DISCLAMER- i own nothing

------ thz for the reviews, i apprieciate it. Even though most of them were constructive critisism

(lorilai and rory walk into lukes.)
RORY- so what was all that banging upstairs again
LORILAI- banging? what banging?
(they sit at their table)
RORY- the banging i heard at 6 o'clock in the morning
LORILAI- oh that banging, that was the alarm clock massecure of 2005
RORY- huh.
LORILAI- you see yesturday i got this call from michel saying he needed me there at 7:30 this morning, and ofcoarse i argued the fact that i am not in any way waking up any earlier than i have to , so then he said "then wake up the same as usual just drop the essesaries and make-up for the day" now knowing me my mouth immediatly dropped, so then i said " michel! if you don't want me to scare off the residence today i'm going to need the make-up"
LUKE- (interupts) coffee. (pours coffee, then give lorilai a kiss)
LORILAI- thanks
RORY- thanks luke
(luke leaves)
LORILAI- so then he said..
RORY- (interupting) i hope there's a point coming soon
LORILAI- oh right the point
RORY- you forgot what started this conversation didn't you
(confused look on lorilai's face)
RORY- alarm clock massecure
LORILAI- oh right, so anyways, he eventually talked me into waking me up earlier than i should, i think he offered me a huge thing of folgers or something. So i gathered up all the alarm clocks in the house. You know all the ones that people have given us, or we have bought for our selves for when we break ours, i checks the closets, the attic, everywhere. I came up with like 20.
RORY- wow
LORILAI- i know, the pack-rat does come in handy. So then i set them all for about 6 o'clock at about 30seconds apart from each other, each clock being either before 6 or after. So then at 5:55 the first alarm clock went off, my eyes just blink. then the next one goes off while the first is still going, and i was just so tired i practicly forgot about the alarm clock hassel i went though the night before. So to stop the buzzing i pick up what ever is closest to me and though it in the direct of the noise, but appantly what i though was an alarm clock which only made the sound worse. Then 2 more went off and i just lost it. i killed them all.
RORY- huh. quite a story
LORILAI- yeah, its something to tell to the grandkids
RORY- so what time did you say you had to be at the inn
RORY- its 8
LORILAI- no folgers for me

