Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in the Harry Potter universe, nor do I make any claim to them. I am just borrowing them for my own enjoyment. I am in no way whatsoever getting any sort of monetary benefit. Its all for fun.

Chapter One: #4 Privet Drive

It was nearing midnight on the 30th of July, and all was quiet in the house on Privet Dr. Not a single light shone through the windows. A casual observer would most likely believe that all the occupants of that house were sleeping soundly, considering the lateness of the hour, and the noticeable lack of activity. They would be wrong. There were at least two people awake in the house. One, a scrawny 15 yr old (about to be 16), with messy dark hair, and brilliant emerald green eyes, behind an often broken pair of glasses. The other was a very corpulent, balding man with a purple face. The man's face was purple due to the exertion of the activity he was currently engaged in—alternately beating and raping his nephew.

Harry Potter was doing his best not to cry, for he knew that this would only get his uncle more excited. So Harry did the only thing he could think of—he withdrew into his own mind, trying desperately to recall happy memories, trying not to think of the pain and suffering being inflicted upon his poor broken body. He knew that he probably had at least a couple broken ribs, a broken wrist, ankle, jaw, and collarbone, not to mention the lacerations and bruises that covered just about every inch of his body. Stop thinking about that, he thought to himself. Think about Quidditch, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Remus, Sir…no don't think about Sirius, that hurts too much, I can't handle that now. Harry struggled, but the happy thoughts wouldn't come. Maybe I should think about nothing—clear my mind. Harry worked at blanking out everything, and just focusing on fog in his mind. It seemed to work, he could hide in the fog, and not feel anything. Maybe this is what Snape meant during the Occlumency lessons? Harry jerked back to consciousness when he heard a tapping at his window. He blinked and looked around. Uncle Vernon was gone, and there was bright sunlight streaming into his room to taunt him with its cheerfulness. A quick glance at his watch told him that it was now 10 in the morning. It was now July 31st, his 16th birthday. Not that he had anything to celebrate. He went to the window, and several owls flew in. Harry went to relieve the owls of their burdens, and all but one flew out again. Hedwig, his beautiful snowy owl, looked at him with what seemed to be concern.

"Better clear out of here, Hedwig. Uncle Vernon will kill you, then me if he sees you again. Go stay with Hermione; she'll take care of you. I'll write a letter explaining things to her."

Dear Hermione,

Hey, how's your summer going? Everything is pretty much the same here. I just received my letter from Hogwarts, but I haven't had a chance to read it, so I don't know yet how I did on my OWLs, but I'm certain that you achieved Outstanding on every single one. I admit I'm worried about my Potions score. I really need an O, so that I can be an Auror, like my father. Its MY destiny, I know it. I can't reveal more to yoU, Never know who might interCept this Letter. I can't wait for the summEr to be over. I'm probably the only teenager to ever Say this. I haven't told you Guys, but yOu are the truest frIeNds ever, and I appreciate you Guys more Than yOu will ever Know. I wonder who the new DADA teacher wiLL be? My hopEs are that Remus can teach us again, but who knows? I really want to talk to him—he's my last link to my parents, and to Sirius. Give a shout out to everybody for me—I'm entrusting Hedwig to your care—she'll be safer there, than here with me.

Always your friend,


Harry rolled up the parchment, hoping that Hermione would get the subtle message within his letter. He stood a better chance with her than with Ron. Ron would never pick out the subtleties; he would just read from the surface.He then attached the scroll to Hedwig and sent her on her way.

Harry then turned his focus to the mail he had received. First, he opened his Hogwarts letter. Bad news first, he thought.

Dear Mr. Potter,

Enclosed are your results from the Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations that you sat earlier this summer. The theory and where applicable, practical examination scores have been combined to give your overall score for that class. Please use these results to select which NEWT level courses you would be best suited for.


Theory: Exceeds Expectations (E)

Practical: Acceptable (A)

Overall: Exceeds Expectations (E)

Care of Magical Creatures

Theory: Outstanding (O)

Practical: Outstanding (O)

Overall: Outstanding (O)


Theory: Outstanding (O)

Practical: Outstanding (O)

Overall: Outstanding (O)

Defense Against the Dark Arts

Theory: Outstanding (O)

Practical: Outstanding (O)

Overall: Outstanding (O)


Theory: Acceptable (A)

Practical: Acceptable (A)

Overall: Acceptable (A)


Theory: Exceeds Expectations (E)

Practical: Exceeds Expectations (E)

Overall: Exceeds Expectations (E)

History of Magic

Theory: Acceptable (A)

Overall: Acceptable (A)


Theory: Outstanding (O)

Practical: Exceeds Expectations (E)

Overall: Outstanding (O)


Theory: Outstanding (O)

Practical: Outstanding (O)

Overall: Outstanding (O)

Astronomy practical examination graded on curve due to outside interferences beyond student's control.

Highest COMC score for students this year.

Highest DADA score ever achieved for a student sitting either OWL or NEWT exams. Examiner particularly impressed with student's ability to readily produce a corporeal Patronus.

Student failed to complete examination due to factors beyond the student's control. Student graded based off of what had been completed so far.

Congratulations, Mr. Potter you achieved a total of 9 OWL's: 5 O's, 2 E's, 2 A's. You are ranked 4th in your year, and 2nd in your House. Keep up the good work.

Harry couldn't believe what he read. They had to have made a mistake. There was no way that he'd done so well, especially with everything distracting him. Hermione would be thrilled when she found out. He even got an O in Potions! He could still be an Auror! He had just started to open the letters and packages that he knew were from Ron and Hermione, when he heard the door slam downstairs. Hastily shoving his Hogwarts letter in his pants pocket, and throwing everything else in his hiding place, under the loose floorboard beneath his bed, he straightened up just in time for the last lock to be unlocked on his door, and his uncle came roaring in.

"Boy! It's your fault. I got a reprimand at work today! Its all your fault you worthless freak! Look at me when I speak to you! You need another lesson in manners boy!" Harry looked up at his uncle dully. "What in bloody hell is going on with you freak? Why do you look like that?" Because you beat me, moron, did you not think I wouldn't have bruises? "Answer me boy! Did you do magic in my house? I won't have your freakishness infecting us! I'll beat it out of you yet, then you can look like you again!"

With that said, Vernon threw the boy onto the cot-like bed, and started to undo his trousers. Harry immediately started to think about the fog, hiding in the fog was all he wanted to do. Then out of nowhere, a fist came flying into his face. "LOOK AT ME! YOU FREAK!" On and on it continued for the next several hours. Mercifully after two hours, Harry stopped feeling anything at all. He didn't even have to think about the fog. He just slipped into the warm inviting blackness that threatened to consume him.