There on #4 Privet Drive lives a wizard who as much as he wished to lead a normal life like any of his year mates at hogwarts knew it was not meant to be. He had just lost his beloved godfather Sirius at the Ministery of Magic's Department of Mysteries a few weeks or so before, the loss hit him hard as he partly blamed himself for it but really knew deep down it was not his fault the Sirius had fallen into the veil.

It was now a week before his Birthday when he was to turn 16. He was now holding a letter from the Gringotts in his hand, which asked him to appear at the bank the next day. Harry had wondered why the letter had said to tell no one and to come at whichever time suited him the next day. Harry had recently came to the decision that Dumbledore was not looking out for him as such as using him as a weapon, what had he ever really done to help him that was not to Dumbledores own benefit. It also did not seem make much sense the weasleys friendship with him since the first day they had met which was odd and Ron's frequent jealously made it seem that Ron did not really want to be friends with him and why had he that long..? If judging but the look at the Weasleys vault that one time it seemed they had almost no money what so ever yet how did they afford to always have himself and Hermione over…? Hermione now she was different, Beautiful after her maturation during the past year, she had always been beautiful but had come into her own recently with the magical form of puberty that came on her 16th birthday. She had always seen him for who he was not anyone else just Harry not the boy who lived which Ron had attached himself too. He made up his mind to Hermione his feelings about her….which was what exactly….smart Harry what were you going to tell her hmmmm… I feel something for you….oooo real smart said a sarcastic voice in his head maybe that you love her might be better. I don't love her do I … Oh Merlin I DO LOVE HER he accidentally shouted out. Shit I hope I didn't wake the Dursleys he thought as Dumble-dore had left him there again. The little voice in his head said told I told you that you loved her and shouldn't you be thinking of some sleep if you want to go to Gringotts tomorrow. Right sleep and by the way what are you my conscious or something? Yeah yeah I'm the little voice of whats best for you in your head and yes before you ask I'll be here a while. Ah well then goodnight.

The next morning Harry woke up at 8 am. Thank god he thought I don't have to cook for the Dursleys anymore, Remeus had told him that had been his idea to threaten the Dursleys. Now all I have to do is shower and eat, then I can portkey to Gringotts using the letter, I can even shop if I have time. Just remember you have to be home by 9 pm when Moody comes on duty, with that eye of his he can tell if your home and Dumbles orders are not to leave.

Half an hour later harry was dressed in his best and holding the letter and said take me to Gringotts. He felt himself land on the floor and sat up looking around as he did and saw him self in a nicely finished foyer waiting room of some type. He got up looking around at the weapons displayed on the walls swords, staffs, spears and pikes, all done richly decorated with jewels and gold and silver. Wow someone wants to impress somebody Harry thought.

A moment later a Goblin dressed in Silver walked and said sorry for your wait Mr. Potter, I am Vice President Tuknook. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Tuknook, please call me Harry. Tuknook gestured for Harry to follow him into an office and said well we might as well start off right away. We brought you here because we recently did an audit of your accounts here with us after you became sole heir to the Black family fortune with Mr Blacks Passing of recently. As you might have already guessed we found several things wrong with your account, Firstly being did you know that you had a Potter Family vault and it was made accessible to you upon your 15th Birthday? By the startled look on your face I should guess not. Well onto the next then hmmm , all Harry could do was nod his head after the shock that he had a family vault, I wonder if my parents had anything in it wondered Harry but quickly listened to Tuknook.

The next thing is that Mr Black asked that in his will you be emancipated if he died before your seventeenth birthday, also that you take a heritage revealing potion and power revealing potion as well.

Next. Chapter: harrys powers and heritage plus the rest of the problems and where does Harry go form there.

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