are nothing but a poor excuse of a demon. You hunger for a power you shall never have." Kagome taunted matter of factly.

Naraku's cockiness had caused him to become less wary. Using Naraku's shock against him she pulled the hidden dagger from beneath her clothing, charging it with miko energy as she moved forward.

"Kagura!" Naraku called his voice laced with urgency. "Help me!"

Sensing this as her moment the wind demoness ignored him. If the miko killed Naraku she would be free to roam as she pleased. But if the miko failed…would she regret not saving her unwanted master? No, Kagura decided. Better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all.

The whole thing lasted only seconds, Kagome plunged the dagger deep into Naraku's chest, putting all of her purification energies into that one attack. But it seemed, Naraku was not going down without a fight, and at the same second stabbed one of his tentacles straight through Kagome's stomach.

The rest was a blur. Kagome fell back into Inuyasha's strong arms, her ears barely registering the growl the erupted from his throat. Sango rushed forward, using her momentum to send forth boomerang bone to defend her friend, effectively decapitating the evil demon. She vaguely heard Kouga and Miroku calling out her name.

The next thing Kagome knew she was enveloped in darkness.


"Kagome." A voice called, seeming to come from deep within her subconscious.

The miko groaned, trying desperately to ignore the voice and wishing the blinding light would go away. She shut her eyes tighter and rolled over, but her efforts were futile.

"Ka-go-me." The voice said again, mirthfully, this time enunciating each syllable of her name.

"What?" The miko finally responded, still refusing to move or open her eyes. "Whoever you are please make that annoying light go away."

The voice—whom Kagome was now able to identify as female—chuckled. "I can't. Not until you open your eyes."

"Ugh." Finally deciding either way she was going to lose, the miko opened her eyes and sat up. At least the white light wasn't so blinding now.

She looked around finding herself in a place the seemed to be nothing but pure whiteness. That was the only way she could describe it. Everything was just white, white nothingness. The only thing of color was the woman in this place with her. She had long raven colored hair that went just past her waist, and a beautifully crafted kimono hung daintily along her form. The kimono was covered with various colored flowers, in bright pinks, reds, and blues. The woman before her had the most startling blue eyes that seemed to bore through you.

Now that she was fully coherent Kagome asked, "Am I dead?"

Again, the woman chucked. "No. Not yet."

"What do you mean 'not yet'? Am I going to die?!" Kagome panicked, her thoughts racing back to her family… Shippou… Sango… Miroku….Inuyasha…..

"Oops. Sorry! That was a bad choice of words." This woman was just too cheery for Kagome's tastes. She didn't look the least bit sorry for her slip up.

"You're telling me…" Kagome mumbled then added more clearly, "So I'm not going to die?" Kagome asked for clarification.

"I certainly don't think so. You still have many years of life ahead of you."

"So, why am I here, then? Wherever here is..." Kagome asked, once again looking around at her surroundings.

"Here is… Well, I don't think I can accurately describe to you where here is…" For the first time the unknown woman looked uncertain and not so cheery. "I've been here for a long time, myself. I've seen so many come and go… But as for myself I seem to just be stuck here…"

"Okay… So how does that help me?" Kagome was beginning to feel scared. What if she was stuck here as well?

"You are not meant to be here." The woman said bluntly.

Kagome internally collapsed. Was this woman the queen of beating around the bush or what? Was she ever going to get an answer out of her the made sense?

"Now that we have established the fact that I'm not supposed to be here, how about you tell me how to get out of here." Kagome wanted to know.

The woman before her remained silent, only adding to Kagome's anger. "At least tell me your name."

"When I was alive they called me Midoriko." The woman answered.

Kagome gasped. "You're the woman who created the Shikon no Tama!"

"That is correct. And you are the miko now has it in your possession to guard and protect." Midoriko responded her eyes momentarily eying the orb around Kagome's neck.

Kagome was taken aback. How did this creepy lady know these things?

As if in answer to her thoughts Midoriko continued, "I have watched over each and every one of the guardians of the jewel. It seems to be the only thing I can do. Let me tell you, it can get pretty boring up here."

"I'm sure." Kagome replied. "But if you don't mind me asking, why did you create the jewel?" All thoughts of getting out of here seemed momentarily gone from Kagome's mind. Since she was a young girl she had always wondered why the Shikon no Tama had been created and now that she had the chance to find out, she was damned well going to make the most of it.

"Ah. I wondered if you were going to ask that." Midoriko paused to gather her thoughts and Kagome wondered if she was going to answer her question. Midoriko sat down beside Kagome and looked deep into her eyes.

"As you know I was supposedly a great miko of my time. I had done many things to help my people and often those from far off came to seek my help and advice. But while I was alive I had fallen in love. And because I was a miko, such a thing was frowned upon. But I didn't seem to care. Maybe that was my downfall. I was young and lonely and wanted someone to love. Sure, I had my people but one can only survive on that for so long. It just seemed to be fate that the man I fell in love with was no ordinary man. He wasn't human. At least not completely human." Midoriko paused here to gaze at Kagome.