(rory at her news paper meeting)
?(paris' boyfriends name)?- ok, melvin your doing the economy article, paris is on professor kinggles case, maggie you do documents, rory that new coffee house down the street, calvin is doing the new vergin of HAIRSPRAY, (logan walks in, as the advisser turns to him) and logan your on the johnson situation
(rory is now walking to her next class and logan catches up with her)
LOGAN- can you believe that, in less than 5 seconds the man gives me a job
RORY- well you havn't been there in months what were you expecting, time off
LOGAN- (smiles) so you rushed out of there
RORY- and?
LOGAN- any reason why?
RORY- um i was in a rush
LOGAN- that would explain the rushing
RORY- i suppose so
LOGAN- so about the johnson case?
RORY- what about it
LOGAN- you did some research on him havn't you
RORY- what makes you think that
LOGAN- b/c you google everyone worth knowing within a 5 mile radius
RORY- i have some information
LOGAN- anything i can use
RORY- probaby, why don't you come over later and pick it up
LOGAN- or you can give it to me tomorrow
RORY- no to many papers, and i don't even know if you can use everything, just come over and search through the papers
LOGAN- (smiles) ok its a date
RORY- (looks up) i also have a dictionary you can use to define the word date
LOGAN- (smiles) bye ace
(logan walks away, she is now reaching her apartment and the phone is ringing so she is rushing through the keys and opens the door fast enough to get to the phone in to)
RORY- hello (out of breath)
JESS- hey, something wronge?
RORY- what? no why? (still out of breath)
JESS- you just sound like your having an asthma attack
RORY- no, so whats up
JESS- just calling to see what time your coming over
RORY- for what?
JESS- our date, then again i can always pick you up
RORY- our date?
JESS- date, go to the movies get dinner that would probably include large amounts of things luke would not approve of
RORY- its so weird how luke serves everything that he would never eat
JESS- so what time?
RORY- i can't tonight
JESS- rory!
RORY- i forgot, i'm sorry, but i already sort of promised a friend i would let them come over and pick up some papers for this article
JESS- so come over afterwards
RORY- well there is alot of papers and i'm not sure what time he will be done looking though them
JESS- he?
RORY- huh?
JESS- who's coming over? (suspiciously)
RORY- a friend
JESS- a "he" friend?
RORY- well yeah kind of
JESS- kind of
RORY- jess he's just a friend
JESS- ok so who is this "just a friend"?
RORY- who?
JESS- yes who?
RORY- um logan
JESS-isn't that an ex- boy friend
RORY- i think i'll emphasize the EX part
JESS- rory
RORY- jess
JESS- your canceling our date to hang out with an ex-boyfriend, and you don't want me to get mad
RORY- i'm not canceling
JESS- no? b/c it sounded alot like canceling to me
RORY- well then you are mistaken
JESS- am i?
RORY- i was simply posponing it until another day but since you don't like the idea why don't you come over at 8
JESS- 8?
RORY- that will give logan time to come and go, and me time to do my sociology homework, and then get pretty for you
JESS- (smiles on other line) 8 it is
RORY- ok good
JESS- well i got to go
RORY- see you later
JESS- bye
(hang up. rory looks at the time and then looks at the apt. and starts to straighten up)
(lorilai at the INN, on the phone and michel comes up)
LORILAI- hi i'm sry can you hold on one minute ( to the phone) (now to michel) what?
MICHEL- don't give me attitude
LORILAI- i'm in the middle of an inportant conversation
MICHEL- don't let me stop you
LORILAI- (lorilai puts back the phone towards her ear) hi i'm back (and michel is just in front of the counter watching her) (still on the phone) yes that will be great, uh huh...uh huh... yes sry can you hold on one minute (to michel now) what!
MICHEL- so much attitude, no wonder you have bad carma
LORILAI- bad carma? michel what are you talking about
MICHEL- the banister it broke
LORILAI- the banister is broke? what do you mean the banister is broke?
MICHEL- the kids, man i hate kids so annoying, anyways the kids were slidding down the banister, and broke it
LORILAI- they broke it?
LORILAI- the banister?
LORILAI- the kids broke the banister?
MICHEL- i said yes about a million times now
LORILAI- well how much will it cost to fix
MICHEL- i don't know,(looking at the phone now) weren't you (pointing to the phone)
LORILAI- oh my god, i forgot (as she starts to put the phone back to her hear she yells at michel) get that banister fixed michel
MICHEL- bite me
LORILAI- ( now on the phone) hello?... hello? (hangs up and starts dialing numbers)
(at rorys house there is a knock on the door, rory opens it and its logan)
LOGAN- hey, am i late
RORY- you are just picking up some papers you can't be late
(he steps in as rory steps hineyrumpuside)
LOGAN- right right, i brought wine (holding up the paper bag that obviously was holding wine)
RORY- (looks at it) why?
LOGAN- just thought we could sip at it while we rumage though some papers
RORY- wine stains
LOGAN- (pulling the bottle out of the bag) which is why i brought white
RORY- (takes it and puts it on the counter) right (goes to the bedroom to get the papers)
LOGAN- (going into her kitchen) where are your glasses! (looks though her cabenits and finds mugs and a wine opener)
RORY- (coming out of the room with a big box of papers) huh?(drops it on the floor)
LOGAN- nevermind (hands her a glass)
RORY- i really don't want any
LOGAN- try it
RORY- i'm not thirsty
LOGAN- its from france
RORY- (takes a sip) wow
LOGAN- told you
RORY- theres another box (pointing to the bedroom, heads in that direction)
LOGAN- allow me (and walks ahead of her, and as he gets the box she goes towards the couch and sits down)
(going thought the papers)
RORY- so who are you looking for again!
LOGAN- (walks into the room) william johnson
RORY- right, the local novelist
(now logan is going though the papers as well)
LOGAN- it is said that went he is working on a book, he won't come out of his office for days
RORY- wow, how does he eat
LOGAN- he has maids
RORY- how does he sleep
LOGAN- doesn't
RORY- wow, wait how does he use the bath room
LOGAN- i haven't thought about that, he probably has a pail
RORY- gross
LOGAN- (holds up wine bottle) more?
RORY- please (smiles)
(LORILAI at the inn, and luke shows up)
LORILAI- thank you so much for coming, i don't know what i would do without you
LUKE- yeah, yeah, so where is the problem
LORILAI- (walking towards the banister) right there
LUKE- what the hell happened? (starts the fix it)
LORILAI- well these kids
LUKE- kids? i hate kids
LORILAI- well they were sliding down the banister and it just broke
LUKE- were they fat? i bet they were fat kids
LORILAI- they weren't fat
LUKE- well how else would the banister break unless fat kids were sliding down it, i swear kids these days they are way to noisy and eat way to much
LORILAI- thz for your input Mr.Rogers
LUKE- can you hand me the screw driver
LORILAI- sure (goes over to the tool box, and is looking through the iems) which one is that again
LUKE- on second thought i'll get it myself
LORILAI- no i love you more (walks to the kitchen)


