The pale morning sun hid its face from the world as teardrops fell from the heavens. The fog clung to the mountains like the moss clings to the rocks. Everything was bathed in an eerie silence. The usually lone standing memorial was accompanied by one solitary figure. The cold stone gave no warmth or comfort to the fingers that traced the names of the fallen. The figure leaned gently on the stone tablet, tears silently rolled down his face. Nothing ever seemed just in the world.

"Naruto?" Tsunade voice brought him back to reality.

"Yes," he wiped his face, not turning to face the voice.

"Would you come walk with me?"

"If that is what you wish," she just smiled and motioned for him to come, disheartenedly he followed. They walked in silence as the clouds lazily danced around the early morning stars.

"I came here to ask you something."

"What is it you ask of me now?" agitation rose in his voice.

"To take my place."

Naruto stood frozen for a moment with his mouth agape. "You want me to…?"

"Yes, I'm tired and old. I need someone young to take my place," he continued to stare at her. "Will you accept my offer?"

"Of course I will! Thank you!" he wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug.

"You're welcome, now there is much for us to discuss and prepare for before I leave."

"Where are you going?"




His eyebrow twitched with annoyance. "Then with whom?" Tsunade just smiled. "Oh him, but I thought you two didn't like each other."

"Jiraiya and I get along… well for the most part anyway. Look at the time you really should be getting home!" she quickly changed the subject. "We wouldn't want you getting sick from the rain."

"Mhmm right."

"Now I will be announcing this today so we should be able to have the ceremony performed within this next week. I'll let you know on the details kay?" she smiled as she waved him off towards his house.

"Alright, thank you," he hugged her once more before he took of at a light jog which soon turned into a full sprint. His infectious smile slowly crept back to his face as his heart lightened. The world had suddenly lost its icy grip on his heart. Naruto raced through the courtyard of his home causing Neji to raise an eyebrow and shake his head at his erratic behavior. He continued his break-neck pace until he found his wife and his son. "I'm the next Hokage! She picked me!" he pulled her close to him.

"Shhh he just fell asleep."

"Sorry," he whispered sheepishly. "I just got a little excited that's all."

"Well you should be, it's an honor to be picked as the next Hokage. I'm going to go put him down, then you can tell me more," she smiled softly stroking his cheek lightly.

"Do you need help?"

Hinata laughed. "No I think I'll be alright."

Silently he bobbed behind his wife watching her closely as she lay his son down. Once her arms were free of the little bundle he pulled her close his lips gently pressed upon hers. Hinata smiled as his tongue pressed on her lips begging for entrance. Slowly she opened her mouth allowing him to explore her mouth. Her slender hands found his golden locks; slowly she ran her fingers through his hair. Naruto's hand found the small of her back pulling her closer to him he deepened the kiss. She ran her hands softly over his back as his hands unadventurously slid lower until they were sitting just bellow her buttock. Smiling devilishly he swiftly he picked her up and carried her to their bedroom, gently he lay her down upon the mattress. He climbed up over her and slowly lowered himself onto her, his lips found her neck as he untied her obi. His kisses became more feverant, his hand struggled to open her rob. He need to feel her skin he needed to make sure that she wasn't a ghost to and that everything that had happened wasn't a dream.

"Naruto," her breath hitched as he bit down playfully on her neck.

"Yes my love?" he spoke to the nape of her neck.

"I just had a baby."

"So?" his hand toyed with her breast.

"Not all the way tonight, I'm still sore."

"As you wish," he trailed his kisses down her neck to where his hands held her breast.

"Naruto I'm serious!" she tried to sit up but he firmly held her down.

He brought his face up to her so that his nose was touching her nose. His sky blue eyes glowed with a renewed passion for life. "I am to," he smiled, softly he whispered in her ear. "I love you."

Naruto sighed as he looked out upon his village; a soft smile crossed his face. The spring was late this year; the cherry blossoms filled the spring air with a soft pink glow. The ceremony had been short and sweet with much celebration and laughter. Everyone had attended it, everyone except Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi. Shaking his head to clear the sad thoughts he tried to imagine the look on old Kakashi's face if he knew, or the jealous smile of Sasuke, or the soft smile of Sakura but it didn't seem to comfort him. A soft knock at his door brought a welcome distraction.

"Come in."

"Excuse me Hokage-sama but Iruka sent for you," a small dark haired boy timidly stepped into the room.

Naruto turned to face him and smiled. "Lead me to him then," the boy nodded and led him wordlessly to Iruka who was waiting on the balcony of the school.

"Thank you," Iruka waved to the boy who bowed and left the two alone.

"Long time no see sempa," he leaned on the railing.

"Indeed it has been a long time, been getting yourself into trouble? Defacing any monuments lately?"

"Nah you know I gave that up years ago."

"Yeah, it was one of your favorite pastimes."

"Along with driving you crazy," he laughed.

"Yes you were quite good at that," the pair laughed as they slowly slipped into a comfortable silence. Slowly the sun began to peak through the clouds, the light conquering the dark. A pang of sadness hit him as he watched Naruto, he had grown up, the boyish behaviors of youth had left him in their stead a clam serenity had taken hold. No longer did he yell at everything that dare impede his path, his spark for life had finally lit a calm steady fire. Letting out a sigh Iruka began the conversation again. "Are you going to be okay Naruto?"

He smiled and dropped his head in thought for a moment, then raising his head to the sunlight he smiled. "Yes, I am going to be okay."

Last chappy is a short one O.o Oh well, I hope you enjoyed the story its been a fun ride. Thank you for all your comments! Remember that even in the darkest of times there is hope and good things will come of it.