"He was hanyou?" Kagome asked surprised. She was afraid of where this story was going…

The elder miko nodded. "We keep our relationship a secret for quite awhile. But of course it was only a matter of time before we were discovered. My people were not happy to learn of my relationship to this hanyou. They scorned our love and decided if the hanyou no longer existed, there would no longer be a problem. One night, unbeknownst to me they set out in search of my hanyou lover."

Kagome's eyes grew large. "Did they find him?"

"Yes. But they underestimated his strength. My people believed that because he was hanyou he would be easy to destroy. But as you know that is not always the case. He killed many of my people, but they were able to get in some severe blows." Midoriko's eyes turned sad and she was no longer able to look into Kagome's eyes.

"Somehow I heard the ruckus and awoke. I ran to see what was going on, only to discover my worst fears were confirmed." Kagome placed a hand on Midoriko's to comfort her. The elder miko smiled and continued. "I was heartbroken; I could see that he had been severely hurt and knew that he was no longer the hanyou that I loved. His demon blood had taken over, turning him into a monster." One lone tear slipped down her cheek.

"I knew I had to stop him, that I should stop him, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I loved him. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I had killed the man I loved. But at the same time, I felt rage toward my people. I had done so much for them and after all that this was how they betrayed me?" Midoriko's eyes became stormy as she recalled that day.

Kagome remained silent, able to sympathize with the miko that sat before her.

"I knew that my hanyou would kill each and every one of my people until his blood lust had been craved. But as I said before I could not find it in my heart to stop him. For several more minutes I watched as he continued to slaughter my people who had turned against him. I listened to them screaming for help, and watched as he howled in pain. And still I could not find it in my heart to end it. I died that day. I knew I could not go on after what I had seen and with the new feeling of hate that had grown for my own people." Midoriko's eyes bore deep into Kagome's at this point, as if trying to force the young miko to feel what she was feeling.

"My eyes never left the mayhem that was taking place before me as I summoned all my strength and along with it my heart. I don't know how I did it, but somehow my heart took with it all my powers and left my body, to create what is now the Shikon no Tama."

Kagome was unable to stop the gasp that left her lips. Out of all her fantasies of how the jewel was created this was not one of them. It seemed such a horrible tale.

"What happened next?" Kagome asked when Midoriko did not continue right away.

"I watched as if from above as my body turned to ashes and as my lover wreaked havoc upon what remained of my village. Only a handful survived that day. It was they that came across the jewel I had unwittingly created; they seemed to know it was an item of immense power that needed to be guarded. For if it were to fall into the wrong hands… disastrous consequences could occur."

Midoriko sighed heavily as she delivered the last part of her tale. "My hanyou disappeared soon after, fleeing into the forest and the next thing I knew I found myself here."

The silence between the pair was heavy and neither knew what to say to break it.

Finally, Kagome spoke, it was a question she needed answered. "What was the hanyou's name?"

Midoriko looked away as if recalling a time far off. "Takeshi was his name. But he was always my Take." She whispered. "But now he goes by a different name." She added.

Kagome jerked in surprise. "He's still a live?" She questioned.

"Yes. You know as well as I that youkai, whether they are hanyou or full blooded youkai have quite a long lifespan."

"Yes, I suppose you're right. By what name does he go by now?"

Midoriko's face crumbled as she answered, "Naraku."

For what seemed like the millionth time since their meeting Kagome was shocked speechless. The hanyou she had fallen in love with war Naraku? The hanyou they were fighting to protect the jewel from was Naraku? But he was so evil! How could they be the same person?!

"What happened?!" Kagome asked once she was over her shock.

"He became corrupted after that day. …cursing his blood, his heritage." Midoriko fought back tears and she spoke. "He sought out a way to rid himself of his human counterpart… and when he learned of the Shikon no Tama... and what I had done to create it… he realized this was his chance to become the full youkai he had always dreamed of becoming."

Kagome thought back to Inuyasha and how when they have first met how he himself and sought after the Shikon no Tama. She was thankful that things had worked out differently. But was it too late for them? She wondered. After all, before she was brought to this place, Naraku had given her a wound that could very well take her life.

"Kagome, you have to stop him. It's the only way to end this." Midoriko said, interrupting Kagome from her own musings. "I want to set things right. I should have stopped Take back then…"

"But how can I? Before I was brought here…" She trails off unable to say the words. She learned the truth of the Shikon Jewel and she could do nothing about it. She was trapped in a place she had no idea how to get out of and if she did there was no guarantee she would live! Not with a hole through her stomach.

"Don't worry about that. I think you were brought here to allow me to have this conversation with you. I shall heal you and return you to your friends." Midoriko stands offering her hand to Kagome.