(at rorys apt. and she it laughing)
RORY- i can not believe you achually stole Mr. Kenbergs yaht
LOGAN- i can't believe i got caught
RORY- well being the smart professor that he is, you had to expect it
LOGAN- smart? he can't tell the difference between a 50 spot or a 5
RORY- well sure he's senile now, but in his day...
LOGAN- (interupting) his day being the stone age
RORY- true (calming down, and turns to strech and notices the clock on the stove) oh my god! oh my god!
LOGAN- what?
RORY- you have to go
LOGAN- what why?
RORY- its 8 o'clock
LOGAN- and past your bed time?
RORY- no you have to go (opens the door and is pushing him out the door)
LOGAN- wait i need my papers (goes over to the couch and gets his pile, goes back over to the door, and jess is there, rory turns around and notices him to)
RORY- hey jess, logan was just leaving
LOGAN- your with him again
JESS- excuss me!
LOGAN- (to jess) dude didn't you like leave 5 times
RORY- logan, i think you should go
JESS- yeah, logan, i think you should go
LOGAN- ok well i think i'll go
RORY- bye logan
LOGAN- see you later
JESS- want a bet
(logan leaves, and jess closes the door)
RORY- jess i can explain
JESS- really
RORY- he came over thinking it was some kind of a date and brought wine, we were just talking jess, nothing happened
JESS- ok
RORY- ok? just like that? ok? are you kidding me, what i did was horrible. I should have kick him out earlier but i didn't, i would have though i just... its just that we were talking and lost track of time
JESS- ok
RORY- thats no excuse, he was suppose to leave at 6:30 tops, then i was suppose to do my homework, then take a shower and get pretty for you, and look at me, i'm a mess, i'm not all prettied up, which i should be because my boyfriend is here, and this is suppose to be our date, and geez look at the house, i mean theres no candles out, and its all messy, which is weird because i cleaned...
JESS- (interupting) rory calm down, its fine really. loosing track of time is my specialty
RORY- i'm so sorry
JESS- i know
RORY- i am so making this up to you
(starts to kiss his neck, and he is not reacting)
RORY- jess?
JESS- we have to talk
ROY- i said i was sorry (still kissing his neck)
JESS- not about that
RORY- (stops kissing his neck) ok, about what then
(silence) (wake me up when sept. ends- green day, starts to play)

JESS- i just can't stop thinking about it
RORY- what?
JESS- i mean what are we going to do?
RORY- jess. what?
JESS- the marrige, we can't just stay married, but (cuts off)
RORY- i know, its just
JESS- weird
RORY- yeah
RORY- but why do we have to think about this now, i mean we just started going out again, and its going pretty well (she sits on the couch)
JESS- (he sits next to her) we have to solve this now before things gets weirder
RORY- ok so what should we do?
JESS- i'm not sure
RORY- well what do you want to do
JESS- i don't know
RORY- well that was productive
JESS- i know that i love you (he looks at her)
RORY- i love you too (she looks back at him)
JESS- (looks away again) and i know i would be fine with staying married, but i don't want to rush things again
RORY- i know, me too (looks away)
JESS- so the only thing left to do
RORY- is get divorced
JESS- yeah
RORY- ok i'll order the papers tomorrow
JESS- ok
RORY- so should we start our date
JESS- um achually i have to get up early tomorrrow for work (gets up)
RORY- oh, ok then i guess i'll see you later
JESS- yeah (lightly kisses her)
RORY- bye (jess walks out and the cameras show rory still sitting on the couch)