It's a Girl

By: Jenna

Church bells rang, the choir sang, as the beautiful bride walked down the aisle! InuYasha smiled as his wife approached him.

"Do you Kagome Hikorashi take InuYasha to be your lawful wedded husband in sickness and health till death do you part?" The very old minister said in a deep voice.

"I do!" Kagome smiled and a tear fell from her eye in happiness.

"Do you InuYasha take Kagome Hikorashi to be your wife in sickness and health till death do you part?" The minister repeated to InuYasha.

"Yes, I do." InuYasha, still holding Kagome's hand tight, said in a serious voice.(for once)

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

InuYasha bent down and kissed his new wife. They of course re-assembled the jewel to its original state, and now live in Kagome's time period with Miroku and Sango. DUH!

6 months later

InuYasha was at work playing football for the giants when the doctor called, "InuYasha, your wife is here. We have her test results back. Would you like to speak with her?" The doctor said, while Kagome was in the background saying, "No! He doesn't need to know, oh hi InuYasha." Kagome sucked up as the doctor handed her the phone.

"Kagome why are you at the doctors? Is everything alright. Do you need me to come see you?" InuYasha had a pinch of worry in his voice but he stayed strong.

"Umm no. I'm fine. I'm just 'LATE' is all." Kagome's voice announced her nervous tone as she avoided telling him what was really going on.

"Late? What do you mean by that? Are you late for work?" InuYasha of course didn't get it. But seriously did you expect he would?

"Umm.. Oh well i see your busy so I'll talk to you when you get home. There's no need to pick me up from the doctors, Miroku offered to give me a ride." Kagome replied stuttering and her voice quaked as she talked.

"Okay we'll talk when I get home. I love you. Please be safe with whatever it is your talking about." InuYasha smiled and prayed for Kagome's safety as he ended to conversation.

"Love you too. Bye bye." Kagome hung up the phone and glared at the doctor.

"Well it isn't my fault your pregnant." The doctor announced reacting to the glare. Miroku walked in and heard what the doctor said.

"Kagome, YOU'RE WHAT?" Miroku yelped in the most not calm voice a monk could ever speak in. "You're only what 18 and you just got back from your honeymoon. What were you two up to?" Miroku gave her a lecherous grin although he was indeed happy for her. But like everyone else, he also wondered how she would break it to InuYasha.

"Well you know how things get. And what about you and Sango. You got her pregnant three days into your honeymoon." Kagome said with a pinch of anger in her voice. Although she wasn't at all shocked that Sango had a kid already i mean really look who she married.

"Yea well... Never mind. How are you going to tell InuYasha?" Miroku quickly made an excuse.

"I'll think of something. I hope he will take it okay." Kagome answered in a devious tone.

Kagome and InuYasha at home that night

When InuYasha walked in the door he saw rose petals scattered all over the floor. The lights were dimmed and the scene was romantic. Kagome was only wearing a tight, low-cut, pink dress that nearly passed her thighs. InuYasha was a little over welled in the scene at first but he got used to it.

Kagome went behind him and triggered him to the couch. She relaxed him with a soothing backrub and a slight kiss on the neck.

"Kagome what's going on?" InuYasha's question ruined the mood.

Kagome turned on the lights and answered, "Okay well since this shit isn't working Sango said it worked for her, anyway..."

InuYasha interrupted, "Oh no do you want a divorce or something? What did I do?"

"Hell no! InuYasha I'm pregnant!" Kagome covered her mouth hoping she didn't just blurt that out. But by the expression on InuYasha's face it was obivious she did.

"W… what?" InuYasha blushed.

"I'm sorry. But it's true. That's why i was at the doctors." Kagome's head was down and didn't notice the emerging smile on InuYasha's face.

"You are! Really I'm gonna be a daddy?" InuYasha rejoiced.

"So you mean you're not mad?" Kagome looked up to see InuYasha's smile turn to a frown as her question came out.

"What kind of person do you think I am? Why the hell would I be mad?" InuYasha held her shoulders and hugged her tight.

"We are going to bring a cute little boy into this world." InuYasha faced her and looked her in the eyes with that adorable puppy face of his.