The two mikos stand together, hand in hand. "Remember what you must do and all shall be well." Midoriko says. "I shall loan you what left I have of my power, the little that did not make it into the Shikon no Tama. That should give you the strength you need to do this."

Kagome nodded. She wasn't exactly sure this would be so easy, but no way was she about to tell Midoriko that.

"Now close your eyes." Kagome did as she was told. "And when you open then you'll be with your friends." If it was this easy why didn't she say so before?!


"Kagome!" She heard several voices at once calling her name as her eyes began to refocus to the scene around her. There were several familiar heads leaning over her, each one wearing their own worried expressions.

"What happened?" She whispered her voice raspy.

"Naraku stabbed one of his tentacles through your stomach. But it seems healed now…" Sango replied, perplexed. "Is their something you forgot to tell me? Like that fact that you might not be human? There is no way a human could have healed so fast."

"I'll explain later." Kagome replied, using Inuyasha to support herself as she stood. "Right now we have a demon to exterminate." Kagome said, watching as Naraku's remains began to grow back together. It wasn't long before his annoying laughter could be heard once again.

"Damn it." Inuyasha cursed. "What's it going to take to kill this bastard?!"

"Hopefully not much more." Kagome responded, causing curious glances from the others.

"Thought you would kill me that easily did you?" Naraku chuckled, his eyes darker than before. "But, before I finish you off, there is one thing I must take care of." With this said Naraku's eyes turned towards his supposedly faithful servant.

Naraku's opposers turned their attention to the wind demoness who had the grace to at least look fearful, if only momentarily. She began backing up, trying to distance herself from her creator, for reasons neither youkai nor human could understand.

And then suddenly Kagura was doubling over, gasping trying to desperately to maintain her composure but failing miserably. Shippou fell from her grasp and rolled a few feet across the cave floor.

Sango, being the closest, carefully took the kit into her arms before placing him safely on Kirara's back.

"What the hell is he doing to her? He hasn't even touched her!" Kouga said incredulously.

Kagura continued to gasp and wreath. She never took her eyes off her master, refusing to give him the satisfaction of hearing her cry out.

Kagome's sharp eyes quickly located the heart currently clutched in her enemy's hand, and quickly put two and two together.

"Naraku." Kagome said, drawing the demons attention. "That wasn't always your name, now was it?"

Naraku's hold on Kagura's heart lessened, relieving the wind demoness momentarily of her pain.

"What are you talking about, Miko?" Naraku demanded, his red eyes seizing her up.

"Naraku wasn't always your name. Was it? Or have you forgotten of the one you once loved… The one who always called you Take."

"What kind of sick game are you playing at, you pathetic Miko!" Naraku snarled his anger with Kagura forgotten. "Who told you?" He demanded. "ANSWER ME! WHO TOLD YOU?!"

"Who do you think?" Kagome replied triumphantly, Midoriko's form momentarily flashing across hers as she summoned all her miko abilities and sent them flying for Naraku.

The evil youkai never had a chance. This time Kagome's energies turned his whole body into ash. There was no way he was coming back now.

Smoke billowed from where Naraku once stood. Kagome was gasping for breath, unable to believe the sight before her. He was gone. REALLY gone this time.

Kagome was suddenly overwhelmed with this sense of peace. She had never before felt so tranquil in her life.

"Thank you." Kagome smiled and nodded her head in recognition at Midoriko's voice.

And then the jewel she and her family had carefully guarded over generations was gone in a burst of blue-white light.

Kouga cautiously stepped towards the place where Naraku once stood and poked it with his foot. "He's gone." The wolf demon affirmed smugly.

Kagome rolled her eyes.


"It amazing he remained asleep through all of that." Kagome mused, as she stroked Shippou's head gently. After cleaning his wounds, they had already begun to heal quite nicely due to his demon blood. He turned in his sleep, snuggling deeper into her arms. "Of course, he was hurt pretty badly…" Kagome added her face turning sour.

"And none of that is your fault." Miroku told her firmly.

Kagome smiled weakly. "I know…"

"What about that wound you acquired?" Inuyasha said, narrowing his eyes at the woman before him. "How the hell did you manage to recover from that one so quickly?" He demanded as he stroked his hand over her stomach to check for himself that it had actually healed.

Kagome 'eeped' at the unexpected contact.

"I already told you the whole story. I'm not repeating it." She narrowed her eyes.

"Yeah. But you can't blame me for wanting to make sure your okay!" Inuyasha snapped looking off into the horizon.

"I guess I can't, now can I?" Kagome grinned.

"That's it. I'm outta here. All this mushy shit is getting on my nerves." Kouga interrupted. "But Kagome, if this mutt-face does anything to hurt you, let me know. I'll fix him up good for you." Kouga grinned handsomely down at his miko friend. He was sad to have lost her, but at the same time relieved. Where the relief came from he had no idea.

