The Truth hurts like a mother giving birth

Kaori had only simple regrets for leaving so quickly. She hadn't seen her friends from that era and wasn't able to kick major demon ass. She frowned as Lily and her raced threw time at warp speed. Thoughts - bad thoughts sliced threw her mind as she thought of the awful words that came from the strange woman's mouth. "She was dead!" Kaori shouted out of nowhere.

Lily raised an eyebrow and slapped Kaori in the back of her head. "What the hell are you yelling about? Who's dead and why are you acting so odd?" Lily questioned knowing something was up but not knowing what.

Kaori chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of her head lightly. "Oh, hum - sorry I was just thinking is all." Kaori starred ahead once more as they reached the bottom of their own well in their own time period.

When popping their heads up from the well Lily and Kaori noticed it was dark and nearly 11:00pm on a school night. The censored garage light flickered on in the neighboring house nearby the well. It had once been a shine but the shrine had been burned to the ground the day InuYasha and Kagome had come to the future for good.

Lily looked at her watch and gasped. "My dad's gonna kill me!" She yelped and jumped out of the well. She quickly helped Kaori up and hugged her goodbye. "Bye! I'll see you at school tomorrow!" Lily announced racing off into the distance with the great speed and agility passed down to her from her father.

Kaori laughed a bit knowing what Lily's dad would say to her. "Poor Lily." Kaori said to herself in a mere whisper. "Oh wait my dad is gonna do the same to me! Crap!" She yelled at herself and ran quickly and quietly to her home which was nearly five blocks away from the well.

Kaori slowly crept into her house only to find her father waiting for her by the burning fireplace. She looked around as to act innocent but knew her father was going to wring her neck. While her eyes jumped she noticed her sister Akina in her full demon form, angrily reading an obedience book her mother had gotten for InuYasha a while back.

"Kaori!" InuYasha roared. The house echoed with the anger in his tone that had covered the worry he had recently felt. "you deliberately told me you'd be back in this house at 9 o'clock and not only were you late but you didn't call telling me you were at Lily's. You know I still can't use those stupid tele-fonce either!" InuYasha barked and stuttered to pronounce the words correctly.

Kaori couldn't help but giggle when hearing her father mispronounce telephone. When seeing her father glare even more fierce she quickly straightened up with a frown. "Dad - I'm sorry I didn't mean to! I got caught up! But then again I should be the one mad in this case." Kaori began to raise her voice as she spoke. "I met up with a priestess by the name of Kikyo. She claimed to know you, in fact she even claimed to have your child! I mean sure you should be mad that I didn't go to Lily's house but in this case I am even more angry at you for keeping such a secret!"

Kagome hearing the retched name of the one she hated, raced down the stairs to find Kaori with tears in her eyes over powering her father with anger. "What in the world is going on down here?" Kagome shouted.

"Spare me mother, I don't even know this stranger." Kaori stated referring to her father. She walked away with a heavy sigh and a glare. She walked over and sat down at the kitchen table finding the remains of a home cooked meal fastened by her mother.

Akina looked over from her reading and to her parents as a fight began to brew. She couldn't help but wonder what Kaori was talking about and where it is she went. She could do nothing but eavesdrop. Considering how angry Kagome seemed, she wouldn't even notice anyone else was in the house.

"Is that so? She's still alive is she? I could have sworn she was tragically killed by Naraku himself!" Kagome hissed and quickly turned away in a humph. Her arms crossed snug against her chest in anger and frustration.

InuYasha looked down. "It was my fault. I knew Kikyo was reincarnated again and I didn't want you to know. I thought you'd get mad and I knew I couldn't tell you. But I swear I had no idea that she had a kid!" InuYasha looked up from the floor and to his angry wife. He knew it was his fault this time. His fault that his family hadn't any idea of Kikyo's well-being. Sure, Kagome knew Kikyo once existed but had no idea she was alive yet again.

"I can't believe you!" Kagome spun her head and eye contact back to stare down at InuYasha. "You lied to me - you lied to your whole family! You are so - so undeserving." Kagome's loud angry roar descended and came to a hushed cry. "You are undeserving of your whole family." Kagome sobbed lightly and ran to her bedroom and quickly latched the lock on the door. She wept quietly on her bed trying not to make a sound.

Kaori continued to pick at the leftover dinner scraps. "Why?" She asked her father but still refused to look up from her plate. "Why did you do this? What was your reasoning? And don't give me that, I was young and stupid crap, cause I aint buying it!" Kaori, although bursting with anger remained to keep a calm set on her father's case.

InuYasha walked slowly to the chair next to her eldest daughter. "I - I can't say. I loved her but I love your mom more. Back then I couldn't tell which one I loved more though; I couldn't choose." He sighed and got up from her chair. He slowly began to walk over to the couch but was stopped by Kaori.

"How! Who is she! And how did you meet her?" Kaori shouted demanding answers.

InuYasha attempted to smirk but couldn't. "What did she tell you?"

Kaori felt tears begin to brim her eye line. "She told me you were from her era and that Kagome took you away from her and brought you here to the future. Is that it? Is the truth?" She cried still looking down at the half empty plate in front of her.

InuYasha frowned and lowered his head even more and answered, "Yep, kido, that's the truth."

Kaori crossed her arms on the table top and lowered her head into her arms and cried. She cried like the little girl she used to be and couldn't care even less of what anyone else said. She just sobbed….

A/N: Please R&R I like this chapter a lot but I gotta know if you guys have any idea or comments! . thanx for your time