Kagome's look toward him turned to a glare as she said, "Boy? Oh, so now you choose the gender of our child. What if it's a girl or maybe even twins?"

"Oh well sorry. I don't think I can train a 'girl' into being a worrier, and wheeled the tetsusaiga." InuYasha debated.

"It's too early to argue, because it's to early to tell." Kagome ended the battle.

4 months later

Kagome returned to the doctor with InuYasha to find out if her bouncing baby was a boy or a girl. They sat eagerly in the waiting room.

"Kagome?" The nurse called.

"Yes? Oh coming." Kagome sat up but InuYasha clutched her hand on the seat.

"Do you want to come?" Kagome asked her unsure husband.

"Ughh duh. I want to be with you." InuYasha gave Kagome the 'you need me' look.

As they walked in, the nurse gave InuYasha a dirty look. InuYasha smiled to seem innocent.

"Kagome please lay on the bed and we'll take a look at that belly of yours." The nurse smiled at Kagome and pointed to the bed. The nurse scanned her stomach and grinned, "Congrats! It's a beautiful baby girl!"

InuYasha's innocent smile became a shocked 'O'. Kagome sunk into the bed-thing at the nurse's answer.

"A girl? Are you sure?" InuYasha's head lowered as he spoke.

"Yes, it's a girl!" Kagome hissed at InuYasha.

"Oh wait look here..." The nurse looked at the scanner, "Seems your little girl takes after her odd father, because she dog-like ears." The nurse giggled at her comment.

"ODD?" InuYasha barked, "I am a half... never mind." InuYasha turned away.

"Wait a minute you look so familiar. Oh yea, aren't you InuYasha from the giants?" The nurse announced in an anxious tone.

"Yea, why?" InuYasha still mad at her comment from before.

"I LOVE the giants!" The nursed pulled out a pad of paper, "May I please have your autograph?"

"Umm... sure." InuYasha wrote his name out on the paper and handed it to her.

He felt bad about earlier and went over to Kagome and rubbed her belly than hugged her lightly. "I am so sorry. I 'm very glad that we have a girl." InuYasha smiled deeply into her eyes and he could see the tears coming up.

8 months into the pregnancy X.O.X.O.X.O.X.O.X.O

InuYasha was cooking dinner for his wife and their guests, Miroku, Sango, and their child Denahi. Denahi was only 3 years old and was very wild, much like his father, Miroku.

As Kagome lay asleep on the couch, InuYasha put his ear on her stomach to hear the baby. He rubbed her belly and started to talk to the baby. Something you really wouldn't expect from InuYasha.


While at the super bowl watching InuYasha play for the giants, Kagome sat in the front row holding her big green foam finger that said, "Go giants!" In white letters. She felt the first contraction! "Oh no! Not in the middle of the game! Inu is winning!" Kagome said to herself. Sango was sitting next to her watching InuYasha and Miroku play for the Giants.

"Kagome are you alright?" Sango asked.

"I felt it! The babies are coming!" Kagome yelped. Of course having great hearing, Inu had heard her.

"Kagome!" He looked up into the crowd. The ball at the same time was darting at him. He caught it quick but only threw it to Miroku and took off his helmet.

"InuYasha what are you doing? Halftime ended 5 minutes ago." Miroku asked after calling a time out.

"Kagome's gonna have the baby! I have to be there. It's your game now, I got to go." Inu passed his helmet to Miroku and leaped into the stands. He ran up to Kagome and picked her up out of her seat.

"InuYasha your game?" Kagome said in almost a whisper.

"Miroku can handle it." InuYasha put her on his back and leaped off to the hospital.

InuYasha helped coach Kagome in labor and soon enough the baby came out.

3 hours later/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Kagome lay in her bed holding the new baby girl. She had silvery- white hair, deep brown eyes like Kagome, no fangs, but razor sharp claws, and dog-like ears. She was also rapped in InuYasha's cloth of the fire-rat kimono, and she was the new wheelder of the tetsusaiga.

"What should we name her?" Asked the completely amazed father.

"Kaori, Kaori means fragrant, beautiful girl. And that is what she is.