Besides, there was a certain red haired wolf youkai his pack had been pushing him to pursue for some time now. The only reason he had been holding out was for Kagome… but now that she was no longer within his grasp… there was nothing holding him back.

"Later, Kouga-kun." Kagome chuckled as she struggled to hold Inuyasha back.

"YOU BETTER NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT COMING WITHIN A FOOT OF KAGOME YOU MANGY MUTT!" He growled. "Hey, wench! Let me go! When did you get so strong anyway?"

"I'd say this is your queue to leave, Kouga." Kagome smiled and waved goodbye to her friend.

Miroku chuckled at his companions antics. "So my dear exterminator, what say you to giving us a try?" He said waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

The slayer eyed him warily. "You keep those dirty hands of yours to yourself and I may just consider it, monk."

"I knew you were soft for me, Sango!" Miroku said dramatically. "Now if you'd only—" And that was as far as he got before he suddenly found himself becoming very acquainted with his old friend the earth.

"Letch! Finish that sentence and I'll castrate you!" Sango snapped, turning on her heal and walking away.

"I must say the view from down here is not so bad." Miroku said as he watched Sango stomp away. A loud groan was heard from Sango.

"Miroku, when will you ever learn?" Kagome said offering a hand to the monk.

"Why, Lady Kagome, I honestly haven't the faintest idea as to what you are referring too." Kagome rolled her eyes. Miroku took the hand she offered and jumped to his feet.

"Sango!" He called, chasing after Sango. "Wait for me! I meant no harm! You know I love you! Sango!"

"You only love yourself, you perverted monk!" Came Sango's retort.

Kagome laughed gaily as she watched the scene before her. Inuyasha couldn't help but relish the sound of her musical voice. It caused something warm to spread in the pit of his stomach. Not that he would ever admit it.

"Stupid letch." He muttered under his breath.

At the sound of the hanyou's voice Kagome turned her attention to Inuyasha.

"Well, now that that's over, what's next?" She asked him.

"Whatever the hell I want." The hanyou replied causing Kagome to give him a confused look.

"What—" Of course she was cut off by Inuyasha's lips suddenly finding their way to hers.

Kagome deepened the kiss, her tongue delving into each and every crevice of Inuyasha's mouth, relishing in his taste. Things would have gotten heavier had a certain kitsune not chosen that moment to awaken in Kagome's arms.

"EW!" He said causing both miko and hanyou to break apart. "Can't you two do that when I'm not stuck in the middle with no where to run!" He said indignantly.

"Sorry, Shippou." Kagome said, trying her damned hardest not to laugh. "I sorta forgot about you. But, now that you're up, how are you feeling?" She chose to ignore Inuyasha's impatient growl.

"Much better now that I'm with you. Is Naraku Dead?" He inquired desperately.

"Yes, Shippou, Naraku is dead. He's gone. He'll never hurt you again." Kagome replied, running her fingers through his hair.

"I'm glad."

"Alright, runt!" Inuyasha said interrupting the family moment. "Go find Miroku and Sango. I'm not done with this miko yet." He said suggestively.

"EW!" Shippou screeched. "Say no more! I'm outta here!" With no more encouragement he was gone. "Sango! Miroku!"

"Not done with me, eh? I think I like this side of you, my cocky little hanyou." Kagome smiled.

"Good. Because you're going to be seeing a lot of me." He promised.

"Oh joy." Kagome said with fake sarcasm. Inuyasha raised on eyebrow are her sarcasm, and that's when Kagome jumped him, knocking them both to the ground and planting a big wet one right on his lips. He let her have her fun for a few minutes before he decided it was his turn and he quickly flipped them over so he was on top and she beneath him.


Oh wow. It's been forever and a year, hasn't it? lol. I'm honestly sorry about that. I never intended to take this long to finish this story. I've just been really busy lately. But at least I got a chapter out, eventually. It was slow in the beginning but fast towards the end. I worked on it a little here and there but never anything significant. I just had no motivation. But I'm proud of myself and the outcome of this chapter. There are some things I think could be better but I'm sure you've waited long enough… And this is a pretty long chapter. I just couldn't find a decent place to end it... I guess I had a lot to write... XD!!

The next chapter will be an epilogue to tie up any unfinished business. And then that's it. I'm hoping that I didn't miss anything because I don't exactly remember everything for this story seeing as how it has been so long... But I do plan on going back and skimming through previous chapters to make sure there aren't any or too many loop holes….

I'm going to update this now, but I may go back and make some minor changes. I just thought since you waited so long I should forget my obsessive compulsive editing and post it. I don't think it's that great but... At least it's an update. I've already started on teh Epilogue. I'll try to get that out soon.

Please Read And Review!

Thank you,

Clouds of the Sky